There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KAZ/05/15 |
As for SGP itself it's impossible to cover all of the remote areas and villages (both because of admin. budget limitations, lack of information about needs in remote villages, etc.), it was decided at the NSC to choose an NGO that has a regional ( ... )
r network. According to the decision made, in 2004 the NSC approved ARGO (on a competative basis) as a partner for realization of the programme (8 NGOs are in the network).
The first stage of the project is implemented . The research has been realized, the main directions in which local communities may participate to solve the environmental problems within the GEF/SGP framework and inprove
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/26 |
The main idea of the project is to arrange a research for identification of priority environmental problems at the local level (remote areas in different parts of the country) and revealing directions on how local communities may solve the ( ... )
nmental problems within the GEF/SGP framework. The research is going to be made with the help of Counterparts' regional centers in 8 regions.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/29 |
The main idea of the project is to arrange a research for identification of priority environmental problems at the local level (remote areas in different parts of the country) and revealing directions on how local communities may solve the ( ... )
nmental problems within the GEF/SGP framework. The research is going to be made with the help of Counterparts' regional centers in 8 regions.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/28 |
The main idea of the project is to arrange a research for identification of priority environmental problems at the local level (remote areas in different parts of the country) and revealing directions on how local communities may solve the ( ... )
nmental problems within the GEF/SGP framework. The research is going to be made with the help of Counterparts' regional centers in 8 regions.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/27 |
The main idea of the project is to arrange a research for identification of priority environmental problems at the local level (remote areas in different parts of the country) and revealing directions on how local communities may solve the ( ... )
nmental problems within the GEF/SGP framework. The research is going to be made with the help of Counterparts' regional centers in 8 regions.
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MAR/SGP/OP3/02 |
PLanning grant to allow consultation
Capacity Building in Compost making and utilization in Rodrigues
Development of a sustainable agricultural industry in Rodrigues is highly dependent on having a rich soil base. This can be ( ... )
ed by continuously replenishing the soil with natural organic matter which can be obtained with compost. Composting would produce a material rich in nutrients, microorganisms and organic matter which will nourish poor and nutrient depleted soils where crops have been planted on a continuous basis. The application of composts regularly to soils would build up organic matter as well as enrich the
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/05/05 |
The association, Entreprendre au Féminin ? Océan Indien has decided to set up a project of distillation of essential oils using vetiver roots. The project will be carried out in collaboration with Ferme des Iles Association, which will ( ... )
ily use the plants for treating pig effluents and after harvesting provide the roots to EFOI for the other uses thus providing a source of economic activity for women entrepreneurs. Dried vetiver roots will be used for handicraft
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/05/81 |
Project development Goal:
To strengthen the rights of the indigenous peoples to access and control their natural resources of Marga Jurukalang
Project Objectives:
1. to develop plan for revitalization of traditional customs in resources ( ... )
2. to improve the bargaining position of the indigenous peoples of Marga Jurukalang
3. to generate income at household level
Expected Output:
1. Stakeholder participation to encourage customary area for Jurukalang indigenous people
2. Common understanding on priority of ecological threats and capacity to address the challenges; adjustment to depleting forests resources;
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: WSM/OP3/01/05/23 |
The Komiti a Tina ma Tamaitai Samauga village is proposing to promote the importance of managing the environment because of lack of awareness about sustainable natural resource management. Implementing an organic village garden will contribute to ( ... )
mmunity's subsistence livelihood. The project will promote organic farming through training of the Committee members about the process of natural vegetable growth without the use of pesticides and fertilizers. The project will also support the need for the village groups to stop using pesticides and promote composting and the use of organic waste materials in plantations and
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: WSM/OP3/01/05/24 |
The Komiti a Tina ma Tamaitai of Paia Village project aims to promote the importance of managing their natural resources because of the lack of awareness and understanding about sustainable land management. Implementing an organic village garden ( ... )
ontribute to the community's subsistence livelihood. The project will promote organic gardening through training of the Committee members on how to do composting, and phase-out the use of pesticides and fertilizers. The project will support the need for village groups to stop using pestcides and promote composting.
To promote environmental awareness and natural resource management
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: WSM/OP3/01/05/25 |
The Komiti a Tina ma Tamaitai of Matavai Village project aims to promote the importance of managing their natural resources because of the lack of awareness and understanding about sustainable land management. Implementing an organic village garden ( ... )
ontribute to the community's subsistence livelihood. The project will promote organic gardening through training of the Committee members on how to do composting, and phase-out the use of pesticides and fertilizers. The project will support the need for village groups to stop using pestcides and promote composting.
To promote environmental awareness and natural resource management
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KAZ/05/09 |
POPS play a greater role in our life. But the problem is that population knows nothing about POPs, and their influence on environment and people health. And this problem generates set of others, when population uses container of pesticides in the ( ... )
old purposes, children play on the destroyed and not protected warehouses with the out-of-date pesticides, oil containing in transformers and condensers is used by the population for filling of hydraulic mechanisms. Annually during the spring period in cities leaves are burnt, garbage tanks in court yard are burnt.
The project is directed on informing of the public about POPs, development of
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/11 |
Este proyecto busca consolidar la gestión publica y politica de la organización, cuyo principal objetivo es incidir en las instituciones publicas encargadas de la definición del marco politico estratégico respecto de los bosques del país. En ( ... )
entido, se busca dar espacio a la opinión de la sociedad civil organizada a través de la Red de Propietarios de
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SRL/05/19 |
Construction of five eco friendly houses for Tsunami affected communitites, restoration of caostal vegetation, debris cleaning, awareness on disater management and livelihood development. The project focuses on restoring the sea coast through ( ... )
ting beach vegetation and clearing the debris brought in by the tsunami. Home gardens with organic farming methods will be initiated as income generating schemes and awareness building programmes on coastal conservation and natural disaster management will be conducted in schools. Five eco-friendly model houses will also be constructed under the project.
The community will be mainly involved in
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SRL/05/21 |
Construction of five eco friendly houses for Tsunami affected communitites, restoration of coastal vegetation, waste management and home gardens. The project focuses on mangrove replanting and waste management activities as well as community ( ... )
pment programmes such as constructing five eco-friendly model houses, providing loans to restore livelihoods and educating the community on home gardening methods, environmentally-friendly and safe sanitary practices as well as drug and HIV/AIDS prevention
The community is expected to participate in the mangrove replanting, waste management and awareness building programmes of the
Sri lanka
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SRL/05/18 |
Coral Restoration, beach cleaning environment education and livelihood development in the Rumassalla area. The main focus of the project is on coral reef cleaning and restoration, mangrove and beach vegetation replanting and beach cleaning. The ( ... )
t also provides community water supply facilities, five eco-friendly model houses, sustainable livelihood development activities, recreational and counseling programmes and awareness workshops on coast conservation as community development activities.
Community participation will notably be on coral reef cleaning and restoration in which selected local youth are to be trained on diving and reef
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ELS04/98/G52/007 |
Esta iniciativa tiene por objetivo hacer un uso sostenible de la biodiversidad y utilización de la energía renovable en un sector del Parque Nacional El Imposible, para ello se estableceran 7 microempresas de mujers y hombres, entre las ( ... )
dades ha desarrollar esta el establecimiento piloto de una empresa productora de miel, micro empresa de vivero, micro empresa para la preparación de alimentos, todo esto con la finalidad de generar condiciones para la conservación y sostenbilidad del área, así como la generación de fuentes que permitan hacer una combinación del manejo de los recursos generados en el
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/04/21 |
The contest for NGOs from villages and small towns below 6000 inhabitats to fight the poverty and protect the environment ? next edition. |
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: POL/05/02p |
Evaluation during site-visits of 4 project winners in the joint contest Poverty and Environment 2004 organized by FWW, GEF/SGP, BISE Bank - POL/03/32..Detailed questionaires were used to recorg projected and received outputs,organisation of work ( ... )
mber of people involved in project implementation, people "affected" by project, sustainability of effects, what is the status and capacity of CBO before and after project
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BRA/05/37 |
This project is a complementary part of the BRA/03/12 project, which supported assessment of lessons learned by the projects supported by the programme by means of grants for graduate students with relevant projects. Dissemination of results and ( ... )
ations are also planned.
Studies supported by the project generate invaluable reports about the Small Grants Programme can bridge the gaps among projects supported throughout the program?s existence, in addition to promoting and strengthening involvement between researchers and