There are 27,190 projects available.
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Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MAU/SGP/OP3/05/02 |
Ce projet a pour objectif de réhabiliter les écosystèmes de la plaine de Dakhlet Kourouraye à travers une série d'actions comprenant : la mise en défens d'un espace pastoral de 10 hectares, gérés de façon participative par les populations ( ... )
s ; la mise en place d'une pépinière d'espèces forestières locales pour regarnir l'espace mis en défens ; et l'ouverture de pare feux pour limiter les risques d'incendies et de feux de brousse dans cette zone. Le projet comportait également un volet de sensibilisation des populations locales à travers le l'association oasienne locale sur les PO15 du FEM relatif à la gestion durable des
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: NER/OP3/Y1/2005/03 |
L?objectif global du projet est de contribuer dans l?immédiat à la lutte contre la dégradation des terres et à l?amélioration des pâturages de la zone concernée à travers la réhabilitation de 150 hectares d?aires par la réalisation des ( ... )
lunes, l?ensemencement des herbacées et la lutte contre Sida cordifolia.
Objectif spécifique N° 1 : Réaliser des actions de CES/ DRS sur 150 hectares de superficie délimitée avec l?appui de la COFO.
Objectif spécifique N° 2 : Renforcer les capacités des agriculteurs et éleveurs en gestion des ressources naturelles à travers des séances de sensibilisation et de formation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: TAN/SGP/OP3/Y1/05/13 |
Most of the areas around Kibamba are bare. Therefore, they are susceptible to soil and wind erosion, which accelerate land degradation.The Sisters of Our Lady of Kilimanjaro own a 35-acre farmland, which is severely degraded just like the ( ... )
nding land. Therefore, they are intending to contribute towards sustainable land management by turning their 35-acre land into a well-managed farmland for demonstration to the neighborhood that it is possible to control land
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/04/07 |
Areas in the eastern shores of Lake Victoria face dryland degradation. The condition is deteriorating to the extent of reducing land productivity. The objective of this project therefore it to utilize the newly introduced GEF Operational Programme ( ... )
to support on-the -ground interventions to address land degradation at the community level in Mwibara ward.
Project's primary objective is to rehabilitate degraded lands through promotion of community
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: THA/05/13 |
Target Population / Location of project:
770 members ( Indigenous poeple) of four communities in Tambol Khlongphlu , Khao Kichakoot Sub-district , Chanthaburi Province ,depending upon the provisions of forest ecosystems of Thailand?s Eastern ( ... )
x, in the Indochinese sub-region biogeography
Environment Problems and Livelihood:
An indigenous people ?Shong? , target population earn their living farming while other products such as weaving and fruits are giving name to the villages. Unplanned use of forest and its products by
communities and outsiders resulted in weakening forest ecosystems hence its
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/14 |
The degradation of the environment in the Aral Sea region is extremely noticeable at this point. As the result of drying out, the climate of the region has changed. The world of animals and plants is degrading. The drying parts of the sea and the ( ... )
? deltas are becoming natural mobs and spreaders of infection and polluting substances. In the village there blows strong wind that rouses dusty storms. The wind spreads the dust, containing high concentration of salt, from the surface of the dried out bottom of the sea to big distances, which causes salting and degradation of the nearby agricultures. Lands of the Aral region are strongly exposed
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/05/71 |
Project development Goal:
Rehabilitation of Mountain Tugel critical land through development of organic agro-forestry system
Project Objectives :
1.To develop organic agro-forestry system on critical land in purposed sites
2.To improve ( ... )
ity?s technical skills on sustainable agriculture
3.To increase integrated agriculture activities (such as crops and livestock) to improve community?s welfare
4.To encourage peasant institutions to conserve their area in order to develop sustainable agriculture.
Expected output :
1.Critical land management in Mount Tugel area using organic agro-forestry system
2.Improved knowledge,
Land Degradation Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y6/CORE/2004/93 |
Because of almost year-round keeping of cattle on village side pastures around Tegene village the land degradation processes go very quickly. Grass cover is almost destroyed by the cattle and wood and bush vegetation are destroyed by the population ( ... )
ting needs. There is reduction of habitat of such endemic species of plants such as Petunnikov?s almond (Amygdalus petunnikovii Litv.) and prunoaflatunia (Prunoaflatunia V.Tkatsch.). Cattle?s driving on watershed area and top of the range is additional cause of landslide formation.
The main purpose of the project is to stop processes of desertification and landslide formation near Alcha plot
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/17 |
Three decades of introduction of yearly second and third crops has resulted in inappropriate management of agricultural waste and unregulated application of chemical substances. Field burning to get rid of standing straws and prepare soil for the ( ... )
rop has been a usual practice which gradually reduces soil potential. In order to maximize or maintain the yield,chemical fertilizer pesticide and fungicide have been used to an extent that they affect water quality ,both surface and underground, as well as biodiversity useful to agriculture.The chemical run-off from the fields directly contributes to the degradation of the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: WSM/OP3/01/05/20 |
The project proposed by the Village Council of Lalomalava on Savaii Island, is the rehabilitation and upgrading of the community natural water spring. The spring is a communal resource that has supported the community before receiving tap water to ( ... )
household, and now with the cost of water metering increasing it has become unaffordable for many poor families to pay their water bills thus returning to use the spring for domestic purposes such as bathing and washing. The spring was in good condition before cyclone Heta, which destroyed many coastal springs in Samoa located in coastal lowlying areas. The community would like to upgrade their
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/21 |
Northern -Kazakhstan area is one of the most ?lacustrine? regions of Kazakhstan, as 3,5 thousand small internal drainage lakes are located here, being an integral part of the local landscapes. However natural landscapes became a rarity in the ( ... )
. Anthropogenous negative impact is high. And the natural phytocenosis require implementation of rehabilitating and protecting measures, as a lot of rare, disappearing and RedBada Book species are an integral part of floristic structure of the region.
Another problem is lack of financial sources to implement the lakes melioration activities, which leads to losing useful characteristics of the
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SSGF/IND/P II/01/06/TN 01 |
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/1/05/TN12 |
Post Tsunami, the coastal villages incurred huge loss in terms of property, livelihood and livestock. In addition, agricultural land was deposited with silt from the sea, which resulted in salinity of soil as well as ponds and wells. This led to ( ... )
e of agriculture as well as death of livestock. The organization decided to intervene in these areas and strive to provide the sustainable sources of livelihood to tsunami affected families by introducing income generating activities based on livestock keeping. The aim is to conserve native animal species, land and water resources, and promote animal husbandry based sustainable farming system.
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/05 |
The south slope of Chatkal range was defined as a slope with high extent of biodiversity. The biodiversity decreasing was a result of heavy using the land since the middle of 20th century. The wood-bushes components of south slope ecosystem had the ( ... )
amage, especially vegetations near with settlement. For example separate natural massifs of wood-bushes vegetations of steppe and forest-steppe zone were ploughed up or destroyed by cattle, or cutting down by population on firewood.
The main goal of the project is rehabilitation of wood-bushes components on south slope of Chatkal range.
In the course of project implementation it is expected
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/1/05/TN13 |
The project was conceptualized after the tsunami in Southern India. The project?s objective is to organize and provide sustainable livelihood opportunities for women from the non-fishing communities who were widowed during the tsunami. The project ( ... )
king forward to achieving the set outcomes in the form of alternative livelihood generation activities to 70 women belonging to widow, destitute and downtrodden. After the tsunami, many of the women from coastal villages of Nagapattinam were widowed and left without sources of income and skills to start sustainable enterprises. The women who were involved in petty fish trade before the tsunami
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/15 |
As the result of the Aral Sea?s drying out, the climate of the region has changed. Because the delta-parts of the rivers are drying out, vegetation of the region is on the verge of vanishing. The world of animals and plants is degrading. The drying ( ... )
of the sea and the rivers? deltas are becoming natural mobs and spreaders of infection and polluting substances. In the village there blows strong wind that rouses dusty storms. The wind spreads the dust, containing high concentration of salt, from the surface of the dried out bottom of the sea to big distances, which causes salting and degradation of the nearby agricultures.
2-3 km away from
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MEX/05/25 |
El objetivo principal es abrir los caminos que han sido cerrados con material vegetal derribado por el paso de los huracanes, se abrirá la mensura del ANP, y la madera muerta se extraerá para la transformación de artesanías y carbón mediante el ( ... )
hornos de metal. De esta manera se disminuirá la posibilidad de
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: LIT/05/15 |
Sosnowski?s cow parsnip (Heracleum sosnovskyi) is an aggressive, fast self-spreading invasive species of plant, which was brought to Lithuania from the Siberia in 60ties. Since that time the plant already occupied about 10 000 ha of local habitats ( ... )
er species in the country. Moreover, the plant is very dangerous for human and animals? health: its juice might cause heavy contact-irritation of skin, or even blindness sometimes. A national programme for the determination of this invasive species is under preparation, however there is still a gap in knowledge about practical application of the measures to fight with this species.
The aim of
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: IVC/05/21 |
Le Groupement Moro Côte d'Ivoire est une coopérative de la région du N'zi Comoé dans le centre de la Côte d'Ivoire. Il compte 45 membres. Il a à son actif une ecoferme de 3 ha où il est pratiqué l'agroforesterie. La culture de ( ... )
s alimentaires (espèces endémiques telles que: le palmier local, l'ananas local...etc), l'élévage de porcs et de volaille sont menés conjointemment. Il s'agit d'unembryon d'écoferme qu'il convient de renforcer pour en démontrer la fiabilité et la rentabilité économique. Ce projet contribue à créer des revenus, à lutter contre la deforestation et la dégradation des
Cote d'ivoire
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: IVC/05/27 |
Le village de Djékékro dans la sous-préfecture de Toumodi dispose d'une forêt d'Acacia Mangium de 3 ha. Celle-ci est le rédsultat d'un boisement réalisé en 2000 par l'ONG Côte d'Ivoire Ecologie. En 2004 le projet à fait l'objet de ( ... )
cement et de valorisation par l'ajout d'un hectare supplémentaire d'Acacia Mangium et par l'installation de ruches pour la production de miel.
L'objectif visé par le projet est la lutte contre la dégradation des terres par la plantation de legumineuses.
Vu l'importance des actions entreprises sur cette plantation et le caractère demeonstratif de ce projet, il est nécessaire d'en assurer