There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: HND/OP3/SGP/05/014 |
El proyecto busca desarrollar capacidades humanas y económicas para la prevención y mitigacion de riesgos causados por desastres naturales; Garantizar las capacidades de prestación de servicios alojamiento de excelente calidad a los visitantes; ( ... )
ración del ecosistema del Crike Awala Lupia.
El éxito de esta iniciativa de proyecto depende de la participación activa y directa del grupo de mujeres BUKATIMAT. Se formarán 3 equipos de trabajo de 8 mujeres, las cuales laboraran 2 días por semana. Cada equipo tendrá un coordinador de trabajo, el cual llevara el registro de los días trabajados por cada mujer. En caso de que una mujer
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SRL/05/12 |
Base line surveys, awareness raising for selected communities and schools in 4 Municipal divisions, establish 10 recycled bag producing centers, establish a revolving fund, capacity building of municipal crews, distribution of garbage bins and ( ... )
al support to field units, establish 4 CBO's and establish a participatory monitoring and evalution
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-04-172 |
protecting environment from car's exhausts poullotion.
speading ideology of car's workshops for repairing amd maintanance
conducting environmental feasiblity studies and measuring environmental impact
raising public awerness of environment ( ... )
tion impactss from car's exxhausts
reducing level of reverse worn
reducing levels of gases that causing heat occlusion through participation of civil community, by transferring cars to run with environment friendly nutural gas instead of benzene which pollotes the
Phase 3
Project Number: PAK/OP3/05/10 |
WWF - Pakistan is the largest conservation non-government organisation of the country established in 1970. Its mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in ( ... )
humans live in harmony with nature, by:
§ Conserving the world's biological diversity
§ Ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable
§ Promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption
WWF ? P carried out a water quality monitoring project of the Hudiara Drain (PAK/SGP/OP3) from 1999 ? 2001. The main objectives of this 2-year study were to assess the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/04/29 |
Le présent projet a pour but la Promotion de l?huile de pourgh?re comme carburant dans les moteurs diesels et les moteurs ? poste fixe, pour réduire les émissions de gaz ? effet de serre et créer des alternatives énergétique et économiques. ( ... )
ivites sont les suivantes :
- la transformation d'un vehicule diesel pour le faire fonctionner a l'huile de pourghere ;
- l'installation d'un site de demonstration de la chaine de production de l'huie de pourghere a Bamako ;
-l'etablissement de liens entre les entreprises intervenant dans le domaine du pourghere ;
- la formation de mecaniciens ingenieurs et techniciens sur la technologie de
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/04/26 |
L'objectif du projet est de developper la prise de conscience sur le phenomene de changement climatique. Il vise a fournir aux populations des moyens concrets d'utilisation d'equipements operant sans CO2 en encourangeant des actions individuelles et ( ... )
Ses activites sont :
- la fourniture de plaques solaires a 100 menages a credit;
- la formation en construction de fourneaux et des foyers ameliores ;
- le compostage ; la bourghouculture et la plantation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y6/CORE/2004/88 |
After Soviet Union collapse the protection of nut forests regulations have slackened. The additional factor that increased threat of natural nut forests? disappearance is population impoverishment. Destructive provision of firewood, spunk of ( ... )
rial wood, nuts, cattle grazing has become a constituent of life support of local people.
The main goal of the project is to decrease deforestation volume and uncontrolled provision of nut trees by organizing alternative plantings and deeper processing of nuts.
In the course of project implementation it is expected to obtain the following results:
- considerable reduction
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/04 |
The main reasons of environmental threats in National Nature Park ?Karashoro? and its buffer zone are intensive cutting down of wood-bushes vegetations on flanks of hill, over cattle pasturing and as a result is soil degradation.
Illegal ( ... )
station can not be stopped by forbidden and retributive measures because local people do not have other source of wood for heating and timber. For example 1829 $ was imposed as a fine for illegal deforestation but it does not stop people. The cattle pasturing in protected zone is forbidden too but the population continuing to pasturing their cattle and any fine is not even imposed for it.
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/03 |
National Nature Park ?Kyrgyzata? was created with purpose to preserve original juniper forests. Illegal deforestation can not be stopped by forbidden and retributive measures because local people do not have other source of wood for heating, ( ... )
, horticulture and agriculture sundries (handle for shovels, picks and rakes).
The main goal of the project is reduction of illegal poaching and cutting trees nearby/ or in protected forest of National Park Kyrgyzata through the planting local fast growing trees and fruit bushes in the buffer zone to cover local people needs in wood and timber, demonstration of using non-timber forest
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: TAN/NBI-NTEAP/05/03 |
(1) The project main objective is to improve social economic status of the population through environmental remedial measures linked with a reduction in Women's workload.
(2) It will also enable at least 60% of the adult community members to ( ... )
n from practices that degrade the environment through awareness creation to WDCs (50) village members (400) field volunteers and 40 fire fighters.
(3) It will also reduce firewood consumption rate by construction of 150 low fuel wood consuming stoves and promote tree planting by establishing 4 tree nurseires and 8 woodlots of 400,000
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BAR/OP3/09/05/07 |
The purpose of the planning grant is to design a project which will begin a reforestation programme for Barbados. The site selected for the demonstration project was denuded over the last 350 years and is very susceptible to soil erosion.
The ( ... )
will help the Barbados National Trust to hire a consultant/facilitator who will convene a major stakeholders? workshop to prepare a discussion paper and a full grant proposal.
It is anticipated that once completed the project will begin a movement which will grow into a major national movement that will bring benefits to many communities and the nation as a
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: CUB/OP3/1/05/002 |
La Franja Costera Sur Maisí - Guantánamo posee características singulares, no sólo por sus valores ecológicos, paisajístico, arqueológicos, sino por sus condiciones extremas:
? Precipitación más baja del país.
? Pobre ( ... )
? Suelos esqueléticos de baja fertilidad, lo que ha condicionado la existencia de ecosistema frágiles, con limitadas posibilidades productivas.
La Comunidad de Macambo actualmente tiene la mayoría de sus áreas desforestadas, y los efectos de la desertificación y la sequía son evidentes con un deterioro considerable de los suelos, derivado de la erosión y el sobrepastoreo,
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MOZ/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/13 |
Changalane is an area within the Lebombo mountain range in southern Mozambique, bordering Swaziland. It is a very rich area in flora biodiversity, and is part of the Maputaland Centre of Endemism. The increasing human population and the limited ( ... )
ces to support subsistence activities added to the limited knowledge of the value of the local biodiversity have concomitantly induced habitat degradation. Changalane supplies the entire city belt of Maputo in charcoal and firewood. This poses a serious threat to its forest resources, from which their communities relay for income generation activities.
The project will be implemented by ?Alto
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MOZ/SGP/OP2/Y6/05 |
This project aims to control bushfires, illegal offtake of animals, forest clearing, high exploitation of charcoal and firewood, that is happening in Timanguene. Promotion of environmental education, reforestation of parts of Timanguene setllement ( ... )
ative and exotic trees, planting of fruit trees as source of vitamin supply, and income generation will be part of the livelihoods support that the project will create. Strengthening of the Timanguene community association and local committees will complement capacity building of community members in sustainable management of local resources.
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MOZ/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/03 |
This project consists in the establishment of a tree nursery for the rehabilitation of mangrove communities and terrestrial forest areas in Catembe (southern part of Maputo Bay), control soil erosion, rise awareness on the need to protect this ( ... )
l marine area, and sensitize fishermen communities on sustainable income generation activities. It will restore degraded areas and promote environmental awareness on sustainable natural resource use at targeted local communities. Still aims to promote community participation in solving environmental problems and others related to socioeconomic development, through establishment of interest
Sri lanka
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SRL/05/17 |
Conservation of marine turtles, provide livelihoods for Tsunami affected communities, create education and awareness on marine coastal resources, restoration of marine and coastal and marine habitat. Project consists of two components. Environment ( ... )
ation component includes mangrove, coastal and swamp plant re-plantation in coastal areas degraded by the tsunami and recommencement of turtle nest protection activities. The community development component consists of building community infra-structure such as water storage tanks and eco-sanitation toilets, providing water pumps to clean wells, eco-friendly disposal of tsunami debris, income
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MON/05/16 |
Illegal forest cutting by companies and individuals for profit making purposes is another serious problem being faced by forests resources in Mongolia. Forest is formally owned by the state. Although it can be possessed by communities, forest ( ... )
ces are often left without proper utilization practices and continued protective measures. The grant is given to an NGO that is going to practice Community based Forestry in Baishint valley in Hairtkhan mountain to introduce some forest protection measures, experience re-forestation and conduct education and public awareness among local herders. As a first protective measure the main passage to
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/27 |
Being one of many rivulets in the northeastern region and ecological portion of the Lower Middle Mekhong Basin, the Sern basin has been known as one of the rich location for biodiversity in both fresh water and forest ecosystems whose provisions ( ... )
ecured community livelihood in term of food, medicine and harmonious living with environment.
However, official classification of uses and watershed management measures has resulted in gradual degradation of this ecosystems. The most pressing issues is the promotion of mono-cash crops. Not only does the promotion prompt natural forest encroachment for more cultivated land, but its accompanied
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/29 |
This is a co-financing project with SGP-PTF. The project contains two focus- areas, which are AoYai Sub-district; 6 Villages, and Huang Nam Kao Sub-district; 3 Villages. The GEF/SGP will finance the activities of 3 Villages of Huang Nam Kao ( ... )
strict.The SGP PTF will finance the activities of 6 villages of Ao Yai Sub-district, including the monitoring and evaluation activities.
Covering two ecosystems i.e. inland tropical forest and mangrove, the project area was known as one of the richest location of both marine and forest species and had integrated local livelihood
and ecosystems harmoniously. The
Papua new guinea
Phase 3
Project Number: PNG/05/05 |
The proponent designed and developed the project for rehabilitation and reforestation activities in the Yonki Dam catchment area.
The completed proposal is submitted for further NSC screening and decision. The local CBOs affiliated under the NGO ( ... )
een consulted with the local communities to invoke their views and decision. The community is involved in the project to extend the rehabilitation