There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/10 |
The project seeks to stimulate, disseminate and execute sustainable practices for use and management of the solar dehydration and cold oil extraction unit for native fruit and nut species in reserve areas of agrarian reform settlements in the State ( ... )
ás. It seeks to improve socially, economically and environmentally the settled families' lives, providing adequate use of the Goiás State Cerrado natural resources. A prototype unit will be implemented with permanent base in the Canudos Settlement and will cover all the settlement areas in the
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/03 |
Instalacion de pequenos apiarios individuales entre los miembros de la organización para mejorar la calidad de vida de los comunitarios y proteger el medio ambiente. |
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/07 |
Desarrollo de una propuesta de desarrollo de El Cacao como un destino ecoturistico en la cuenca, que influya en los comunitarios para mejorar la relacion de estos con la flora, fauna y paisaje; ademas realizar un estudio de aprovechamiento ( ... )
lectrico del arroyo
Phase 2
Project Number: HON98/G52/033 |
El proyecto trata de proteger la zona cultural de la Biósfera Tawahka mediante el fortalecimiento institucional de la organización y del recurso humano para el desarrollo económico familiar a través del turismo. |
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/04/17 |
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/04 |
Desarrollo de un proyecto ecoturistico en la cuenca Yuna - Blanco, que provea a las comunidades involucradas fuentes alternativas de ingreso compatibles con el manejo sostenible de la cuenca, estableciendo infraestructuras turisticas y promoviendo ( ... )
ractivos de la
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/04/14 |
Este proyecto estará ubicado en la comunidad GUADALUPE CARNEY, Municipio de Trujillo, Departamento de Colón. Las Aguas Termales de la Comunidad forman parte del corredor campesino que conecta el Parque Nacional Capiro y Calentura con la Laguna de ( ... )
reto, que tiene conexión con la BahÃa de Trujillo y posee la categorÃa de Refugio de Vida Silvestre.
La situación en que fueron recibidas las propiedades aledañas a la laguna de Guaymoreto presentan serios deterioros en el área de mangle pues estas tierras fueron dedicadas a la ganaderÃa extensiva por los anteriores ocupantes. El Movimiento Campesino del Aguan (MCA) impulsa como
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/04/09 |
Este?proyecto?se?desarrollará?en?la?comunidad?de?Rió Coco y?lo?ejecutará?el Comité Local para el Manejo de la Microcuenca, el comité representa a toda la comunidad de RÃo Coco ya que fue nombrado por todas las fuerzas vivas de la ( ... )
Este proyecto se ubica en el departamento de Colón en la parte baja de la cordillera Nombre de Dios, misma que es parte del Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano y conserva importantes recursos naturales y es fuente importante de generación de agua para varias comunidades.
Este proyecto desarrollará acciones de reforestación, vigilancia y rotulación en sitios crÃticos de la
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/33 |
Desarrollo de modelos de producción sostenible que reduzcan la degradación de los recursos naturales y mejoren las condiciones de la gente en la cuenca del arroyo Carrizal, que sirva como referencia para aplicarlo a ambos lados de la frontera. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: ECU/03/010 |
Permitir a la población de las zonas disponer de un sistema de tratamiento de desechos orgánicos y que pueda ser utilizado como una fuente de generación energética que mejore su calidad de vida, calidad del ambiente y entrenar a la población en ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/04/FP-04/39 |
-Enhance public and local community awareness about environmental concerns and in particular on the on-going campaign to save Taman Botani especially with regards to the conservation and sustainable management of its BD,
- Provide an opportunity ( ... )
blic and local participation and inputs from the grassroots for appreciating, conserving, and promoting sustainable management of the Taman Botani's BD, services and functions as a green lung,
- Instill the concept and understanding of local participation in sustainable development among its members and local communities along the lines of local agenda 21 in an overall and consolidated effort to
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-03-16 |
The project includes the publication of the first ever Important Bird Areas list for Turkey, which will be a 550 pages book, both in English and in Turkish. It will also be the first complete IBA book published in Europe. The project also includes ( ... )
ssemination of information regarding the IBAs to all parties concerned via a launch
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/86/04 |
The project intends to mainstream the on-the-ground experiences to provide patterns for the achievement of envisioned impacts of similar projects among major stakeholders, including NGOs, academe, community-based organizations, peoples ( ... )
zations, church-based organizations, local government units among many others in other project sites in the communities ? local and abroad
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-03-14Pu |
The project aims to prepare a book for the Tuzla -Palas Lake in Kayser using the archive formed by the TUR-01-13 numbered SGP project, which created a documentary film of the area. The book will be comprised of beautiful pictures of the area ( ... )
er with brief information regarding the functions and values of wetlands. The book will also include a copy of the documentary with subtitles in English.
Tuzla Lake, with its wide and diverse ecosystems, hosts a rich biodiversity. Some of the endangered birds listed under the IUCN Realist or the BirdLife International?s ?Species of European Conservation Concern? classification, such as the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF/04/06 |
In this project Africa Now will develop publicity materials and coordinate collective meetings for the 6 projects in Rusinga island. The activities of the project will be:
1. Conduct project based baseline data for the 6 projects
2. Publicize ( ... )
itiative in the local newspapers
3. Prepare posters, fliers, brochures
4. Prepare one model for before and after look of the island
5. Prepare 3 bill boards on the initiative
6. Open a project office on the island for information and install solar energy and mobile telephony for establishing project email.
7. Prepare a website on the Rusinga Island initiative
8. Convene six monthly
Phase 3
Project Number: ECU/03/008 |
Poner en práctica 2 de las polÃticas contenidas en el Plan de Manejo del Humedal de la Segua (1. Establecer lineamientos y regulaciones para manejar la pesquerÃa; 2. Promoveer el cultivo de especies nativas y evitar la crÃa y engorde de especies ( ... )
¡ticas introducidas, se planea emplear métodos de crÃa alternativos y la aplicación de polÃticas de veda, regulación del ojo de trasmallos y parámetros de talla mÃnima de captura, decididas en forma participativa). Se propone también crear medios de vida alternativos adicionales a través del cultivo de cana guadúa, y apoyar en la rehabilitación del hábitat de aves migratorias
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/03/08 |
This project aims to add the participation of women in the Ecodevelopment Plan in the surroundings of the Bodoquena Mountain Range National Park. More qualified labor for these women is sought, with a return to planting and managing fruit for the ( ... )
older Fair, in which the products would improve in quality, taste and
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-03-95 |
POPs are understood to be one of the most dangerous threats to human health and the environment as well. Reliable evidence has been gathered associating human exposure to POPs to many kinds of cancer and tumors at multiple sites, learning disorders, ( ... )
system changes, increased incidence of diabetes, they are also concentrated in human tissues and breast milk.
The project aimed at providing the local community and stakeholders with information about dangers of POPs and involve them in a participatory approach with governmental agencies and policy makers to achieve the following goals:
?Reducing or elimination of production of
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF/03/006 |
The biodiversity in the 46 sq km Rusinga island at Lake Victoria has been severely affected by unsustainable use. 200 women from 8 women groups on the Rusinga Island are raising 1,000,000 tree seedlings of at least 7 indigenous species and 3 useful ( ... )
ised exotics (Neem, grevillea robusta and schinus molle or pepper tree). Each woman to raise 5000 seedlings. The seedlings will be purchased by local schools, farmer groups and groups working on reafforestation of beach and road surroundings, hills and an arboretum plot. The activities consist of establishing 6 nurseries near lakeshores but situated around the island, fencing off the nurseries
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/07 |
The project will promote consolidation of current experiences in the community in agroforestry systems, targeting rational and sustainable use of natural resources in the Imperatriz municipality in the state of Maranhão. Biodiversity and its ( ... )
ical processes will be taken into consideration as an alternative to deforestation. The agroextractivist farmers will have the opportunity to show their productive capacity, while conserving and preserving the Cerrado biome, which will bring an improvement in quality of life for the