There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/04/12 |
The project endeavors to mobilize communities around 7 traditional sacred sites all situated around the Mt Kenya World Heritage Site to reclaim, demarcate and conserve them for posterity. This will also sustain their significance as important ( ... )
nial localities for the different communities when performing religious and traditional rituals.
Other activities include re-afforestation, gazetting of the sites and erecting signage and spreading publicity.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/25 |
Farming community effort to initiate energy conservation at household level and reverse degradation trend of ecosystems of Mekhong River, by fabricating and using high efficiency stove, planting native-species tree for firewoods and other use as ( ... )
s producing and using organic compost in agricultural
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/09 |
Practically all water basins of Kazakhstan are transboundary ones, and each faces pollution problem and lack of water resources. Kazakhstan had signed and ratified a number of conventions and agreements on environment, some of them directly touch ( ... )
problems, such as Convention on protection and use of transboundary water basins, the Frame agreement on water partnership, and others. But international water issues are not enough highlighted in mass media. The project is directed to raising awareness of a wide audience about problems connected to transboundary water resources, and also attraction of the public to the decision of these
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-03-102 |
The objectives of the project are: 1.Contribute in recovery of the natural ecological system of lake Brulus. 2.Contribute to recovering and protecting the biodiversity in the lake 3.Improve the social and economical of the fishermen and their ( ... )
es. 4.Increasing environmental tourism by facilitating the sailing in the lake. 5.Increasing environmental awareness about reservation of the natural resources and protection of the
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-03-124 |
The Purpose:
Rehabilitation of Lake Borollous and improvement of fishermen's income (The water of the lake was freshened as a result of the unblocking of the waterway linking the lake to the Mediterranean. The blockage had caused the reeds to ( ... )
vastly in the Lake, covering 17% of its surface, which led to blocking the water flow, upsetting the ecosystem, decreasing fish resources; threatening biodiversity and handicapping fishing activities)
The objectives of the project are: 1.Contribute in recovery of the natural ecological system of lake Brulus.
2.Contribute to recovering and protecting the biodiversity in the lake
Sri lanka
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/04/01 |
Promote awareness on solar spice drying technologies, expand the pilot-scale demonstration models and new market mechanisms, transfer the manufacturing technology to rural workshops and produce a handbook and to further develop the solar drying ( ... )
logy. The project attempts to promote spice drying based on renewable energy- solar energy with bio mass energy as auxiliary supply. Solar spice drying technology will improve the income of rural spice producers by enabling them to dry spices in the farm during the rainy harvesting seasons; by eliminating losses from soilage that ususally occur during traditional sun drying; and by obtianing
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/04/16 |
many old native, local varieties of plants, vegetables were rejected in past decades due to invasion of industrial agriculture, demands from the market for more "economic" varieties. It causes rejection of cultivation of various ( ... )
Local CBO , womens CBO is ionvolved in restoration of cultivation of Wyszeborski Potato, local, native variety, replaced in past decades by imported varieties. In Bonin, nearby well known Potato Institute knowledge is but no funds to restore well known potato.
Project is targeting one local community- women's CBO in restoring Wyszoborski potato, bringing back to the market
Cote d'ivoire
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/04/14 |
Le village de Djékekro dans la commune de Toumodi, dispose d'une forêt de 3 ha. Cette forêt est le résultat d'un reboisement fait en 2000 grâce à un financement du micro-FEM. Cette forêt subit des pressions des riverains. De plus elle est ( ... )
e aux feux de brousse et à l'abattage massif des jeunes arbres.
Ce projet a pour but de produire et d'utiliser rationnellment la biomasse, d'installer et de construire des foyers améliorés à Djèkèkro (Toumodi) en vue de contribuer à la conservation de plantation forestière du village et de permettre à la population locale de disposer d'une source de revenus. En somme, il vise à
Cote d'ivoire
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/04/13 |
Ce projet vient en appui à des activités déjà existantes dans une écoferme créée par la coppérative GMCI depuis 1997, dans la localité de M'Batto.Il s'agit d'un embryon d'écoferme qu'il convient de renforcer pour promouvoir la ( ... )
contre la déforestation et la dégradation des terres. En outre, ce projet a pour objectif de contribuer à la lutte contre la pauvrété par le développemnt de spéculations à haut rendement basé sur l'agriculture écologique. Le renforcement de ce projet portera sur la construction d'un local de formation en agriculture écologique, sur l'aménagement d'étangs piscicoles et sur la
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/04/18 |
Ce projet vise a accroitre la visibilité et une meilleure connaissance du PPS/FEM aux niveaux local et national.
Les principales activités sont :
-conception d?un document sur les acquis du programme
-confection des produits ( ... )
-distribution des
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: NER/SGP/OP2/CORE/MF/2004/09 |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/03/11 |
Ce projet vise a contribuer a la conservation de la Réserve de Biosphere de l?Arganeraie (RBA), a travers le renforcement des capacités de 150 associations de développement local, faisant partie du Réseau des Associations de la RBA (RARBA). La ( ... )
re catégorie d?activités du projet, en lien avec le renforcement institutionnel du réseau, consistera a élaborer un plan de communication, a produire des outils de communication sur la gestion des ressources naturelles, a créer et renforcer les structures institutionnelles du réseau et a mettre en place un mécanisme durable d?autofinancement du réseau. La seconde catégorie d?activités,
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/03/22 |
Ce projet mené au niveau de la zone Sud du Haut Atlas Oriental (province de Ouarzazate) vise a contribuer a une gestion rationnelle des ressources en bois de la zone. Les principales activités du projet concerneront le renforcement des ( ... )
ssances des associations locales sur les problemes du bois de feu, et les solutions a mettre en place ; le test et la diffusion de technologies améliorées par les associations, au niveau de leurs zones d?intervention ; la production d?outils de communication sur les technologies améliorées et enfin la réalisation d?une campagne médiatique autour de la problématique du bois de
Cote d'ivoire
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/04/15 |
Le Parc national des îles Ehotilé est situé en zone humide cotière au sud-est de la Côte d'Ivoire et heberge de nombreuses espèces d'oiseaux migatrices. Les populations locales ne sont pas impliquées dans la conservation de cette ( ... )
ersité avifaunique .Ce projet a pour objectif de promouvoir la protection et l'utilisation durable de la biodiversité et de son habitat dans les zones humides de la Côte d'Ivoire grâce à une meilleure implication des communautés localees dans le processus de gestion des ressources naturelles des Zones Humides. Il permettra la formation de dix volontaires appartenant à la
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/23 |
Le projet vise a l'accroissement de la capacité d'absorption des fonds du FEM par le Programme du Mali. Le projet va faire des ateliers a Koulikoro, Sikasso, et Gao (30 participants) permettant les participants a formuler des projets pertinents ( ... )
pport aux criteres et themes prioritaires du
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/06 |
The project area , Baan (village) Mae La-oop , is situated in a basin between Chiangmai and Mae Hong sorn Province, with several creeks draining into the Mae La-oop River. Each creek forms a part of intact watershed full of forest and ( ... )
ins after mountains. Target population, mostly of a cultural group Kareni, earn their living through paddy farming , rotating cultivation and husbandry. There are 120 families with 781 people. The daily energy is derived from fire-woods, oil and electricity.
Early 2003, the committee of the organization had taken a study tour to a year-3 GEF/SGP-
supported project , THA-01-12
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/37 |
Rescate, conservación de Beaucarnea Spp, orchidae, y la reproducción de las de flores nativas a través de una buena gestión y la formación, ya que son especies en peligro de extinción, la producción de calidad y la producción ( ... )
ialización de verduras de la zona para el consumo de la familia y la comercialización, así como el rescate de semillas
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/31 |
This project aims to widen the scope of work and income generation opportunities through the implementaiton and recuperation of agroforestry systems. Family subsistence will be strengthened and revitalization of the environment will be encouraged ( ... )
h training of the smallholders and commercialization of their products. A Rapid Participative Rural Diagnosis will be carried out with the goal of providing subsidies for intervention in the small-scale coffee plantations. Rescue and recovery of 15 ha of agroforestry systems in 15 different properties, and training of 30 smallholders on agroforestry system management will be carried out as well.
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/27 |
The cultural practices of Xavante women in the Sangradouro Indigenous Land will be rescued, with special emphasis on their diet and tradtional medicinal practices related to pregnancy and birth. It is worthy of note that for such practices, species ( ... )
bs and fruit no longer found in the area will be re-planted. Riparian woods and orchards will be replenished with specimens from the plant nursery. Seed diversity will also be insured, as in the example of the different Xavante corn varieties, important for the traditional post-partum diet. Xavante women's meetings will be promoted, exchange of information with other indigenous groups will be
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/79/04 |
The Resource Mobilization Models for the UNDP GEF-SGP Lessons from Experiences in the Philippines project is a planning activity that hopes to surface exemplary models on resource accessing as experienced by SGP in the Philippines. A handout that ( ... )
es these models will be developed and will be given out for the benefit of other National Coordinators in other countries who would want to learn from the Philippine