There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/04/16 |
This project is about the establishment of 50 plots of organic Creole crops as potatoes and broad beans in 100 cuerdas of land to be worked by 50 people (Solanum tuberosum L. and phaseolus ). Each participant will also build a henhouse to avoid ( ... )
s for the crops and will gather manure for organic fertilization.
Among their planned main activities are the training on issues as soil preservation; pesticides, fungicides and foliar fertilizers production; organic harvest and monitory and evaluation of the project.
They intend to get sustainability by dividing production into three, one for seeding, one for food consumption and improving
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/04/17 |
This project is about the establishment of 33 plots of organic cultivation, each plot with 1.5 acres of broad beans and 2 acres of domestic potatoes ( Phaseolus and solanum tuberosum L.). Each plot will be worked with soil preservation techniques ( ... )
races and living barriers, amounting to 115 cuerdas organically worked by the 33 project participants.
Among the schedule main activities are training issues on soil preservation, production of pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides and organic foliares fertilizers, and organic sowing, as well as project monitoring and evaluation.
They plan to get sustainability by dividing the production into
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/04/20 |
This project is about the establishment of two forestall nurseries (Pinus tecunumani) additional to the one already managed by the organization, to produce 100,000 reddish pine and alder trees, to diminish deforestation because of the destruction of ( ... )
ests to be used wood as fuel; to having improved stoves in each house of the community, and to reduce emission of combustion gases and of the amount of fire wood used.
100 acres will be cultivated with potatoes and Creole broad beans ( Phaseolus vulagaris L and solanum tuberrosum) to improve their diet and for sale. Part of the tree production will also be used for commercialization.
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/04/04 |
This project is about planting potatoes and national broad beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Solanum Tuberosum L.), with the intent to use organic materials in the process. The area selected for the 35 participants for this project is of 3 ( ... )
The objectives include the preservation of the environment by abstaining of using chemical products, and consequently the revitalization of native species; therefore, minimizing malnutrition in their children, depleting soils, and extreme poverty.
The participants also plan to obtain extra income through other agricultural projects, in order to improve their nutritional intake. Training
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/04/11 |
40 women and 26 men work in this project in the organic cultivation of broad beans, potatoes, native pumkin and pumkin, ( slanum tuberosum L, phaseisyks, ccucubirta moschata Duch. ex prior and cucubirta pepo L.)besides the collective implementation ( ... )
orestall nursery, and with such purpose the alder, white pine and reddish pine seeds will be recollected.
For project sustainability, one section will be designed to sow seeds, another for consumption, and the other for commercialization. This proposed plan will solve food and economic problems. Besides, through reforestation, the use of organic agriculture and the preservation of soil, the
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/04/11 |
Albania is mostly a mountainous country with 60% of its territory consisting in mountains and more than 35% of its population living in these areas. The high biodiversity of these mountain ecosystems results from the sheer variety of ( ... )
environments on the steep and varied terrain that demand new adaptations and favor the evolution of new species and varieties.
This minigrant will consist in support as part of coo-financing for the first National Conference on Mountainous Ecosystems, following up on the Implementation Plan of Johannesburg Earth Summit referring to the ?sustainable development of mountainous areas?. The
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/67/03 GEF-RNE |
The program plainly would call for replanting of mangrove species in areas along coast where former mangrove forest existed, including some inland riverine areas. However, to protect such initiative, people?s awareness would b called for. Our ( ... )
are mere exploiters of our resources and its about time that they learn also that they have to tend the very resources that give support to their way of living
Destruction of mangrove is very rampant in Calapan (Oriental Mindoro) due to their conversion into their fishponds or beach resorts. Illegal fishing (dynamite fishing) is also a problem that affects the coastal areas.
The project
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/MS18 |
The goal of the project is to create and facilitate outreach of the lessons, experiences, approaches and community involvement and local empowerment through small pilot initiatives under the SGP to a wider audience on a national and international ( ... )
Purpose/objective of the project:
? Document and showcase successful projects undertaken under the SGP in an effort to encourage potential project partners and NGOs to create local ownership and thus propagate the success of various developmental projects undertaken by the SGP India program.
? Initiate a process of wider dissemination and replication of small initiatives through related
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/04/FP-06/41 |
The outreach Progarmme for Terubok Conservation has the following Objectives;
- To educate and enhance awareness of the local fishing community on the importance of terubok conservation and to ensure the sustainability of the fish.
- To enhance ( ... )
volvement of the local fishing community in terubok conservation through active community participation.
- To reduce as far as possible the local fishing communities catching of the terubok during the closed fishing season and promote their shifting to alternative sustainable livelihoods.
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/03/04 |
Panchase Forest Ecosystem (PFE) represents an important block of forest in the Middle Mountains, an ecological zone not well represented amongst the country's protected area system. The Panchase Forest covers an area of approximately 10-12 square ( ... )
ter and is situated at the nexus of three districts namely Kaski, Parbat and Syanja of west Nepal. The local people consider the Panchase Forest and the mountain peak (2509m) a sacred landscape and it has special religious significance for both Hindu and Buddhists. The PFE is major source of water for agricultural and domestic use in the surrounding communities, as well as the primary source area
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/03/07 |
This project aims to bring together organizations with activities in the Cerrado for the establishment of rules and practices which can guide the collective conservation and management of the biome and its culture. Credibility for such activities is ( ... )
with the participative certification, which will promote the organization and communication among the participating organizations and related groups, as well as the optimization of processes and techniques. Organizations with potential for certification will be identified. Organizations of producers, technicians and consumers will be mobilized for an increase in the number of paticipants in the
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/04/15 |
Awareness raising of communities in surrounding villageson sustainable use of natural resources, establish community groups and school environmental groups, participatory demarcation of boundaries of the forest to contro further encroachment, ( ... )
ish live fence of trees of use value to the communitites, introduce methods of fuel efficiency and alternative timber trees, distribute fuel efficient stives, control soil erosion, establish information boards around the forst and watershed protection by planting
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-03-12 |
The large number of government incentives issued to the tourism sector in the 1980s resulted in massive and rapid expansion of tourist facilities throughout the Mediterranean coast of Turkey having adverse impacts on landscape and nature. The ( ... )
y of the Mediterranean coasts of Turkey, now very dependent on tourism, faces the risks faced by the industry while foreign visitation in the 1990s has not matched the expected demand as reflected in the massive construction projects of the 1980s. Additionally, frequent sector-oriented changes in land use plans, the absence of coordination among the numerous laws and central sectoral agencies,
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/23 |
Formerly endowed with natural resources, the project location now becomes an expanse of mono-crops, especially sugar cane , paddy and other short-term vegetables. As a rule, farmers struggle to increase or maintain the yield by application of ( ... )
al substances. This has become ,if not a tradition, a normal, uncontrollable practice. In addition, natural forest has been under threat by land encroachment. The effects of these practices have resulted in degradation of both land and water ecosystem ? a national-regional and eventually global phenomenon. Without a sound management
plan for natural resources and ecosystems, the whole
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/01 |
Situated in the Indo-Chinese sub region of the bio-unit, the target location represents an integrated part of forest ecosystems and fresh water ecosystems. The forest area which serves as a drainage basin for the Li River has been reduced to about ( ... )
f its origin and rated as a degraded forest. Not only did the area teem with dipterocarp, but it also contains an endemic species called ?Tong Sard? which is evergreen and provides habitats for other species during hot and dry months. One recent regional bio-geographic map showed the target area falling in a category where the percentage of original habitat remaining in the area is 21-39
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/12 |
Situated in the Chaopahaya?s lower Nan River Basin, the project location is a low flat land suitable for agriculture such as paddy plantation, horticulture and other cash crop. The farming population here is about 90 % of the total population who ( ... )
on rainwater or pumped underground water.
Modern agricultural practice which unscrupulously applies chemical substances in term of fertilizers, pesticide and herbicide has resulted in degradation of ecosystems and human health. Native species in paddy field , a sure sources of food for community members, has been dwindling in numbers. Some spots have become futile due to the effect of
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/85/04 |
The project is an expansion and replication of proven successful Sustainable Indigenous Peoples Agricultural Technology (SIPAT). This technology revived indigenous and sustainable methods to improve the management of the forest, watersheds, and rice ( ... )
and promotes partnerships between the Kalinga people, local government and NGOs to ensure that the experiences inform policy and benefit other communities.
Objectives of the project: To train 36 indigenous farmers in Lacnog to transfer the environment-friendly and chemical/pesticide-free SIPAT farming system within four (4) months; To conduct two (2) educational tour to Danao by direct
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2004-038(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Baravat village, Bam, Kerman (Lat: 29.130411;Long: 58.260498)
Project Location: Bam, Kerman
? Initial studies and selection of project site in collaboration with local authorities based on selected indicators
( ... )
Conducting basic studies
? Presence in the project area to assist with the formation of a local organization by blocking and selecting representatives for each block
? Starting capacity building and educating about participatory management
? Participatory preparation of the fund?s guidelines, formation of groups, selection
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-04-05PL |
Development of a project proposal for the conservation of Karagol - Aksaz Wetland in Sinop. However the findings were rather not enough for a promissing project proposal for SGP. |
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-04-06PL |
Development of a project for Raising Awareness and Education Programme for Marine Ecosystem |