There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-03-131 |
The objectives of the project are:
1.Developing and supporting the fishermen organization through financial, technical and logistic support to play its role to support its members both socially and economically.
2. Safeguarding fish offspring ( ... )
h providing legal nets with the appropriate specifications.
3.Creating new job opportunities for fishermen wives and daughters through the project.
4.Increasing environmental awareness about the environmental problems in the lake buruls preservation area, which includes the threatening practices against the lake ecological system and protecting the biodiversity in the lake and the neighboring
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-03-132 |
Project?s objectives are:1.Developing and enforcing the fishermen organization through financial, technical and logistic support to play its role to support its members both socially and economically.
2. Safeguarding fish offspring through ( ... )
ing legal nets with the appropriate specifications.
3.Creating new job opportunities for fishermen wives and daughters through the project.
4.Increasing environmental awareness about the environmental problems in the lake buruls preservation area, which includes the threatening practices against the lake ecological system and protecting the biodiversity in the lake and the neighboring area.
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-03-110 |
El Mahaba Society for Development and Environment (MSDE) is a well established non governmental organization founded in 1945, though the current name was introduced in 2000. Since its establishment MSDE has been involved in a variety ( ... )
ivities that all centre on family care and helping needy families. Some of the main activities of MSDE are:
? Sustainable village development
? The Introduction of clean potable water to 56 homes
? Environment day
? Illiteracy campaigns
? Payment of school fees for poor pupils and students
In the present project, MSDE is involved in introducing a grey water treatment facility at the
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/13 |
The strengthening of the native and cultivated fruit processing and commercialization experience is the objective of this project, presented by the Grande Sertão Smallholder and Agroextractivist Cooperative, in Montes Claros, São Francisco Valley, ( ... )
f Minas Gerais. Use, sustainable management and conservarion of biodiversity activities are integrated as an opportunity for economic, social and political repositioning for traditional populations. The production will be redirected, reducing costs, adding value to the products, generating income and aggregating technologies and knowledge for the communities
Phase 2
Project Number: NIC/04/11 |
La Reserva Natural Cosiguina tiene mucha presión de las comunidades aledañas por la extracción de madera para leña y la extracción de fauna, principalmente garrobos, aves, así como la extracción de miel de las colmenas silvestres. ( ... )
ño para la extracción de fauna y de miel se provocan muchos incendio. El propósito de este proyecto es disminuir los niveles de vulnerabilidad ambiental y económica en la zona de amortiguamiento de la Reserva Natural Volcán Cosigüina a través del establecimiento de actividades productivas sostenibles, amigables con la conservación de recursos naturales, así como el fortalecimiento
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/39 |
Tenemos la intención de construir una alternativa productiva y rentable para la explotación de los recursos naturales, a fin de garantizar la conservación de los ecosistemas y las áreas naturales protegidas costeras de la micro región noroeste. ( ... )
on otros grupos de productores de artemia de Celestún, la consolidación de una organización y procesos compartidos por el fortalecimiento de la producción, organización y comercialización de artemia ya realizar diversas cooperativas, con el fin de hacerlo más viable para la producción y mejorar nuestros ingresos. En este contexto se plantea asimismo la construcción y equipamiento de un
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/24 |
Desarrollo de una tecnologia para producir una nevera que funcione utilizando un ciclio termodinamico con tres fuentes termicas: una fuente fria, una fuente intermedia (medio ambiente) y una fuente caliente (colector solar): con esta posibilidad se ( ... )
a contribuyendo a la proteccion del medio
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/04/02 |
For five years now, KAKUTE a technology development company in Arusha has been working with a US Based Foundation known as McKnight Foundation to assist women farmers in Monduli District to plan Jatropha trees with the view to increasing their ( ... )
through selling of Jatropha seeds. The company has alsobeen carrying out experiments for production of soaps,oil for lighting and cooking. The comany has also been trying to produce bio diesel.
KAKUTE's main objective is to expand production of Jatropha for income generation and promotion of oil
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/04/05 |
This project is about the establishment of 39 plots of organic produce broad beans, national potatoes, black corn, beans, piloy and black güicoy (Phaseolus, Phaseoulus vulagaris, Phaseoulusvpvvomrid, Cucubirta pepo L.), totaling 78 cuerdas (ancient ( ... )
asure) cultivated by 26 women and 23 men. This way they will preserve the highlands of the Río Coatán watershed, which is of international importance.
Training is a very important part of this project, specially on issues about fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, organic foliares fertilizers, integrated management of plagues, selection of organic seeds, seeds treatment, development of
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/04/19 |
60 people participate in the project, which will cultivate in an organic way pacaya (chamaedorea tepejilote), hot peppers (capsicum anunum L.)and beans (phaseolus vulgaris L) for family use to improve their diet, and will commercialize them for ( ... )
income. They plan to recover native sows taking advantage of the organization?s natural resources for fertilizers and organic foliares production.
Among main activities planned are training on soil preservation techniques to minimize their depleted and eroded soil problems, commercialization, production and organic management of the above mentioned
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/42 |
Increasing the number of bumblebee and other kinds of bees on rural areas of Central Poland by protecting their habitats and increasing the ecological awareness among local society |
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/08 |
Situated in the Indo-Chinese sub region of the bio-unit, the target location represents an integrated part of forest ecosystems and fresh water ecosystems. As an ecological portion of the Mekhong River and with drainage area in Myanma, the Kok River ( ... )
s 285-km-long course through an upper part of Chaingmai Province, four other districts in Chiangrai Province before converging at ,Chiangsaen District , into the Mekhong River- a river quoted as richest in biodiversity in Asia . The water recharge area of Maekok, in Thailand, is estimated at 10,875 sq. metres, connecting areas in 8 districts of Chiangrai rich in biodiversity of forest
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/34 |
Shelduck ( Tadorna tadorna)is very vulnerable bird because of problems with hatch places;shelduck is not able to dig a den,so occupies vulnerable places made by other animals or antropogenic construction (eg. pipes, roofs etc).Observations ( ... )
ted by KULING in past 15 years helped in formulation of main activities aimed in preservation of hatches and then - greater chance for more secure young stock.
adaptation of special barrels as the well checked 'den" for Shelduck (succesfully used in Rugia Island,Germany and Green Federation in Szczecin; permanent monitoring enable quick response to threats along the coast (100km from Hel
Phase 2
Project Number: SEN/03/08 |
Objectif :
Restaurer les terres dans les 5 villages ciblés dans le Terroir de Pambal
Objectifs spécifiques :
1) Renforcer les connaissances des acteurs locaux en gestion durable des ressources naturelles ;
2) Appliquer les techniques de ( ... )
n communautaire des ressources naturelles ;
3) Mettre en place un Fonds d?Appui a l?Environnement et au Développement.
Cela va se traduire par les activités suivantes :
-Organisation d?une consultation publique sur la restauration communautaire des terres et le lancement du projet ;
- Mise en place d?un programme de formation en techniques de gestion durable des terres ;
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: SEN/04/04 |
Activités :
Objectif du projet : Contribuer à la réhabilitation de l?Environnement, à la conservation des
sols et à la réhabilitation de la biodiversité dans la Communauté Rurale de DIASS
- Gestion des ( ... )
rces naturelles et lutte contre la dégradation des terres ;
- Renforcement des capacités des acteurs;
- Promotion d?activités génératrices de revenus
Phase 2
Project Number: NER/OP2/2004/07 |
Le projet vise à contribuer à la conservation et à la préservation de l?autruche à cou
rouge, afin de la maintenir dans le patrimoine de biodiversité du Niger.
Ce projet poursuit également, (i) la promotion de l?éducation environnementale, ( ... )
contribution au développement du tourisme cynégétique, (iii) la production de plumes et de coquilles pour la fabrication des objets d?arts et (iv) la lutte contre la
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SEN/04/06 |
L?objectif global du projet vise la préservation du couvert végétal par l?utilisation de l?énergie solaire comme alternative au bois de chauffe et par le reboisement
Objectifs spécifiques du projet :
1.La production, la diffusion, ( ... )
misation et la commercialisation des fours solaires à Ndiop
2.La restauration et la préservation du couvert végétal
3.La renforcement des capacités des bénéficiaires du
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/21 |
Le projet vise d'amener les communautés des 6 communes du plateau Dogon a gérer de façon durable et soutenable les ressources naturelles en vue d'améliorer leur niveau de vie. Le projet va, entre autre, former les communautés de 68 villages ( ... )
a défense, la restauration et conservation des eaux et sols; redynamiser et renforcer les capacités des institutions traditionnelles et modernes de gestion des ressources naturelles; mettre en place des commissions communales "Gouvernance environnementale;" promouvoir l'utilisation des foyers améliorés; produire et planter les especes arbustives et
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SEN/03/11 |
Objectif du projet :
-Apporter un appui technique a quatre (4) Collectivités Locales des régions de Saint-Louis et Louga pour une prise en compte des domaines du Fonds pour l'Environnement Mondial. Cet appui sera dirigé en priorité sur les ( ... )
tivités locales qui dans leur espace géographique disposent de parcs nationaux ou de réserves d?importance mondiale et nationale ;
-Faciliter la mise a disposition d?une documentation et la valorisation des projets PMF/FEM dans la zone d?intervention du RENPEM.
Objectifs spécifiques du projet :
1)Amener les différentes catégories d?acteurs a une prise de conscience de leurs rôles et
Phase 2
Project Number: SEN/03/12 |
Objectifs spécifiques du projet :
1.Réhabiliter et aménager des terres salées pour la culture du riz local;
2.Améliorer durablement la fertilité des terres;
3.Identifier des variétés de riz a haut rendement adaptées a la salinité ( ... )
atisfaire les besoins de consommation de riz ;
5.Produire des semences de qualité de riz ;
6.Renforcer les capacités organisationnelles et de gestion des bénéficiaires.
Activités :
1.Aménagement de terres salées pour la riziculture;
2.test de variétés de riz;
3.production de semences de qualité;
4.formation des producteurs aux techniques de production de