There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/03/27 |
Conservation of endemic fisheries resources of Lake Albert through enhanced local institutional capacity is a project designed to employ new approaches of collaborative management and conservation of the fisheries biodiversity of Lake Albert. ( ... )
> The project was conceived by Uganda Fisheries and Fish Conservation Association (UFFCA) using participatory approaches and is to be implemented with funding from both UNDP/GEF Small Grants Program Uganda and Siemenpuu Foundation of Finland for a period of 24-months/two years (2003 to 2005). The main focus is to involve the local resource users in managing the resource they exploit for their
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/03/04 |
Project aims at reducing rate of poaching and frequency of forest fires in Katavi National Park through promotion of beekeeping activities in the fringes of the National Park. The project will also provide alternative income generating ( ... )
unities for communities living adjacent to Katavi National Park by promoting production of high priced organic honey with a view to addressing income
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/19 |
This area being one of religious and historical importance, there is a constant demand for bamboo trees for reconstruction work in the Buddhist monuments, dagabas etc. They are brought from outside and its use is both costly and ( ... )
ental to the environment.
Objectives, benefits:
Conserve the biodiversity in the Malwathu oya site and plant bamboo trees on the banks.
Remove the toxic pollutants in the waters of Malwathu oya.
Improve the soil quality in the adjoining areas.
Retain environmental equilibrium through sustainable use of the resources available in the area.
Provide livelihoods to members of the community
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/49/03 GEF-RNE |
The project aims to undertake community-based activities that will promote/establish the rehabilitation, conservation and management of the coastal and marine resources in Bolinao to sustain the strengthening of eight POs towards the comprehensive ( ... )
tives conserving the coastal and marine resources and for the development of sustainable livelihood of the communities of Bolinao and to replicate the conservation of coastal resources in another five new barangays in Bolinao and Lingayen
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/KER04 |
The project aims to achieve conservation of bio-diversity of wayanad through awareness generation and sustainable production and use of herbal medicines and promotion of indigenous knowledge, as an alternate health care system among the resource ( ... )
ommunities in Wayanad.
Major activities include:-
? Awareness generation and capacity building.
? Community based ex-situ conservation of medicinal plants.
? Extending use of medicinal plants by community.
? Developing medicinal plant enterprise.
? Enterpreneurship development.
? Formation of networks --- of SHGs, farmers groups.
? Starting of a treatment centre.
? Resource centre
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/03/07 |
The main project activities will take place in the western part of Lithuania, the delta of the Nemunas River, Rusne Island, ?ilute district, in the area of 56 ha of polder meadow habitats. The project assures the rise of economical level of local ( ... )
s in the village of Uostadvaris. Ecological consciousness will impact whole territory of Lithuania. The project is multifunctional. It includes these activities: active nature management, income generation, awareness rising, ecological education and applied research and monitoring. The project?s main goal is ? protection of the valuable meadows, important for rare bird species (Crex crex, Tringa
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/03/22 |
The project is implemented by Centre for intgrated Development, a local organizationinvolved in the promotion of sustainable management of natural resources. it operates in an area where the local community is heavily dependant on the forest ( ... )
ces for their livelihood thereby putting these swamp forest resources under tremendous pressure. The community experiences high rates of poverty and natural resource degradation problems. The project aims at conserving these swamp forest resources and enrich the forest biodiversity through planting highly valuable non timber forest plants such as rattan cane that is highly threatened for craft
Sri lanka
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/30 |
To plant indigenous tree species on 100 acres of degraded forest land, prevention of soil erosion, construct SALT terraces where necessary, awareness raising among the community and to improve livelihoods of 125 families by developing their home ( ... )
s and improving sanitation. The selected bufferzone communities are dependent on the forest for fuelwood and is prone to encroaching land due to population growth. The intention is to raise awareness on the importance of conservation of the forest as well as other factors as stated above.
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA-CWI-03-03 |
This project will involve three communities of the town of Santa Cruz Muluá in the establishment and management of a lagoon/wetland restoration program and productive organic managed agroforestry systems that will provide means of diminish soil ( ... )
pollution and guarantee the water recovery through the lagoons watershed protection. The lagoon?s restoration program includes two components: reforestation of the lagoon?s banks with native tree species and extraction of invasive exotic aquatic plants of the Mezá lagoon. These aquatic plants will be used like organic fertilizer after a composting process. Agroforestry systems will allow income
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/02/07 |
In a world where rainforests and wildlife species are disappearing daily, and increasing awareness to protect remaining natural resources becomes vital, Belize has the opportunity to nurture its astonishingly diverse ecosystems, which provide ( ... )
t for a wealth of interesting flora and fauna species. Among the astonishing diversity found in such a small country, over 550 species of birds make it their home. One factor threatening this ecological blessing is inappropriate agricultural practices. Despite their ability to fly from one place to another, birds are increasingly in jeopardy due to habitat loss and degradation caused by
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/025 |
Rehabilitation of damaged and fire prone areas of the bufferzone of the forest in five GN divisions in Badulla district, home gardening, awareness raising, capacity building of communitites espeacially women and minority groups and income generation ( ... )
ies such as bee keeping, kitul treacle production and
Sri lanka
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/15 |
Remarkable decrease of the forest extent in the area due to increase in population, demand for timber, cultivation of tea, felling of trees for fuel.
With the coordination of 500 families in the area, educate the community on the ( ... )
ent application of firewood. Plant and maintain firewood along the perimeter of the forest.
Enhance efficiency of energy generating sources in rural areas and to absorb the community as stakeholders for the protection of environment.
Awareness raising of communities, planting of trees of firewood value in the buffer zone of the forest, educate communities on energy efficient use of
Sri lanka
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/26 |
The targeted area faces threats to its biodiversity due to chena cultivation and the practice of burning down of forests annually. Tea cultivation in the steep slopes of the mountain range has caused soil erosion. The entire eco system ( ... )
dually degrading.
The main activities of the project are:
Minimize environmental damage caused to the targeted mountainous area by improving economic levels of 100 families of the agricultural community.
Conservation of four watersheds in four GN divisions in Kandy district, prevent river bank erosion through establishing small dams within the streams, plant trees along the banks, home
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/03/07 |
The project aims at consolidating a school biogas system by installing a biogas balancing tank in order to regulate flow of gas and minimize wastage. Lessons learnt from this institution as a result of the first grant has been passed on to the ( ... )
ing stakeholders: teachers, students, regional and district actors, Ministry of Education officials and communities around this institution. Some of the results are: reduction of fuelwood consumption, cost saving and cooking
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/03/09 |
appui pour la réalisation d'un forage en vue d'un apport en complément en eau pour l'entretien du jardin botanique de plantes médécinales |
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/03/08 |
renforcement du réseau d'irrigation du jardin botanique, renforcement des capacités des acteurs pour un consolidation des acquis du jardin botanique de plantes médicinales. |
Burkina faso
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/03/10 |
Renforcement de la pépinière collective et clotures des pépinières individuelles |
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/03/06 |
Renforcement du cadre de concertation entre groupements de pecheurs, pratique des peches expérimentales afin d'évaluer et de mieux gérer le potentiel halieutique de la Kompienga,organisation des journées portes ouvertes sur le projet |
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/03 /07 |
réalisation d'un second forage pour permettre l'extension et l'entretien de l'arboretum,la réalisation d'un autre périmètre maraicher pour les femmes de la liste d'attente de Naboswende. organisation de journées portes ouvertes sur l'AMIFOB |
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/UNF-GEF/03/01 |
WCST in collaboration with COMPACT Project has been promoting environment conservation education to communities around Mt. Kilimanjaro in order to increase their participation in the conservation of Mt. Kilimanjaro resources.
Key activities that ( ... )
een successfully carried out include
(1) Facilitate in conducting an aerial survey of the forest of the Mount Kilimanjaro in order to determine major threats to forests.
(2) Production and distribution of materials on environmental conservation education. These materials include T-Shirts, Caps, School Bags, Brochure and posters on modern bee keeping technology, sustainable agriculture and