There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/ARP01 |
The project area is the Apatani Plateau and Talle valley in Arunachal Pradesh in Northeastern India. Arunachal Pradesh is home to 27 ethnic/indigenous communities ("Scheduled Tribes") with distinctive cultures and rich traditions. Of these, the ( ... )
i are considered to be a very progressive community. Adjacent to the Apatani settlements is the Talle Valley, which is an extension of the Apatani Plateau. It is a densely forested area rich in plant and animal life with 274 species of birds and 560 plant species. There are also a few endangered species in area like the Clouded Leopard, Snow Leopard, Mountain Otter and Macaque. The project
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/20 |
In-situ turtle nest protection, monitoring through patrolling, beach cleaning, training tour guides, arranging for site guide licenses, education programmes for school children and fishermen, printing of leaflet and poster on sea turtles and on ( ... )
m promotion, display of sign boards to protect turtles and income generation for community. The main activity of the project is to get the involvement of the turtle egg poachers and convert them into beach patrollers to protect the turtle eggs. This gives them employment and an opportunity to earn more income by bringing in tourists to watch the turtles while also being conservationists.
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/04 |
During the past socialism, the country had many state owned tree nurseries in northern Mongolia, especially in Selenge region. In early 1990s, when Mongolia started shifting to a market economy, the forestry sector has completely failed and ( ... )
cally all tree nurseries had to have closed down, except a few. With issuance of Community Forestry Regulations by Ministry of Nature and Environment in 1998, many communities in Selenge region are now interested in tree nurseries.
The project aims to establish a pine tree nursery to be run by a local community in order to supply Sukhbaatar and Altanbulag sums in Selenge area
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/TN06 |
The purpose of the project is to collect and document the indigenous technical knowledge related to medicinal plants, establish a medicinal plants park to serve as a model farm, create awareness among people about the conservation of medicinal ( ... )
, and augment production of seed materials of medicinal plants in the park for distribution to
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/06 |
The largest and most important river in Thailand , the Chao Phaya River has been for generation playing a life-supporting role for communities in central region of Thailand. Receiving water from its four primary tributaries in the northern region ( ... )
veral secondary ones in the central, the river runs its course , about 300 km., through a number of cultivated and residential areas before draining into the Gulf of Thailand/South China Sea. It is considered to be one of main rivers contributing to the natural courses of ecosystems of the gulf and the sea.
Reports from the Thai government and UNEP confirmed that water quality of the river has
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/05 |
The main occupation of target population, rice plantation by rain-fed, has been contributing to adding greenhouse gas to the world atmosphere and land degradation for several decades. Post-harvest field burning and denudation of soil have been too ( ... )
a practice causing global warming and loss of soil fertility. The dry season temperature range has been found to be from 35-40 degrees. Adding insult to the injury, Chemical fertilizer/pesticide have heavily been applied to maintain the desired yields.
The project will generate benefits to global environment by reversing land degradation through minimizing field burning and chemical
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/09 |
Glycyrrhiza, locally called sweet grass, is a valuable medicinal plant in Mongolia which is currently under a serious threat to extinct. There is about half the total amount of Glycyrrhiza?s resources of Mongolia in the southern sums of Bayanhongor ( ... )
ce. During the past socialist period, the Government had paid a considerable attention to conserve and cultivate this plant naturally. However, over the last 15 years this plant has been under serious destruction by outsiders and even by local communities themselves to make some money for their survival in the current severe economic transition period.
The project is to support targeted
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/03/03 |
In an open semi-elevated area and widespread plains, Manshiyet Abu Hammour village/ Kerak governorate is situated in a fragile semi-arid area of the Mediterranean eco-system where modest rainfall, over-grazing and poor natural resource management ( ... )
ces prevail. Furthermore, the village youth suffer from un-employment that aggravates the poor economic situation of the population. To address this situation, Al Manshiyeh Women Cooperative will implement the ?Community Livelihood and Improved Land Resource Management in Manshiyet Abu Hammour? project. The project will assist local community members, mainly women, to implement several
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/02/18 |
The project iwll be implemented by the Ruwaim Charity Society in Ruwaim, Tafileh, where the Mediterranean arid to semi-arid eco-system prevails, and where consecutive draughty seasons have negatively affected water springs, leading to general ( ... )
oration of plant cover and drying up of several trees and home gardens. The project will involve the local community in several interventions that would contribute to addressing the problem. Those interventions would include collecting rainwater from rooftops and using domestic gray water for irrigation purposes, constructing stone terraces to conserve the soil and planting indigenous fruit
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/03/04 |
The project aims at assisting the local community of Bayuda, 15 Km to the north of Salt city, to implement small projects that would improve the living conditions of the community, contributing, at the same time, to the sound management and ( ... )
vation of their natural resources, mainly water and soil resources.
The village is characterized by its agricultural nature, with plains grown with field crops such as wheat and barley, and steep lands where olives, grapes and other fruit trees are grown. Open landscape with some well-preserved beautiful old oak trees are scattered around the village, which is surrounded by mountainous
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/50/03 GEF-RNE |
The project aims to undertake community-based activities for the seedbanking of rootcrops and legumes to ensure availability and abundance of planting materials, hence food security is sustained. Target for retrieval, collection, propagation and ( ... )
vation shall be 32 varieties of legumes and 15 varieties of root crops, which are the basic food crops in the project sites.Apart from conserving food crop diversity, the project shall directly address livelihood concerns since high quality planting materials shall be made available in the locality.
The project sites are upland communities in three (3) municipalities of Benguet that still use
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN UNF-GEF/03/03 |
Banana cultivation and trade provides a major source of income and employment in many rural areas of Kenya. However the cultivation of bananas in Kenya is threatened by diseases, pests and other environmental pressures such as drought. Due to those ( ... )
s, the Institute of Biotechnology Research (IBR) developed tissue culture protocols for bananas 12 years ago and established a lab for en masse production of bananas with funding from the World Bank, Netherlands govt. and UNESCO. By using participatory approaches IBR established village nurseries and demonstration fields in the Mt. Kenya region and introduced TC banana technologies.
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/41 |
Project development Goal :
To maintain the healthy of coral reef ecosystem for local community welfare in Hari Island.
Project Objectives :
1. To restore degradated coral reef flat in Hari Island through reef transplantation and ( ... )
ocation techniques and constructing artificial reef.
2. To increase community welfare through creating productive activities ? environmental friendly.
3. To raise awareness on meanings and significance conservation of coral reef, and involving community in all level project activities
4. To develop management information system in supporting the efforts of management conservation of coral
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/036 |
Project development Goal :
To facilitate villagers in participatory planning process on conserving the healthy ecosystem of lake Sidendreng-Tempe
Project Objectives :
1. Raising awareness on environment crisis, especially lake ecosystem in ( ... )
ity level
2. To collect and compile data and information for preparing management plan
3. To facilitate planning process of local initiative on designing conservation management of Lake ecosystems
4. To produce comprehensive proposal and action plans.
Expected output :
1. A prior support from villagers in conservation management of lake ecosystem
2. Assessment report on Village
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/03/04 |
The project aims to remove barriers to energy conservation and energy efficiency and the OP5 objective to reduce the risk of climate change by reducing net green house gases emissions. The project will also promotes sustainable use and management ( ... )
ests and forested areas at risk. This project is also in line with the guiding philosophies of GEF/SGP to reach marginal populations and isolated communities, where there is no other donors or NGO at present.
The number of stoves supplied to Merak and Sakten were done in four phases. 634 households have been supplies with improved stoves which also includes religious institutes like
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/46/03 GEF-RNE |
Conservation of mangrove ecosystem through replanting using local mangrove species and capability building.It is expected that the project shall also be able to reduce indiscriminate cutting of mangroves for fuel wood, housing and fencing materials ( ... )
l as strengthen the organized community-based fisherfolks and coastal women in Brgy. San Antonio.Protection of the coastal resources especially the mangroves would also protect the nursery/spawning grounds of aquatic and marine species including commercially important species, thereby assuring source of
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/47/03 GEF-RNE |
Conservation of mangrove ecosystem through replanting using local mangrove species and capability building.It is expected that the project shall also be able to reduce indiscriminate cutting of mangroves for fuel wood, housing and fencing materials ( ... )
l as strengthen the organized community-based fisherfolks and coastal women in Brgy. San Antonio.Protection of the coastal resources especially the mangroves would also protect the nursery/spawning grounds of aquatic and marine species including commercially important species, thereby assuring source of
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/02/11 |
Due to the stress of uncontrolled population growth, lack of proper planning and the proximity of extremely hazardous industrial sites (port area, chemicals, petroleum, waste disposal, etc.) in the Roche Bois region, environmental degradation has ( ... )
key factor affecting the life of its inhabitants. For a long time, the NGO has particularly engaged actions in the field of lobbying and networking in order to regroup communities and sensitise authorities about such threats. Following these actions, they have managed to obtain some good results: problems of acute pollution resolved, actions from the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Local
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/38/02 GEF-RNE |
The project involves a community-based conservation, protection, and utilization of the coastal and marine resources in six (6) coastal barangays in Anda, Pangasinan. The project activities are based on and consistent with the Coastal Development ( ... )
CDP) which was developed for the whole municipal coastal/marine areas and approved/passed by the municipal council, together with the accompanying Municipal Fishery Ordinance. This will be the legal authority instrument that can be used by the people's organization in pursuing the protection and conservation
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/035 |
Project development Goal
To facilitate villagers in participatory planning process on community based water management and conserving spring water in Garing, Bonto.
Project Objectives :
1. Raising awareness of water crisis at the community ( ... )
2. To collect and compile useful data and information to prepare water management plan
3. To facilitate planning process that includes local initiatives on designing water distribution and conservation of spring water area.
4. To produce comprehensive proposal and action plans.
Expected output :
1. A prior support from villagers in water distribution and management
2. Assessment