There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/04p |
Gathering data for the project on protection of endangered plantings and coppieces |
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/35 |
A pilot project for a capacity-building incubator of processes viewing economic, environmental, social and cultural sustainability is the objective of this project. Special emphasis will be placed on ecotourism and rural tourism. To achieve this ( ... )
ive, the following specific activities are planned: continuous promotion of improvement of the local guides and adaptation to the evolution in their job market; implementation of a process of rescue, validation and systematization of customs and traditional knowledge, viewing the certification of local guides and the development of didactic material; promotion of local products and services
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/29 |
Female production in plant nurseries and Cerrado fruit and flower orchards in strategic points in the indigenous villages in the Sangradouro lands will allow Xavantes to recover the degraded environment and invest in the conservation of local ( ... )
ersity. The recovery of traditional flower, fruit, vegetable, and palm collection and planting practices will in turn promote self-sustainability of the involved Xavante communities. Food security will also be improved, contributing toward the health of the community members, due to the high nutritional value of the native foods. The project will invest in the women?s abilities and knowledge of
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/03/04 |
The project seeks to carry out a survey to assess the status and distribution of the cheetah (acinonyx jubatus), focussing on their role in livestock/predator conflicts. The initial community mobilization component will create an environment ( ... )
ive for community participation in defining the problem, analysing it, and identifying appropriate intervention
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/11 |
This project aims to disseminate the previous organization´s experience in community forest management and provide sustainability of this effort in the long term through the training of schoolchildren and teens of the local schools of San Vicente ( ... )
aj. The project includes a series of workshops, both practical and theoretical to improve the communities children and teens knowledge on their own environment and sustainable management of the communities´s
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/02/11 |
The Churiya range gradually rises from the flat plain up to the middle hills. LRMP (1986) has estimated that Churiya region covers approximately 13% of Nepal's total area. The Churiya range consists of hills, steep lands, slopes, gorges large spans ( ... )
er and temporary streams. At places this range is highly widened encompassing large valleys, called inner Terai. The Churiya is a fragile land system considered having one of the world's most important sources of the later tertiary fossils of mammals and provides a basis for much of our current knowledge about the evolution of fauna.
The project area Danabari VDC is a small valley formed by the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/14p |
Mini-grant covered cost of trip (over 600km ) of PAZ and local government and farmers to Przemkow Landscape Park, where sucessfully implemented proejct using local resource (straw and weeds) for heating purposes, replacing coal.In Pzremkow straw ( ... )
d are both raw material (for thached roofs) and as energy resource - remaining poorer quality .
Vist intends to convince stakeholders from the Biebrza National Park and its buffer zone about possible solutions, working example to be observed and checked on the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/30 |
Promotion of renewable energy and alternative sources of energy at the Ecological Education and Culture Center for Small Villages in Bukowiec through practical use of modern heating technologies and education adressed to local people and visitors ( ... )
cational center.
Technical ssessement of state of the old building of school in Bukowiec was done.Energy audit allowed to formulate the best possible heating system to be used supported by system of heat recovery.
Reneval of the building (drainage of walls and basemet, thermomodernisation), exchange of old windows and doors (minimalisation of heat escape), installation of heat popm together
Land Degradation Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/45 |
Main idea of the project is propagation and introduction innovative energy-efficient technology in field of heat supply. Demonstration of environmental and economical benefits of new technology through the installation vortical heating generator in ( ... )
stery villages? school instead of oil-fired boiler. Basic project components are:
1. Development and construction of heating system based on vortical heating generator
2. Teaching local personal to exploit new equipments
3. Conducting seminar for demonstration benefit of new system.
4. Propagation of new heating system
5. Planting of trees around the school
6. Information
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/47 |
Main idea of the project is developing project proposal about introducing granular organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer like pesticides and herbicides. Clean organic fertilizers are made from farm wastes. The basic components of the ( ... )
t are:
1. Technical and economic assessment for building mini plant.
2. Mobilization local people for project support.
3. Preparation legal documents.
4. Developing economically and ecologically based project
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/43/02 GEF-RNE |
The projecta aims to undertake capacity building of selected schools to systematically integrate environmental education in the curriculum of high schools and effectively institute sound ecological practices within the campuses and significantly ( ... )
orate with local communities and other partners in promoting biodiversity protection and conservation.
The project seeks to mainstream environmental educationby integrating it in the academic curriculum of 25 plot schools and by training administrators, faculty and community extension coordinators as trainer. These trainer may initiate the institutionalization of environmental projects and
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/01 |
This minigrant is given with the purpose of enabling a data collection in regard to the concentration of mercury in sediments, soil and biota of Vlora area, resulting from 15-20 years activity of the PVC Soda Factory.
A final report and a pollution ( ... )
l be published at the end of the
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/03 |
Originating in the Dan Lao Range common with the Laotian border, Nam Wa River runs its course through various districts in Nan Province, converging with Nan River which is an ecological portion of the Gulf of Thailand/South China Sea. For ( ... )
tions, the river has been supplying water of good quality for agriculture and household as well as fishes for consumption.
According to a recent preliminary survey , land-based activities in target location have contributed
to the degradation of the river. De-vegetation and unregulated application of chemicals in agricultural practice are two major activities causing erosion
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/18 |
Il s?agit de la préservation /protection des especes animales et végétales en voie de disparition. Ce projet entend s?attaquer aux causes de dégradation de l?environnement a partir d?une synergie entre les actions d?information. D?éducation et ( ... )
munication. Il permettra ainsi de mettre a contribution les médias et tous les autres acteurs pour qu?ensemble le combat contre la dégradation de l?environnement en général puisse etre gagné.
Compte tenu du rôle que les femmes jouent dans les activités de développement, elles seront par rapport a ce projet la plaque tournante. Une attention particuliere sera accordée a leur
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/06 |
Subvention pour la préparation du projet |
Land Degradation Land Degradation Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/02/21 |
To assist the GEF Small grants Programme in producing and implementing its national communication strategy, and to address one of its own areas of interest, the Human Forum for Women?s Rights will implement the ?Communication to Enhance Sustainable ( ... )
pment for Local Communities? project. The project will conduct a study to collect, analyze and document the experiences of NGOs and local communities in the field of sustainable development projects and draw lessons learned and best practices that can be replicated and disseminated among local communities. This will be coupled with participatory activities to attract feed back from the
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/02 |
Community based natural resources management is something new in Mongolia since the recent start of shifting the country from communism to a market economy. Currently rural communities are mostly poor people. According to official statistics, the ( ... )
y rate is around 36 % over the last ten year. Although there were some programmes implemented or being implemented on poverty, it does not go down. Although livestock were privatized for free, many communities have already lost them due to natural disasters like dzud and still remain poor. As they are poor, many of them destroy nature, being involved in illegal logging, poaching etc.
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/06 |
Valuable natural resources like rare and medicinal plants are rapidly being depleted over the last 15 years. There are even more threats to them to be destroyed for minor market benefits, mostly for the Chinese market.
The ( ... )
ive of the grant is introduce a sustainable harvesting practive for medicinal herbs and to establish a small workshop at Altanbulag sum centre to prepare traditional medicines for selling to local patients.
By the end of the project, there has been established a small workshop to process medicinal herbs to meet local needs. A wide variety of educational and awareness raising activities have
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/08 |
Training of selected beneficiaries in food processing, cane crafting and hand made paper, improving micro credit facilities, forest conservation activities and school awareness programmes.
The main objective of the project is to replace natural ( ... )
orest with a monoculture of tea reduces biodiversity in the buffer zone. The clearing of steep and fragile slopes has led to topsoil exposure, heavy erosion, loss of soil fertility. Future agricultural productivity of the region is threatened.
Objectives, activities, groups involved:
Promote and facilitate ecologically sound economic activities and mobilize buffer zone communities
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-KEN-02-08 |
The Egerton University turns out 500,000 liters of waste water daily. This project will involve the university community, the local community in the surrounding areas to construct a vegetation based wetland to treat 100,000 liters of the waste water ( ... )
e Egerton University. This project will assist in cleaning river Njoro, which is the main river that flows into lake Nakuru, A ramsar site of international importance. Polutting Lake Nakuru has greatly affected the biodivesity in lake Nakuru. This project will serve as an example for the community to ask other industrial companies and factories around Lake Nakuru to also clean up their waste