There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/50 |
El Huracán Isidoro afectó las parcelas agroforestales inundándolos y moviendo las raíces por el viento, causando la muerte del 45% de las plantas frutales. Al restablecer y realizar la resiembra de los árboles frutales permitirá recuperar ( ... )
que a futuro serán productivas y que mejorará la calidad de vida de las familias participantes en el proyecto agroforestal. A través de la aplicación de la agroforestería para reducir la frontera de formación y difusión agrícola tradicional, la implementación de las parcelas adicionales, busque mercados interesados ??en la producción orgánica y la silvicultura.
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/20/02 |
Se cuenta con una considerable variedad de papas nativas (111 variedades aproximadamente). En relación a la existencia de este tipo de recursos naturales, los pobladores viven principalmente de la producción de papas nativas (amargas y dulces), ( ... )
antes e imprescindibles para su consumo en papa fresca.
La economía de las familias campesinas esta basada en la producción agropecuaria: por las condiciones climáticas de alto riesgo, los principales cultivos de la región en orden de importancia son la papa (estimandose mas de 100 variedades nativas), los ingresos que se generan en el interior de las familias es producto principalmente
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/32 |
Project development Goal :
To facilitate stakeholders in participatory planning process on coastal and marine resources management in Sangihe and Talaud Isles
Project Objectives :
1. To develop a process tp design a model of community-based ( ... )
l and marine resources management
2. To increase stakeholders participation and contribution in all project steps,
3. To produce comprehensive proposal and action plans.
Expected output :
a. Proposed model for Community-based Coastal and Marine Resources Management
b. Proceeding of the workshop,
c. A comprehensive proposal management plan, including action plans.
Activities to be
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/03/002/P |
The primary aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communities, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
activities of the project include conducting surveys on socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site, identifying proposed project objectives and activities and assessing their feasibility, and providing needed technical assistance in project design and writing project proposal which will be submitted to GEF/SGP for review and appraisal; and identifying possibilities for project
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/03/FP-08/35 |
This proposed project will build upon the positive results obtained in the previous first SGP phase funding to establish a community based ecotourism for the local indigenous semelai community in Tasik Bera. The previous project cycle developed ( ... )
ed a number of participatory mechanisms through which the local indigenous Semelai community in and around tasik Bera were able to benefit directly from the establishment and implementation of sustainable livelihood eco-tourism enterprises in and around their home areas thereby improving their socio economic status, while reducing their impact on the BD, natural resources and ecosystems of Tasik
Palestine, State of
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/03/43 |
Demonstration and capacity building project to support the adoption of natural agricultural pesticides and fertilizers among thirty (male and female) farmers. The project will allow farmers to avoidenvironmentally harmful and damaging practices such ( ... )
g excessive amounts of chemical pesticides or using extra dosages of chemicals to accelerate the process of production or extra chemical residues in the agricultural products. The project will contribute to the conservation of soil agro-biodiveristy in the farming area of Khan Younis through training, public awareness and demonstration
Viet nam
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/03/005/P |
The primary aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communities, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
activities of the project include conducting surveys on socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site, identifying proposed project objectives and activities and assessing their feasibility, and providing needed technical assistance in project design and writing project proposal which will be submitted to GEF/SGP for review and appraisal; and identifying possibilities for project
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/03/44 |
Capacity building project to improve the technical capacity of the contractors and engineers in energy saving building material. The project will also raise awareness of the above group in the utilization of energy saving building material through ( ... )
hing studies and research on the energy saving material for building. Additionally, the project will conduct studies on the compatibility of the available material to the economic, environment and technical requirements and develop its specification to meet the local requirements.
The project will contribute to build the corner stone procedures to reduce the energy consumptions used for heating
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/03/02 |
Continuous use of fuelwood for cooking and expansion of agricultural activities are principle factors that have rendered the Same District especially its Western areas bare. Scarcity of firewoods in this areas now comples women to walk up to 10km ( ... )
er to get firewood, This project aims at promoting wide adoption of fuel efficient cook stoves in semi arid areas of North Tanzania by establishing a workshop that will facilitate mass production of quality stoves and train local artisans for local expanded production and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/02/12 |
Main goal of the project is promotion of sustainable transport and tourism through establishment of regional bicycle routes and related infrastructure (tourism information system, mapping and marking of the regional bicycle route, informational ( ... )
short period and overnight camping places) in cross-boarder and near boarder areas of Lithuania and Poland. Project activities are covering five municipalities in Suvalkija region of Lithuania and in three municipalities of Suvalkai region of Poland. This projects covers region of Lithuania, which is considerably less developed in terms of regional bicycle and sustainable tourism infrastructure.
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/15 |
Of 1,771 families in a valley, mostly of farmers, the target location is situated in Mekhong sub-basin where eight tributaries constitute the ecology and supply water for livelihood. The farming practice of heavily applying chemical plant hormone, ( ... )
izer and pesticides had,as revealed by Tambol Fundamental Public Health office, evidently affected bodily health as well as soil and water quality. The chemical residue runs off into the Kok River, the main tributary in the area, then to the Mekhong River.
As chemical use increases to ensure expected yield, most pests adapt and become immune requiring more and more chemical and incurring
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/CO/03/09 |
The project to develop COMPACT website will help to increase COMPACT project visibility national and international. This website is also expected to be used as a site of disseminating lessons learned during implementation of the COMPACT project. ( ... )
bsite will also contain information on conservation need around Mt. Kilimanjaro as well as environmental and ecological status of Mt. Kilimanjaro ecosystem. The website will also include results of the research and studies which are relevant to the conservation to Mt. Kilimanjaro ecosystem.
The viewers of this website are targeted to be NGOs, CBOs and institutions in the field of environment
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/MN05 |
The project was undertaken to grow and popularize an extinct rare rice plant called Chak-hou Poreition and among the farming community thereby reinforcing the heritage of growing this traditional rice variety and improving the socio-economic ( ... )
ion in the project area. They also attempted to conserve/preserve rare species of crops and improve the natural agricultural farming system by adopting organic farming, and also mobilizing bio-resources like biofertilisers, biopesticides, etc. through women SHG activities. Awareness programmes were held on organic farming and other conservation practices. The beneficiaries chosen were from among
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/27 |
Promotion of sustainable tourism at Warta River Mouth , Krzesinski and Lagowski Landscape Parks- introduction of the ?green points? network to promote local landscape, recreation and culture values and assets |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/08 |
The project goal is to help in development of nursery's capacity for improvement of biodiversity in Mazury Lake District (creation of base for schools and NGOs running tree planting actions).
The main activities of the project:
? Creation and ( ... )
g of tree nursery (in the area of 0,5 hectare) from which seedlings of trees are transferred to schools and NGOs (earlier seedlings are specially prepared and put in foil containers); in the first year it is planned to transfer 5000 seedlings;
? Presentation of trees and bushes species in special botanical school garden in
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/26 |
Target area is a rain-fed farming community without any irrigation system. As a modern rule,
farming practice and daily livelihood depend more and more upon chemicals and fossil fuels. In order to ensure water supply to farming practice, the ( ... )
overnment had provided a deep well with hand pump for target community but this supply could not meet with the demand. Realizing the potential of renewable energy and with the assistance of the government?s regional centre for renewable energy promotion, the community had initiated the project to pump water from the deep well with wind energy and to efficiently use solar energy for processing
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/02/13 |
Il s'agit d'un projet qui a pour objectif d'introduire de l'éclairage à partir de l'énergie solaire solaire dans des ménages dans la région de Hodh El Gharbi en lieu et place soit des lampes à pétrole ou des groupes électrogènes (ou du ( ... )
Consciente des effets de l'utilisation de ces sources d'énergie aussi bien sur l'environnement que sur les revenus des ménages, l'ONG Eco-développement va sur financement du SGP, introduire de l'éclairage avec énergie solaire dans quelques localités de la région de Hodh el Gharbi. Ce projet sera entrepris en collaboration avec le projet Oasis et le secteur privé. Ce dernier aura pour
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/12 |
Regulation of mountain streams and rivers caused a strong decline of population of dipper (Cinclus cinclus) and similiar decline of Tengmalm's owl ( Aegolius funereus) is caused by the lack of old forest stand with old dry trees with holes. ( ... )
ct aims in i stabilisation and then increase of two kinds of mountain birds Cinclus and Aegolius funereus population by installation of artificial, designed by experts hatch boxes-300.This method proved to be succesful behind the border, in Czech Republic. Close cooperation with local communities in project implementation and monitoring is a key element for succes so trainings/workshops will be
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/P01 |
Realizar un diagnóstico preliminar sobre las percepciones y prioridades de las organizaciones ambientales en la Reserva de la Biosfera Ría Lagartos (RBRL), el diseño del Programa de Trabajo de la Micro región, crear base de datos de las ( ... )
zaciones sociales, el diagnóstico preliminar sobre las percepciones sociales y las prioridades de las organizaciones
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/03/09 |
Identificar y desarrollar experiencias de restauración ambiental que permitan diversificar los usos productivos del bosque. Para ello se trabajará con ordenamiento territorial. Además la Comunidad trabajará el fortalecimiento de sus capacidades ( ... )
minos del turismo sustentable. Para ello ellos organizrán la feria costumbrista en febrero y usarán ese espacio para poder difundir el