There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/27 |
Elaboración de una agenda ecológica anual como un medio de difusión , formación y concientización permanente en la temática de la protección del ambiente y la Biodiversidad para crear individuos cada vez más concientizados acerca de la ( ... )
mática ambiental mundial y nacional.
Proveer una herramienta que servirá de apoyo a la sociedad dominicana para conocer la problemática ambiental local, global y actual sobre diferentes temas de importancia como por ejemplo, la zona situada en la frontera entre la República Dominicana y
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/36 |
Consolidación de las acciones de conservación y producción sostenible en nuevas áreas y comunidades de afluentes del río Masacre |
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/18 |
El proyecto plantea la reducción de los efectos del calentamiento global a través del uso de una fuente de energía renovable, estimula el desarrollo comunitario a la vez que mejora la calidad de vida de los beneficiarios |
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/53 |
Su objetivo es restaurar los daños causados ??por el huracán Isidoro, en una parcela para construir un grupo colectivo, con 15 kaanchés con sistema de riego. Para la fabricación de kaanchés utilizar la madera muerta de los árboles, que ( ... )
án a prevenir los incendios forestales en la reserva. Allí será el cultivo de hortalizas orgánicas, el grupo tendrá un técnico de la escuela de agricultura ecológica de Mani, dará consejos, hará un seguimiento del proyecto durante la producción de los cultivos de hortalizas para gestionar y resolver los problemas de plagas y enfermedades. Talleres de evaluación participativa.
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/13 |
Creación de una infraestructura que permita el desarrollo del ecoturismo aprovechando el parque botánico y los miradores en la carretera Jánico-Santiago, junto con una campana educativa con publicidad y cursos. |
Dominican republic
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/04 |
Modificar la cultura de Tumba y quema implementada por comunitarios en las comunidades de Rio Limpio, La Rosa, Cruz de Cabrera de las provincias de Elías Piña y Dajabónl en la en la cuenca alta del río Artibonito, mediante la restauración ( ... )
al, implementación de sistemas productivos sostenible y la capacitación de los comunitarios en la temática ambiental y recursos naturales para la recuperacion de 1000 tareas de terrenos que repercurtira el la elevación de los ingresos de las familias
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/06 |
Implementación de sistemas de producción ecológicos, que resuelvan de manera integral el problema de la reducción de la producción agrícola, la contaminación ambiental y el aumento de la rentabilidad produciendo y utilizando abonos orgánicos ( ... )
jorar los suelos, mediante el establecimiento de una planta de producción de abono orgánico con fines comerciales y uso en la
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/32 |
Con el paso del huracán Isidore fue dañada la infraestructura de la escuela secundaria técnica, donde se había instalado el laboratorio, la importancia de la operación del laboratorio en la región es que promueve una actividad productiva ( ... )
ativa, la reducción de las capturas de la pesca tradicional y la presión sobre los recursos naturales.
Se pretende llevar a cabo la recuperación de los daños y perjuicios a través de la reconstrucción, instalación y equipamiento del
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/P04 |
Desarrollar la conciencia de salud ambiental y de producción sustentable con la participación prioritaria de los y las jóvenes de las comunidades para elevar los ingresos familiares y proteger y restaurar los recursos naturales de la ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/05 |
The ecosystem of Alakol Lake is located in the unique natural and climatic conditions, which together with the favorable geographical location determines the attractiveness of this territory for a huge number of the globally valuable avifauna ( ... )
s. One of the main migration paths of the birds in the South-East of Kazakhstan crosses this territory. There are 314 bird species at the lakes, including 286 nesting species. The numbers of the birds migrating in spring and autumn amount to several million. There have been observed 34 bird species that have entered the Red Data Book, such as rose-colored and Dalmatian pelican, diving duck
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002-021(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Safaroud Forest ,Mazandaran(Lat/Long: 36.900892-50.549469)
The project conducted basic studies, identified main beneficiaries, analyzed the conditions with responsible officials and selected the following six villages in Safaroud ( ... )
ilanat, Gavermak, Bamsi, Disser, Mazoulangeh and Etchkolayeh.
The project then proceeded with social setting and formed the local monitoring committee (local organization) in the villages as well as a participatory monitoring committee with participation all beneficiaries.
Monitoring indicators were identified by combining views of all stakeholders and ten monitoring
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-23PU |
The Balik Lake, although an IBA and a local source of drinking water, is under threat of domestic pollution, pollution resulting from animal husbandry, illegal hunting and the use of lake waters for wool-washing. The publication draws attention to ( ... )
issues, and the actions that needs to be avoided by the local people, in order to conserve the breeding habitat of Melanitta fusca, the Velvet Scoter (breeding population is justification for the Lake being a IBA), and to protect the area from pollution as it is an important drinking water supply for the region. The project aims to publish and disseminate a 20 page booklet about Balik Lake,
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-16PU |
Although a protected area, the Egribuk-Golbaba Wetland is under threat resulting from illegal hunting and pollution due to agricultural activities. The wetland is also at risk due to possible draining attempts by the State Hydraulics Works (DSI). ( ... )
P support will be used to prepare and print a booklet giving information about the characteristics and importance of the
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-19PU |
The SGP grant will be used to prepare and publish a brochure and a poster providing information and to raise awareness of the local people related to the birds of the Gediz Delta, one of the first Ramsar Areas of the country. The publications will ( ... )
e information and pictures of the birds of the delta, as well as information about the wetland
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-22PU |
The SGP grant will be used to prepare and print a booklet informing the local people about the risks towards the grasslands (meadows) around Balik Lake and Agri Mountain, due to unsustainable and unconscious patterns of utilisation such as ( ... )
The wise use of the grasslands around Balik Lake and Agri Mountain will have direct effects on the conservation of the upper fragile natural areas. The region is known to be rich in floristic diversity, although the complete inventories are missing. Sustainable management of the grasslands will help limiting the pasturing in these upper
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/10 |
Publication of a Newletter for "GEF/SGP" of Sri Lanka" in Sinhala, Tamil & English Languages. The NGO will collect information, visit SGP projects, write feature articles on relevant issues on GEF/SGP projects, print and distribute the newsletter ( ... )
partners. One purpose of the awareness raising is to evoke other partners to undertake similar projects which are successful. Through the dissemination of this newletter to improve the image of
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-03-04Pu |
The publication will be providing information in the form of pictures, common and scientific names threats to the plant and conservation measures etc. on the bulbous plants of the region. There are several endemic species in the region which are ( ... )
ened due to
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-17PU |
Eco-schools Programme is executed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) in Turkey, in interested primary and secondary schools throughout the country, on behalf of the International Foundation for Environmental Education. The ( ... )
mme consists of activities in the fields of waste, water, energy and recycling. Each heading has a booklet to guide the schools, but the activities are case-specific, that are developed and implemented by the Eco-schools Committee of each school, under the supervision of FEE Turkey. The SGP grant will make the re-publication of the existing booklets and the preparation of two new booklets on
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-18PU |
Foca and Karaburun are among the remaining very last safe heavens for the globally endangered Monachus monachus (Mediterranean Monk Seal) in the Mediterranean area. It is, therefore vital, to have the awareness, acceptance and support of the local ( ... )
in the conservation efforts to protect them from extinction. The SGP Grant will be used to publish posters, stickers, child games and brochures. Each of the printed materials will be specifically prepared to reach a particular target group. The use of the grant is hoped to complement the existing WWF executed SMAP
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/36/02 GEF-RNE |
The project involves the installation of one (1) PV-powered system for each of the two (2) communities to supply potable water needs of the local residents (B'laans) and watershed improvement in El Nalam and Lam-afos covering at least 12 ( ... )
The project sites are located within a critical watershed, The South Cotabato Mountain Range, (South Cotabato Mountain Range are listed under "VERY HIGH" category for biodiversity conservation according to the Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priority-Setting Workshop) where a similar SGP-funded project: "Solar Powered Water Pumping System for Purok Takilay (OP-07.97-M).
The project