There are 27,190 projects available.
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Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/03/02 |
Ce projet vise l'amélioration du système d'exhaure dans deux sites a Mederdra dans le Sud Ouest de la Mauritanie. Les systèmes actuels étant composés de groupe motopompe très anciens ou parfois l'utilisation des ânes comme moyen d'exhaure. ( ... )
ctif de ce projet est la mise en place d'une pépinière d'espèces forestières locales pour contribuer a la régénération du couvert végétal de la zone fortement menacé en encourageant le promoteur de l'ONG a vulgariser le système de pompage
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/95/G52/014 |
Les localités de Béoumi, Sinfra et Tanda, malgré les efforts du gouvernement ivoirien, n?ont aucun espoir de pouvoir bénéficier d?un raccordement au réseau électrique national, compte tenu de leur situation d?enclavement. Le manque de moyens ( ... )
es de communication (télévision, ?) est non seulement un facteur limitant de toute action de sensibilisation de la population sur les problemes des feux de brousse et de destruction de la nature, mais en plus, il contribue au départ massif des jeunes vers les localités dites privilégiées, entraînant ainsi une forte réduction des capacités de production.
Le projet de promotion de
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/04/13 |
Objectif général :
reconstitution du milieu naturel de reproduction des espèces aviaires et ichtyologique de la baie de l'Etoile ; conservation et restauration de l'écosystème de la baie de l'Etoile.
Objectifs stratégiques :
- développer ( ... )
tenariat avec les autorités locales (wilaya, gendarmerie et communes)
- veiller à l'application des textes réglementant la pêche au niveau de la baie pour parer à la pêche illégale
- instaurer un système de coupes contrôlées de l'espèce végétale (spartine) constituant le milieu de reproduction naturel des oiseaux et des
Phase 2
Project Number: SEN/03/07 |
Lutter contre la désertification et la dégradation des sols de l?île de Diatt engendrées par l?action combinée de la nature et des humains.-Réhabiliter et préserver l?écosysteme de l?île de Diatt ;-Conduire des activités a caractere ( ... )
mique dans l?île ;-Faire face aux conséquences désastreuses de la désertification de la zone a travers la sensibilisation, l?information, la formation et la mobilisation des populations
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/03/08 |
Le projet d'aménagement de la mare de Mahmouda est un projet de conservation de la biodiversité et de développement qui vise a la fois d'assurer une gestion rationnelle des ressources naturelles et de créer des activités génératrices de ( ... )
s aux populations les plus vulnérables de la zone.
Les domaines ciblés par ce projet sont la protection des terres dégradées et de la diversité biologique. En effet, la mare de Mahmouda est l'un des rares sites qui abrite une biodiversité importante composée essentiellement d'oiseaux migrateurs du paléarctique occidental. Comme toute zone humide en milieu sahélien, la mare de Mahmouda
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/03/FP-01/28 |
The project is promote the design, test and maintain demonstrational plots for medicinal plants collection using traditional methods and knowledge with the local communites and other research centre. The project will eventually provide the test-bed ( ... )
mmercial domestication of selected herbs from the SAIP herbal industry/factory especially from the states biodiversity
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/KAR05 |
The proposed project was undertaken with a view to promote fish drying using efficient biomass fish dryers. This project brought forward two approaches of drying fish. The first approach was of sun drying the fish, and the other one was electric ( ... )
of fish. The sun drying of fish was done either on floors or on beaches, which involved low investment and no additional energy input. The disadvantage with this method was the intermittent nature of solar energy throughout the day and different times of the year. It also led to contamination of the food material by dirt or insects, causing spoilage and losses etc. The net result was low hygiene
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002-022(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Yakhkesh village, Behshahr ( Lat: 36.66167, Long 53.76)
The project purpose is to promote the adoption of renewable energies in deprived and remote areas. To this aim the project proponent will start an awareness campaign for ( ... )
and the authorities on the practical usage of this type of energy in remote areas and its environmental benefits, encouraging public and government to participate in implementing renewable energies plan in rural areas. Biogas sites will be established in Pachet Village and another village in Yakhkesh Region to replace firewood as the main source of fuel. Training in the field of renewable
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/03/42 |
Demonstration and public awareness project to promote community action to reduce GHG emission resultant from the using of ?AL Dakhon? burning wastes such as nylon, wood and domestic waste- to heat the water. The most significant gases resulted from ( ... )
urning are; Co2, Dioxin and Furan.
The project will contribute to increase the efficiency of solar water heating systems to satisfy the community needs for 73 families and encourage them to adopt alternative environment friendly systems to meet their demand of hot water all the day around while saving the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/02/21 |
Projet de promotion des équipements photovoltaiques en adoptant une démarche durable. La durabilité est basée sur un systeme de subvention progressivement récupérable pour etre réinvesti soit dans la maintenance des équipements soit dans ( ... )
isition des nouveaux. Le projet envisage d?équiper une tres large majorité des populations visées.
Contexte et Justification du projet
Faute de moyens financiers pour l'acquisition des équipements des substitutions au bois, les populations rurales font une forte pression sur les ressources ligneuses. La combustion et le déboisement abusif des ressources ligneuses constituent des menaces
Multifocal Area Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/TRP01 |
Agartala, the capital of Tripura, had been facing serious garbage problem. The total waste generation was 90 MT and it was not being possible to collect and transport even 1/3rd of the waste generation to the only dumping ground. About 30% of the ( ... )
waste found its way into the surface drain and even the garbage collection and temporary storage and transportation from market places was not satisfactory. This situation resulted in serious environmental hazards, including frequent floods, communicable diseases and smell nuisance. It was also felt that, with present financial, technical and managerial strength, this problem could not be solved.
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-03-05 |
This project is developed as per the TUR-03-01PL. It aims to conserve an alleged ancestor of common garlic, Allium tuncelianum, which is endemic to Tunceli. This particular bulbous plant is threatened due to over-collection and exploitation, ( ... )
gh it is only consumed locally. The project aims to find out whether this wild plant, growing in the stony fields spontaneously, can be cultivated or not. The first phase of the project will investigate cultivation possibilities, hoping this will help conserving the wild plants and will try to generate an extra, if not alternative income opportunity to farmers that normally do the uprooting.
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/19 |
The project aims at raising public awareness on the natural, ecological, historical and cultural values of Thethi National Park in an effort to revitalize tourism in the northern Albania. The project will produce a detailed eco-touristic guide, ( ... )
will include important sites, hiking trails and other information for the National Park.
In the framework of this project, a meeting will be organized to introduce the work that has been done and the prepared
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/03/10 |
The Objective of this project is to promote practical environmental conservation education among students in Primary and secondary schools around Marangu Teachers Training College. This project will popularize environmental conservation best ( ... )
ces through students who are expected to influence their community to adopt the conservation practices.
About 60 Teachers from Marangu Teachers Training College have been participating in environmental conservation education project which was conducted by Tanzania Wildlife Conservation Society (WCST) with support from COMPACT on the conservation best practices. The objective was to train the
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/03/08 |
The project aims at replacing diesel powered generators with solar power as the main source of energy for water pumping and lighting in the village. Solar energy technology is adopted in order to check biodiversity loss in an adjacent forest as for ( ... )
time now, villagers cut down trees in the forest in order to get money for buying fuel to run diesel powered
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/03/32 |
The project aims to carry out stakeholder consultations on suitable renewable energy sources for Nyabushozi and prepare a proposal for a full grant. |
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/03/10 |
The project will address research and introduction of wildlife management concepts and programmes, including sustainable fishing methodologies, and initiation of eco-tourism activities in order to reduce the hunting pressure on wild flora and fauna ( ... )
around the community of Apetina, and to establish a conservation model for replication in other forest communities in Suriname.
This will be accomplished by the promotion of a range of activities within the village that will facilitate public awareness and training programmes in wildlife management and legislation, the expansion of the artisanal fishery in the village in order to reduce the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/61 |
Main idea of the project is promotion and increase of public awareness about photo voltage technologies using in agriculture and water supply through propaganda solar pumps and creation of financial and social schemes facilitating introduction of ( ... )
energy in rural areas.
Actions to be undertaken by ?Collaboration-Sodruzhestvo?:
1. Mobilization of local population in solar pump supporting group in 60 villages of Issyk-Kul and Naryn oblasts
2. Increasing of rural public awareness about environmental and economic benefits of using solar energy
3. Creation of financial scheme to support maintenance of solar pumps, promotion and use of
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/09 |
An ecological system of the Bay of Bengal and situated in the southwest of Thailand, Ao (Bay) Phang-nga endows abundant sea food for Thailand and the world. Majority of community members earn their living by fishing. Muslim constitutes 79 % of ( ... )
Preponderant practice of aqua-culture producing adverse effect to the mangrove and destructive fishing by drag and push-net devastating sea grass and reef, have resulted in the dwindling quantity of aqua species.
While middlemen and big entrepreneurs make a gain from this natural provision, small fishermen and community members make a loss with per capita income of only
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/02/05 |
El proyecto afrontará la tala indiscriminada realizada en la localidad, los pobladores motivados por el afán de lucro a corto plazo, realizan esta actividad de una manera depredativa y no consideran el dano ecológico y económico.
Para enfrentar ( ... )
oblema se plantea manejar, proteger y aprovechar sosteniblemente los bosques secos de la jurisdicción del caserío el Choloque, del Sector El Cardo, teniendo como base a nuestras mujeres y hombres capacitados y concientizados. Para ello se establecen los siguientes objetivos:
- Recuperar y conservar la cobertura y productividad de los bosques secos del sector de El Cardo, jurisdicción del