There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/19 |
Restauración de los manglares mediante la reforestación de 13 mil plantas de 3 especies de mangle, la capacitación y la asistencia técnica, el desarrollo de una estrategia basada en la restauración y conservación, permitiendo el uso sostenible ( ... )
manglares, la transferencia de las plantas de mangle producidos en el vivero y reforestación, la difusión de la obra
Burkina faso
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/03/04 |
Sauvegarde d'especes végétales en voie de disparition dans la foret villageoise de Gognon; Renforcement des capacités(formations, concertation,voyage d'étude) |
Burkina faso
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/03/02 |
renforcement du potentiel floristique de la foret villageoise, formation des membres de la CVGT,voyage d'étude, concertations inter-villageoises |
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/03/01 |
aménagement en vue d'accroître le cheptel faunique, formation des membres des Comités Villageois de chasse des villages de Boala,de Kounou et de Tassian pour une meilleure organisation des activités de valorisation des ressources de leurs zones ( ... )
se(acceuil touristes,apiculture,échange d'expérience, gestion des conflits,renforcement des compétences par des formations et l'organisation de voyages
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/19 |
Zhambyl Oblast refers to Kazakhstan south region where there is a whole bunch of ecological, social and economic problems. Diversity of the natural landscapes (from mountains to deserts) rich species composition of flora and fauna and at the same ( ... )
oaching, irrational use of the animal and plant resources, destruction of the wildlife habitat areas, desertification, pasture degradation and poverty of the locals are the most characteristic phenomena for this region. The Oblast is characterized by abundance of water reservoirs and rivers; however, most of them have been regulated and used for economic needs. Introduction of payment for water
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/RJ10 |
The proposed objectives of the project were to strengthen and build competence of the community based organizations, Conservation of soil and water and creation of irrigation facility for Land Development; Promotion of eco-friendly farming practices ( ... )
o-compost and Vermi- compost preparation, Documentation and dissemination of indigenous knowledge and skills on natural resource management. The above objectives have been achieved by strategizing choices with needs-based priorities of supporting rural livelihoods, building local capacity, focusing on entitlement failures and their needs, learning lessons and establishing mechanisms to feed back
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/03/FP-07/34 |
The project aims to involve local communities on the islands of Johore in the development of sustainable livelihood through the conservation of giant clams. Capacity building activities like training and workshops will be held with local ( ... )
ipation from various islands and marine park wardens. The local communities will be trained as eco rangers to monitor the conservation and pollution issues and as well as the sustainable use of the natural resources in the islands. These capacity building activities will have added value when carried out in Johor islands, which have been gazetted as marine parks in 1984. Innovative conservation
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2003-026(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Rostamabad ,Gilan(Lat/Lang:36.825702-49.422684)
Since the early 70?s, the prevailing rice protection method in the Caspian coastal region has been chemical application. Biological ?control was introduced to the region in 1985. ( ... )
ntribution to sustainability, however, has been very limited so far, mainly due to the ?fact that it did not incorporate paddy farmers as a main stakeholder. The relevant agencies are currently seeking ways to improve the ?situation. In response to this need, the project will set in place an appropriate model for sustainable agro-ecosystem management in the ?pilot site in Gilan Province.
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/10 |
East Kazakhstan possessing unique beauty and ecosystems variety, simultaneously is one of the most polluted regions of Kazakhstan. Annually, 3 tons of copper, more than 2 tons of cadmium and over 100 tons of zinc are poured out into the river. In ( ... )
onnection, the local population has serious problems with watering of the agricultural grounds, supply with pure potable water, cattle gazing, rest in the coastal zone and bathing in the rivers. Health of people of the villages located alongside the coast of the river Irtysh, is exposed to the big danger as the poisonous substances poured out by the large industrial enterprises into the river,
Sri lanka
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/09 |
Establishment and strengthening of farmer organizations, resource survey of selected homesteads, set up rainwater harvesting methods, introduction of pitcher irrigation systems, composting, training in organic farming, bee keeping and strengthening ( ... )
tage industries.
The climatic conditions of the area are such that the villages are subject to protracted dry period extending for about 8 months. Farmers depend more on up-land farming due to village tanks running dry immediately after cessation of rainy period. This has brought about threatening levels of exploitation of these areas.
Scientific management of natural resources,
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/03/30 |
Rural Energy and Environment Conservation of Attar in Lira district of Uganda is an Integrated community based re-newable energy and environmental conservation project funded by SGP Uganda.
The project is promoting an integrative community ( ... )
nservation process for sustainable development, poverty eradication and environmental conservation. Yale Ikom Can Atur Farmers Association (YICAFA), a local CBO implements the project. ?YICAFA is a local dialect word (in Langi) for struggle against "poverty?.
The project area has a rich biodiversity e.g.forests, wetland ecosystems, savanna woodlands and water bodies (e.g. Lake Kyoga. However
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/03/25 |
The project goal is to enhance conservation of Rwoho forest reserve (91km2) in highly densely populated area (240 per square km and as well as contribute towards livelihood improvement of buffer zone communities. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/24 |
Dramatic condition of hospital of mentally handicaped people in general, heating system in particular, based on coke. The lack of sufficient funds for hospital operations (food,medicaments),generally - a very poor condition of hospital.
The main ( ... )
the project is to stop crisis and to start up 1st stage of improvement with innovative financial mechanism.Installation of the 2 small biomass boilers(2x20KW) for hot water will replace very expensive in exploatation immersion heaters inr Social Support Center (hospital) in Lyszkowice.Installation on time, before heating season (mid-September) will allow to generate savings every month
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/04/04 |
This project is intended to protect the forest resources of Mt. Kenya by changing the lifestyle of women groups and their families and to provide them with an alternative source of income and protein. For that purpose the Sagana Fish and Bee Keeping ( ... )
elf Help Group will:
- Construct eight fish ponds, each of them holding an average of 3,000 fingerlings
- Expand the existing tree nurseries and encourage members to raise indigenous tree seedlings in their own nurseries
- Construct a five strand solar powered electric fence to boost protection from intruders and wild animals
- Construct a 170 meter long stone wall tunnel for water
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/14 |
Le projet va initier les éleves des écoles fondamentales de Sido et Solo aux vertus curatives des essences identifiées et leurs donner des capacité pour mieux protéger été régénérer le couvert végétal. Il s?agit de préserver dix sept ( ... )
ssences menacées de disparition ayant des vertus thérapeutiques confirmées pour la santé des populations. Le projet envisage de créer une dynamique partenariale autour de la protection de l?environnement en général et des especes médicinales en particulier.
Objectifs spécifiques - Créer une dynamique partenariale autour de la protection de l?environnement en général et des especes
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/MN03 |
Rationale for the project:
The main reason for undertaking this project was to stop soil degradation and erosion, thereby protecting the soil fertility by encouraging the farmers to give up shifting cultivation and adopt SALT (Sloping Agriculture ( ... )
echnology) on a wider scale, by rehabilitation of degrading sloping farmlands.
The main goal of the project was to stop shifting cultivation, charcoal production and lumbering which was extensively practiced by the people of the Chandel district, Manipur. The main thrust of the project was environment and soil protection by introducing SALT technology and Community Plantation Programme. Focus
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/03 |
This minigrant aims to improve the surroundings of the middle school of Fushe-Kruje through guided work of the school students.
This project will include training of the students, and the newly created group ?Young ecologist"
In general, this ( ... )
t aims to practically implement the knowledge gained by students at
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002-PG005(IRA98G52) |
The project is concerned with the seasonal rehabilitation of Dorge Sangi Wetland which is a designated Ramsar Site. A planning grant has been awarded to conduct the baseline studies to formulate a project for maintaining the seasonal wetland and ( ... )
ping a local management plan for the habitat of the migratory
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/43 |
Debido a que el huracán, el trabajo de las verduras, sufrió una pérdida del 90% en las hortalizas y semillas por lo que es de vital importancia para la recuperación del mismo, para el cumplimiento de los objetivos propuestos, el suministro de la ( ... )
ón y la familia y mejorar aún más la capacidad de conservar el medio ambiente y ser capaz de generar ingresos. A través del aumento de la superficie de labranza de conservación, motivar a la gente a cultivar las semillas y por lo tanto reducir el número de migrantes, campesinos capacitados en la redacción de la labranza mínima y la conservación en la producción de sus milpas. Conseguir
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/01 |
Mongolia is a dry country. This natural dryness has been affected by strong climate change effects over the last 10-15 years in Mongolia and as a result land, specially pastureland is rapidly being degraded or deteriorated. Grassland becomes ( ... )
/poor year by year. There is an urgent need to improve grass conditions. One solution to this could be cultivation of drought resistant grass. The project attempts to produce seeds of a drought resistant grass which can be used as fodder for domestic animals as well as to combat desertification and overgrazing of pastureland. The project provides fencing materials for 3 ha area and some seeds to