There are 27,190 projects available.
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Phase 2
Project Number: HON/98/G52/018 |
Este proyecto se ejecutará en el municipio de Brus Laguna, departamento de Gacias a Dios, uno de los municipios con una importante biodiversidad, conformada en un complejo sitema de humedales, que contiene una serie de ecosistemas vegetales, y esta ( ... )
dad de ecosistemas, contiene una importante diversidad animal, donde la población de aves tiene un particular atractivo.
Con este proyecto se propone, reducir la pesca en la Laguna de Brus, para lo cual se equipará a los pescadores artesanales, con las condiciones para la pesca en la mar, garantizar el cumplimiento de las vedas y lograra un mecanismo de proteger también las tres millas
Land Degradation Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/44 |
The basic idea of the project is reduction of manmade pressure on natural ecosystems in the buffer zone of the Sary-Chelek Reserve. Natural ecosystems are under very strong anthropogenous pressure, in particular, the pastures are located in ( ... )
cinities of the Chaldybar village (Kara-Suu gorge). The manmade pressure is connected with goat overgrazing. The goats were before in this place, but not in such quantity. Local NGO tries to reduce loading by introduction of pasture rotation, rehabilitations of the local springs serving as waterings for cattle. Basic elements of the project are:
1. Monitoring of pastures located in the village
Phase 2
Project Number: NAM-03-01 |
The project seeks to assist the Community-based conservancy in the semi-desert northwestern Namibia in the Kunune Region to address the longstanding conflcit between desert-dwelling elephants and the livestock farmers. The conflict revolves around ( ... )
Elepant populations have grown as result of conservnation efforts by government, NGOs and local communties. This leads to competetion for scarce water resources between livestock and domestic use on one side, and elephants on the other. In this process, elephants damage water instalations, kill livestock and occassionally take human lives leading to a lot of inconvenience to livestock
El salvador
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ELS/98/G52/006 |
El objetivo general del proyecto es incrementar las áreas de bosque salado, dulce y reducir el consumo de energéticos en la comunidad Isla de Méndez.
Para la ejecución del proyecto se coordinaran las acciones con la Junta Directiva de la ( ... )
y dos estructuras de apoyo conformadas por miembros de la comunidad: El comité de Mangle conformado por 3 mujers y 2 hombres y el Comité de Cocinas conformado por 5 mujeres.
Se reforestaran 45 manzanas de bosque salado, con una densidad de 14,000 propágulos por manzana, así mismo se dara mantenimiento que consistira en la limpieza de algas y caracol, se desarrollaran capacitaciones sobre
El salvador
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ELS/98/G52/007 |
El proyecto consiste en actividades de reforestación, desde la etapa de vivero, plantación y mantenimiento; construcción de estufas mejoradas y en la preparación de personal para desarrollar actividades de ecoturismo. Estará enfocado a la ( ... )
ipación de toda la familia e incluirá a hombres, mujeres, ninos, ninas, jóvenes y adultos mayores. Así mismo propone actividades de mitigación en el bosque Normandía mediante el establecimiento de especies forestales de rápido crcimiento, altamente generadoreas de biomasa en la zona de amortiguamiento, así como atenuar las enfermedades respiratorias que a cuasa del humo afectan a la
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/10 |
This project consist in reforestation of 6.875 hectares whith native species of trees, for renewable energy purposes. The project will diminish the practice of using agrochemicals for agriculture, through the implementation of organic managed ( ... )
lture and training, contribuiting to the conservation of local varieties of creolle beans and potatoes. (phaseolus vulagari, L., solanum tuberrosum, abias guatemalensis and pinus tecunumais.
With this project their have incoming, seeds and vegetalbles for
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/03 |
Due to destructuve nature of some human activities or man made natural disasters like steppe fires or land degradation and desertification, tens of hundreds of bird nests are being destroyed every year and accordingly steppe birds loose their ( ... )
ts. As birds are disturbed and loose their habitats, Brandt Vole's, so called steppe mice are naturally in rapid increase and destroy grasslands, leaving without anything to eat for livestock. The project has made 500 artificial nests for birds by using used tires first to support buzzards, falcons and other pray birds and placing them at Electrecity Transmission lines and, second to control
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/01 |
El huracán Isidoro afectó en gran medida el sur de Yucatán. Las lluvias que siguen inundando las poblaciones y las montañas circundantes. El 88% de las milpas se vieron afectadas, y el mismo 60% de los sitios. Este proyecto abarcará otros 4 ( ... )
de mujeres que trabajan la tierra, los cónyuges entran en la milpa con una programa ecológico, evitando la eliminación de los incendios en sus parcelas. Rehabilitación de la infraestructura y los terrenos, la plantación de árboles frutales, cedros y palmeras, la adquisición de equipos y herramientas, técnicas y de gestión de
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/04 |
Target population earn their living through farming , especially rice , and for many, off-season migratory labour in cities. Within the last five years and under the promotion of sugar industries in the locality, many marginal areas of paddy field ( ... )
een turned into sugar cane fields. Sugarcane fields are expanding and encroaching paddy fields as well as community forest. In order to secure the yield of sugar cane, pre-selected chemical fertilizer and fungicide/pesticide have been used at a progressive
rate. Apart from these , wildfire is common in dry season. Consequently, the areas of two community forests in the community continuously
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/18 |
Covering the area of about 326 sq. km., intact and rich in natural resources, Tambol Thai Samakhi is the watershed for both Moon River, a major tributary of the Mekhong River and Bang Pakong River of the Gulf Of Thailand / South China Sea. In 1967, ( ... )
ai government built a highway cutting across the area linking the Northeastern Plateau to the South Eastern Coastal area , prompting flow of people migration in to the area , widespread cash crop plantation and imprudent modern agricultural practice. Machinery and chemical substance have been applied at a progressive rate.
Ten years later, forest concession was granted leading to heavy
Land Degradation Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/36 |
Conservation and rehabilitation of Semenov`s fir (Abies Semenovii B.Fedtch) ? endemic species of Kyrgyzstan flora are the main tasks of the project. Unfortunately, but Semenov`s fir is gradually disappearing because of absence the natural ( ... )
l, susceptibility to diseases, and poaching.
The basic components of the project are:
- Creation of Semenov`s fir nursery (1hectare), with the subsequent planting seedlings in the plantation (17,8 hectares).
- Creation of transitive branch of the plantation (1,2 hectares)
- Training local residents of Kara-Koyun settlement to look after saplings of Semenov`s firs and fruit trees and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/02/11 |
Loboudou Thiock est une sorte de presqu'île située sur le fleuve Sénégal à 40 km à l'Ouest de la ville de Boghé et entre les deux villages de Ando et Ngourdiane. Du fait de sa position géographique, Loboudou Thiock constitue un véritable ( ... )
voir en espèces végétales. Il constitue également un point de passage et de refuge de beaucoup d'oiseaux qui de jour en jour voient leur nombre baisser à cause de la pression que subit cet endroit. Cette pression est principalement anthropique. Afin de préserver le peu qui reste de cet endroit et redonner à Loboudou Thiock l'image qui est la sienne, l'ONG ARDE va, sur appui du SGP, mettre
Biodiversity Biodiversity
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/UNF-GEF/03/09 |
Mt. Kilimanjaro has been a great attraction to tourist from all over the world. Communities living adjacent to mountain climbing routes increases their income through tourists' activities. The rehabilitation of the Machame climbing route will ( ... )
t the communities nearby through engagement in tourist related activities such as selling of souvenirs, cultural tourism and also work as potter or guides to the tourists using this route. This will enlarge chances to the communities to improve their income with less investment, as cultural tourism activities are the community daily activities.
The project aims at rehabilitating Mweka climbing
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/12 |
Residing ,for generations, in and around the Namnao National Conservation Forest, target population has earn their living through natural provision and agricultural practice thus been a part of the ecosystems. However, the consumption of natural ( ... )
ion has increased nearly at a irreversible rate while agricultural practices has totally shifted from traditional way to modernized mono-crops. At an estimate, 95 % of the population practice cultivating short-lived ,mono-crops such as wild paddy, corn, ginger, bean requiring a lot of tilling. Moreover, further encroaching into the forest area has worsened land erosion resulting in
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/21 |
With the aim of improving and rehabilitating forest and mountain ecosystems and increasing carbon sequestration, this project will increase the forest area through forestation of 12 hectares of land in the mountainous area of Shishtavec commune. The ( ... )
community participation is one of the main assets of the project, in partnership with CARE International Albania and the local NGO.
The project builds on the model of ?community forest? that has proven to be successful in the Albanian reality. The increase of forested area will contribute to the mitigation of negative impacts on the environment as well as contribute towards poverty reduction
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/06 |
The project aims to restore the forest habitats in the Butrinti National Park recently listed in the list of wetlands of international importance under Ramsar Convention. The restoration efforts will cover the Ksamili Penninsula, Pavllo river ( ... )
ent and Bufi Lake surroundings. The newly created forest habitat is expected to provide in the near future critical nesting habitat for significant numbers of water birds that use nearby wetlands.
Seeds, saplings and other reproductive material will be collected from the remaining patches of native forest and used for establishing a tree nursery in nearby village of Shendelli. The project also
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-CWI-03-03 |
The area around the Lusi Community suffers very severe droughts in the months of September, October and November. Due to limited capacity, the traditional ponds dry up in this period and people get water from Lake Victoria about 5 km away. When it ( ... )
lly rains the people draw stagnating pool water that is contaminated. As a result of contaminated water people suffer from numerous intestinal diseases, people?s individual livelihoods decline because their cows produce less milk, their livestock are exposed to infectious diseases as they travel through other villages in search of water and they are not able to maintain home gardens for their
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/03/06 |
The project aims at reviving the natural rangeland in Al Mujib reserve, in the Hammamt Quseib area, improving at the same time the livelihood of the local community. Hammamat Quseib area is located in Wadi Al Heedan which stretches west to meet the ( ... )
ea after meeting Wadi Al Mujib; the flowing waters gather to form a creek within Wadi Al Heedan passing through Al Mujib, before finally settling in the Dead Sea. The main water spring is fed by a group of springs close to Hammamat Quseib which includes a mountain cut forming a natural ?seek?, resembling the one in Petra. This one, however, is characterized by water springing out of its sides,
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/10 |
Once rich in natural resources,watershed area of the Nan River at Ban (village) Kiu Muang has been,for generations, playing life-supporting role ,especially in term of self-sufficient agriculture. After five decades of modernization, the area has ( ... )
egraded through unavoidable deforestation chemical substance application and introduction of machinery. There seems to be no regulations to decelerate these land-degrading activities.
Together with community members, the Hug Muang Nan Foundation had developed a project to rehabilitate the degraded land by promoting sustainable land use reducing imminent threats upon the watershed and its
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/34 |
The aim of the project is rehabilitation of the fragments of natural and man-made walnut forest belt in the vicinity of Kerben village
About 70 % of population in Kerben lives below the breadline. People have to exploit natural resources ( ... )
t rehabilitation and reproduction. As a result, former wood and bush landscapes were completely destroyed and have been disappeared. There is no enough irrigation land for increasing population. Rehabilitation of walnut forest belt will be realized through making productive ravines, stony slopes and other non-used lands. It is expected to plant saplings of walnut (4000 pieces), plums (8000