There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-02-72 |
Project's activities are : 1. To reduce the emissions of methane and carbon dioxide gases which produced from human and animal wastes. 2. To modify the pens which exist inside rural houses. 3. To produce clean energy (methane gas) and use it instead ( ... )
il fuel. 4. To improve the environment inside rural houses that positively affects the health of women and children. 5. To provide good organic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/MET./02/09 |
The project will function in an area of heavy environmental pollution as it hosts an industrial compound of more that 360 factories in addition to 100 factories outside the compound. The area also witness heavy traffic that adds considerably to the ( ... )
mental pollution in the area. The project will achieve its objective of raising awareness and building capacities through awareness and training programs as well as income-generating demonstration projects that promote environmental protection including reuse and recycling of materials. The target groups include the Center?s children, youth and women committees, student councils, scouts and
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/UNF/02/03 |
This Project aim at facilitating formation and registration of Mt. Kilimanjaro Tour Guides Association and develop a guiding code of conduct for the tour guides.
The project will also provide training to improve Guides interpretation knowledge ( ... )
ills on a landscape based tourism. The project will assist the guides to develop a forum for Tour Guides Association which will be discussing and negotiate with tour operators matters of employment and improvement of tourism industry with regards to biodiversity conservation.
This project is intended to improve visitor?s satisfaction through guiding and interpretation. The qualified guides
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/25/01 |
Los procesos de beneficio (prebeneficiado) del café resultan ser los mayores contaminantes de los cuerpos de agua en la zona cafetera, la demanda química de oxígeno (la posibilidad deDQO) de un quintal de café pergamino seco es equivalente a la ( ... )
a que tiene la excreta de 1000 personas en un día. De esta manera, las enfermedades, la disminución de la fauna ictiológica, el deterioro en la calidad del café que se lava aguas abajo y el impacto en todo el ecosistema, nos llevan a plantear la posibilidad de establecer una serie de mecanismos piloto de eficiencia energética en el manejo del beneficiado del café, particularmente en las
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/03 |
Project extension for the whole country. |
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/DEL03 |
The project proposed to mobilise the farmers to include cultivation and sale of selected species of medicinal plants and herbs to reduce their risk associated with crop failure and open avenues for non-agricultural income generation through ( ... )
sing activities. Created a detailed watershed plans for each micro-watershed falling in the relocation area and the prior emphasis is given to improve the conservation potential of Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary through the eco-development activities in the villages that has been relocated from the sanctuary
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/02/03 |
Integrated Human Ecology Project implanted in Durlum and Khurkot VDC of Parbat district is first of its kind in Nepal. The main goal of the project is to establish certification system of forest produce in the area. About 40 percent of the total ( ... )
of these VDCs are covered by the forest which comprises mainly coniferous and other broad leave species. The community forestry programme has been a successful endeavour in these VDCs and a total of 13 Community Forests (CFs) have been handed over to the users. The climate ranges from sub tropical to warm temperate.
A number of other organisation works in these VDCs. Livelihood and Forestry
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/30 |
Project Development Goal :
Developing Integrated Farming System for community empowerment in Jangkaran Village
Project Objectives :
1. To develop integrated farming system by using local natural resources potency based on basic concept of ( ... )
orestry in the critical sandy land in coastal area.
2. To develop windmill for water pumping to support integrated farming system and to utilize husbandry waste to produce biogas energy for cooking.
3. To Disseminate information about important values of complex ecosystem.
Expected Output :
1. A model of integrated farming system.
2. Rehabilitated beach forest as a windbreak along Congot
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002-013(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Garmsar, Semnan (Lat/Long:35.1893730-52.3498540)
Project Brief and Context The Garmsar Plain is like a large oasis in the middle of the desert, and it acts as a shield, stopping the desert at the footsteps of ( ... )
. At the southern margins of the plain there is the Central Desert, which acts as the natural drainage of the Hableh Rood River and its modern irrigation system. Degradation of the fragile ecosystem in this plain, therefore, may have also consequences of national significance.
The Garmsar Plain produces a diversity of crops, ranging from wheat, barley, forage crops, garlic, and cotton to
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/02 |
Main idea of the project is to give to local people in village Saruu and Djuuku alternative energy source instead of wood and preservation flood-plain forest by installation of 3 autonomous, small hydroelectric power stations on Djuuku River, and ( ... )
lanting 15000 willows and poplars. This woodlots will produce sustainable harvest biomass for fuel in agricultural areas instead of cutting trees in riverplain area. The houses will be heat- insulated in order to raise energy efficiency and reduce wood
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/26 |
The basic idea of the project is the propagation and introduction of effective energy saving Dungans heating system (5 installations) , among the inhabitants Kyrgyz high-mountainous village, where the population spend a lot of funds, labour and ( ... )
or heating because of severe climatic conditions.The introduction of heating system will be accompanied by planting fast growing trees near to houses, which will be used after as fuel and building
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/02 |
The project aims at documenting the state of underwater beds of P. oceanica along the Albanian seacoast and raising awareness of coastal villagers, environmental institutions and local and central authorities on the importance of this species to the ( ... )
Product of this project will be a disseminative documentary film emphasizing on the importance of P. oceanica habitats. Several public awareness activities will take place, such as discussions with local communities and fishermen in different areas, production and distribution of leaflets, posters and a seminar in the capital city of
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/KAR03 |
The project laid emphasis on the in-situ conservation of rare and indigenous plant species (NTFPs); identify and employ simple processing techniques to add values to NTFPs by involvement of local communities; in-situ conservation activities and ( ... )
ishing a marketing network for NTFPs to improve the socio-economic conditions of the local communities; prioritize the most common and abundant NTFPs in the selected project area and the capacity building of the communities including women through training and action programmes to conserve and enable sustainable harvesting of selected forest produce.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/20/01 |
Desde hace varios anos atrás, los cambios climáticos son percibidos por los agricultores en el área de intervención del proyecto, a través de sequías marcadas y severos procesos de erosión en los suelos, específicamente se nota que las ( ... )
s son de mayor intensidad y corta duración, lo que ocasiona menor tasa de infiltración en el subsuelo y mayor arrastre de suelos; para combatir esos períodos de sequía, algunos comunarios pensaron en la implementación de bombas de diessel que impulsaran el agua hasta los terrenos de cultivo; sin embargo, estas opciones fueron desechadas por su alto costo y por el efecto contaminante y nocivo
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/27/01 |
El proyecto esta constituido por tres componentes organizados de forma secuencial, de manera que los productos y resultados alcanzados en el primer componente sirvan de insumos para el segundo y estos se presenten sistematizados en el tercero. Los ( ... )
imeros componentes tienen elementos comunes como la temática, los actores, los productos y las acciones de difusión.
El objetivo general de las jornadas es el de generar espacios de dialogo e intercambio de criterios en torno al ecoturismo entre los actores vinculados a la gestión y desarrollo del ecoturismo de las diferentes regiones del
Trinidad and tobago
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/02/06 |
A feasibility study will be conducted to determine the linkages between environmental conservation and sustainable livelihoods in communities. The results will assist in identifying opportunities for sustainable livelihoods for youth participating ( ... )
Junior Environmental and Sustainable Development Initiative
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/02/27 |
The project will build a partnership among NGOs, local government, local communities and the private sector in the Kelana Jaya area of Petaling Jaya in Selangor to rehabilitate several polluted lakes and improve their biodiversity. The main ( ... )
ives of the project are to: promote the rehabilitation of the Kelana Jaya lakes ecosystem and its associated biodiversity; enhance the involvement of local communities in environmental monitoring activities and rehabilitation of the Kelana Jaya lakes ecosystem; and build up the capacity of government agencies, NGOs and local communities to work together in smart partnership for the protection
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/01/16 |
Development of a full project proposal through: (i) workshops and dialogues with the residents of the Kelana Jaya community, members of the Global Environment Centre and the Malaysian Anglers Association, and all stakeholders in the Kelana Jaya ( ... )
atchment; and (ii) rapid assessment of the lake biodiversity and current levels of water pollution. The proposed project aims to improve the water quality of the Kelana Jaya lake, which is based in an urban area, and restore the wildlife around the threatened
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/21 |
This project aims at educating school children on the significant ecological values of the Dajti National Park, the categories of IUCN for protected areas, the threats to these values and ways of protecting them. The students will be engaged in ( ... )
ary activities such as preparation and distribution of leaflets and posters, cleaning up of the highly frequented areas, setting up of awareness tables, etc. The assistance of the Forestry Department, Educational Directorate, teachers will contribute to a successful implementation of the project.
Ecological Day of the Dajti National Park will be included in the school
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/02/17 |
The project is managed by the National Strategy for the advancement of rural women, a local CBO in Kotido district.It aims at improving the livelihood of the local communities in karamoja through beekeeping to generate income while ensuring ( ... )
nable conservation of natural resources thereby conserving the forest ecosystem. Beekeeping an enterprise is also seen as a viable conservation practice that helps integrate peace and conflict issues in the area synonimous with cattle raiding by establishing links with other partners and conserve indigenious trees species threatened with destruction. The project promotes alternative income