Project Title |
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Area Of Work
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Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/02/13 |
The project aims at establishing a model for natural resource management in Na?ur area, including the conservation of local herbal plants, through traditional environmental friendly practices at the community level, linked to a serious social and ( ... )
tarian undertaking. Planting herbal plants, establishing poultry barns, establishing a nursery to grow traditional and garden plants, establishing a shop to sell project products and ensure sustainability of the project are some of the activities that will be undertaken by the Society. Outreach activities that promote project ideas and practices will also be implemented so that other
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/35/02 GEF-RNE |
The project involves a community-based conservation, protection and utilization of the coastal and marine resources in and around Honda Bay and Snake Island. Project components include research and resource management planning, community ( ... )
zing, education and public information, and public and policy advocacy and community law enforcement/community direct action.
This project shall also include formation of a Honda Bay Management Council together with the Maliliit na Mangingisda Multi-Purpose Cooperative and HARIBON-Palawan.
Objectives of the project are:
1. Strengthen the community organization (SAMAHOBA);
2. Conduct
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/98/G52/009 |
El propósito general de este proyecto es mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y la protección y conservación de los recursos naturales mediante el establecimiento de huertos familiares integrados y especies menores, trabajando unidos en familia o en ( ... )
con la visión de que en un corto y mediano plazo todas las familias de la comunidad imiten el ejemplo nuestro para lo cual les apoyaremos en todo lo que sea posible haciendo énfasis en la ninez y juventud para lograr la sostenibilidad de nuestro trabajo con relación al buen uso y manejo de los recursos naturales que todavía nos quedan; fomentando también la producción con excedentes para
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/02/15 |
Promover la participación ciudadana y el trabajo asociado en cuatro comunidades costeras a través de la realización de un diagnóstico participativo y el diseno de planes de manejo integrado tendientes a mejorar la calidad de vida de sus ( ... )
ntes y contribuir a la conservación sustentable de los humedales de la VI
Papua new guinea
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/02/32 |
This proposal is for a feasibility study for Boko Kawa Hydro Electricity Project requested by the Dept of Simbu Province. |
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/14/01 |
Este proyecto es parte de un programa de conservación de la fauna silvestre que ya se viene implementando en el área protegida Chuchini y surge a raíz de un convenio interinstitucional entre la Fundación Chuchini, la Universidad Técnica del ( ... )
la Honorable Alcaldía Municipal de Trinidad. La fuerte agresión sufrida por el departamento del Beni sobre sus recursos naturales, especialmente expresada en términos de disminución de la fauna silvestre, situación que ha puesto en vías de extinción a especies endémicas insertas en el apéndice II del CITES.
En este sentido, el proyecto pretende fortalecer un centro de rehabilitación
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/AP04 |
Project's aim was to conserve bio-diversity in the protected areas(PAs) through active local participation through provision of selected NTFP right in PAs as incentives for participation thereby improving the poor surrounding PAs as well as ( ... )
ting a case study to improve participatory management in PAs and appropriate policy changes in PA management.
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-02 |
In ornithology, bird ringing is one of the most important and widespread techniques for studying migration (migration routes, migration strategies, phenology, breeding, wintering and stop-over sites) and population dynamics (survival rate, breeding ( ... )
s, age of first breeding, life span, dispersal rate) of birds. With standardized ringing, it is possible to monitor bird populations and take effective conservation measures accordingly.
Although Turkey is located on very important bird migration routes and has a rich avifauna; there have been no systematic ringing studies in Turkey until 2002. Finally, Turkish Bird Research Society (KAD)
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/02/37 |
To document, diversify, test and promote indigenous agricultural systems for promotion of sustainable agriculture to improve the livelihoods of small farmers.
New technologies introduced by the green revolution have enhanced land and water ( ... )
tation, while the quality control and recycling process of natural resources is intervened and deteriorated. The natural biological link between man, soil, climate, crops and livestock is disturbed leading to non-regenerative components of resource utilization. The nutrient rich organic matter and animal manure, which are critical in maintaining soil chemistry and fertility, are replaced by the
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/02/12 |
Promoción del desarrollo integral en tres comunidades de la parte alta de la sierra de Neyba, mediante el uso de fuentes de energía renovables y la recuperación de áreas degradadas, a través del aprovechamiento de la energía solar para la ( ... )
ación doméstica, el fomento de prácticas agrícolas sostenibles en zonas montanosas y la diversificación productiva como estrategias para mejorar la calidad de vida de la población, unidas al fortalecimiento de las organizaciones comunitarias de base
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/02/03 |
The Antillean or West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) is native to the western tropical atlantic, but primarily found along the southern coast of Florida and along the eastern coast of Central America. Belizean waters are believed to ( ... )
e habitat for 300 - 700 Manatees, the largest population in Central America and the Caribbean. Manatees are endangered throughout its range and are protected internationally under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
Green Reef Environmental Institute is seeking to execute a national Manatee awareness campaign following the award-winning Promoting Protection
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/02/23 |
This project aims to conserve and sustainably use the rich biodiversity of the Malaysian rainforest in Kampung Bertang, Lipis, Pahang and to prevent further depletion of various endangered species of fauna and flora (eg. agarwood) by encouraging, ( ... )
lly, the indigenous Orang Asli Temuan communities to reclaim their rights as keepers of the rainforest and to be self-aware of the implication of future developments in order for them to adapt accordingly. This is further reinforced by enhancing the capabilities and capacities of the Orang Asli local communities with the self-empowerment of their indigenous knowledge and the sustainable usage of
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/26/02 GEF-RNE |
The project will intends to address security and development of the ancestral domain of the indigenous Talaandig community by strengthening and promoting their participation in watershed and forest conservation and management.
The project shall ( ... )
the integrated area development approach, reinforcing the role of tribal communities as resource
Pilot Phase
Project Number: HON/98/G52/002 |
Los habitantes de estas comunidades han prstado servicios de turismo desde hace muchos anos, pero sus escasos recursos económicos no les han permitido establecer instalaciones adecuadas para ofrecer servicios de buena calidad y atender la alta ( ... )
cia de los visitantes, que son atrídos por las extensas playas de arena blanca de la bahía de tela y por las oprtunidades de recreación que ofrecen los parejes de los parques Nacionales Jeannette Kawas y Punta Isopo, pero con la ejecución de este protecto se prestende mejorar la infraestructura y la gestión eco turistica
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/OR08 |
Project intends for preservation of thretened crops and indigenous seeds, adopt alternative systems of cultivation for sustainable agriculture, selection of seeds varities which are short, medium and long duration with water, pest and drought ( ... )
nt,use of green mannuring, vermiculture bio-fertilizer plant micro organics and sustainable land use to increse soil fertility, dissemination of knowledge through practical training, demonstration sharing and exposure visit
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/01/12 |
This project will use a combination of ?ex situ? and ?in situ? techniques for multiplication and reintroduction of three endangered endemic plants in Albania. In order to compensate for the limited propagation power of these plants in vitro tissue ( ... )
e techniques will be used for their multiplication. After preparation and acclimatization plants will be reintroduced in their original habitats. Awareness raising activities, publications, posters and leaflets, T-shirts carrying pictures of the endemic plants will be produced in an effort to protect the original
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/02/19 |
Electrificación con energía solar a hogares rurales de la Sierra de Neyba, como contribución a mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población y reducción de la contaminación causada por el uso de combustibles fósiles que contribuyen al ( ... )
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/02/18 |
Aprovechamiento de la energía solar para el establecimiento de una microempresa comunitaria sobre producción y disecado de frutas, hierbas y nueces y comercialización de productos deshidratados, como mecanismo para usar estos recursos de modo ( ... )
ible y aumentar los ingresos de las
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/02/06 |
Ce projet, par les résultants qu?il se propose d?atteindre, répond aux préoccupations des populations rurales et du FEM, a savoir :
Lutter contre les changements climatiques, la préservations de la biodiversité, lutter contre la ( ... )
tification, contribuer a la réduction de la pauvreté par l?augmentation des revenus des populations, l?amélioration du cadre de vie des populations rurales, par la mise a disposition de l?eau potable et contribuer a la diminution de l?exode rural. Ce projet vise entre autre les objectifs ci-apres :
- Expérimenter le systeme hybride éolien/solaire de pompage de l?eau en vue de son
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/02/03 |
Iluhya Secondary School is located about 30km away from the national electricity grid thus the school has no power. The use of kerosene for lighting is expensive and also results into little light at the classrooms thus disrupting smooth study for ( ... )
ts. The project aim at demonstrating how schools and other institutions in off-grid areas can enjoy electric power through solar energy technology. It will also improve learning conditions at the school by providing reliable solar electricity