There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/05-PG-NO |
The project seeks the invigoration of eco-turism activities in the biological corridor located beetween the "Polochic River Delta
Wildl,ife Refuge" and the "Sierra de las Minas Biosphere Reserve", like a strategy to achieve the conservation of the ( ... )
resources through giving to know its scenic, biological and ecological values generating economic revenues for the population, propitiating a change of attitude regarding the conservation.
Among the specific objectives of the Project they are: to strengthen the community organization, to strengthen the capacities of leadership to the women, to provide generating activities of revenues
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/06/-PG-NOR |
The project seeks the invigoration of eco-turism activities in the biological corridor located beetween the "Polochic River Delta Wildlife Refuge" and the "Sierra de Las Minas Biosphere Reserve", like a strategy to achieve the conservation of the ( ... )
l resources through giving the opportunity to know its scenic, biological and ecological values generating economic revenues for the population.
Among the specific objectives of the Project they are: to strengthen the community organization, to strengthen the capacities of leadership into the women group, to provide generating activities of revenues for the beneficiaries using local
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/08-PG-NOR |
During the Project will be constructed a Visitor Center to Ecotourism purposes; and Includes the establishmentof the transport, feeding, terrestrial and aquatic walks, sale and rent of crafts without motor services. Amount the observation of the ( ... )
e and local productive activities as the charcoal elaboration by the native people; with the protect, conserve and sustainable manage
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/01/01 |
The need for industrial development can not be overemphasised for Zimbabwe as a developing country ,and with this in mind the HERITAGE and Environment organisation saw it necessary to implement energy efficiency measures in 12 selected Small and ( ... )
enterprises and Informal sector enterprises in Harare ranging from Bakeries ,Metal fabrication , Pottery to Soap making so as to increase production or service provision using minimal energy and generation of emissions, effluents and wastes in contrast to traditional industrial practises.Energy efficiency will reduce greenhouse gas emissions which cause global warming and increase production
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/01/05 |
The main objective of this project is to contribute to a better environment at the hilly areas close to a major health complex, which is suffering from extensive erosion and depletion of soil on the riverbank. Main activities include reforestation ( ... )
hilly slopes, improvement with infrastructure of riversides (surrounding fences), raising public awareness of local people, and producing some materials for dissemination of lessons learned, such as leaflets, TV documentary, etc.
The activities foreseen in the project, which fall under several categories, will facilitate the soil protection, climate and landscape improvement and will stimulate
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/01/04 |
The main objective of this project is the regeneration of ecosystem and reforestation of the area with some 10000 birch trees (Betula alba), as a species listed as nationally endangered. This project will occur in Shishtavec village in Kukesi ( ... )
The activities under this project will serve to improve local livelihood through generating income and creating new employment opportunities in the area. The leaves of this tree have a considerable economic and medicinal value.
Project activities include reforestation and planing 10000 trees, capacity building exercises with a seminar with the local community and stakeholders, and
Land Degradation
Phase 1
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/UNF/01/02 |
The Project aims at rehabilitating community based irrigation system at Faru, Kilema Kusini ward so as to increase income and improving household food security among small holder farmers at Kilema Kusini Ward. The rehabilitation of this canal will ( ... )
water loss from the furrow through seepage thus increase amount of water for irrigation purpose. The initiative will double crop production at Kilema Kusini and also improve food security at household level and increase family incomes for poverty reduction. It will also reduce encroachment to the protected areas surrounding
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/05 |
Preservation of old native fruit tree varieties - apples and plums (thread of total extintion) in their original occurence in the Lower Vistula River Valley and creation of gene bank with nursery and system of information exchange.
The didactic ( ... )
in Museum in Chrystkowo became a living gene bank (nursery with varieties collected in old orchads) of old native varieties of plums , apples, pears and cherries; renewal of over 400 old
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/01/02 |
Project development Goal :
To provide environmentally friendly energy for local community
Project Objectives :
1. To reduce the uses of conventional energy so that emission could be reduced
2. To empower the community in order to be able to ( ... )
microhydro facility in sustainable way
3. To train local community to be a reliable microhydro operator
4. To make use the natural resources available by building a microhydro facility
5. To reduce local community dependency on conventional energy
6. To increase community welfare through economic activity which supported by microhydro facility
7. To disseminate project information to
Phase 2
Project Number: SIA/UNF/01/06 |
El proyecto es la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas para la pesca de la langosta en la Reserva de la Biosfera de Sian Ka'an a través de la construcción de sombras artificiales, un mapa de los campos de pesca y una base de datos como herramientas ( ... )
na pesca sostenible en la Bahía de la Ascensión.
Un fondo rotatorio para construir las sombras.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/01/28 |
Incremental Housing Development Scheme, KKB-3 for low-income people on 60 acres of land is a part of a Taiser Town housing scheme (No 45) of Malir Development Authority (MDA) which consist of 21,000 acres.
The scheme KKB-3 is entirely self- ( ... )
ing as there is no subsidy in the cost of plot. Provision of service is linked with cost recovery in the shape of installments. A plot of 80 sq. yd. is offered to a family against Rs. 37,000/- of which Rs. 8000/- is to be paid as a down-payment and remaining Rs. 29,000/- in easy installments of Rs. 300/- to 600/- per month over a period of 8 years.
Out of 1776 plot, 1200 plots have
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/08 |
Project consists on the development and construction of tourist facilities, training of local participants as ecotouristic guides, provision of basic services to tourists such as traditional foods and steam baths (temascales) facilities and nature ( ... )
. Additionally, local, regional and international marketing activities will be implemented. All activities will be done at the Pachipac farm that is owned by the Association as is located on the high watershed section of the Lake Atitlán Protected
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/023 |
Integrated Eco-cultural Resource Management in Pidurangala & Talkote Villages of the Sigiriya World Heritage Cultural site. Habitat restoration and enrichment, development of nature based enterprises, village forestry, mised home garden ( ... )
pment, biodiversity monitoring and development of watershed in one village for irrigation purposes.
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/13 |
Project consists on the protection and technically oriented sustainable management of the communal forest of San Vicente Buenabaj, owned by them officially since 1717 and that contain the sources of three national and international rivers (Samalá, ( ... )
and Chixoy) and one of the last important natural habitat for the endemic, endangered, Guatemalan fir (Abies guatemalensis). Project has three well diferentiated phases: First updated forest inventory, both quantitative and qualitative. Second implementation of forest cover recovery activities, tree seedling production mainly oriented towards Abies trees and conservation oriented forest
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/27 |
Development of native bumblee-bee through extention of native bumblee-bee keeping and creation of organisational ground for restitution and reintroduction work ( most of bumblee bee families of green houses are imported from the Netherlands and ( ... )
Network of 15 farms keeping bumbblee bee were supported with modern equipment and tools to improve and extend production of native bumblee bee families.
Training materials were prepared and added to training programes of all 16 voivodship center of agricultural training (ODR).
Trainings and qualification courses were organised for members of the network and other willing to do
Sri lanka
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/98/G52/017 |
Introduction of solar as a means of electrification and promotion of solar dryers in a rural community to implement :
awareness raising in remote villages and schools on solar electrification, select and install solar panels in 25 households, ( ... )
ng village youth on maintenance, install 4 solar dryers in selected locations and promote income generating activities for
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/01/02 |
The Kenya Wildlife Service is in the process of developing a Management Plan for the Mt. Kenya National Reserve, because one does not exist for the entire ecosystem. The National Reserve is currently managed district by district. The Kenya Forests ( ... )
g Group (KFWG), a national NGO, will be given a grant to mobilize the communities around Mt. Kenya and hold workshops. At these workshops,which will be held in the 5 districts around the mountain, particpants will discuss the threats and challenges contributing to resource degradation, and provide recommendations on how to improve Management of the Park, including forging partnerships with the
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/01/01 |
The project encompassed two wetlands in protected areas of two neighboring regional parks. The aims of the project were: 1) to involve communities of both regional parks into conservation of marshy ecosystems through work and cognitive activities, ( ... )
provide stability of biodiversity in Debesnos and Ilga wetlands, 3) to educate community on endangered species in the protected areas and biodiversity preservation. Various activities were executed by NGO to achieve these goals. Investigations of Debesnos and Ilga wetlands ecosystems were carried out in partnership with University of Siauliai, and programs and wetland area management plans are
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/01/02 |
Jakhera wetland lies in the foothills of Chure hill at Sonpur VDC in Dang district. It is just 5 min. drive from the East-West highway. This wetland covers an area of about 7 ha. and is significant as it is the resting place for many migratory birds ( ... )
the winter. But the rapid siltation from the fragile landscape of the Chure has squeezed the lake half to its original size. District Development Committee has already selected this wetland as potential picnic spot and tourism area. Likewise, District Soil and Watershed Office has been involved in protecting this vanishing wetland. With SGPs initiation, a district level Jakhera Wetland and Chure
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/01/08 |
The project will consist of a series of demonstrative activities that will take place at the Dajti National Park, with the purpose of celebrating the World Environment Day (June 5th). Based on the motive "Respect the nature - respect the man', this ( ... )
t is expected to raise the awareness of the general public, the governmental bodies, local authorities etc. to take action for the protection of the environment. The project will also consist of a minishow about the environment, a drawing contest and T-shirts labeled ' Environment - together we