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Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   PAL/00/08
Conducting a detailed survey on Salfiet village to determine several certain areas are needed to develop Al Najah National University project/ studies and projects unit project these are as follows: What are the expected detailed results on ( ... )
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   PAL/99/07
The project is a pilot testing for the larger GEF/UNDP energy efficiency project through focusing on the CFL leasing programme (replacing around 2200 commonly used bulbs with more energy efficient "compact florescent" lamps for 384 houses in Salfiet ( ... )
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   PAL/00/10
The project demonstrates the utilization of solar energy for pumping ground water as an alternative to traditional diesel energy source. The solar unit pumps 15m3 per day from the ground water (15m below the sea surface) in Al Mawassi which is one ( ... )
Project Number:   BHU/00/03
The project aimed to promote sustainable livelihood of Bongo Communities in Gedu, through plantation and scientific harvesting of native Edgeworthia and Mulberry and Daphne. The bark of these species are used for the production of Bhutanese handmade ( ... )
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   GHA/00/043
Jatropha curcas is a drought resistant plant that grows everywhere in Ghana. The nut has a high content of oil which is being piloted as a bio-fuel for rural industries. The project cultivated the jatropha plant and has designed and constructed ( ... )
Project Number:   BOT/98/G52/00/01
In rural areas of Botswana there are two needs facing the people living there. Firstly there is the need to generate food ana household security, and secondly the need to combat the increasing environmental degradation around villages and ( ... )
Palestine, State of
Project Number:   PAl/00/13
The project will develop the capacity of the farmers in three villages in the northern area of the West Bank by demonstrating the feasibility of subsituting the use of chemical pesticides and promoting the use of biological and natural pest ( ... )
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   MLI/00/07
Diffusion élargie des combustibles de substitution a partir des résidus de charbon et des déchets agricoles en s'appuyant sur des actions d'Informations d'Education et de Communication (IEC) en direction des femmes pour une prise de consience ( ... )
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   THA/00/G11
With around 1,280 ha of cultivated area and 343 families, the project location is one resembling a northeastern village in the country of which over 90 % of the population are farmers and of which environmental problems stem from non-meticulous ( ... )
International Waters
Project Number:   THA/00/G14
Since 1992, the Phong River, a tributary of the Mekhong River has been under continuous threats which include toxic chemicals, from both industries and agriculture. While the industries upstream are dumping untreated waste into the river, the ( ... )
International Waters
Project Number:   THA/00/G23
The project location is situated in the west coast basin, an ecological part of the Indian Ocean. The adoption of modern agriculture about 50 years ago has degraded the ecology of the project location. Chemical substance required for mono-crop ( ... )
International Waters
Project Number:   THA/00/G43
The project location is a watershed area under the eco-system of the greater Mekhong River. In the location ,there are 8 communities comprising the Thai natives and 2 other minority groups, i.e. the Lahu and the Karen.The mid 70?s had witnessed a ( ... )
Project Number:   UGA/98/G52/012
The project is managed by an indigenous CBO to address the environmental concerns in the northern district of Apac. Indigenous woodlands have been depleted as a source of livelihood for the local populations especially for firing bricks and fish ( ... )
Sri lanka
Project Number:   SRL/98/G52/013
Rationale The rush and reed based industries which were economically and culturally important have been in existence among the villagers of this area for a long period. The invasion of polythene as an alternative has discouraged this ( ... )
Dominican republic
Project Number:   DOM/00/20
Buscar recuperar y proteger las zonas cabeceras de las fuentes acuíferas en estas comunidades (provincia Independencia), a través del cercado y reforestación con especies nativas. Además promoverá el establecimiento de árboles frutales y ( ... )
Project Number:   MX/98/017
Conservar especies de fauna silvestre, amenazada de extinción. Establecer un campamento para la protección de la tortuga Carey [Eretmochelys imbricata) y el ecosistema de la Laguna de Chacahito, APFF Laguna de Términos.
Project Number:   ZIM/98/G52/037
kabila Saba-Lubanda Project is located in Binga district.The community of Saba village thought of embarking on this project after realising how the conditions of the springs and Illala were detoriorating yet at the same time the two resources are of ( ... )
Project Number:   EGY-00-05
The project's objectives are: 1. To protect sea turtles from extinction in Alexandria Governorate and stoppe the destruction of their habitat 2. To Issue a law from the Minister of State for Environmental Affairs against fishing sea turtles 3. To ( ... )
International Waters
Project Number:   THA/00/G46
Nong Pla Lai is a catchment of watershed area of Rayong River, It is situated in the eastern-coast basin-an ecological part of the Gulf of Thailand.The most important reservoir in the eastern region , with total area of 3,038 ha, the ( ... )
Project Number:   ALB/00/08
This project aims at: -rising of public awareness of local community and school pupils, aiming the acknowledgement of economic and eco-tourism values of the area 'Bredhi i Hotoves'; -Preservation and protection of this area, aiming a better ( ... )
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