There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/00/21 |
Contribution a la conservation de la diversité biologique par la restauration et la sauvegarde de l'accacia kirkii dans la foret de N'Gana
Objectifs spécifiques - Conscientiser les populations sur la nécessité d?une gestion durable des ( ... )
rces naturelles et la conservation de la diversité biologique ;
- Renforcer les capacités techniques et organisationnelle de la population sur la sauvegarde de l?acacia kirkii eet l?environnement ;
- Conserver la biodiversité a travers la reconstitution et la régénération des peuplements d?acacia kirkii dans le site de N?gana.
Activités - Information, sensibilisation des communautés
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/006 |
Este proyecto aportará beneficios concretos al problema de la pérdida de biomasa y biodiversidad, dirigiéndose especialmente a evitar el calentamiento atmosférico. Esto se logrará substituyendo la práctica de la quema en un total de 55 ( ... )
reas y aumentando el número de campesinos que trabajan en una forma "globalmente responsable" de 7 a 49 en dos
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/00/06 |
Projet d'initiation des élus communaux aux themes du FEM a savoir la Diversité Biologique, le Changement climatique, les Eaux Internationales et la lutte contre la désertification.
Objectifs spécifiques:
- Approfondir les connaissance des ( ... )
communaux sur les themes du FEM retenus ;
- Faire connaître aux élus les Conventions et Protocoles relatifs aux 4 themes retenus et leurs états de mise en oeuvre au Mali ;
- Renforcer les capacités de formulation de projets conformément aux directives et criteres du FEM ;
- Dégager le rôle des élus communaux et les stratégies adéquats dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre des principes
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/00/08 |
Aims to promote the use of renewable energies to the large public, NGOs, environmental clubs and municipalities
Le projet vise à :
1) impulser la sensibilisation à l?utilisation des énergies renouvelables et toucher le maximum du grand ( ... )
( grand public, ONGs, clubs de l?environnement et collectivités publiques)
2 : Identifier les besoins en formation en matière d?utilisation des énergies renouvelables
Activités du projet :
Les activités du projet sont les suivantes :
Organiser une journée d?information et de sensibilisation à l?utilisation des énergies renouvelables.
Préparer un document d?information
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/98/G52/1 |
This project aims to improve and protect the health of corals at these sites by supporting the installation of permanent mooring buoys by the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure. The extent of coral degradation by boat anchors at popular snorkelling and ( ... )
sites around Mauritius has increased rapidly in the last ten years. Successful permanent moorings will ensure that valuable lagoons and coral reef habitats are protected. The grant allocated by GEF/SGPhas mainly been used to monitor four mooring buoys that were installed at Aquarium Grand Baie and Aquarium Péreybere in the first phase of the project. It was also used to conduct sensitisation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/03/00 |
Este proyecto se lo realiza en el Departamento de Chuquisaca, Provincia Oropeza del Municipio de Sucre, abarca las comunidades de Aritimayo, Punilla, Cajamarca, Silvico y Quitay Tambo.
La Población de las cinco comunidades de la cuenca alta del ( ... )
avelo, en la microcuenca de Cajamarca has sostenido un conflicto de intereses entre sus necesidades de desarrollo agropecuario, ligado a la utilización de sus laderas y el aprovechamiento de sus aguas para riego y, por otro lado, la necesidad de mantener intactas las condiciones hidrológicas de la cuenca para satisfacer las necesidades de agua de la región.
Con la ejecución del proyecto
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/013 |
Producción acuícola sustentable de cuatro especies, para generar empleo alternativo a la pesca. |
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-32.00-L |
The project intends to do improvement of the quality of life in Agutaya Island, Palawan while conserving natural integrity through effective local governance, resource management, economic enhancement, and basic social services. A cooperation ( ... )
n a NGO Foundation and a small island local community towards improving the quality of life in Agutaya Island, Palawan while conserving natural integrity through: effective local governance; project resource management; enocomic enhancement; and basic social services. SGP provided funding for the biodiversity conservation while ASF supported the other components (i.e. capability-building,
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/06 |
Extending legal protection to endangered kinds of snakes in Ziemia Lubuska region.Inventory of sites (habitats) worth of legal protection and submission to local authorities relevant documents. Establishment of refuges protected by local community ( ... )
ed in the project preparation and
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/00/04 |
This project has been an awareness project implemented by students from Sogeri National Highschool through the Sogeri Environment Club that made up of students and teachers. The activities involve the promotion of sustainable forest management and ( ... )
tion of deforestation. The project addresses an area of semi arid vegetation of mostly savannah grassland and shrubs. The project area is located in the Central Province Dry
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G16 |
Situated in the northeast of Thailand, the project location is a typical area of northeast Thailand where water shortage has been a chronic problem, especially in the location where off-season agriculture is being practiced for additional income ( ... )
d security. In order to guarantee the expected yield , community members have to resort to diesel engine to pump underground water and store in the ponds for subsequent uses.
Water pumping by diesel engine has been practiced in a very large scale. With the price of the fuel apt to increase and the requirement to contribute to the stabilization of the emission of the Green House Gas which
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-29.00-V |
Installation of a solar-powered (photovoltaic) water pumping system for domestic use and conservation of the watershed in Barangay Buloc, Tubungan, Iloilo. OFFERS-Panay spearheaded overall project implementation and coordination of this project. ( ... )
provided technical assistance (designing, supervision during construction and training). A local community organization, Brgy. Buloc Farmers Association (BBFA) managed and sustained the operation of the project.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/022 |
Fomentar un espacio comunitario para revalorizar practicas productivas tradicionales, promover alternativas agroecológicas, intercambio intra e inter comunitario que favorezca el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las comunidades rurales y ( ... )
va la conservación de recursos
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G27 |
An NGO working with local communities to manage the use of natural resources of a water body-the Songkhla Lagoon and the Gulf of Thailand.
The major activities include capacity building of target population, providing artificial habitat for water ( ... )
s , demarcating conservation zones and formulaing plan for sustainable use of natural
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-JOR-98-G52-13 |
To promote eco-tourism in Dana and complement the efforts of the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature in the area, the sons of Dana and Qadisiyya Eco-Tourism Cooperative will implement a Nature-based tourism development program. The project ( ... )
hieve its objectives through training members of the cooperative and the local community on the management of eco-tourism projects and renovating a hotel owned by the cooperative. This project falls under the GEF Small Grants Programme efforts of promoting eco-tourism and providing alternative means of livelihood to local communities living around globally significant protected
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/00/15 |
Projet de restauration et de protection de la nature autour des bois sacrés et des cimetieres et promotion de tourisme dans la commune rurale de Sanzana
Objectifs spécifiques:
- Délimiter par une ceinture verte et avec des essences ( ... )
tales locale 20 bois sacrés ;
- Restaurer la végétation et les especes animales en voie de disparition ;
- Enrichir avec des essences locales, les espaces vides de 20 bois ;
- Créer et former une brigade de surveillance (5 personnes) dans chacun des 8 villages concernés ;
- Sensibiliser les populations de Sanzana et environnants a la préservation de la nature et a l?amélioration de
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP1/2000/UP03 |
Demonstration project for introduction of appropriate renewable biogas technology for conservation of fragile catchment area.
The project mainly focused & concerned for the conservation of fragile catchment areas adjoining villages and to swift ( ... )
of biogas units as an appropriate technology. The actions were taken to achieve the goal are formation and training of biodiversity conservation groups, nursery raising, interaction with the local user groups, and strengthening of ongoing renewable energy project on biogas technology transfer.
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/00/09 |
In order to increase the volume of project proposals, a series of stakeholders workshops aimed at fostering broader awareness and understanding on GEF/SGP operations need to be organized. Since the Small Grants Programme will be concentrating in ( ... )
and Shinyanga in order to promote linkages with ongoing UNDP supported projects in the Lake Zone, it is suggested that the first stakeholder workshops be organized in Mwanza and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-00-005 |
The GEF stakeholder workshop is held twice a year for participants drawn from the CBO and NGOs as part of capacity building in GEF/SGP thematic areas.The participants of the workshop were introduced by resource experts to the following thematic ( ... )
? Clarification of GEF/SGP focal areas (Biodiversity, Climate Change, International Waters and Land Degradation). An additional subject was Biodiversity related economic. ? Writing of proposals through practical exercise in working groups. ? Presenting the proposals to the plenary with following discussions.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-00-006 |
The GEF stakeholder workshop is held twice a year for participants drawn from the CBO and NGOs as part of capacity building in GEF/SGP thematic areas.The participants of the workshop were introduced by resource experts to the following thematic ( ... )
? Clarification of GEF/SGP focal areas (Biodiversity, Climate Change, International Waters and Land Degradation). An additional subject was Biodiversity related economic. ? Writing of proposals through practical exercise in working groups. ? Presenting the proposals to the plenary with following discussions.