There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/00/08 |
The National Volunteer Services (NVS) was given this grant for the research, development and maintenance of a comprehensive NGO database.The database is aimed at promoting network and collaborationof all Environmental and other NGO's in the country. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-31.00-V/M |
Workshop-consultation among NGOs and POs working in off-grid areas in the regions of Visayas and Mindanao on new and renewable energy systems. |
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G07 |
A wetland , Nongkhorn reservoir is situated within 2 km. of the Mekhong River.With the area of about 300 ha, the reservoir has been a sources for food and water for over 20 villages. For more than 40 years, the communities have been applying ( ... )
al fertilizer/pesticide in their fields at
so high a rate that its adverse effects are witnessed in the reservoir , in the cultivated land and subsequently in human bodies. The quantity of fishes are dwindling. To worsen the situation, when the population increases, so do the competition in fishing and destructive fishing.
Established in 1986 as a grass ? root organization, the
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/00/19 |
Conservación de la biodiversidad en áreas montanosas de la zona fronteriza (cerros de Chacuey y Periquete, Municipios de Loma de Cabrera y Restauración, prov. Dajabón). Se pretende reducir la práctica de la agricultura de tumba y quema, y ( ... )
buir con el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de los agricultores, a partir de capacitación, concientización, planeamiento de uso de la tierra y promoción de sistemas agroforestales con especies forestales
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/00/02 |
Ce projet vise a sécuriser le cours de la rivie de N'Tjicounani qui elle meme est un affluent du Fleuve Niger. Permet aussi de renforcer l'initiative des populations pour protéger leur écosysteme qui renferme des especes rares et intéressantes ( ... )
plan de la medecine traditionnelle.
Jusqu?aux années 1970 une galerie forestiere dense et riche en especes végétales (bambou, raphia, et "sama tlo," etc.) longeait la riviere de N?tjicounani, dans la région de Sikasso, et abritait une faune abondante (caimans, varans, poissons?). Mais les épisodes de sécheresse a partir années 1970, et les actions anthropiques (notamment les feux de
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/04/00 |
El proyecto se realiza en las comunidades de Leuquene, Chungara, Mamani Marka, Kallpa Kallpa, Fundición y Sacaca.
Con el propósito de proteger y recuperar las tierras y su agrobiodiversidad, se ha incorporado la participación efectiva de 120 ( ... )
s y mujeres de las comunidades beneficiarias, quienes han aportado sus conocimientos tradicionales y han participado en la identificación de tecnologías apropiadas para ser implementadas en sus parcelas.
El objetivo del proyecto es proteger nuestras tierras, a apartir de la recuperación de los recursos de agrobiodiversidad y cognitivo - culturales en seis comunidades del Municipio de Sacaba,
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/021 |
Alentar una mejoría a la calidad de vida de las familias de la comunidad mediante la recuperación y conservación del medio ambiente natural y por la generación de fuentes de trabajo. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/023 |
Mostrar en 11 comunidades rurales el incremento de la producción a través de parcelas demostrativas en las que se apliquen técnicas ecológicas de manejo y se elimine la quema agrícola. |
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/00/04 |
the forest areas surroundig El Faija Park are under pression and the population living in the zone are in continous conflict with the forst administration.
The project , based on participatory approach, will try to introduce some changes in the ( ... )
on between the forest and the population and to have more friendly relations.
The natural resources protection will be conducted with the population through the development of new economic activities and the improvment of infrastuctures.
The population will prepare a communautary management plan for the area and will execute it.
The NGO will assist the community to prepare this managment plan
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/007 |
Difundir y aplicar las estrategias del FMAM y del PPS entre las organizaciones no gubernamentales y de base presentes en la Región Noreste de la Península de Yucatán.
Trinidad and tobago
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/98/G52/2101/002 |
The project provided some support to a recently-formed rural CBO, the Pawi Sport, Culture and Eco Club, Matelot, to assist members to participate in a community-based ecotourism tour-guiding training programme coordinated by another local CBO, the ( ... )
oundation. This opportunity presented an entry point for the GEF/SGP in collaborating with the organisation in its project development activity which is expected to be submitted to the GEF/SGP for future
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-04 |
Project development goal:
To develop an integrated management strategy of Tiga Gili Islands favoring conservation and community empowerment concept, which supported by it?s stakeholders
Project objectives:
1. To share the information on ( ... )
oblem exist in Tiga Gili area in order to withdraw stakeholder awareness on the urgent need of finding a solution
2. To draw and map the potentials of every stakeholder and their contributions / roles in solving the existing problems
3. To encourage the emergence of a draft management concept, especially spatial planning, which regard to conservation and local community welfare
4. To
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G15 |
Phou Pha Khao ( or Pha Khao Mountain) is situated in the area of Phou Kradung and Pha Khao District. It is an origin of streams that form Lam Nam Phuay and Lam Nam Phong whcih drain into the Mekhong River. The total area is approximately 1,300 ha ( ... )
habited by 8 small villages. Because of the geographical limitation ,the majority of population are planting rice for daily subsistence only while the main agricultural products are other cash crops.However, this agricultural practice is not providing subsistence due to inadequate planting area. Some families do not have any farming land at all. The migration into big towns is very common.
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/00/06 |
Aims to involve the members of the community to valorize and conserve the local ressources and the traditional practice in Douiret area
The actions to be undertaken are as follows:
- Identification of the potential recipients to ( ... )
p collections in-situ on the basis of criterion considered it likely to guarantee the durability of the action such as:
- To be resident permanent in the area,
- To have agriculture like principal source of income,
- To be owner of the pieces (jessour) planted with a rather significant number of local varieties (fig tree, olive-tree, etc).
- physical Maintenance: This
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/98/039 |
Observations showed that certain school premises showed daily traffic congestion at the beginning and close of the school day with parents and guardians driving their wards.The NGO first obtained a Planning Grant ($1,000) to conduct studies on the ( ... )
gness of schools, parents and school children to participate in a school bus programme and the modalities for operating such a bus system.The programme successfully demonstrated the use of school buses for picking and dropping children at home. Children and parents who participated stated the service was useful and could reduce the number of vehicles coming to the school compound if more parents
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/P01 |
Contribuir a la solución de los conflictos agrarios y de organización forestal que traban el desarrollo forestal del Ejido Noh Bec, construyendo consensos que permitan a la asamblea desarrollar y adoptar nuevas reglas básicas agrarias y ( ... )
ales que permitan continuar con el sistema de autogobierno que ha permitido el desarrollo forestal del ejido. Mediante talleres de capacitación con el propósito de conservar las 18,000 hectáreas de área forestal con que cuenta el
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/P02 |
Diagnosticar en 6 comunidades la capacidad para la generación de una propuesta de proyecto apícola que sea productivo a corto plazo y que sirva para contrarrestar las actividades de desmonte por la siembra de chile jalapeño. |
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/99/07 |
Planificar participativamente las principales acciones para conservar la diversidad biológica de la Reserva Comunal Yanesha, aledana al Parque Nacional Yanachaga Chemillén y al Bosque de Protección San Matías San carlos. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/99/08 |
Elaborar un Proyecto que permita reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en las microempresas recicladoras de metal por fundicón, asentadas en la zona urbana de Huancayo, al mismo tiempo que mejoran los niveles de ingreso, ( ... )
itividad en el mercado, su aceptación de la comunidad y mejoran el medio
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-01-00-DP |
Apoyo para elaboración de propuestas formales al PPD a ONgs Guatemala. |