There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/12 |
Reconstruction of salmon (Salmon salar) population through stocking streams in West Pomerania rivers (Rega, Lubieszawa, Molstowa), legal forms of spawning site protection, monitoring with the local community and students participation (voluntary ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/06p |
Preparatory work for full project : meetings with local people in Kiszkowo, meetings witl local government, , information campaign in nearby schools, which should be in the future main partner in achevieng sustainable effects and be a voluntary ( ... )
to planned small investments;project will aim in creation of natural refuges former fish ponds and their surroundings , tree planting along the coast (stopping eutrophisation), protection of flora and fauna, education campaign for local
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/17 |
Construction of drainage canals Woznawiejski and Rudzki in XIX century changed the natural course of rivers Elk and Jegrznia;it caused in the long-run degradation of marsh ecosystem ;as a result secondary vegetation (bush) enters because of ( ... )
ing extensive agriculture in past 2-3 decades, drainage of marshes is accelerated, risk of fires grows. Project aims in preparation of possible hydrotechnical works reconstructing the former hydrological network in the middle part of Biebrza River basin to stop unfavourable trends; the concept of renaturalisation will be follow by attached programs addressed to the local community,
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/03p |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/03p |
Preparation of project aimed in slowing the stream by construction of wooden made barriers, dams;detailed survey of stream was done , including plant inventory;
Full project was finally rejected after receiving opinion from Warsaw Agricultural ( ... )
sity (professor Ciepielewski) and the Ecofund, potential co-founder of this activities (Dr. M.Grzyb) as too risky and not so propewrly prepared from technical point of view (risk of unwanted floods and a risk of payments of huge
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/16 |
,Renaturalization of streams in Narew river basin in order to increase water retention is the main aim of this project managed by PTOP. Construction of 3 water dammings on Lutowna river , preparation of 5 further dammings from other sources of ( ... )
ing, preparation of technical and natural aspects of renaturalization of Malynka River and asssociated geodetic mapping are the main activities and results.
GEF/SGP secured extra money in project POL/00/16 for evaluation done by members of the Agreement for Wetlands (Polish abbreviation: PROM), established in 2000 informal network of NGOs, governmental and scientific institutions, individuals
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G28 |
The process of traditional medicine production involves drying of raw materials which requires heat from various sources such as fire-wood, charcoal ,fossil fuel and electricity from grid. The burning of these fuels gives out the green house gas ( ... )
tends to cause climatic variance and successively adversely affects human livelihood. Moreover at present, the use of fossil fuels costs a lot since its price is comparatively high thus tending to make the process financially unviable.
In order to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas accumulation and ensure a low production cost ,one of the favourable option is to develop the use of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-00-03 |
The project objectives are:
To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote the sustainable use of wild medicinal plants through the adoption of renewable energy technology represented by the Solar Agricultural Dehydration Tunnel (SADT).
To Link ( ... )
village producers to the SCD through technical assistance and training.
Specific Objectives
Increases the income of local farmers by enabling them to improve the product quality and the productivity of the dehydration process.
Provides employment opportunities for women, through backward linkages with labor-intensive post-harvest activities.
Provides an economically sustainable local
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/99/02 |
Acelerado proceso de erosión genética en los Andes Peruanos debido a la sustitución de las variedades nativas por las mejoradas, influenciado por el mercado, el crecimiento demográfico, sobrepastoreo y políticas gubernamentales equivocadas. El ( ... )
to está orientado a conservar los recursos fitogenéticos como base para recuperar la diversidad biológica, logrando la seguridad alimentaria y el desarrollo
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-08-2000 |
OBJECTIVES: To rescue forest trees endangered species on three communities of the San Marcos This project will develop a series of training workshops and the establishment of tree nurseries on three communities of the San Marcos highlands. ( ... )
ee species that will be used are endemic and endangered due to local overexploitation of the resource. The training workshops will include public awareness about the conservation status of the tree species, appropriate techniques for their production and conservation measures in collaboration with the local
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/00/05 |
The Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus striatus) is a commercially important endemic species of the Caribbean & Western Atlantic, which has been declining throughout its range for at least the past decade (2). In fact in 1998, it was added to the IUCN ( ... )
f endangered species and is one of only 2 marine fish in Belize that are endangered.
In Belize, groupers made up more than 30 % (38,383 lbs) of the total finfish exported in 1994, of which, 64 % (24,764 Lbs) consisted of Nassau Grouper. During the 1950?s however, annual grouper catches in Belize were as high as 100,000 lbs (13). Nassau Groupers were at one time fished from the Caye Glory
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-PLN-00-018 |
Baseline Data for Solid Waste Management Project |
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/00/25 |
Promueve la toma de conciencia de la población dominicana y haitiana de la región fronteriza sobre la necesidad de fomentar y conservar los recursos naturales. A través de la radio como medio masivo de comunicación, posibilita la participación ( ... )
anizaciones dominicanas y haitianas, estimula el fortalecimiento de las estructuras organizativas en ambos países y contribuye a sensibilizar y formar a los oyentes sobre la problemática
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/00/007 |
Délimitation, restauration, mise en défens et valorisation de la forêt villageoise de Piengou par la pratique de l'apiculture moderne. renforcement des capacités et amélioration des conditions de vie des populations de Piengou. Ouverture de ( ... )
u au monde
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G05 |
The project location is situated in the Chee River basin which falls within the ecological reach of the Mekhong River. Long after the adoption of mono-crop system and its modern technology,
the natural resource in the area has become depleted ( ... )
cological system seriously altered.
Clearing the forest in order to obtain more land for cash crop was being practiced. In order to rush and ensure an expected yield, the application of chemical fertilizer/pesticide has always been exceeding the appropriate limit. The adverse consequences of the dual problem are witnessed both environmentally and in livelihood security.
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G17 |
The project area is situated in the ecological system of the Mekhong river. It is a part of the wetland area of Songkhram River, one of the main tributary of the Mekhong in northeast Thailand. The current agricultural practices focusing on mono-crop ( ... )
dered the once-intact forest a degraded one. Moreover, the practices has prompted vast-scale burning of rice-fields and unregulated application of chemical substance to maximize the yield thus making the land more degraded
A grass-rooted , farmer organization, Ban Kham Bok Farmers? Group has discussed amongst its 86 members to reverse the unfavourable agricultural practices and adopt new
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G04 |
Situated in the ecological system of the Chee River, a tributary of the greater Mekhong River, the project location and target population have long benefited by its provision in terms of water and food. However some 40 years ago , the ( ... )
ment policy and approach on agriculture sector emphasizing the mono-culture to boost the export figure have rendered the imbalance of the ecosystem. The approach has prompted deforestation for cultivated land and large-scale application of chemical fertilizer and pesticide adding upon the expense of farmers. Moreover, there has been an unfavourable practice in preparing the
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/00/13 |
As a result of overcontrol of the Big (Bolshoi) and Small (Maly) Uzen Rivers transboundary with Russia and the West Kazakhstan region, non-rational use of water and land resources, the Karasu River ecosystem which feeds itself from the Small Uzen ( ... )
has greatly deteriorated bringing along the River shallowing and oozing, biodiversity reduction, soil salinization, pasture and hay-making area capacity decline. Waste and discharges from Kaztalovka village located on the River Karasu banks pollute the water, while local authorities and nature protection agencies fail to pay adequate attention to activities for the River ecosystem restoration and
Sri lanka
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/98/G52/004 |
The lack of respect to ?Road craft? by the licensed but unskilled drivers which result in waste of fuel, emission of green house gases, causing traffic jams and congestion.
Objectives & benefits:
Address the issue of waste of fuel ( ... )
ing in atmospheric pollution due to semi-skilled driving.
Minimize atmospheric pollution caused by waste of fuel and emission of green house gases.Road craft- answer to the problem of environmental pollution, provide training to driving license applicants with a mini exhibition for school children, conduct seminars for professional drivers, managers and police officers and pratical training
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/00/04 |
The project will contribute to the safeguard of the M?Hamid palm grove ecosystem by: planting an important number of acclimated palm race (in order to fight against the destructions caused by the Bayoud disease), settling a rational management ( ... )
for the oasis ecosystem, improving the conditions of irrigation in the palm grove, and introducing 150 improved ovens (to protect the Tamaris Forest). The project will also reinforce the capacity of the population in terms of communication skills and participatory approach, as well as in sustainable management of the