There are 27,190 projects available.
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International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/98/G52/009 |
Réaliser une étude diagnostique de l'état de pollution du systeme fluvio-lagunaire Bia-Aby-Tanoë en vue d'élaborer une cartographie saisonniere comportant des données hydrobiologique et hydrochimique. |
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/16/00 |
El proyecto se lleva a cabo en la población de Tumupasa. Este proyecto se desarrolla en el departamento de La Paz, tiene una duración aproximada de 12 meses.Entidad Ejecutora - CIPTA.
El objetivo del mismo es rescatar y revalorizar conocimientos ( ... )
ionales Tacana, incentivando y capacitando a mujeres y hombres indígenas en el aprovechamiento y comercialización de productos no maderables en la TCO Tacana.
La problemática que se pretende solucionar es la extrema pobreza en la que viven los habitantes del área rural y más aún los pueblos indígenas como también la inseguridad de tenencia de la
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/14 |
increasing biodiversity through planting trees and coppices; erosion, water eutrofication and pollution prevention with active participation of local community and schools .
7 hectares in total was afforested in small plots and belts by local ( ... )
s together with youth from local schools along slopes of Hancza lake especially where erosion arrived , caused by intensive activities and illegal construction of summer houses and surface
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-JOR-98-G52-17 |
Replicating a successful experience implemented by the Productive Women Cooperative in Marka where they rehabilitated the oldest solid waste disposal site in Amman into a park, the Jordanian National Forum for Women will implement the "Um Zaitouneh ( ... )
Rehabilitation of the Old Solid Disposal Site in Salt" project. In an area that evidently used to be a natural forest, the site is located south west of Salt overlooking the Jordan Valley and mountains of Palestine. The Forum, with the full support of the Municipality of Salt, will rehabilitate the site giving the chance to the natural plant cover to be revived. It will establish a
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-30.00-Nc |
Writeshop for UNDP GEF SGP grantees and potential NGO/PO partners to provide a shared foundation of understanding about the GEF/SGP purpose, structures and operations. Activities included the exchange of information on the status of UNDP GEF ( ... )
nded projects, discussions on the environment scenario, sharing of procedures/guidelines on the GEF medium-sized programme and other funding facilities, and initial critiquing of project proposals preapred by potential grantees. Writeshops were conducted in the three (3) major island groups in the Philippines - Luzon, Visayas, and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-30.00-Na |
Writeshop for UNDP GEF SGP grantees and potential NGO/PO partners to provide a shared foundation of understanding about the GEF/SGP purpose, structures and operations. Activities included the exchange of information on the status of UNDP GEF ( ... )
nded proejcts, discussions on the environment scenario, sharing of procedures/guidelines on the GEF medium-sized programme and other funding facilities, and initial critiquing of project proposals prepared by potential grantees. Writeshops were conducted in the three (3) major island groups in the Philippines - Luzon, Visayas, and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-30.00-Nb |
Writeshop for UNDP GEF SGP grantees and potential NGO/PO partners to provide a shared foundation of understanding about the GEF/SGP purpose, structures and operations. ACtivities included the exchange of information on the status of UNDP GEF ( ... )
nded projects, discussions on the environment scenario, sharing of procedures/guidelines on the GEF medium-sized programme and othe funding facilities, and initial critiquing of project proposals preapred by potential grantees. Writeshops were conducted in the three (3) major island groups in the Philippines - Luzon, Visayas, and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-30.00-Nd |
Writeshop for UNDP GEF SGP grantees and potential NGO/PO partners to provide a shared foundation of understanding about the GEF/SGP purpose, structures and operations. Activities included the exchange of information on the status of UNDP GEF ( ... )
nded projects, discussions on the environment scenario, sharing of procedures/guidelines on the GEF medium-sized programme and other funding facilities, and critiquing of project proposals preapred by potential grantees. Writeshops were conducted in the three (3) major island groups in the Philippines- Luzon, Visayas, and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-00-06 |
The project will manufacture a unit that converts agricultural wastes into briquettes to be used to replace fossil fuel. The units will be used in Kalubia Governorate.
The project's objectives are:
1. To convert biomass into a solid fuel ( ... )
ettes) to be used as an energy source that is equivalent to millions of Ton Oil Equivalent/ year.
2. To convert the agriculture waste into uniform shaped briquettes that is easy to transport and store. The briquettes have better physical and combustion characteristics than the initial waste.
3. To kill insects & diseases as well as to reduce the destructive fires risk in countryside.
4. To
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-011 |
Project development Goal :
To increase community welfare and reducing the uses of conventional energy
Project Objectives :
1. To provide environmentally friendly energy alternative
2. To provide education media and raising awareness on ( ... )
3. To build the knowledge on sound utilization of the nature resources
4. To increase community?s standard of living through developing economic activities using the
electricity produced
5. To increase community?s awareness and community involvement in conserving the water
catchment area in Seloliman?s protected forest
6. To establish a strong cooperative, which will manage
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-00-07 |
The project will upgrade one charcoal kiln in Sahil Sleem Village in Assuit Governorate.
The objectives are:
1. To improve the efficiency of converting agricultural residues into charcoal
2. To demonstrate the effectiveness of an improved dual ( ... )
charcoal kiln
3. To produce new, renewable and clean energy
4. To reduce the effect of emissions on climate change
5. To solve one of the major problems facing people working in the charcoal
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G33 |
The target community is the population residing along and depending upon the Ing River which is an ecological part of the greater Mekhong River. With its length of 240 km., there is the popular reservoir ?Kwan Phayao?. When the population and ( ... )
for food is increasing,many native fishes species has faced extinction. In 1998, an official survey has revealed that 28 species out of original of 52 had disappeared from the project location. Added to the ever-increasing demand for water species is human activities which prompt the disposal of community waste into the river and its tributaries.
Instilling conservation awareness of young
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/23 |
Thousands of hectars of cultivated before land is not cultivated and left as a fallow because of very high production cost (eg. cost of fuel ) and also because on not competitive prices;One of solution is to use this fallow land for energy ( ... )
tion (rape-seed oil, or fast growing plants).
Project's target is to train farmers, select those who are willing to organize themselves and participate in 50% cost of installation o f agro-refinery based on rape-seed oil.then organize association l
Project was continued see
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/05p |
preparation of feasibility study, site-visits to potential grantee; project preparation for a pilot installation for rape seed oil utilization and production bio-fuel to be used in tractors with local community participation and co-financing |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G06 |
The project location is a village with 312 families of which 253 earn their living as farmers. Before 1982 , there were approximately 1,000 water buffaloes in used for agricultural land of about 300 ha.
After 1982 there emerged the too ( ... )
commercial scale plantation of a non-indigenous species cassava prompting almost all farmers to sell their buffaloes for small tractors. The patterns of buffaloes use were obsolete. The use of diesel oil for tractors replace and the application of chemical substance in agriculture prevails. Evidently, these initiatives were caused by the belief that modern technology in terms of machine and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G12 |
In the past much of the rural area in northeast Thailand was of agriculture where population earned their livings through rice and other vegetable planting as well as livestock for food and
farming labour. As a result of government policy on ( ... )
op about half a century ago couple with population growth / globalization and the recent financial crisis ( mid-1997), the rural environment has been drastically changed. Farming by livestock (Water buffaloes) has almost totally been replaced by machinery (small tractors). Environment in farmlands and water resources has been affected by chemicals. Vast-scale field burning to facilitate farming
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/00/09 |
The river Syr-Darya is one of the major water arteries not only for Kazakhstan, but also for the contiguous states. Now the reservoir, as well as other water pools, is exposed to strong anthropogenous influence through pollution by household and ( ... )
rial wastes, degradation of the coast due to felling of trees, etc. One of the reasons of such attitude is ignorance of consequences of such actions by local communities.
The project is directed on attraction of attention of a wide audience to the problem of the river pollution and realization of measures to improve the situation. During the project a wide information campaign will be
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/00/23 |
Aral sea naked of more than 33 thousand square kilometers of its bottom, covered by salt hashed with the rests of chemical substances, before applied with the purposes of increase of productivity of agricultural cultures and then washed off by the ( ... )
Amu Darya and Sur-Darya in Aral sea. The thermal contrast, arising everyone day, between steppe, deserted district and water surface of the sea derivates local winds. They mix up with high-altitude winds of planetary character, gear up and rise in air thousand tons of rests from the sea and carry them out on thousand kilometers, which then drop out on ground, cover it and make unsuitable for
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-34.00-M |
The project is about climate change mitigation through the development of a community-managed micro hydropower system and biodiversity protection in Tubajon, Dinagat Island. It will develop a community-managed micro-hydro power system and ( ... )
ersity protection. The project will demonstrate local actions in addressing global environmental problems (i.e. climate change). The Alagad Kalambuan Ug Kinaiyahan (AKKI) handled the coordination and management of the project. Partner community had undertaken construction, operation and maintenance of the micro-hydropower system as well as watershed conservation and protection. Women leaders
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G21 |
The project location is situated in the east coast basin , a portion of the bigger ecosystem of the Gulf of Thailand. while a great portion of the area are agricultural land, there still are dense forests which are watersheds and so called ? the ( ... )
a hundred rivers ?.
In 1989, the project area had been devastated by the Typhoon ?Gay? which rendered the area under degrading condition. Even though up to now, the area has been slowly reclaimed, the rate of encroachment and deforestation have exceeded the rate of reclamation. Consequently, the area has become drier during the summer months and under swift and devastating deluge during