There are 27,190 projects available.
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Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/99/021/P |
The primamry aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communties, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
activities of the project include conducting surveys on socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site, identifying proposed project objectives and activities and assessing their feasibility, and providing needed technical assistance in project design and writing project proposal which will be submitted to GEF/SGP for review and appraisal; and identifying possibilities for project
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/99/008 |
The project meets the goal of the GEF/SGP by contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of the biological resources of Chu Yang Sin Nature Reserve in Daklak Province. Chu Yang Sin Nature Reserve is one of the biggest national nature ( ... )
es in Vietnam. It contains highly valuable biological resources of a rainforest ecosystem. Poverty and population growth (due to high birth rate and illegal immigration), isolation and a strong lack of human and financial resources for the Reserve management and protection are the main causes of biodiversity loss and deforestation, which are considered two major environmental problems in the
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/99/010 |
The project meets the goal of the GEF/SGP by contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources and the riverine wetland ecosystem of Van Long, a local nature reserve in Gia Vien District, Ninh Binh Province. Due to the ( ... )
ity low environmental awareness and low standard of living, the local community has overexploited the Reserve resources for their daily livelihoods, resulting in the biodiversity loss and deforestation. In addition, illegal hunting from local residents and outsiders is also a big problem in the area and a major threat to biodiversity conservation. Although the Province has designated the area as
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/99/005 |
The project meets the goal of the GEF/SGP by contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources of the Xuan Thuy Ramsar Nature Reserve, located in Giao Thuy District, Nam Dinh Province. It is the only Ramsar site in ( ... )
m, which contains highly valuable biological resources of an estuarine and coastal wetland ecosystem and is the home of migratory bird species. However, the ecosystem and its biological diversity is seriously degraded due to the unsustainable and uncontrolled of aquaculture development in the area. Population growth and poverty put considerable pressures on the Reserve resources and results in
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/99/06 |
The main aim of the project is the study, estimation and preservation of the today's biodiversity and habitats, flora, fauna in the area between Vjosa Delta Zone and Narta Lagoon. The long term aim is the renewal of biodiversity of this area and ( ... )
urroundings area. The project would draft an inventory with identification of globally threatened species (animals or plants) by extinction as well as defining some measurements for their preservation and renewal. A preliminary documentation will be compiled in order to preserve the natural values and to ensure the rational use of natural resources.
A short and long term strategy will be defined
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/99/02 |
The project sought to address some of the environmental and health related problems faced by the rural communities of Tsirang Dzongkhag such as: unsustainable extraction of fuelwood leading to destruction of natural forests and smoke related ( ... )
es particularly on women and children. This project is categorized as one of the best GEF/SGP projects in Bhutan. The project demonstrated tangible community development and conservation benefits, strong community committment, very good potential for sustainability (as the stoves are cleaned and repaired at regular intervals), high level of cost efficiency and solid link to improvement of the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/98/06 |
extension of the project financed in 1997/1998-introduction a prototype design of a fluidized bed biomass fired furnance |
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/98/01 |
The main aim of the project is conservation of the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus), which is a globally threatened species. The project would occur at the Lagoon of Karavasta, which is a Ramsar site, and home to many rare and endangered ( ... )
s. The local community will be thoroughly involved in every step of the project. Strong awareness campaigns will be developed will particular attention on the education of school children.
Bird communities will be monitored throughout the year in order to evaluate their situation. Nesting sites of the Dalmatian Pelican would be guarded in order to protect the species and to improve their
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/99/04 |
The main aim of the project is to clean-up from parasite of infected pine trees. Strong campaigns will be developed for rising of public awareness with particular attention environmental education of school's pupils, local communities and ( ... )
ery's monks. The project will occur in the area Rrapez and Kolonja. Very good and closed links will be established with school's teams in the area, i order to monitor and help in cleaning-up of pine trees branches and developing the public awareness campaigns. 300 pine trees will be cleaned-up by school's pupils and by monks who wish to have a very cleaned environment. They will also clean-up the
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-05-99 |
OBJECTIVES To reduce pollution on water bodies that receive the wastes of coffee processing. This project will allow the organization to reduce the use of water in the processing of coffee, adapting their actual system and recycling the ( ... )
ater. Additionally, they will give a physic treatment to waste waters and will use the resulting coffee pulp to feed a biodigestor to produce gas for their coffee dryers and use the resulting compost from the biodigestor as organic fertilizer for their
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-99-005 |
Commercial Production of two Medicinal Plants, Asparagus africanus and Acanthus eminesis in Kajiado, prunus africanus and Aloe spp. The project will make a demonstration garden of 12 acres, an dthen involve the community to grow the plants in their ( ... )
all farms. The community will learn how to grow, extract, and package the medicines from the project. there will be a common marketing of the ensuing
Phase 1
Project Number: KEN-GEF-98-006 |
The initial project was reinvented into a beekeeping project. The commuity around Kapsabet will udnertake tree planting in their shambas, udnertake bee keeping and attend workshops on the values of conserving the Nandi forest. A private enterprise, ( ... )
are Africa will work with the community to market all the honey produced from the
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-99-002 |
The community around Kakamega forest, western Kenya will grow several plants and extract essential oils for manufacture of healing balms and other products. A steam distillation equipment will be placed at the community demonstration plot. Income ( ... )
his project will compliment revenue from agriculture practised by this community. The community will further learn to appreciate their local biodiversity in alternative
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-18-99 |
To provide a mean of conserving forest germoplasm with emphasis on endangered tree species at a community level. This project consists on a series of training workshops on tree seed collection and preservation, management and appropriate ( ... )
e methods of forestal seeds, consolidation of 10 forestal community committees at Comitancillo, San Marcos. Additionally the NGO will facilitate the commercialization of the produced and certified seeds to local reforestation programs implemented by other organizations and institutions to promote sustainability of the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: S/OP-024.99-M |
Development and installation of a community-based biodiversity and renewable energy program for the sustainable development of the indigenous group Mandaya. By contributing towards the improvement and sustained preservation of forest ecosystem and ( ... )
ersity conservation through community-managed micro-hydro
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-14-99 |
OBJECTIVES: To give a productive use to organic matter that actually is throw to the Samalá river at the Zunil community. This project consists on the promotion and training on the use of organic matter as compost for vegetable crops ( ... )
tion, reducing pollution on an important region river and fertilization costs for productive crops. An additional result is the improvement of income at the participant families level through the sale of organic
Phase 1
Project Number: PER/98/04 |
La comercialización de plantas medicinales es una actividad de las mujeres de la Comunidad de San Pedro de Casta, cabe mencionar que desconocen las propiedades curativas de dichas especies. El proyecto está oriantado a recuperar los conocimientos ( ... )
rales sobre plantas medicinales, identificar las especies más comercializadas y determinar aquellas que se encuentran en situación vulnerable para sembrarlas y
Phase 1
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP1/99/KER01 |
The purpose of the project was to collect, conserve, preserve and propagate medicinal plants available in the proposed area of Wayanad district. It was also intended to form a gene park for demonstration cum conservation, preparation of herbarium of ( ... )
species of medicinal plants, setting up of a herbal plants mother nursery and supply of medicinal plants to the village women groups and training and awareness of the village groups in preparation of herbal medicines.
Phase 1
Project Number: TAN/98/06 |
-To restore vegetation cover in environmentally degraded Uluguru mountains
-To enhance the process of carbon sequestration through increased vegetation cover
- To sensitize villagers in 24 villages living on the slopes of Uluguru mountains to ( ... )
n from enhaging in environment degrading practices.
- To promote afforestation and reforestation activities through increasing availability of tree seedlings and also to encourage households to develop private woodlots to provide a continuous source of fuelwood for household energy.
-To support community initiatives aimed at restoring vegetation cover in environmentally degraded Uluguru
Viet nam
Phase 1
Project Number: SGP/VN/98/001 |
The project meets the goal of the GEF/SGP by contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of various endemic medicinal plants, which are under threat in Vinh Tuong district. It aims to develop a model of an ecological and economic garden in ( ... )
endemic medicinal plants and fruit trees are grown to conserve medicinal plant species and produce seeds for extension, and to promote alternative source of income for the community. These gardens will be developed in some barren hills in the district and at household gardens, contributing to regreening the barren hills in the