There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Costa rica
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: COS/95/G52-23 |
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es contribuir con el conocimiento y la educación acerca de la gran biodiversidad del país através del Museo de Biodiversidad Joyas del Trópico Húmedo.
Dentro de las actividades del proyecto estan dar ( ... )
s a grupos de escuelas y colegios y grupos organizados que visiten el museo, brindar charlas sobre biodiversidad, dentro y fuera del museo, publicar folletos, afiches y otros materiales educativos sobre biodiversidad, considerando como base la exhibicion del museo.
Dentro de sus objetivos estan:
-Educar e informar a niños y adultos, nacionales y extranjeros acerca de la Biologia de los
Costa rica
Phase 1
Project Number: COS/95/G52-024 |
Cuatro especies de tortugas marinas anidan en la costa Pacífica de Costa Rica, donde además se encuentran algunas de las playas de anidación más importantes del mundo. Tradicionalmente, las comunidades costeras han explotado el recurso huevo de ( ... )
a, pero actualmente la práctica se ha generalizado y comercializado tanto, que la explotación irracional de huevos ha sido identificada como una de las principales causas que ha llevando a la disminución regional de estas especies.
Algunas comunidades, como Punta Banco e Islita-Camaronal han tenido la iniciativa de proteger tos nidos de las tortugas marinas en las playas de sus comunidades
Costa rica
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: COS/95/G52-26 |
Donación para la planificación de un proyecto. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: KEN-KEN-97-001 |
3 days workshop to facilitate the GEF/SGPs transition from a pilot to a fully operational programme, as well as to provide a foundation for building the GEF/SGP capacity on effective mechanisms for supporting community-level solutions to global ( ... )
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-02-97 |
This project was designed with the active participation of teenagers that have seen the forest of their native areas being degraded during the last decade and decided to take actions to mitigate such problem, Cantel is a county that still have ( ... )
s of subtropical conifer forests and they are of crucial importance for water sources conservation. The project will work with the following objectives: to arise public awareness among local population through educational activities done by FUMEDI volunteers at schools and public reunions, to establish a forest actual assessment and, through this study, know which areas will need priority actions
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: EG-PP-12 |
Planting trees and increasing the green areas in public Hospitals and Schools (15 selected site), as well as training school students to preserve their environment through lectures and awareness campaigns. The project achieved all goals plus more ( ... )
he originally planned, 27 schools were greened instead of 12, 7 hospitals were greened instead of
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/01 |
Incorporar el enfoque de género en las políticas y estrategias de las organizaciones pivote del Programa de Pequeños Subsidios a Organizaciones no Gubernamentales del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD).
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/08 |
Protección y vigilancia en la Reserva, para disminuir la explotación de los recursos, mediante la difusión, y capacitación a los habitantes sobre las especies y recursos naturales. |
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/07 |
Tener el equipo y la capacitación necesarios para mejorar la apicultura, lo que permita mejorar el nivel de vida de las familias, con una buena organización y capacitación |
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/96/05 |
To develop project proposal for wise use of water resources and adopt watershed management techniques to recharge the ground water resources.
The project is concentrated in the villages of the Soan Valley. It mainly aims at conservation of ( ... )
ersity through natural resource management , massive hotriculturing, sustainable community livelihood and the monitoring of soil erosion, salinity and water logging.
The activities to be carried out will include the hire of a consultant for developing a proposal for proper water resource management in different villages of Soan valley. The main participants and beneficiaries will be the
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/07 |
Realización de un Diagnóstico de usos y usuarios de la Laguna Saladilla y su entorno, que sirva de base la para elaboración de un plan de manejo del Parque Nacional de Montecristi |
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G52/027 |
The project involves integrated natural resources management and environmental protection integrated with and based on ecotourism in Umzingwane, Matabeleland South province. The ecotourism centres around natural pools which are a tourist ( ... )
tion. It is envisaged that the full development of the Diana's pools area as an eco-tourism centre will provide an alternative source of livelihood for people.
-to rehbilitate and conserve sites of naturaland historecal significance in Ward8
-to improve biodiversity conservation through rehabilitation and protection of such areas
-to encourage tourists to visit the watr and
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/97/01 |
Promotion of agroforestry in the Cerrado is the main objective of this project, which will take place in the region of the municipality of Turmalina, in the Jequitinhonha Valley region of the state of Minas Gerais. Recovery of degraded lands using ( ... )
ystem, and strengthening of small farming activities in the region are proposed. The project also aims at bringing rural working women into the discussions about production. Expansion of the demonstration area started by CAV is planned, as well as technical monitoring in rural properties. Support to the commercialization of the products will be offered, and a brand name will be
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/29 |
Installation of three micro-hydroelectric turbines to supply electricity to the community of Los Dajaos to improve community´s quality of life. |
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/21 |
Establecer un módulo demostrativo de crianza ovicaprina semiestabulado, que sirva como modelo entre los criadores, para disminuir la crianza tradicional y la carga animal en la superficie del Parque Nacional de Montecristi |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-INS-97-G23 |
The project aimed to disseminate and promote the GEF/SGP approach and concern through producing a semi documentary film on one of the successful grantee's project (Lembaga Solidaritas Bangsa /LSB) in Sumbawa island, West Nusa Tenggara. The Head of ( ... )
iti Aminah, is one of the recepients of Global 500 Award from UNEP, mostly because of her preseverence and determination toward community development and coastal conservation in this arduous area.
Project Development Objectives
Short Term objectives:
*The documentary film media is used as a tool to attract donor institution to cooperate with GEF/SGP (fundraising).
*The documentary film is
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BOL/22/99 |
En el valle de Zongo, ubicado en los contrafuertes orientales de la Cordillera Real de Los Andes, se ha realizado un diagnóstico del potencial ecoturistico, considerando aspectos geográficos, biológicos, económicos y culturales de la región. A ( ... )
de este diagnostico se ha elaborado una estrategia de ecoturismo concertada con la población local de 12 comunidades, la Agencia Municipal de Zongo, la Alcaldía y la Prefectura de La Paz.
En tres pisos ecológicos se ha identificado áreas aptas para camping y para la habilitación de senderos de interpretación, asimismo se ha realizado un estudio de mercado del turismo nacional e
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/09 |
Implement an environmental education program in 10 burroughs next to the Monte Christi National Park with the purpose of making changes in local resident's perceptions, which may eventually lead to mechanisms that promote conservation and protection ( ... )
Phase 1
Project Number: BZE/97/17 |
The main goal of the project is to ensure the protection of the green iguana, their reproductive sites and the conservation of its natural habitat, by replanting five hundred fig trees, willows and bribri along the five mile stretch of the Macal, ( ... )
and Belize Old Rivers from Hawksworth Bridge in San Ignacio to Branch Mouth and from Santa Familia to Bullet Tree Falls.
The short term goals of the project are:
1. the training of community stakeholder groups in environmental protection and conservation.
2. the assisting of community groups to become more involved in eco-tourism.
3. the creation of community awareness about the importance
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/97/05p |
Preparation of project design - incorporation of educational billboards into fence protecting the seal station; investigations concerning ticketing system and selection of producer. |