There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/016 |
Support participatory systematization and forest and biodiversity conservation processes.
Operational phase
GEF contribution |
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-08-97 |
This project will be working on the establishment of areas that need to recover their original forest cover through reforestation activities based on the local tree and plant biological diversity. The area to be improved is the summit of the ?Siete ( ... )
? volcano, an already legally declared area since 1989. To date this is the first time the NGO receives support for such activities. The area itself is one of the last remaining cloud forests in the region, with a wide variety of plants, wildlife and endemism among them. Objectives to this project are: to recover degraded forest areas with local species of both trees and bushes, to attend as
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-07-97 |
Improving and initiate management of watershed forests for the maintenance of a community bath.
This NGO is the oldest in the region, it was founded on 1938 and maintain the traditional organization with democratic principles. With this project ( ... )
re going to preserve and improve the forest of the natural hot springs watershed that is used since precolonial times as medicinal baths by all the people of Totonicapán. Project objectives are: to train local stakeholders on basic forestry issues in order to protect and improve forest cover of the hot springs watershed through reforestation activities, elaborate a forest management plan with a
Phase 1
Project Number: BZE/97/06 |
Planning grant to devlop a proposal that will set in place the basic informative infrastructure needed to implement a community based conservation whereby residents of Freetown Sibun could be educated and empowered to protect the small population of ( ... )
ee Turtle in the Sibun River using the Fisheries Regulations as a starting point for future management initiatives that will benefit the
Phase 1
Project Number: BZE/97/11 |
Hiccatee are hunted for their meat throughout their range with hunters often favoring the larger, more mature turtles. The stability of the turtle population, which is maintained through the high adult survival rate and extended longevity, is ( ... )
ore disrupted by human exploitation. The effects of intense hunting year after year have seen a vast decrease in the population of adult Hiccatee, especially the reproductive female.
The project?s goal is to set in place the basic informative infrastructure needed to implement this community based conservation program that will be used to protect and replenish the population of endangered
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-BAR-97-G15 |
Restoration of key biodiversity, climate change and international waters exhibits from the NGO "Village of Hope" (a parallel event to the Small Island Developing States Conference in Barbados in 1994), and the shipment of exhibits to Dominica to ( ... )
the Dominica Conservation Association to mount an exhibition similar to the "Village of Hope" at the Caribbean Tourism Association?s meeting in Dominica. The project?s main focus is to foster an interest in the GEF focal areas among Dominicans through public
Phase 1
Project Number: BZE/97/10 |
Planning grant to devlop a proposal to preserve the natural resource base and rich Biodiversity of the Gales Point area. |
Phase 1
Project Number: BZE/97/13 |
Planners and conservationists are exploring ideas aimed at balancing the need for economic development and the conservation of natural resources. This project strives to step away from the dangers of affectation with respect to ecotourism by ( ... )
g community ownership and stewardship as the first priority, and tourism as the second. Community-based conservation is a broad concept that strives to incorporate local people into the economic development process. By retaining control of the tourism industry, local people will potentially benefit from tourism by having the means and motivation to support conservation efforts. Working toward
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-01-97 |
This project was designed to provide funds for the SGP activities related to stakeholders consultation and participation processes and the NSC members reunions and formal meetings. The objectives of the project are: to provide a flexible and agile ( ... )
implement all the stakeholders workshops and consultations and to provide the funds needed for NSC meetings on project selection, mobilization and per diem for NSC project evaluation
Phase 1
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/97/02 |
GEF/SGP biennial workshop to discuss the country strategy and elect a new national steering committee. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: KAZ/97/01 |
The GEF SGP started its activity in June 2007. To acquaint different target groups about the GEF/SGP thematic priorities, criteria and to ensure a wide audience participation in the GEF SGP programmes a stakeholders workshop "Small Grants Programme. ( ... )
ng for partners" is arranged in September 1997.
A wide range of SGP GEF partners will take part in the workshop, like experts (ecologicts, biologists, geographers, etc), NGOS, CBOs, local authorities, mass-media. The GEF SGP criteria will be widely discussed, a number of recommendations to adapt the GEF SGP activities for the country level will be developed to be further used by the
Phase 1
Project Number: CHI/97/02 |
LEl archipielago Juan Fernández es uno de los lugares con mayor biodiversidad en terminos de ecosistemas insulares en Chile, así lo han demostrado diversos estudios realizados por CONAf y por centros de investigaciones ligados a Universidades. El ( ... )
o de que dependen los pescadores es la langosta especie endémica del archipielago, al estar dependiendo de un solo recurso se corre el riesgo de la sobreexplotación, la actividad se centra en el ambito marino ya que la isla ha sido declarada reserva de la biosfera y parque nacional. Por ello el proyecto trabajará en un paln de administración de la Caleta en la habilitación legal y tributaria
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/08 |
Establishing small Medicinal Plants Enterprise (managed by local people), to reproduce and market different aromatic and medicinal plants, as well as to obtain essential oils. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: CHI/96/01B |
SE realizó una segunda fase del proyecto debido a los interesantes resultados obtenidos en el primer proyecto. Además se considero la necesidad por parte de los Municipios involucrados
Diseno de un conjunto de instrumentos destinados a apoyar la ( ... )
ión de los actuales problemas ambientales de la comuna y prevenir impactos ambientales derivados de los escenarios de inversión
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G52/22 |
Glen Forest Training Centre is an institution involved in promotion of and training in sustainable agriculture. It is this expertise that it will disseminate to various NGOs, CBO and groups associated with the SGP's activities in Zimbabwe. This ( ... )
t will focus on supporting communities in understanding and implementing GEFSGP Focal areas.Through training , the project will strengthen the capacity of community groups to implement projects that address issues of biodiversity conservation, climate change, international rivers and cross cutting issues such as livelihood improvement.
Project objectives
-to sup-port communities in the
Phase 1
Project Number: BZE/97/04 |
Planning Grant to develop project to advocate for protection of Gra Gra Lagoon Mangrove Area. |
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/97/05 |
A socio-environmental assessment will be carried out in the Limão-Verde indigenous village. Alternatives for collection, production, transportation, and commercialization of extractive products will be proposed, making the women?s work lighter. A ( ... )
project will be developed for community sustainability. 200 seedlings of the most appropriate species will be planted. The assessment will be divided into a bibliographical stage and a field stage, during which discussions with the community are proposed. After data analysis, proposals will be assembled, as well as a report for presentation and discussion with the community.
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/26 |
In this phase, reproduction and establishment of small plantations of Ozúa and the improvement of distribution system with appropriate technologies is emphasized. |
Land Degradation
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/013 |
Características biofísicas de la zona:
Altitud: 2750- 3400 msnm
Según la clasificación de suelos elaborado por MAG-ORSTOM se ha identificado el conjunto de suelos H y el conjunto de suelos C. Las texturas de los suelos H es limo-arenosa o ( ... )
imosa, la temperatura del suelo a 50 cm de profundidad es de 20-22 grados C. El suelo permanece seco más de tres meses al año. El suelo C se caracteriza por poseer cangahua a menos de 1 m de profundidad y la textura es limosa o arenosa muy fina. El suelo permanece seco por 3 a 5 meses al año. La topografía es variable, las pendientes van de 15 al 70%. La época lluviosa va desde
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/96/03 |
Reforestation of hill slopes owned by community and raising of trees on farmlands to meet the fuelwood requirements.
Project goals or objectives are to prevent soil erosion and global warming by contributing towards self-efficiency of fuel wood ( ... )
To conserve biological diversity by providing regenerated habitats for endangered species and enforcing strict bans on hunting and cutting of natural forests
To realize the above objectives, the following multi-purpose activities will be implemented, establishment of a 5 kanal mixed nursery, Slope plantation on 100 kanals barren land, appointment of a nursery & plantation supervisor