There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/02 |
Lograr que el Programa de Pequeños Subsidios ofrezca la posibilidad de ampliar y democratizar la participación de las mujeres desde la perspectiva de género, en todos los niveles en que opera, cumpliendo con los requisitos técnicos, ( ... )
zativos y de género planteados por las organizaciones pivotes y el programa, tanto en su contenido como en el proceso de su
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: TAN/97/02 |
-To enhance accessibility to improved energy services for socio-economic development and environmental conservation for the majority of the urban and peri-urban people through increased production and use of improved/fuel efficient stoves and ( ... )
-To popularize application of low carbon fuel efficient cookstoves and ovens as an effective measure in conserving the environment.
-The project will initially cover the city of Dar es Salaam and Kibaha district in coast region. In future, the project will spread to areas with high population density relative to natural woodfuel resources such as Shinyanga, Mwanza and
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-ANT-97-G18 |
The overall goal of the project was to highlight the importance of wetlands - mangroves and associated lagoon ecosystems. The project sought to collect information through research on the country?s wetlands, to enable the valuation of this natural ( ... )
ce and to emphasize the need for its protection. The major project activities will include the compilation of a national inventory and overview of the country's wetlands based on ecological priority, the identification of wetland sites that are of key conservation importance and socio-economic value to the country, detailed surveys and monitoring of selected priority wetland sites and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G52/028 |
This project involves the construction of five (different types)of biogas digesters and the distribution of 100 kits for wood fuel saving stoves in Insiza district, to the south west of Zimbabwe. The project is a climate change initiative in an ( ... )
eriously depleted of tree resources due to overgrazing, exhaustion of the biotic environment and pressure on the land. The project is being integrated with environmental rehabilitation measures and a livelihood component involving gardening and dairy.
project objectives
-to reduce te rate of deforestation and desertification in Insiza district as a whole
- to reduce the burden of fetching
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: IVC/95/G52/006 |
Promoting health is an activity which requires inputs from several sectors of the economy. The project responds, first to an obvious need of providing the Toumodi and Brobo hospitals with hot water for medical use; and second, to the necessity to ( ... )
inexhaustible source of energy (the sun) in replacement of others leading to the production of dioxyde of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: TAN/97/01 |
To construct a biogas/biolatrine production plant for producing biogas which will be used for cooking and lighting at the school also to promote through schools the use of biogas as an alternative environment friendly source of energy. |
Phase 1
Project Number: PAK/97/10 |
To develop an integrated management plan for Rangla Wetland Complex.
The project goals are , with active participation, to protect and conserve the Biodiversity of the area, to chalk out an integrated management plan of Rangla Wetland Complex, ( ... )
h community participation, for evaluation and monitoring as a comprehensive document for sustainable use of the site .Furthermore, to help coordinate and involve local and state agencies so that a harmony and confidence may be developed among people and governmental agencies. It was furthermore to help reduce poverty by providing incentives with the involvement of key people of the communities
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/97/07 |
Restauration de la couverture végétale autour des grandes villes appuyée par la production maraîchere.
Les villes de Bamako et de Koulikoro sont confrontées depuis des années a un déboisement intensif. Les populations de ces villes ( ... )
ent un grand besoin de bois d?énergie et de service, pour cela elles se rabattent sur les paysans riverains lesquelles, dans la totale nécessité, massacre aveuglement les especes naturelles des aires protégées et/ou non protégées. En plus de ces dégâts causés par les hommes sur ces arbres, les animaux en surnombre dans la zone, et les feux de brousse détruisent également le couvert
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G52/32 |
The project aims at creating an awareness on environmental programmes taking place at grassroot levels .The newsletter will be published in English ,Shona &Ndebele -the two main vernecular languages in Zimbabwe.There are currently very few if any ( ... )
cations that address environmental issues as they affect rural communities . This has contributed to the lack of informatipon in these areas , and it is hoped the publication of Its Ours will help bridge this gap .While there is some form of rural development coverage in the mainstream media in Zimbabwe , this reporting is not usually project criented .In Its Ours , more coverage will be given to
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/97/06 |
Rencontre inter communautaire pour connaître les domaines d'intervention du FEM a partir d'un theme central : La protection du ronier.
Rappelons que le rônier est un arbre qui couvrait les 2/3 des espaces des deux arrondissements sur une ligne ( ... )
uest. Compte tenu de son importance, le rônier a retenu et retient toujours l?attention des populations locales. Selon l?histoire locale, le rônier a permis au populations de se maintenir pendant les grandes famines. Compte tenu de son apport economique, l?arbre souffre d?une surexploitation créant souvent des tension entre differents villages. A travers cet atelier, l?AMPMR veut impliquer
Papua new guinea
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/97/02 |
The project recieved an amount of US$11,298.61 for the SGP to carry out pre-feasibility study of the Kambaramba Artificial Lake in Angoram District, East Sepik Province. The intention was to establish an artificial lake and have it gazzetted as a ( ... )
al protected asset and encourage the fish, bird and wild duck to return to this lake. The study was done by the Deptartment of Fisheries confirmed the potential to develop the artificial lake as it would be beneficial to the local people econimocally, environmentally and socially.
The pre-feasibility report identified the following fish species: Tilapia rendalli, Puntios gonionotus, Eliotris
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G52/025 |
The need for the project arose from the community `s initiative to improve the environmental status within the area ,as well as to raise the standard of living of the project members.This project therefore aims to conserve and improve the ( ... )
ersity through reafforestation, grazing area management and improved land management. the project also adresses the cross cutting issue of livelihood improvement by providing alternative income sources which willallow the community toescape from the situation where they are fprced to degrade their environment to survive.
The objectives of the project are
-to provide water at Ruzvidzo by
Papua new guinea
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/97/06 |
The project was awarded USD6, 736.11 to establish the Kuper Range conservation area boundary surveyed and gazzetted as a Wildlife Management Area (WMA). The survey collected basline data on the diverse flora and fauna composition of the area. The ( ... )
Range was under threat of logging operations in Bulolo/Wau areas. The project was managed by the Wau Ecology Institute (WEI).
The gazzetting of the Kuper Range as a WMA was alted due to financial contraints. The WEI was unable to furnish of the data collected from the completed biological and boundary survey and submit to the Department for Environment and Conservation (DEC). The project also
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/97/04 |
Projet de fabrication de buches, buchettes et briquettes de charbon a partir de déchets agricoles.
Le Mali est le deuxieme producteur africain de coton et chaque année, pares les récoltes, on estime que plus de 420 000 tonnes de tiges de ( ... )
ier sont tout simplement brulées par les paysans lors du nettoyage de leurs champs. Or, la tige de cotonnier peut constituer une substitution intéressante de bois de chauffe et de charbon de bois. Malheureusement il n?existe au Mali aucune initiative de valorisation des tiges de cotonnier.
Le SENAGRI a initié un projet pour la transformation des tiges de coton et des déchets agricoles en
Phase 1
Project Number: CHI/97/08 |
Existe una situación de degradación y sobreexplotación del bosque nativo en espcial en la zona sur, esto reprecute en especial en los pequeños propietarios..Una forma de advertir la importancia de los bosques es la edición y publicación de ( ... )
ejemplares del libro ?Bosque Nativo para Ninos? a fin de ser utilizado como material didáctico en las Escuelas Básicas de Chile.Se espera una mayor información que esté disponible para la
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/04 |
The second step of this project is an attempt to increase project areas, as well as a means of generation information through community research regarding how to implement a successful Cane Palm management plan in the Dominican Republic. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BOL/05/99 |
En una de las regiones del Altiplano Central del departamento de La Paz, el proyecto de manejo sostenible de praderas nativas, ha encarado la escacez de agua y la creciente erosión de suelos, mediante la implementación de tecnologías ( ... )
ionales de cosecha de aguas, como son la construcción de tuxus y zanjas de infiltración para la recuperación de las pasturas nativas y arbustos en zonas de veda.
La organización de los trabajos ha contado con el apoyo de los miembros del Consejo Municipal que, por otra parte, han priorizado en el Plan Quinquenal de Desarrollo Municipal la realización de obras de manejo de praderas, dada
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/022 |
Características socioeconómicas de la población:
La población es heterogénea. Existe un pequeño grupo de propietarios de negocios (hoteles, restaurantes, comercio al por menor), otro grupo esta formado por profesores y funcionarios ( ... )
cos que trabajan en el sector o en Portoviejo y dueños de transportes o pequeñas embarcaciones de pesca. El grupo más numeroso y más pobre está formado por los larveros, peones y asalariados temporales, así como microempresarios en actividades turísticas.
Area Intervenida:
70 heatáreas.
Recurso manejado:
Mangle (5) y fauna (22)
Objetivo del proyecto:
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/002 |
Los recursos asociados al manglar son la principal fuente de trabajo de las comunidades negras que viven dentro de este ecosistema desde hace más de 400 años. La supervivencia de estos pueblos depende de la conservación y el uso adecuado del ( ... )
r y sus recursos biológicos.
El objetivo del proyecto es manejo del ecosistema de manglar y aprovechamiento adecuado de los productos bioacuáticos en cuatro comunidades negras del Norte de Esmeraldas.
Los componentes y actividades son:
- Organización social
- Recolección organizada de conchas
- Comercialización
- Capacitación
- Educación
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G52/15 |
Maplan is situated in Natural Region 3 in Charumbira village in Masvingo Province. The area receives an average rainfall of 650 - 800 mm mostly through infrequent storms. Drought has occured in the past years due to erratic rainfall patterns. Water ( ... )
s available are rivers, wells, springs and wetlands.
The central problem is loss of biodiversity especially the wetlands ecosystem due to uncontrlled livestock management and destructive land-use systems.This has now resulted in ground water levels diminishing leading to the drying up of the wetlands. In addition, the productivity capacity of the land has also