There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: SEN/97/08 |
La zone du projet est fortement marquée par la dégradation des ressources naturelles engendrée par les activités anthropiques et la baisse des pluies. Ces facteurs qui sont aussi responsables de la dégradation de la mangrove ont ( ... )
ulièrement touché les palétuviers Rhizophora racemosa et Rhizophora mangle qui sont les espèces principales de cet écosystème. C?est dans ce contexte que les populations de Mbam ( village marqué par une pression sur les terres de monoculture de l?arachide favorisée par la salinisation des terres ) et de Bassoul (village insulaire où la récolte des huîtres représente
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/17 |
Propiciar un cambio de actitud en la comunidad estudiantil del nivel básico del Distrito Educativo 13-01 de Montecristi, hacia los valores de biodiversidad del Parque Nacional de Montecristi. Mediante la relación cognoscitiva, la comprensión y ( ... )
rcamiento a los elementos que conforman el
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/16 |
Developing ecotourism activities in two communities in the Jarabacoa area, exploring potential offered by the Yaque del Norte River. This involves two womens associations of the area. They are building two Kiosks so that visitors can enjoy the ( ... )
ical trails and appreciate
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/14 |
In this second step, plant production and promotion of 11 native forest species is continued as a feasible reforestation alternative in the Dominican Republic. Selection and management of seed tree sources, as well as, establishment of plantations. |
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/15 |
Studying diversity (flora and fauna) of the Mangrove Ecosystem in the Nagua Province to implement an educational program and create consciousness in fishermen, farmers, students and civil society regarding the importance of protecting this ecosystem. |
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/97/G02 |
The forest ecosystems in the Indo-Chinese sub region of the biogeography area situated in 25 village of six provinces were being under encroachment and degraded by cash-crop plantation, especially an alien species, tapioca. Nevertheless, some area ( ... )
ing under protection, with promising result to which additional support ought to be supplemented.
Objectives of the project:
1. To build capacity of target community on management of forest
2. To plan sustainable use of forest ecosystems
3. To encourage youth to participate in environment protection
1. Conducting resources inventories and formulating plan for
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: BZE/97/16 |
The project entailed the construction of 14 demonstration stoves in 14 communities, 7 each in the Toledo and Stann Creek Districts with the resources of the project, and the construction of an additional 7 stoves from community resources. Stoves in ( ... )
would be built in Big Falls, San Miguel, San Jose, San Antonio, Silver Creek, Indian Creek, and San Pedro Columbia. The 7 stoves in Stann Creek would be constructed in Seine Bight, Hopkins, George Town, Santa Rosa, San Roman, Maya Mopan and Sittee River Village. In addition, the project proposed to train 56 participants in the construction of the stove, 4 from each community who were expected
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-04-97 |
Over two years, this NGO will train local producers to change their traditional agrochemical dependent activities to organic agriculture and agroforestry practices on their cultivation lands. Their lands are located on the confluence of watersheds ( ... )
ee rivers of national and international importance, Motagua, Cuilco and Chixoy rivers; from them, the first crossover Guatemala from West to East and the last two provide water for five Mexican states. The project objectives are: to provide the option for local producers to change their traditional agricultural practices for more environment friendly ones, to establish demonstrative plots of
Phase 1
Project Number: SEN/97/07 |
Le projet se situe dans l'arrondissement de Fimela caractérisé par une dégradation des terres, une forte pression démographique qui oblige les populations à s'investir dans le maraîchage et à intensifier les productions avec une ( ... )
ation abusive d'engrais et de pesticides chimiques coûteux et nuisibles à l'équilibre écologique.Partant de ce constat, la Fédération Yungar a conduit une recherche sur les pratiques traditionnelles de conserevation des récoltes et de protection des cultures . Ce projet est un projet de pratiques agro biologiques respectant l'environnement dont l'objectif est de promouvoir une
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: BOT/95/G52/004 |
Rural Industries Innovation Centre (RIIC) is the national hardware centre for research and development for appropriate technology; notably promoting use of renewable energy to improve the lives of Batswana, particularly the rural population.
The ( ... )
Kitchen for Canteens was developed by Mr. Wolfang Scheffler who is a member of the Swiss ULOG working group. Some units have been installed in East Africa and there are plans to build some in Namibia. The project utilises light from the sun by concentrating the rays using a parabolic mirror to heat a large pot.
RIIC would like to adapt and support the Solar Kitchen Project in Botswana. The
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/03 |
Conservation of woody flora in the Neyba Mountains utilizing community participation. To establish models for agroforestry systems with naturalized coffee and threatened indigenous tree species. The purpose is to offer an alternative for sustainable ( ... )
ion along with valorization and protection of the Neyba mountain?s
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/18 |
Creation of consciousness in local people about the need to conserve flora. With a component of honey production as an alternative to income generation, as well as to promote the plantation of indigenous trees. |
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/12 |
A Farmer´s Association decided to preserve a large tract of their own dry forest through honey production, in an area that presents more than 25 woody species that produce food for bees. |
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-STK-97-G17 |
The Overall goal of the project is ?to conserve the biodiversity of St. Kitts-Nevis.
The project objectives are:
- Improve understanding of the country?s land based flora and fauna ? distribution, abundance, and conservation status- with a ( ... )
l emphasis on endemic species and medicinal plants;
- Develop capacity to monitor the country?s biodiversity, and influence decision-making so as to avoid or reduce potential impact from development or mismanagement;
- Increase public awareness about St. Kitts-Nevis biodiversity and develop an interest in residents and local groups and institutions (a constituency) for its protection;
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/97/13 |
The main task of the project is to monitor sites (planned 1190) where the white-tailed eagle, osprey, golden eagle, lesser spotted eagle and greater spotted eagle as well as red and black kites. The project also involves educational activities ( ... )
ing disseminating among foresters publications about birds of prey publisghed by the Eagle Committee (Komitet Ochrony Orlow).
The second task on which the Committee has focused its efforts is protection of the sprey, that is construction of artificial nests and strengthening the existing zones of protection,, legal instrument in Poland.
Almost 80 people are directly engaged in the
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/97/10 |
Further expand Foundation's activity by introducing an ecological fruit tree nursery, the trees representing old varieties (apple-trees, cherry-trees), protect genetic resources of cultivated plants.
The main stakeholders involved in the project ( ... )
e inhabitants of BARKA?s commune trying to bring back to life the collapsed farm at Chudobczyce and the scientists interested in expanding scope of endangered varieties of fruit trees? conservation. The expectations from the BARKA?s side are of economic and beyond-economic character. The economic expectations are based on plans of selling the seedlings (expected annual income ca. 24,000 PLN/ 6000
Phase 1
Project Number: TUN/95/G52/04 |
Le projet vise à :
- Réduire de la pression sur les ressources naturelles, lutter contre la désertification et assurer la protection du couvert végétal
- Libérer la femme des taches pénible et ingrates et la former à des activités ( ... )
améliorer ses ressources
- Participer à l?émancipation de la femme rurale défavorisée et favoriser le
développement humain
Les activités du projet sont:
Promouvoir les conditions socio-économiques de la femme et participer à la préservation des ressources naturelles par:
- l?équipement des ménages par des cuisinières
- le développement des micros-jardins
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/97/06 |
Complement a unique set of field plantings (there are few such sets in Poland) from early 19th century situated within a park, complement a didactic and ecological trail in order to promote model solutions in integrating the protection of nature's ( ... )
ces with intensive farming which are possible to implement on the area of the Polish Lowland; general Dezydery Chlapowski after training in England in early XIX century brought an idea of modern farming and landscape protection using green belts as a mean to protct agricultural land (wind erosion, storage of water,ecological corridors, breeding area for birds and small mammals, estethics of
Burkina faso
Phase 1
Project Number: BKF/97/12 |
Ce projet vise la protection d'une relique de forêt unique en son genre sur toute la région du plateau central. Outre la surveillance et l'anémagement d'un point d'eau pour la faune sauvage, ce projet met l'accent sur le renforcement des ( ... )
tés des membres de l'aasciation pour une gestion responsable de la forêt en concertation avec les services techniques et les autorités politiques et administratives. ainsi, des comités locaux de surveillances ont été mis en places, formés et dotés de vélos pour la surveillance et la défense de la forêt.dES LOIS LOCALES DE GESTIONS ONT été élaborées,approuvées par les services
Phase 1
Project Number: CHI/97/07 |
Conchalí es una de las comunas de la Región Metropolitana considerada en el plan de superación de la pobreza. El proyecto a partir de la producción de plantas medicinales pretende mejorar la gestión organizacional, capacitación educación y ( ... )
ía tecnico productiva.para ello se constituirán los grupos vecinales de monitoras calificadas en el uso y cultivo de plantas medicinales, fabricación de preparados en base a ellas y su indicación para solucionar problemas de salud de la