There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: BOT/97/G52/004 |
Lobbying for a policy to address the problem of declining wildlife populations. The project entials the assessment of peoples attitude towards wildlife with a view of establishing their interest in its existence, and mobilising them to lobby ( ... )
ment for
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/96/31 |
Conocer los avances y reflexionar colectivamente sobre el desarrollo del Programa de Pequeños con una serie de actividades de percepción, análisis y evaluación con los participantes en los proyectos de la Etapa Piloto los cuales serán ( ... )
ados por la Sede para complementar la Evaluación Independiente.
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PAK/95/35 |
The project is located in the Desoai Plains, Skardu. The commencement date is May 1996 and the duration will be for three years.
The project goals include protection of biodiversity in Deosai Plains, the establishment of Deosai National Park and ( ... )
sing the awareness at local and national levels on Deosai.
The activities to be conducted under the project consist of securing notification and formulation of rules for park management, Patrolling, vigilance and control prior to takeover by Government and communities. The activities further entail research and training support to wildlife Department and Design and initiation of development
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: BOT/95/G52/07 |
Khwai is situated north of Moremi Game Researve, and south west of the Chobe National Park. It is part of a controlled hunting area (CHAs) NG 18 and 19. Khwai itself is is on NG 19, where three other leases are operational. Most residents depend on ( ... )
g and gathering for subsistence, supplemented by the sale of thatching grass and crafts. Natural resources are abundant in the CHAs, but excessive use has led to the decimation of wildlife populations especially in NG 18.
The goal of this community project is to improve the livelihoods of the residents of Khwai through sustainable natural resources management. The project will assist the
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BRA/96/03 |
This project will take place in the municipality of Turmalina, in the Upper Jequitinhonha Valley region of the state of Minas Gerais. Most of the local population is made up of small farmers who have to leave for seasonal work in neighboring cities ( ... )
ates. The conditions of the land, in addition to local legislation, make subsistence nearly impossible. Agroforestry systems will therefore be implemented, with their designs adapted to the small farms characteristic of the region. This alternative means of production will be offered to the population, in an attempt to reach subsistence. The Vicente Nica Alternative Agriculture Center and the
Trinidad and tobago
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TRI/92/G51/2101/010 |
The island of Trinidad, despite its natural beauty, does not have an extensive tourist industry. However, the potential exists to make tourism a vibrant, lucrative and eco-sustainable industry for the inhabitants of Trinidad. The Toco Foundation, ( ... )
icultural Foundation for integrated development, an NGO founded in 1991, presents a plan to develop the county of St. David through ecotourist project which would generate employment, be sensitive to the local customs and ecology of the region, and promote national environmental awareness. It is hoped that the project will gain national attention as an alternative model for economic and social
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/96/13 |
Conformar un movimiento social urbano para influir directamente en las políticas de conservación del medio ambiente a través de proyectos de educación y preservación con participación comunitaria en 7 colonias populares de la ciudad de Mérida ( ... )
tener propuestas derivadas de la comunidad que puedan ser implementadas en conjunto con las autoridades municipales y
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/95/17 |
Installation of energy saving equipment in a civic (managed by parents) primary school to increase energy efficiency at school and reduce cost of energy used for heating. Improving comfort at school classrooms by obtaining optimal , requested ( ... )
ature and avoiding extra cost for not justified over-heating.Information campaign in schools of Gdansk Voivodship about various energy saving methods and project results. Incorporation of energy efficiency topic as education element (geography, ecology
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: CHI/96/03 |
Se consideró necesario capacitar a los coordinadores de proyectos de tal forma de tener un pool de profesionales y de rpresentantes de la comunidda empoderados en los temas ambientales del programa, así como mejorar su capacidad de gestión todo ( ... )
on la finalidad de tener mejores resultados a nivel de proyecto. Aplicar y capacitar a los coordinadores de terreno de los Proyectos PPS en una metodología de sistematización que incorpore una propuesta de comunicación
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ECU/96/003 |
Development of a strategic forestation and environmental management plan for the northwestern area of Quito
Pilot phase
Swiss Counter Value Fund Contribution |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MAR/95/G52/I/03 |
Aimed to be starting point that would give NGOs the core strength and capacity to implement Agenda 21 guidelines especially with reference to the 4 GEF focal areas. GEF/SGP Grant used to develop an Environmental Action Plan/Strategy for NGOs and ( ... )
king; to form a team of trainers; to identify and initiate new GEF eligible projects, in line with the National Environmental Action Plan of
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BZE/95/03 |
The goal of the project is to conduct an environmental education programme targeting the villagers of San Antonio, Cayo District. The Slate Creek Preserve, which is a buffer zone of the Mountain Pine Ridge area, will serve as the focal area for ( ... )
ring of the environmental education workshops and field trips. The project involves promotion of the sustainable use of natural resources, watershed management and the protection of biological
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/96/17 |
Contar con un cuerpo solido de educadores ambientales y guías interpretes de la naturaleza, que sirvan de base en la formación de futuros educadores ambientales. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: CHI/96/01 |
En la región metropolitana existen diveros problemas ambientales ligados principalmente a la gran población existente y en ascensos .Este proyecto diseñará un conjunto de instrumentos destinados a apoyar la corrección de los actuales problemas ( ... )
enir los impactos ambientales derivados de los futuros escenarios de inversión. Se seleccionó una comuna urbana Recoleta
1.- identificar problemas ambientales a nivel comunal.
2.- revisar escenarios futuros en terminos globales.
3.- proyectar los principales impactos esperados. 4.- proponer modelo de
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/95/14 |
Tree planting near schools and kindergardens in Rumia to decrease the influence of pollution caused by traffic. Project implemented in the whole Rumia region. Trees will be planted around 10 schools and Municipality Office in Rumia. School children ( ... )
cal community will be involved in the planting process what will also raise awareness on environment protection and methods of decreasing air pollution caused by
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/96/32 |
Programa que integrara la asesoría técnica y organizativa y la capacitación en un solo esquema y bajo una misma metodología de tal modo que las organizaciones de base que serán apoyadas durante el presente año por el PPS-ONG puedan alcanzar ( ... )
tas en el plano técnico y mejorar su organización.
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BRA/96/07 |
This project will take place in Serra do Cipó, in the state of Minas Gerais. The local community will be organized for the constitution of the handcraft and home-made food production cooperative. This will generate an alternative source of income ( ... )
e local population. An assessment of existing handcraft activity will be carried out. The project?s activities and intentions will then be explained to the population to marshal participants, who will be offered workshops for design of crafts using the Sempre viva dried flowers. A craft center for commercialization of the finished products will also be built. Tourism in the area has grown
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BOT/95/G51/09 |
The project sought to study the impact of jackal predation on impala and also collect information on the behavioural ecology of jackals and their epidemiology. Jackals are the most widespread predators that cuase the conflict between farmers and ( ... )
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ECU/96/006 |
The project intends to avoid the misuse of wood and eliminate the use of car batteries in the production of ceramics. During the project period, several training workshops with the community have been planned.
Pilot phase
Swiss Counter Value ( ... )
Land Degradation
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G31/13 |
Of all environmental problems affecting Zimbabwe, soil erosion is one of the most serious problems as it results in the loss of productivity capacity in soils and loss of water resources. In addition, widespread clearing of land for cultivation and ( ... )
sed livestock pressure in grazing land has led to serious problems of soil erosion in Chiweshe. Not much effort and work has been done in Zimbabwe to promote soil conservation and it is imperative that this issue be addressed. Vertiva has proved to be one of the best alternatives to control the spread of erosion and to rehabilitate the gegraded land. Vertiva grass is perennial and has little