There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: MAR/95/G52/I/02 |
Aimed to sensitize local NGOs on major Mauritian environmental problems through 3 workshops, so as to develop 4 to 5 small-scale activities that address the GEF focal areas. GEF/SGP Grant used to train NGOs in formulation, implementation and ( ... )
ring/evaluation of environmentally related
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BRA/96/02 |
This project will take place in Montes Claros, state of Minas Gerais. A Cerrado Fruit Processing Unit will be implemented through the involvement of local small farmers, particularly women and young adults who are typically involved in the ( ... )
tive collection activities. A Cerrado management proposal will be prepared, including the installation of Agroforestry Systems. Product processing and commercialization proposals will also be presented to the local small farmers, for adoption of agro-ecosystems. Contributions to the sustainability of the Agroecology Education and Experimentation Area of the CAA will be made, in an attempt to
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUR-96-01 |
The project aims at the preparation of a coastal zone management plan for the Province of Trabzon located at the Black Sea Coast with the participation of all relevant stakeholders at the local and national levels. It will also identify major ( ... )
l problems in Trabzon, develop scenarios with respect to problems and formulate policy recommendations both at the local and the national
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-STL-95-G11 |
This project will focused on moving communities closer towards becoming effective co-managers of the Praslin Protected Landscape. Emphasis will be placed particularly on building the capacity and capability of the community, resource users, and ( ... )
ners to play an integral role in the management of the area.
Project activities will include:
Community mobilisation and training workshops to mobilise support for the project and to identify stakeholder and training needs required to conduct the project; field trips for community/user groups to introduce project participants to the Praslin Protected Landscape; terrestrial and marine
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: MEX/94/19 |
Se pretende que los productores vinculados a la red de Organizaciones para el Desarrollo Sustentable cuenten con una estructura permanente y profesional de comercialización
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-GRN-95-G14 |
A series of consultations to identify community needs and mobilise communities to accept responsibility for the management of coastal resources. The consultations will be held with a number of communities on the west coast including Beasejour; ( ... )
; Concord; Marigot; Grand Roy; Gouyave; Maran; Victoria; Douglaston and Coast Guard. The overall goal of the project is to have the communities identify their needs and accept responsibility through training and education for the management of the coastal
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-INS-96-G19 |
Short term objectives :
1. Successful conversion of waste land into arable farm through integrated farming approach.
2. Establishing good relationship with local government in implementing integrated farming system.
Long term objectives :
1. To ( ... )
2. To increase local community?s income.
3. To raise community?s ability to manage and maintenance sustainable farming system.
Activities to be carried out under project :
1. Community training in raising awareness to appeal farmer rights .
2. Supplying saplings for replanting forest area.
Project Participants and/or beneficiaries :
1. Siborna village members.
2. Yayasan
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/96/01 |
La implementación del proyecto contempla dos fases: una de capacitación y otra operativa.
La fase de capacitación tendrá una duración de cinco meses du¬rante los cuales se abordarán temas relacionados con el manejo de áreas protegidas y la ( ... )
tura. Al concluir los dos primeros temas se pasará a la fase de operación en la que se pondrá en práctica un plan preliminar de manejo del área protegida. Paralelamente se continuará con la capacitación, elaborándose al finalizar un proyecto de
Phase 1
Project Number: THA/96/G01 |
A community effort to promote conservation awareness among youths and local people in consistent with their livelihood.The activities included training of youths by applying religious belief, producing dissemination materials and promoting organic ( ... )
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PAK/95/29 |
Torghar is located in Killa Saifullah District, Balochistan Province, Pakistan and is the northern most part of Toba Kakar Range. The area is approximately 90 km long and 20 to 25 km wide. The altitude varies between 2,500-3,300 meters.
There is ( ... )
ng seasonality in climate, both in temperature and precipitation. Summer temperatures are hot, up to 35 C. winters are cold-sometimes as low as - 15º C, there is a strong variation between day and night temperatures. Precipitation during the winter (end December to end February) mostly occurs as snow. Rainfall is light and variable, with the annual average about 200-250 mm. March and April
Pilot Phase
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/TN |
Reviving the traditional medicinal knowledge of Irulas & cultivation of threatened medicinal plants.
The major objectives of the project include the conservation of medicinal plants, traditional ethnomedicinal knowledge of the Irula tribe, and ( ... )
ting employment for them. ITWWS started with large-scale plantation on a nine acre baren piece of land that was acquired prioe to the GEF project and develoopment of nurseries to meet the need of plantation. Initially it started with the development of nursery of about 60,000 seedlings of about 45 forestry and 60 medicinal plant species, involving Irula women in all its activites. parellal to
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BRA/96/01 |
Community bee cooperative work will take place in this project, involving women, men and young adults in an effort to find alternative solutions to the lack of water, a commonplace problem in rural communities. Environmental and spring conservation ( ... )
ion will be offered. Recovery of degraded spring areas will also take place through reforestation with native fruit trees. Sacks of dirt will be used in the construction of dams. The region?s agroforestry systems will be analyzed, and seeds will be collected in the communities. A plant nursery will be implemented, and the seedlings transferred to the riparian areas around the springs. Management
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PAK/95/30 |
Pakistan has accepted the responsibility to protect the wildlife and their habitats through various national and international conventions. For example through Bonn Convention, Pakistan is obliged to protect the migratory birds, through CITES, ( ... )
an has to stop the trade of endangered species, and through Ramsar convention, it has to protect its wetland resources. The National Conservation Strategy also demands the conservation of wildlife and their habitats. However, either these responsibilities are not known or these are taken for granted because of the lack of effective coordination or because of the lack of a coordinating agency and
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-35 |
Organización y realización de un taller en la zona Ngöbe, que contribuya a establecer las principales demandas y necesidades autodefinidas por los propios Ngöbes. |
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-36 |
Divulgar y difundir los resultados de la experiencia del proyecto SGP de la Naciente de Canalitos, sobre el manejo de zona de recarga acuífera de Canales Arriba, a nueve comunidades rurales localizadas dentro de la Subcuenca del Rio San Francisco ( ... )
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-37 |
Validar un proceso agroindustrial para el mejoramiento de un trapiche comunal, con el fin de producir tapa de dulce natural, reduciendo la contaminación ambiental mediante el uso eficiente de la energía, utilizando el bagazo de cana como ( ... )
tible, evitando así el uso de llantas de automóviles como fuente de energía, como tradicionalmente se
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-38 |
Este proyecto busca fortalecer la capacidad tecnica y administrativa de las 24 ONG miembro de la FECON, para enfrentar los problemas ambientales y proteger la biodiversidad del pais atraves de la ejecución de diferentes actividades, tales como: ( ... )
stacion, campanas de concientización, legislación y educación
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-39 |
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es promover el uso de la agricultura organica atraves de diferentes actividades, tales como: el establecimiento de un parcela experimental de 2500 m2, edición de brochures y otros materiales. Sin embargo, el ( ... )
to incluye un componente significativo que consiste en la capacitación de profesionales en técnicas de agricultura organica. Para garantizar el éxito de esta actividad, se ha contemplado el envio de dos funcionarios para ser capacitados en un curso avanzado para inspectores organicos, en Nuevo
Costa rica
Pilot Phase
Project Number: COS/92/G51-40 |
Elaboración de un diagnóstico a fin de evaluar la condición actual y las amenazas de la avifauna en la Región Brunca, y más específicamente de las especies cotinga piquiamarillo y colibri manglero. Se pretende elaborar un planeamiento ( ... )
égico para su conservación. Además, el proyecto busca lograr un proceso de sensibilización y educación sobre la importancia que tienen los diferentes habitats en la conservación de la biodiversidad, e incluso introducir a algunos habitantes en este proceso de
Costa rica
Phase 1
Project Number: COS/95/G52-07 |
Atraves del PPD se canalizó una donación de US$20,000 de la Underhill Foundation para la compra de tierras en la zona protectora del Cerro Nara. El apoyo del PPD va destinado basicamente a la administración de estos fondos.
La Fundacion ( ... )
pica compro estas tierras a nombre de la Asociacion Proteccion y educacion ambiental de Costa Rica, con la condicion de que la tierra debe pertenecer bajo la jurisdiccion de una ONG, organizada y reconocida por las comunidades vecinas, y que sus estatos legales y los objetivos de proteccion de la tierra sean establecidos conforme a la