There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/97/03p |
Preparation of project for SGP/GEF; energy audit for 2 buildings and old manor was prepared by dr Swigon of the Agricultural University in Poznan; consultations with regional officer responsible for monuments of history allowed for installation of ( ... )
s for biomas in old manor.Preliminary negotiations with the Environmental Fund in Poznan concerning co-financing.
Phase 1
Project Number: SEN/97/02 |
La Réserve Naturelle de Popenguine (RNP) était une forêt classée qui a été érigée en Réserve Naturelle dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la politique de réhabilitation des milieux dégradés. Elle est d?une superficie de 1009 ( ... )
est à cheval entre deux unités administrative. Cette Réserve est gérée par la Direction des Parcs Nationaux, mais toutes les activités de protection et d?aménagement sont réalisées par les femmes et les jeunes (regroupés dans le Corps des volontaires ) des huit villages aux alentours de la Réserve.
Objectif principal
Le projet du Corps des volontaires de Popenguine a pour
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: PNG/97/08 |
The project recieved US$22, 930.56 for the SGP to conduct the pject palnning & management workshop at Kamiali, in Lae, Morobe Province. The main objectives were to educate NGO participants of: monitoring skills & report writing skills.
The ( ... )
op was completed successfully with participants, especially SGP grants recipients as well as other NGOs reps.
The workshop was beneficial in terms of building and strenghtening capacity of the local NGOs to use the knowledge gained to enhance their work.
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/97/02 |
Emu (Rhea americana) management will be developed in this project, in partnership with the Mato Grosso Federal University Zoo. The habits of this bird species will be studied in order to provide orientation to the indigenous populations for breeding ( ... )
ecies and repopulating the Cerrado with specimens of this threatened native Cerrrado species. The Seringal and Nambikwara Villages of Paresis will each have a 12 ha area for breeding implemented in their territory. Local farmers in the indigenous territory surroundings will be educated as to the importance of this species and the negative impact of the use of agrotoxins in their
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BOL/07/99 |
En la región de la serranía intersalar del altiplano sur del departamento de Potosí, el proyecto ha seleccionado 58 variedades y 115 ecotipos de quinua y otras quenopodaceas silvestres, de un total de 300 variedades presentadas en la Feria de la ( ... )
en Uyuni. Donde participaron 200 agricultores de 5 comunidades, ofreciendo además una variedad de platos, masitas y bebidas elaboradas en base a quinua.
La gran demanda de quinua orgánica en el mercado internacional, presenta amplias oportunidades para la producción y comercialización, para lo cual el proyecto ha previsto la creación de un banco de germoplasma in situ, que pueda ofrecer
Phase 1
Project Number: CHI/97/03 |
La Comunidade del asiento es propietaria de un recurso natural único en estas latitudes, un bosque de ciprés de la cordillera de aproximadamente 10 hectáreas, el bosque se encuentra abandonadao no ha sido estudiado. Por lo tanto este proyecto ( ... )
de relevar el sector como obejto de estudio y capacitación especialmente destinado a niños y jóvenes. También se recolectará semilla ya que esta especie es muy escasa y se espera gestionar algun grado de relación entre la comnudad y algun centro de educación.
Recuperación y conservación del bosque de ciprés con 4 componentes: 1. técnico (evaluación, recuperación y
Phase 1
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/97/06 |
Study to determine the impact of fuel wood harvesting, grazing and clearing on natural woodlands. |
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/13 |
Establishing a binational tribune to discuss the main environmental problems that affect both the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Dominican, as well as, Haitian radio stations transmit a radio program in Spanish and Creole every week, where different ( ... )
s will discuss a specific environmental problem on the
Dominican republic
Phase 1
Project Number: DOM/97/24 |
Promotion and development of women´s community organizations; diffusion of personal development activities and the sustainable use of medicinal plants. |
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/025 |
Forest area protection; use and management of forest resources other than timber (ornamental orchids); improve crop production and pasture grounds by including trees and native grasses.
Operational phase
GEF & Dutch contribution |
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G52/018 |
The project is located in Guruve,Mashonaland Central province.It was started to redress the lost forest in the area and to curb soil erosion .
objectives of the project
-to re-dress the lost forest by planting at least 10000 gumtrees per ( ... )
-to curb soil erosion by reclaiming at least 5 gulleys per year .
-to create self reliance by providing timber firewoood and fruits at least for 30000 people within the community.
-to generate income at least Z$10000per year,by selling the products such as forestry nuseries ,vegetables and fruits.
-to educate locals on benefits of environment.
The Sangomiti group and their 360 affiliated
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-05.97-L |
Consultation-workshop among various stakeholders in renewable energy towards the identification of courses of action and strategy for more effective RE system distribution particularly addressing rural communities. |
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/95/18 |
Expand the Seven Islands Reserve ,protected by the RAMSAR convention. For that purpose land adjacent to the Reserve have to be bought out from private owners as farmers don't agree for reserve enlargement. Part of that land has been bought out from ( ... )
d grant in 1994. That project will be a III stage of activities carried by organization.
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-JOR-95-G52-01 |
This was the first stakeholder workshop organized by the Programme. It aimed at introducing GEF/SGP programme to the NGO community and explaining its guidelines and criteria. An introduction to the fundementals of proposal writing was provided. ( ... )
rkshop resulted in formulation of 16 project proposals; six of them were further developed and approved by the National Steering Committee.
NGOs from all over the country were represented inteh workshop. Lectures on environmental issues of global importance were presented in the
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/95/G52/23 |
The Shakashe Ostrich project lies in the Mshagashe smallscale commercial farming area in Masvingo District. The project is run by the Shakashe Farmers Club. It resulted from the need to have a more sustainable land use than the current subsistence ( ... )
g. The project offered a solution to addressing environmental problems in the area such as deforestration and associated loss of biodiversity , soil erosion and overgrazing.
The project aims to :
1. conserve biodiversity and reduce land degradation by cultivation of a smaller piece of land .
2. support community initiatives aimed at protecting the environment and achieve sustainable
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/95/19 |
Installation of a grate-cleaner to improve turbine sets in the Zakopane Olcza water power station in order to increase output of about 15-20%. That grate-cleaner installed in the water intake will help to clean Olczyski Stream from solid waste, ( ... )
then will be carried out to a dump. Olczyski Stream is borders on Tatrzanski National
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/97/04 |
Discussions will be carried out with regional socio-environmental NGOs, small farmers, indigenous peoples, mayors and local politicians to raise and present demographic, economic and social information for the area. A situational analysis will be ( ... )
d out to determine current and future impacts of projects such as the Araguaia-Tocantins waterway. The culture of the traditional inhabitants of the region will be taken into consideration, as well as conservation of the Cerrado biodiversity in these areas. Participative strategic regional planning is hoped to result from these efforts, in an attempt to reach sustainable development. The
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/97/03 |
Solar dehydration of native tropical fruit and medicinal plants is developed in this project, with a reduction in the conventional industrialization processes in mind. The need for access to electric energy, wood or natural gas is not always ( ... )
le for small farmers, who will benefit directly from the implementation of this project. More value will be added to the finished product, since the shelf life of the medicinal plants and foods will be extended. Genetic, cultural and ecologic originality is offered. Small farmers will be trained in fruit and medicinal plant dehydration, generating employment and income, and adapting traditional
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: MAR/95/G52/I/10 |
Aims to demonstrate viability of Solar Stills using relatively simple and environmentally safe technologies to convert seawater using solar energy only. Also aims to improve the quality and quantity of potable water available in selected villages in ( ... )
es. GEF/SGP Grant used to involve local enterprises in demonstrating that solar stills can be manufactured locally. It is also meant to reduce the burden on women who spend around 3 to 5 hours daily for water provision in certain coastal villages in
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: OP-07.97-M |
Installation of a solar-powered (or photovoltaic/PVP) potable water pumping system and conservation/protection of the Koronadal forest reserve. The project is closely linked with building awareness and forging community actions towards biodiversity ( ... )
ation and addressing climate change issues at the grassroots level.
The project aims to use of a project implementation scheme that recognizes IKSP and the B'laans struggle for productivity, improved health and basic right to ancestral domain to prove that this is the key for a successful