There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/97/10 |
This project will take place in the municipality of Alto Paraíso, state of Goiás. An improvement in the quality of life of the inhabitants of the São Jorge Village is sought in this project proposal, building capacity in the salespeople and ( ... )
e renders for higher quality products and services, and promoting interchanges with successful ecotourism experiences. Cerrado product use, management and service rendering will be offered in training courses and lectures. In addition, two visits will be arranged for restaurant, snack shop, inn and camping area owners during a three month period. 20 establishment owners will be trained for
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: EG-PP-13 |
Changing some of the deteriorated lands of the city into green areas. A piece of land in Al Nakheel area was chosen for the establishment of a public park and a nursery for suitable and rare trees.
establishing a special place for new plants so ( ... )
e can presne the projects in futute
issuing a non periodical that faise the environmental awarness.
redusing the pollution effects in the
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/97/09 |
The main goal of this project is enrichment of landscape and biodiversity of gmina (the lowest administrative unit in Poland) in Fajslawice through tree planting and coppices.
Iinventory of the existing shrubs and groups of trees was done by ( ... )
s of the Society and school childrena; 13000 trees were planted together with 4500 shrub in 220 farms and in vicinity of schools and other public buildings. School special nature classes were organised in Fajslawice,Siedliska,Suchodoly with nature conservation and importance of tree planting and coppices for biodiversity, especially in gminas with the lowest ratio of
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G52/024 |
The project is located next to the Tumbwi river in the Mhondoro communal areas. The Mhondoro region suffers from the problem of desertification largely as a result of widespread soil erosion due to deforestation, uncontrolled cultivation and ( ... )
azing of rangelands.Rivers have silted up and productivity levels from both arable lands and the veld have dropped to levels where the slightest shift in rainfall patterns result in serious livestock losses and food shortages.
The objectives of the project are to :
- increase the availability of water
-increase production of livestock from properly managed rangelands.
-introduce a wider
Phase 1
Project Number: GEF-ANG-97-G19 |
The Turtle Conservation Project seeks to ensure the survival of the globally threatened sea turtles that occupy Anguilla's waters. The hawksbill, the smallest of the Caribbean sea turtle, is the most abundant nesting species in Anguilla.A 5 year ( ... )
rium was enacted in May 1995, the first step in the protection of sea turtles in Anguilla. This project fits within national and international priorities to protect sea turtles. Project activities will include
- a compilation of data on the contemporary status and distribution of sea turtles in Anguilla and use of the information collected to design and implement scientifically sound sea
Phase 1
Project Number: BRA/97/08 |
The objective of this project is to build capacity in the local and regional population of the municipality of Pirenópolis, in the state of Goiás, for activities involving homemade sweets and similar goods in a cooperative manner. Economic ( ... )
ustainability and conservation of Cerrado natural resources are project objectives. Cooperatives of craftsmen/women will be formed, with labor qualification in a continued process, empowering leaders and creating methodologies to ensure future project replicability.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/97/05 |
Eco School of Life in Wandzin is the community of 80-100 people, during Winter extra 10-30 homeless people, who live on 10 ha of land in one piece in the forest - land of previous Prussian owner with monument of history - hunter's manor and ( ... )
ing some destroyed during the II WAR inventory buildings. They managed heat pump for the manor and original request to GEF/SGP was for another heat pump for the main dormitory, hospital and dining/meeting room. GEF/SGP organised mini-grant supported by UMBRELLA /UNDP and AIDS Proejct UNDP for energy audit which proved that in this location ( forest, work for the Forest Inspectorate paid with
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/029 |
Características biofísicas de la zona:
Altitud: 1000 msnm ? 3200 msnm.
Formación ecológica: bosque húmedo-Montano Bajo y bosque húmedo-Premontano
Características socio económicas de la población:
Estas comunidades pertenecen ( ... )
ildo y a la FUNORSAL, organización de segundo grado. Desde el advenimiento de la Misión Salesiana se han conseguido financiamientos extranjeros para impulsar proyectos y obras en beneficio de la población.
Las principales actividades económicas que desarrollan estas comunidades son la ganadería y la agricultura de ciclo corto, combinando con la agroindustria y artesanía.
Phase 1
Project Number: BZE/97/02 |
While most species of yellow-headed parrots nest in palm trees, amazona ochrocephala belizensis nests in pine tress. The habitat where these birds are found is the pine savanna areas of Belize, an ecosystem presently very much understudied. The ( ... )
t will provide a strategy which would create an atmosphere of conservation awareness about the species, as well as to have the people who live in the area practice in the conservation of the birds and their habitat. Targeted to receive this particular environmental message is the school and community residents of La Democracia, located within the same ecosystem as the yellow-headed parrots.
Phase 1
Project Number: PPS-03-97 |
This project will provide two sources of income based on forest products, in the short term native palm foliage that is exported, ?xate?, ?quip? o ?pacayina?, will be planted below natural forest shade, enriching natural occurring plants of the same ( ... )
and conserving those that are already there, the leaves of the palms are sold to exporters, to maintain the natural production the stakeholders are going to plant avocado trees, a native species, on partially degraded areas and are going to use the shade provided by the trees to plant the palm plants. Once the avocados begin fruit production they are going to sell the fruits too. Project
Phase 1
Project Number: ECU/97/026 |
Características biofísicas de la zona:
Altitud: 1910 msnm ? 2800 msnm.
Formación ecológica: bosque húmedo ? Montano Bajo
bosque muy húmedo - Premontano
Características socio económicas de la población:
La Comunidad esta ( ... )
a por familias campesinas originarias del lugar y otras que han migrado desde la provincia de Loja. Entre sus principales actividades económicas encontramos: la ganadería y agricultura; complementando sus ingresos con la extracción de leña y producción de carbón. La falta de fuentes de trabajo ha producido el incremento de la migración, especialmente de la población joven.
Trinidad and tobago
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TRI/92/G51/2101/009 |
Support for a community newspaper 'Toco Talk' and community radio with focus on environment and community development.
The "Toco Talk" project will be implemented by the Toco Foundation. An editorial committee, comprising members of the Toco ( ... )
tion (TF), will be responsible for the content and production of the paper. The community groups affiliated with the TF will be responsible for soliciting contributions from their communities to the paper as well as its distribution within their communities. It is targeted as a monthly publication with 1,500 copies per issue in the first year of publication. The paper will be the much needed
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: POL/95/16 |
Afforestration of Suwalki Landscape Park in order to prevent erosion of slopes, diffusion of chemical fertilizers and pesticides into a sewer, planting of trees alongside roads and near selected objects (gmina schools, agroturist farms, Suwalski ( ... )
ape Park Office.Total area planned for tree planting- 9
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/96/09 |
Utilización, recuperación y conservación de los suelos, en la agricultura orgánica, aplicada con leguminosas y estiércoles. Se pretende reactivar la utilización de suelos que han quedado infértiles y continuar trabajando con las parcelas que ( ... )
sido trabajadas con esta
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 1
Project Number: CHI/96/04 |
Este proyecto corresponde a la continuidad de otro proyecto PPS y obdedece a la buena aceptación por parte de los organismos comunitarios lo que provocó una segunda postulación. Se pretende organizar nuevos talleres de hornos y fogones para ( ... )
orar a las familias restantes, instalación de un sistema solar para calentamiento de agua en la escuela de la comuna, incorporación de sistemas de riego más
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/96/12 |
Colaborar con los grupos de base de las regiones de Camino Real y Los Chenes, Campeche, apoyando en sentido amplio su proceso de desarrollo, a través de proyectos con la lógica de sostenibilidad ambiental. |
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/96/16 |
Se plantea la optimización de una explotación salinera mediante la combinación con prácticas de acuacultura en un sistema integrado de producción de camarón-microalgas-artemia-sal, los efluentes de cada fase son aprovechados en la siguiente de ( ... )
ma que prácticamente no se generan desechos
Pilot Phase
Project Number: THA/96/G03 |
A community effort to provide general environment education , raising
awaeness of target population, study/survey the habitat and behavior of the Asian Open-billed. |
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/96/02 |
Generar materiales de difusión para dar apoyo a los programas de producción de plantas que el Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) está apoyando en las comunidades rurales de la Península de Yucatán. Brindar asesoría a los ( ... )
campesinos que lo requieran para la implementación del paquete tecnológico de propagación y manejo de plantas nativas, generado en el Centro de Investigación Científica de
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/96/08 |
Capacitar a un grupo alterno de mujeres jóvenes en el manejo de abejas nativas sin aguijón, siendo parte activa de la cooperativa, especialmente en las labores de envasado y etiquetado de productos, en el impulso de floricultura del solar, ( ... )
ción de flor cortada para venta directa al mercado, producción de néctar y polen para las abejas nativas (con flores de ornato de interés regional), siendo la producción de tipo orgánico es decir, sin la aplicación de