There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: EG-PP-11 |
Design and manufacture of four small size wind turbines for water pumping.
? Building and installing wind turbines to generate electricity to minimize the use of fossil fuels to
generate energy thus minimizing the harmfull emissions to the ( ... )
? Establishing partnerships between the NGO, the manufacturing company and the local community.
? Building the capacities of the local NGO, the executing NGO and the
manufacturing company.
To motivate the community to improve their ways in living.
To reduce the greenhouse gases emissions which cause the increase of global warm phenomenon.
To design, manufacture, install, operate and
Pilot Phase
Project Number: MLI/94/03 |
Projet des femmes pour le developpement de l'agro-foresterie en associant les cultures maraîcheres aux especes fruitiers, et le reboisement des especes autochtones
Soucieuses de la dégradation de l?environnement, de la désertification et de la ( ... )
© des bois de chauffe et l?inexistence d?activité génératrices de revenue dans le village les femmes sont regroupées en association pour le développement de leur village en sollicitant l?appui de l?ONG A.C.D
Objectifs spécifiques - la protection des especes locales
- lutte contre la déforestation
- lutte contre l?érosion
- augmentation et diversification des productions
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-BAR-94-G08 |
This project sought to develop a natural history specimen collection at the Barbados museum. It was envisaged that the collection would be used for the identification of Barbados? fauna and flora, assist in the assessment of the island?s ( ... )
ersity and serve as a tool to measure change in biodiversity over time.
The major activities will include the purchasing of field collection, storage and computer equipment and preservation materials; the funding of technical assistance to develop a scientific collection of specimens of Barbados flora and fauna; the development of a database on the island's biodiversity for public and
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: THA/95/G06 |
A programme by NGO to build capacity of local teachers so that what are learnt can be implemented as projects in communities. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-DMA-94-G09 |
Compilation of a handbook, video, slides etc.of ecological practices for weed and pest control and soil maintenance strategies on small farm holdings aimed at farmers attempting to diversify from banana to food crop production; cost-analysis of ( ... )
tional methods of weed/pest control versus organic
Pilot Phase
Project Number: CHI/95/07 |
En la V Región y especialmente en el borde costero el sindicato de pescadores de quintay se organiza para poder evitar que un complejo turÃstico extranjero contamine las aguas de la bahÃa y asà deteriore los recurso marinos y la flora Estudiar ( ... )
pactos que provocará la llegada de un proyecto inmobiliario en los habitantes de la zona, para luego llegar a la elaboración de un plan de manejo integral para el desarrollo de la
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUR-95-03 |
Prevention of soil erosion in the project area through Afforestation and public awareness activities in Emirdag (Afyon district of Turkey). |
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/94/17 |
Reduction of heat energy loss through introduction of modern systems of heat energy transmission and distribution in the Albert Foundation Center in Gdansk.
The Albert Foundation Cenetr for homeless people in Gdansk, near port, covers 2.8 ha area ( ... )
2 buildings occupied by 600 people (including 130 children).Previously it was a camp of volunteer working group (young people of age 18-21) constructed in very early 1970s, in a very poor condition pavilons and barracks with totally unefficient heat distribution system, also in a fatal state, with permanent accidents and leakings.According to expertises the whole distribution system will not
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/33/92 (Pilot Phase 133-M) |
Environmental education program for the promotion of biodiversity conservation and sustainable farming technology. |
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: THA/95/G10 |
An organized forum aiming to encourage public participation in tackling global environmental problems in the country. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PAK/95/20 |
The thrust of concentration is on the area of the village Mani Acger Taluka Ratodero. The objectives of the project are mainly centered around afforestation, multiple use, sustained yield, control of water level, economic development, trees as an ( ... )
ry and reduction of global warming.
The project envisages plantation of 25,000 trees, each year by the farmers for the first five years. A total of 1,25,000 trees will be planted in Phase 1 and each farmer shall be asked to earmark 5 acres of land and plant 5,000 enblock trees on his land.
After completion of phase 1, each farmer shall be required to hand over one thousand trees out of his
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BRA/95/06 |
ABIPA currently has 120 associates, who have succeeded in dissuading farmers to use fire, increased income, and better nutrition for the local families. Rational beekeeping in Axixá do Tocantins, state of Tocantins is growing, and to act as a ( ... )
st for this growth, this project will enable the creation of a rotating fund for manufacturing beehives, as well as providing working capital for honey harvesting. New beekeeper nuclei will be implemented, with technical training, production of boxes for the bee colonies and collection gear, and purchase of 2,500 liters of honey at the time of
Pilot Phase
Project Number: SEN/95/01 |
La zone du projet est caractérisée par une forte dégradation des terres avec comme conséquence la raréfaction du couvert végétal.En initiant ce projet, les femmes de Ndane ont voulu préserver insitu une espèce végétale menacée de ( ... )
ition ( le henné - Lawsonia inermis ). Il s'agit d'un projet de conservation de la biodiversité végétale en sauvegardant cette espece menacée à travers :
- la plantation d'une parcelle de henné
- développement d?activités productives (maraîchage et embouche)
-Formation des femmes aux différentes
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BZE/94/03 |
To create an awareness of conservation measures in the fishing industry by training fishermen in the importance of protection of marine resources and coastal habitats. To achieve this goal, BFCA would conduct 9 training workshops for fishermen ( ... )
izing the importance of diversification, habitat protection, stock protection and provide information on new opportunities in the fishing industry. In addition, information would futher be disseminated through the publication of a quarterly newsletter and the production and airing of an educational video on the fishing industry in
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUN/92/G51/18 |
* Support for local community in using environmentaly freindly practices
* Training workshops in conservation practices
* Technical assistance and training to develop sustainable management and use of the forest
* Support to local community , ( ... )
lly women , for development of income generating activities
* Raising awareness and understanding of forest protection and use of energy-efficient technologies (Tabouna
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: SEN/95/06 |
Ce projet de formation est né du constat que les ONG et les AVD rencontrent beaucoup de difficultés dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre de projets compatibles avec les objectifs du FEM. Ces difficultés sont sonvent liées à un manque de ( ... )
ion. En effet, l'environnement constitue un secteur dans lequel toute intervention nécessite au préalable des connaissances techniques et socio organisationnelles cohérentes. Dans ce cadre, les objectifs suivants sont visés:
-Favoriser une meilleure connaissance des objectifs du FEM par les ONG et AVD
-Amélioration de la capacité d?intervention des ONG et AVD
-organisation de séminaires
Pilot Phase
Project Number: MLI/94/19 |
Développement de l'agroforesterie par le maraîchage et formation a koulountabali.
L?agroforesterie initié par un groupe de 76 paysans, est une contribution a l?effort collectif de préserver le village de la déforestation. Le groupe de 116 ( ... )
s constitué en association dénommée l?association « bendia » en appui avec l? AMPD a déja menée des activités de sensibilisation de mobilisation des hommes et femmes de plantation et de maraîchage dans le village de koulountabali.
Description Protection de l?environnement a travers le reboisement appuyer par le maraîchage
Objectifs spécifiques - la protection des especes encore
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PAK/95/21 |
The project was located in the Dera Ismail Khan District and it aims to introduce fuel saving technology to the community, to save money and health of the Biomass fuel users. Furthermore it aims to conserve the forests of D.I Khan and prevent air ( ... )
ion which was being caused by the cutting of trees in a large number.
The activities to be carried out included a survey of the area and the conduction of a village profile and area profile of the villages. The formulation of strategy of supervision and monitoring jointly with the UNDP and arrangement for the training of field staff are also part of the planned activities. There is further
Papua new guinea
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PNG/95/03 |
US$18421.05 was provided to the Wau Ecology Institute to undertake an evaluation workshop of the GEF/SGP Programme for the Pilot Phase. The result of this workshop which was participated in by GEF Grant recepients included lessons learnt and ( ... )
endations for how GEF/SGP can assist in capacity Building of Environment NGOs and CBOs.
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/28/92 (Pilot Phase 128-L) |
Community-based seed banking, retrieval and propagation of traditional rice varieties. |