There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Papua new guinea
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PNG/95/04 |
US$15350.88 was provided to the Maskalam Conservation Area Development Group to nature reserves in identified sites along the Pahoturi River, Western Province. Specific Special attention in terms of flora and fauna conservation was given to the ( ... )
ng of the goura pigeons and the enhancement of their habitat. The project is almost
Burkina faso
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BKF/95/05 |
Mise en place de deux jardins de plantes médécinales( 1Ha de plantes fruitières, 1ha d'espèces locales), d'un ha de tecks, de deux pépinières dont une pour le village de Nasso. Renforcement des capacités de jeunes filles de ( ... )
rat en botnique, en syviculture et utilisation des plantes médécinales.
Appui à la restauration des berges de la guinguette,une source d'eau naturelle alimentant, Bobo, la capitale économique du Burkina Faso, en eau. Capitlisation de l'expérience et des acquis du
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BOT/95/G52/001 |
The Nata Sanctuary was established to protect a wetland which is a breeding site for migratory birds. However the communities around the sanctuary did not actively participate in its management or accrued benefits form the project. The purpose of ( ... )
oject is to mobilise the community to support and make use of eco-tourism opportunities created by the
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-GRN-95-G10 |
A national consultation on the GEF/SGP and the GEF thematic areas aimed at increasing community understanding of the GEF/SGP and the GEF thematic areas and to reach consent on the appropriate project selection process and mechanism for the operation ( ... )
GEF/SGP in Grenada.
The main objectives are:
- to get a clearer understanding of the environment at the parish, community and national levels;
- to allow particpants to get a clearer understandiong about GEF SGP; and
- to set up a SGP National Committee to vet projects before sending them to Barbados for the final decision on
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BZE/95/02 |
The goal of the project is to conserve the biodiversity within the Five Blues Lake National Park. The primary activity will be to improve the road access to the park and to maintain the park?s staff. Access to the park has been problematic resulting ( ... )
management constraints and has had a negative impact on visitation. Improving the road access will allow visitation to increase thus creating more opportunities for residents in the area to benefit financially through the sale or products and will contribute towards the sustainable managing the park through collection of entrance
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/94/19 |
Primary aim of this project is inventory of places of natural value, mainly marshes, playing a major role in avifauna's existence,so far these areas have not been included in any protection programs in North Podlasie Plain. Over 100 sites were ( ... )
ed for further investigations (done by PTOP members, in consultation with naturalists from the Bialystok University).The selected places were mainly river valleys and basins,sometimes fragments of larger valleys, located in farming areas, outside big forest complexes; inventory will be recorded in electroniv data-base with maps and photographs, then 5-10 will be selected for top priority
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ECU/96/009 |
Alleviate poverty, support self-management processes, Amazonian fruit industrialization.
Pilot phase
GEF contribution |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ECU/95/006 |
Improve production and meet food needs of the community through the use of appropriate technologies.
Pilot phase
GEF contribution |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: EG-PP-09 |
Plant Palm trees in old and new Nubia and mobilize Nubian NGOs and grassroots communities to participate in implementation. The project is to redress the environmental damage caused by the flooding of Nubia and the loss of over three million date ( ... )
- introducing the traditional palm tree vegetation in New Nubia
- Mobilizing Nubian Commities, NGOs, agriculture cooperatives, Youth, in this environment project and developing environmental awarness in the process
- Training the Youth in agricultural methods which are in harmony with and destrucive to the
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUR-95-02 |
Identification and evaluation of the achievements of Turkish NGOs with respect to their role in environmental management and decision making mechanisms at the local and national levels and to assess their capacity in linking global environmental ( ... )
ns to national and local environmental
Papua new guinea
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PNG/95/05 |
US$10, 789.47 was provided to the Paramana Development and Planning Committee for the purpose of establishing the Paramana Integrated Coastal and Marine Conservation Area Project, and to increase awareness and participation of local communities on ( ... )
ated Coastal and Marine resource use along the Aroma Coast. The project also proposed to rehabilitate the depleating marine resources and reforestation of shorelines in order to arrest the increasing erosion of the shorelines. The project is now
Pilot Phase
Project Number: MLI/94/14 |
Gestion durable des ressources naturelles par l'élevage de poisson et la production du bois d'oeuvre et de chauffe pour la communauté des pecheurs.
Les populations riveraines depuis plus d?une dizaine d?année sont confrontées a de sérieux ( ... )
mes environnementaux chute de la densité des poissons dans le fleuve due a la pollution de l?eau, dégradation des berges du fleuve. C?est ainsi que les bozos de Ségou se sont vite organisés en une association dénommée Association pour la promotion des campements bozos de Ségou et banlieues ( APCBS)qui avaient déja entrepris des activités de plantation et de pisciculture dans le village .
Pilot Phase
Project Number: CHI/95/03 |
En la VIII región en la zona del Bío-Bío, zona de comunidades indígenas mapuvches hay una garn cantidad de áreas con ahguas termales por ello la comuniddad requiere de una propuesta de manejo sostenible de las 5 fuentes termales del Alto ( ... )
ío con participación de las 5 comunidades presentes en la zona. Con esto las comunidades podrán ordenar su actividad turística sin ponder en riesgo el recurso
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ECU/95/008 |
Improve living conditions by transforming neighborhood environments and marginated urban areas with ecological and artistic elements.
Pilot phase
GEF Contribution |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BRA/95/04 |
Rational use of natural Cerrado resources is the main objective of this project, including fruit and oil yielding vegetation. Women belonging to the Small Farmer Agroextractivist Association, In Carolina, state of Maranhão, will participate in this ( ... )
in a collective processing effort to produce sweets and soap. A large portion of these people already participate in related activities, but on small, non-commercial scale. Discussions about Cerrado conservation beyond the scope of the project will hopefully be provoked. Women?s participation in the association will be encouraged, family income will be improved, and conservation of the Cerrado
Pilot Phase
Project Number: CHI/95/08 |
El Valle de colliguay Carén es un Valle ubicado en la V Región dentro de estos ecosistemas existe una gran degradadción de suelos y una alta tasa de deforestación, aunado con poblaciones rurrales de escasos recursos. Esto ha producido un espiral ( ... )
eza y degradación por ello la Cooperativa campesina ha querido iniciar su trabajo a partir de la implementación de un vivero, capacitación de monitores en viverización y comercialización, promoción de la protección de los recursos forestales existentes, esto permitirá por una parte recupearar y reproducir especies nativas que se han ido perdiendo en calidad y número y por otro lado
Dominican republic
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/95/13 |
Support production and sustainable use of 21 native wood species through demonstration plots and training of 10 farmers groups in seed collection and processing, plant production in greenhouses, and marketing. |
Burkina faso
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BKF/95/06 |
Mise en place et gestion d'une pépnière, de 4 bosquets de plantes d'espèce locales en voie de disparition; appui à la mise en place d'une porcerie moderne comme alternative à la coupe abusive du bois pour la vente ou les objets d'arts vendus ( ... )
'accroissement des revenus des membres de l'organisation bénéficiaire.Renforcement des capacités de l'organisation bénéficiaire par des formations techniques, des voyages
Pilot Phase
Project Number: SEN/95/02 |
Le lac REtba, communément appelé Lac rose de par sa coloration est un site unique au monde, site actuellement dans un état de dégradation trés avancé, conséquence des multiples agressions naturelles et surtout humaines d'où la ( ... )
sité exprimée par les populations de protéger ce site par une exploitation plus adatée et une protection des ressources végétales qui l'entourent. Ainsi les objectifs tournent autour de:
- l'approfondissement de la recherche (Réalisation d?études socio-économiques, microbiolo-giques, hydrogéologiques et foncieres)
-l'information la sensibilisation et le formation des populations
Burkina faso
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BKF/95/08 |
Ce projet qui culture(traditions) et protection de l'environnement est supervisé par l'ADECUSS mais géré par les 5 chefs de bois sacrés, garants de la tradition du village de Kossouka. les principales activités sont :
La régénération des ( ... )
) bois sacrés par la clôture, le regarnissage et l'entretien de ces bois par par les chefs de bois et leurs lignées.
La gestion d'une pépinière cloturée et équipée d'une pompe manuelle
Le traitement de ravine en vue de la remontée de la nappe phréatique et la reconstitution du couvert végétal
Le renforcement des capacités des membres en gestion des projets, en production de