There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/95/09 |
Tree planting near Leczyca- creation of green belts on the outskirts of Leczyca town used by inhabitants for recreation. Transforming currently degradated part of Old Warsaw-Berlin Valley into the ecological area. |
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G31/09 |
Gugulethu project is located in Mtshede village,Ward three of Umzingwane district. The project is approximately 25 km from Esigodini growth point in Matebeland South.This is a dry area and food production is only possible where practises of land use ( ... )
logically friendly and help to sustain the land.
The objectives of the project are to
- support community initiatives at protecting the environment and promoting ecologically sustainable development.
-ensure that every unit of land is put to its potential use giving optimum returns at any given rate.
-improve the degenarated environment by ensuring that land is efficiently used.
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G31/11 |
The project is in Chigumira village of ward 22 in Chipinge District.The site of the project is 220km from Mutare and only 400m from the Save river.The broad goals are to help curb extensive siltaton of the save micro catchment and to enhance the ( ... )
tion of intwernational waters.The other goal is to promote biodiversity through the introduction of self sustainable activities like friut farming, market gardening, sugarcane plantation and the vertiva grass nurseries.
-make the project a major focal point from which the community can learn ways of protecting and managing resources through growing of vertiva grass and proper ways
Pilot Phase
Project Number: SEN/95/05 |
Le Daara de Guéoul est un institut islamique chargé de former de jeunes éléves. Le projet traduit la philosophie de l'école qui est d'aller au-delà du simple enseignement religieux pour intégrer les volets information, encadrement - ( ... )
ion et communication sur divers aspects dont l'environnement et les activités génératrices de revenus. Cette capacitation des élèves doit leur permettre d'être plus tard des vecteurs de changement de comportement en faveur de l'environnement . Ainsi, les principales activités prévues sont :
- Education et formation des talibés aux techniques environnementales
- Mise en place
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BRA/95/05 |
Research and encouragement for the implementation of sustainable economic alternatives based on traditional practices, social organization and innovative creativity are the main axis of the initiative. Improved quality of life in the communities ( ... )
will bring about arguments for the defense of the environment and the traditional communities is the objective. ASFLO will become a cooperative for Cerrado products such as flowers, cosmetics, medicinal plants and herbs, frit pulp, sweets, oils, etc. Similar initiatives will be implemented elsewhere in the Cerrado, mainly around Conservation Units. Converging efforts will hopefully result in
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-INS-95-G16 |
Project goals or objective (including GEF problem area addressed by project) :
Short term objectives :
1. to increase farmers? income by cultivating bicolor buffaloes, which are unique to this area. as local potential sources to support ( ... )
rism activities.
2. to increase farmers? skills in animal husbandry and integrated agriculture.
Long term objectives :
1. To improve farmers? agricultural pattern on agricultural entertainment, from subsistence farming to progressive farming system.
2. To use lands wisely as an effort to rehabilitate and preserve environment by intensifying agricultural efforts, including optimizing
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/34/92 (Pilot Phase 134-M) |
Installation of a community-based resource management plan in two (2) communities to ensure the protection, conservation of coastal resources and biodiversity. Project strategies also included local capacity building and institutionalizing the ( ... )
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: SRL/92/G51/011 |
To conserve bio diversity which is being threatened due to the loss of natural habitat and environmental pollution.
Demonstration of successful strategies to prevent global warming through small scale activities.
Protection of the ( ... )
versity of the Anuradhapura area through the estab-
lishment of nurseries and reforestation.
Support the local communities in forest resource management.
Reforest catchment area of Vihara Halmillakulama wewa.
Promote agro-forestry in the neglected farm land.
Maintain the capacity of the tank by clearing silt etc
Create awareness among children on environment conservation and its benefits
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BOT/95/G51/004 |
Cataloging (taxanomy, distribution, location etc.) of and entering into a database about 5000 plants of the Okavango. |
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G31/08 |
Jirimhanda project is located in Nyika District.It can be characterised as lying in natural region 111 which has semi-intensive cultivation and rainfall averaging 650-800mm a year. The area is however facing problems common to most communal areas .A ( ... )
ncrease in population combined with scarcity of land, is resulting in increasingly intensive utilisation of available resources.Deforestration and soil degradation are now becoming apparent and traditonal farming methods are no longer sustainable.
In order to curb the trend of increasing environmental degradation , the Jirimhanda community identified these projects ;crop farming ,water
Pilot Phase
Project Number: THA-95-G09 |
A community effort to protect the endangered water species by organising workshops to raise conservation awareness , formulating conservation
regulation and establishing non-fishing zones. |
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: KEN-GEF-95-001 |
Phase II of conservation of biodiversity of L. Kanyaboli and sustainable development of Stakeholder population by working with fishing and farming communities to promote conservation & management of L. Kanyaboli, a lake with endemic fish species. |
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/95/04 |
Support of a spanish and creole radio program in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. To create awareness on ecological damage suffered by the island and the necessity to define strategies to preserve and restore natural resources.
Plant trees with ( ... )
llaboration of farmer organizations, and establishment of demonstration plots and
Land Degradation
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G31/14 |
The Longwe Ostritch Project is located in a village on the eastern section of the Kennilworth Resettlement Scheme some 120 km northeast of Bulawayo. Prior to resettlement the area boasted of a wide diversity of wiidlife such as kudu, impala , ( ... )
, tsetsebe , monkeys ,warthogs,and the burrowing -living cats.There was also an abundance of bird life including the strich, stocks and fliers.
The introduction and increase in human population densities resulted in a marked decrease in the populations of wildlife as convetional communal land use systems ,and livestock management take precedence.Some species like the ostrich are threatene with
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: THA/95/G07 |
A community-based rehabilitation programme on dredging canals joining the Songkhla Lagoon adjacent to the Gulf of Thailand and restocking of fishes and prawn fingerlings and strengthening the network of fisherfolk communities depending upon the ( ... )
Dominican republic
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/95/08 |
Promoting rational management of palm forest with participation of four communities including training, inventories, and a diagnosis of the forest's condition. |
Dominican republic
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/95/17 |
Involucrar a las/os comunitarias / os de las comunidades de Vallesito y El Montazo en el aprovechamiento sostenible de la Pimienta Ozúa para la obtención de aceites esenciales. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: CHI/95/06 |
En la X región de los lagos, sur de Chile, la comunidad Indígena Weyoi se ha planteado la Comercialización y difusión de plantas medicinales a través de la capacitación de mujeres y generación de un manual sobre cultivo y manejo de plantas ( ... )
ales: este conocimiento existe en las comunidades pero se haya desagregado y esto impide la difusión en forma más continua, se trabajará recopilando la información así como propagando especies a partir de semillas y de
Pilot Phase
Project Number: CHI/95/02 |
El problema del agua en la X Región pareciera no existir, esto por la lata pluviometría, sisn embargo los problemas en verano en la zona por escases de agua son bastante frecuentes especialmente en zonas rurales en donde se debe repartir agua en ( ... )
es. El Proyecto se plantea un Manejo sostenible de la zona costera intermareal y la utilización y manejo sostenible del recurso agua en la zona riberena de la localidad. De tal forma de poder contar con el preciado elemento en forma
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GHA/95/022 |
Marine turtles are endangered all over the world and are wholly protected by law in Ghana. However, they are hunted for food and killed in beach and purse seine nets. Predation by pigs and dogs and disturbance of the nesting sites constitutes the ( ... )
ajor threat to the species. The project was executed from Kpone through Prampam, New Ningo, and Old Ningo to Wekumagbe, which fall within the core nesting area for marine turtles in Ghana. Even though Ghana?s coastline is about 535 km long of which 375 km of this consists of sandy beaches and hence suitable for marine turtle nesting, only 64 km constitute the core marine turtle nesting area. The