There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 1
Project Number: ZIM/92/G31/10 |
The Serengeti Five project is located in the Chiduku communal land of Makoni district in Manicaland province. The project area has been allocated 12 hectares for field crops, 8 hectares for dam site, 8 hectares for lodge and 3 hectares for nursery ( ... )
shment and another 3 hectares for preservation of the natural woodland. The project essentially includes a plethora of activities , namely waterharvesting , market gardening and ecotourism.
1) To conserve and manage resources sustainably and to stimulate neighbouring communities to do the same through learning by example.
2) To encourage sustainable agriculture production
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUN/92/G51/19 |
Le projet: "Contribution à la conservation de la biodiversité et la lutte contre la désertification à la base". Projet pilote de l'école primaire de Sidi Sâad vise à:
-Contribuer à la Conservation de la biodiversité ( ... )
tribuer à la préservation du patrimoine biologique national et protection des espèces végétales locales
-Impliquer des enfants dans la protection de l'environnement.
-Développer du volontariat à la base dans les écoles primaires pour la sauvegarde de la nature et de l'environnement.
Les activités du projet sont:
-Créer de 2 mini-pépinières :
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PAK/95/27 |
The objective of the project was aimed at reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions entering the atmosphere by construction of smokeless stoves and protecting biodiversity through releasing the pressure for fuel wood of waste lands amounting ( ... )
otal area of 8664 acres in Tehsil Chunian and Tehsil Pattoki of District Kasur.
Two or more women from twelve villages were trained as ?Chuhla Misteries? or ?Chuhla Mechanics? in a five day workshop conducted in collaboration with FPAP-Pakistan at Changa Manga. Furthermore the local ?lohars? or blacksmiths of each village were trained in making steel material need to construct the Stove. The
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BRA/95/03 |
This project will take place in Western Goiás State, in the Upper Araguaia River Region, in the Municipalities of Doverlândia and Iporá. Solar energy will be harvested for dehydration of native tropical fruit and medicinal plants, thus reducing ( ... )
scale industrial processing costs. Value will be added to the finished product, and commercial feasibility of alternative energy use in small rural properties. Employment and alternative income will be generated, consequently alleviating the rural exodus. Sustainable use of natural Cerrado resources will be promoted through cultivation and extraction of fruit and medicinal plants. A solar
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BOT/95/G51/003 |
The village of Lesoma is situated in the North-East part of the Chobe District, about 12km south of Kazungula. The local community relies on farming as an essential activity to supply basic food and provide some income by selling surplus to Kasane ( ... )
zungula. Arable farmers in Lesoma have always faced the problem of their crops being destroyed by wildlife, elephants in particular. The situation has since become worse due to the increased number of animals coming from the east after the border fence with Zimbabwe was destroyed by elephants. Even though farmers are allowed to shoot animals to protect their fields, the majority of the crops
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: KEN-GEF-95-003 |
To renovate 3 existing stoves: supply and install heavy duty stainless steel cooking system and demolition of the existing old cookers, water heating system using gas fuel. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: KEN-GEF-95-004 |
Install energy-efficient jiko cookstoves in 10 schools to reduce wood use, reduce fuel costs and improve health of school workers. |
Dominican republic
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/95/11 |
Production, promotion and marketing of aromatic plants, including the establishment of a greenhouse and construction of a small-scale distillation plant for aromatic oils. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ECU/96/008 |
Community appraisal, inventory of flora and fauna species, management plan, experimental plots, training and dissemination.
Pilot phase
GEF contribution |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: MLI/94/18 |
Régénération de ronier une espece qui est menacée de disparition a Wadie.
Compte tenu de l?utilité du rônier et l?exploitation dont il a toujours été l?objet, les villages ont toujours eu des brigades de défense de rônier. Ces brigades ( ... )
ent contre l?exploitation des fruits avant leur maturité, la coupe frauduleuse des pieds. Ces mesures ne sont pas toujours efficace c?est dans ce cadre que le projet s?inscrit dans le renforcement des capacités pour la protection de l'environnement.
Description Protection de l?environnement a travers le reboisement
Objectifs spécifiques - régénération des rôniers
- protection du
Trinidad and tobago
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TRI/92/G51/2101/005 |
The island of Trinidad, despite its natural beauty, does not have an extensive tourist industry. However, the potential exists to make tourism a vibrant, lucrative and eco-sustainable industry for the inhabitants of Trinidad. The Toco Foundation: ( ... )
ultural Foundation for Integrated Development, an NGO founded in 1991, has embarked on a plan to develop the county of St. David through an Ecotourist Project which would generate employment, be sensitive to the local customs
and ecology of the region, and promote national environmental awareness. It is hoped that the project will gain national attention as an alternative model for economic
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/95/02 |
Projects aims in enabling inhabitants of Lubon, suburb of Poznan and Poznan itself, use bikes instead of cars for weekend (and everyday) trips from the city along warta River, to Wielkopolski Park Narodowy, place of weekend visits.
Bicycle and ( ... )
g road from Poznan to Wielkopolski National Park, 17 km in total - the levelling of the ground prior to the start of construction work, construction of 3 wooden bridges, tree planting, marking the road, printing the
Dominican republic
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/95/09 |
Create awareness amongst women on the dangers of pesticide misuse through courses, workshops, and community meetings. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ECU/95/007 |
Research on Amazonian biotic resources, conservation of an in situ flora and fauna genetic bank, training and environmental education.
Pilot phase
GEF contribution |
Dominican republic
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/95/12 |
Supporting community-based conservation efforts through training, site visits and community exchanges. Inventory and production of a catalogue regarding wild varieties of plants and animals. |
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/95/15 |
Providing information to owners of air conditioner and refrigerator repair shops on CFC's and the need to protect the ozone layer. |
Dominican republic
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/95/06 |
Support community-based management of protected areas through training courses for volunteer rangers. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PAK/95/25 |
The project was composed of two phases, in the first phase a forest on one hundred acres of land was to be raised in which appropriate plants and bushes including Babool, Shesham, Bar mulberry, Jund and wild roses shall be planted. In the second ( ... )
parent stock of black/gray partridge and hog deer was to be re introduced in the area, the idea behind the whole project was to create a refuge for wildlife which will be used as a hatchery initially for partridges and hog deer and later on for other birds and animals. Wild life would be provided with all the possible protection and facilities i.e. Shelter, Food, Proper Plants, Trees and
Trinidad and tobago
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TRI/92/G51/2101/002 |
The TYRE GARDEN PROJECT will re-use old tyres, plastic bottles, chicken feathers, leaves, manure etc., to create an environment for the growing of vegetables, fruits, flowers, Christmas trees, etc., in a hostile agricultural environment e.g. Beetham ( ... )
Laventille, Sea Lots. This will be done using the organic approach.
The project, which will be coordinated by an agriculturalist, will train members of fourteen (14) NGOs/CBOs and schools that have expressed interest in learning the Tyre Garden technique in the first instance followed by newly-interested organisations and schools. Demonstrations will be given to each organisation on the
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUR-95-05 |
Preparation and establishment of the first Local Agenda 21 in Turkey, for the town of Urla with the participation of all stakeholders at local and national level. |