There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: TUR-94-01 |
The project aimed to provide various actors in the society with the basic information on the importance, formation and protection of soil resouces via conducting erosion prevention and land improvement activities in Kargali village; conducting ( ... )
ch and publishing a booklet on soil degradation, conservation and rehabilitation; training at the School on Soil
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/94/12 |
Establecer un fondo rotativo en una comunidad rural que permita suplir de energía eléctrica, a través de paneles solares, a sus habitantes. Además, capacitar a 30 personas en el manejo e instalación de paneles solares, en 15 comunidades de ( ... )
vincia de Monte
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/22/92 (Pilot Phase 122-V) |
Community-based mangrove and coral reefs rehabilitation project. Project strategies also aimed to strengthen coastal communities capacity to sustain the conservation project. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: KEN-GEF-93-009 |
Assistance to Pastoralist communities to sustainability exploit gum arabic, increasing their incomes and thereby reducing tree cutting for charcoal and utilizatioin gum arabic waste for making saw dust briquettes. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BZE/94/01 |
The goal of the project is to demonstrate to the surrounding communities of the Rio Bravo Conservation Area how the conservation of the area and its biodiversity, together with involvement in alternative activities besides slash and burn ( ... )
lture, can provide tangible benefits to them. This primary goal could be achieved while at the same time, two other direct objectives would be accomplished: a) to encourage the Arts and Crafts Group to utilize sustainable resources in their community and immediate environment to produce crafts for sale to obtain additional income for their families and to improve their standard of living; b) to
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ZIM/92/G31/03 |
The Chandarwarira Bangira Dam and Grazing Scheme is an initiative by the community in Ward G of Mhondoro aimed at environmental rehabilitation.As with most communal areas ,Mhondoro suffers the problems of soil erosion , deforestration and shortage ( ... )
er .The sum total of this is the problem of desertification resulting in extensive losses of biodiversity. The propsed dam will ensure increased supplies of water in the dam without which all attempts at biodiversity protection will not succeed . The dam will hold up to 30 400m3 or 66 87057 gallons of water at full capacity.
Most erosion problems in communal areas result from poorly managed
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/94/13 |
The main objective of this project is creation of conditions enabling secure development of bat population in Poznan through protection of their winter habitats in military forts.Educational/information campaign should change people,s negative ( ... )
de towards
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/19/92 (Pilot Phase 119-L) |
Protection and conservation of forest ecosystem (Northern Palawan) and arrest the ethno-cultural extinction of the Batak tribe. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GHA/93/015 |
The Ho District is a major honey production area. Most honey producers harvest honey from the wild using fire to kill or scare away bees ? a practice that sometimes lead to bushfires. The project was to introduce the CBO members to modern methods of ( ... )
ing that will not lead to bushfires and increase the survival of bees who will in turn enhance the pollination of plants in the wild. The CBO was assisted to train 30 of its members in the use of the Kenya Top Bar Hive (KTBH) .The CBO was also assisted in managing their business to improve their
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/94/21 |
North-East tip of Poland has a very unique landscape formed by glacier, so hundreds of small lakes and water basins, hills (including mighty Fujijama - as it is called by tourists; forests, extensive dimishing agriculture with growing number of ( ... )
ro-farms providing tourist services. During summer season region is full of tourists and project aims in shifting them from cars into bikes for the sake of this clean area. Activities of project: Preparation of system of bike-path and marking them; installation of posters with information and a map on billboards in some key places; publication of guide with a map (3000 copies). Wigry
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-JOR-92-G51-10 |
The proponent carried out fund raising activities and produced awareness materials to promote the Dana Reserve which was supported by a GEF macro project. The NGO later used the generated funds to restore historical and cultural heritage of the ( ... )
e and improve the quality of life of residents by promoting eco-tourism in the
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ZIM/92/G31/04 |
The Mbazhe Dam is situated in Gezekhaya Village in Ngomambi South Ward ,Nkayi District. The dam is approximately 42 kilometres north west of Nkayi Growth Point.The area falls uder natural region iv and has an annual rainfall of between 450mmand ( ... )
Mbazhe dam was established as a nature reserve for the purpose of creating a breeding place for ducks and birds and a rest camp for the then District Commissioner and his visitors.Apart from the birds and ducks , the Mbazhe Dam is also home to the crocodiles and fish.
Illegal settlers who moved into the area deliberately ignored any conservation practises to conserve the environment and there
Papua new guinea
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PNG/94/03 |
US$20, 046.14 was provided to the Wau Ecology Institute to inventorise the Kuper Range /Lake Trist Conservation Area with the involvement of the local communities. Training of the local participating community persons chosen to assist in the data ( ... )
tion was also undertaken. Data collection included (a) checklist of birds in the area, (b) a synopsis of biodiversity programmes at the wau ecology institute and a (c) a map of the Kuper Range Conservation Area. Project
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/27/92 (Pilot Phase 127-V) |
Development and installation of a community-based coastal resource management for an island barangay. Strategies included institutionalizing project gains, thus networking with the LGUs. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/16/92 (Pilot Phase 116-M) |
The project aims to conserve and propagate traditional rice varieties through establishing a community-based seed center, seed collection and propagation, and capability building and will form part of the project is the installation of a ( ... )
vation/protection mechanism for the watershed areas. Sidlakang Dabaw Development Foundation (SIDLAK) handled project management and coordination. A self-trained technical person, also a member of the partner community and a Mandaya developed/designed the system and supervised actual construction. The local community provided labor and local materials as counterpart. Networking with the local
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-INS-94-G15 |
Project goals or objective (including GEF problem area addressed by project) :
1. Rehabilitating the destroyed mangrove area in Wilayah Semangat Baru, Labuan Mapin Village, Alas sub-district, Sumbawa Regency.
2. Motivating local villagers to ( ... )
in the newly [re]planted mangrove seedlings for the benefit of the whole community.
3. Increasing environmental awareness among the local community (and the neighboring communities) especially on the importance of mangrove forest which affect their daily livelyhoods.
Activities to be carried out under project :
1. Gathering and planting activities of new mangrove seedlings/saplings
Papua new guinea
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PNG/94/04 |
A sum of US$ 6644.74 was provided to a community group in the Chimbu Province to develop the Brokenil Orchid Farm. The objective of setting up the farm is to stop unnecessary destruction and collection of wild orchid species by providing a readily ( ... )
ble source for clients. A further objective was to generate income for the people . The project is now
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GHA/94/018 |
The Buabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary is located in the Nkoranza District in the dry semi-deciduous forest in the transition zone of Ghana. This zone is quickly changing from forest to grassland so the community?s dry semi-deciduous forest is an ( ... )
ed forest that is surrounded by grassland. The people and their traditional leaders have used ancient taboos to protect this forest which also is home to two endangered species of monkeys ? Black and White Colobus monkeys, Colobus polykomos and the Mona monkey, Cercopithecus mona. As well as large members of colourful butterflies and other wildlife. The project for the first time negotiated with
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/94/09 |
Main project's goal is to increase population of common goldeneye (bucefala clangula), very rare and unique duck nesting in old dry trees, listed on The RED LIST of endangered birds. To increase hatch succes 200 hatch boxes designed by Dr. Tadeusz ( ... )
(records from other parts of Poland proved that 75% on average were settled by common goldeneye) will be installed along lake's shores in forest, on islands, in West Pomerania Voivodship. Project indirectly touch the big problem - dry,old trees are not kept in the forest, quickly cut by foresters,so goldeneye will be "instrumentally" used in dialoque with foresters concerning their poor
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: EG-PP-01 |
Building the capacity of the NGO in constructing and maintaining biogas units as well as raising awareness of farmers about the importance of using biogas in the pursuit of protecting the environment. Building and installation of 5 units of Biogas ( ... )
illages (bayad El Arab, El Tal, Senour). This project is jointly implemented through 2 NGOs, one responsible for the biogas technology, maintenance and installation. The other NGO responsible for the public awareness and dissemination of