There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: JOR/05/09 |
In Al Kitteh Village, adjacent to Dibeen Nature Reserve, west of Jerash governorate, Al Kitteh Charity Society will implement the "?Role of Local Community in Integrated Management of Water and Land Resources and Improved Land Productivity in Al ( ... )
Area.? Project. The project aims at improving the efficiency of water use from available springs in the project area in order to enhance irrigation of agricultural lands and improve agricultural productivity. This will be achieved through construction of cement irrigation channels and maintaining old ones, constructing rain-collection cisterns in a bid to eventually impact the environmental,
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/04/06 |
Role of Women in Environmental Conservation implemented by Phuentsholing Women's Association (PWA) in Chukha Dzongkhag to create awareness and cleaning campaigns amongst the Phuentsholing residence.
Phuentsholing falls under Chukha District, ( ... )
is located on the Southern foothills, adjoining the international border with the Indian state of West Bengal. It is home to approximately 40,000 inhabitants. This area is threatened by landslides, flood and small scale industries polluting the environment including the human activities.
The Phuentsholing Women's Association was formed in 1999 as a non-profit Non-Governmental Organization
Phase 3
Project Number: MSP05/002 |
Focus on Education and Awareness activities in 14 of 16 States in Palau implementing a pilot rapid education program and determine and document effectiveness of such a method.
There will be collection and creation of of educational/promotion ( ... )
als that are based on research on IBAs. With all information compiled, partners such as teachers will be trained to collaborate in the program. These materials will then be used for the rapid education program where a blitz of information and awareness raising activities will be carried out in fourteen of the sixteen States. The rapid education program will include use of posters, pamphlets,
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: MSP05/001 |
First Project to be implemented in Palau under SGP and aims at building capacity of CBO/NGO sector to be able to understand and access funding resources which includes SGP that service objectives and focal areas of GEF. Mentoring support will also ( ... )
vided to those that successfully access these resources, particularly SGP funding.
This Project will explore linking experts and communities by identifying and training members of the communities to be able to forge and maintain partnerships and collaborate with other stakeholders. Other training will be undertaken for specific members of the community on proposal development and project
Biodiversity Biodiversity
Phase 3
Project Number: MSP05/003 |
Marine Environment Education involving all the schools in Palau from Elementary School level, high school and the college.
The PICRC is primarily a research organization and is delving into sharing its knowledge and materials with the general ( ... )
through mainly the formal education system at all levels. This Project will enable this linkage as a boost to initiate this partnership between research and public information.
Activities will include provision of expertise and information to students, teachers and community at large through interesting innovative/fun workshops and field trips and provision of educational materials on marine
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/14 |
Community demonstration of the new theory of the Royal Initiative on self-sufficient economy that would contribute to increasing green area as carbon sinks , promoting the use of renewable energy, especially solar to avoid adding up of ( ... )
ouse gas into the atmosphere , and promoting the use of organic substances in agricultural practice to reverse land and water degradation- all these contributing to global
Dominican republic
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/05/15 |
Establecimiento de la ruta del café con sus tres senderos como punto de partida para un proyecto de turismo responsable y que contribuya en el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las comunidades de Jamao Afuera y Jamao Adentro en Salcedo, ( ... )
uciendo modelos sostenibles de utilización de los recursos naturales y conservando la biodiversidad y la identidad cultural
La Ruta del Café y sus tres senderos naturalísticos (El Cafetal, La Confluencia y La Cueva), pueden representar el inicio de un proyecto de turismo responsable y de campana de tutela de la biodiversidad local
otro de los resultados a destacar es que los ninos y los
International Waters
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: EGY-05-233 |
Sanitation at Gaafar, A Generic Profile
Gaafar is deprived from wastewater treatment facilities. For some time the vast majority of the houses were not provided with toilets. People had to defecate in the open, causing some serious health ( ... )
ms, specially for women who tended to refrain from defecation until late at night.
Community development organizations have provided many of the houses with toilets, and at the present time most of the homes are have toilets. Most of the houses are provided with some type of septic tanks for municipal waste collection. These septic tanks are mostly bottomless and waste infiltrated to
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/04/10 |
The project is located about 68km from Chiredzi town.Direct beneficiaries to the project are derived from six villages in chief Gudo `s area and about 34 households are members of the group.The project is involved in management of local wood land ( ... )
ving the already existing trees, afforestation activities and gully reclamation.The group engages in cultural awareness involving traditional Chokoto and Manyanga dance.An important aspect of their work is also on health which involves awareness on HIV/AIDS and offering volunteer assistance in educating local communities on hygiene and malaria prevention.
its five areas of concentration will
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/29 |
Implementación adecuada de espacios para los turístas de la zona.Evitar la extinción de especímenes por los propios lugareños.Inserción de mujeres y niños con actividades recreativas y áreas de esparcimiento. Forestación y embellecimiento ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/04/12 |
Chibememe Earth Healing Association CHIEHA is a community based conservation and development organization initiated in 1998 and located in Chibememe village, Sangwe communal lands 80km NE of Chiredzi.Its main objective is to promote the conservation ( ... )
tainable utilization of our cultural and natural resources in and around the Sangwe communal lands and its environs.CHIEHA is involved in 5 main programmes.These are
1. environmental and cultural awareness
2. land care and earth healing programme
3.income generating programme
4. food security and sustainable agriculture programme
5. Post World Parks Congress WPC Great Limpopo Transforontier
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/20 |
East Kazakhstan is a unique ecological area of Kazakhstan. 400 rare and endemic species, 900 medicinal, food and technical plants (that makes 35 % and 23 % of the overall flora in Kazakhstan) grow here. Altay-Sayan region covers transboundary ( ... )
ories of Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, and China, and it is a unique place where Central Asia biological and landscape biodiversity is concentrated. Here wild relatives of cultural species and rare and endemic flora and fauna are kept. At the same time economic crisis of the region, pauperization of the local population and increase of commercial demand for natural resources may cause destruction
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BOL/OP3/1/05/08 |
La primera cumbre de ecoturismo, tuvo como objetivo establecer lineamientos estratégicos para el desarrollo y gestión sostenible del ecoturismo en el país. Como resultado de esta actividad, con base en las conclusiones de las cinco jornadas y la ( ... )
sta de las comunidades, se elaboró el Plan de Acción para el desarrollo del Ecoturismo en Bolivia y una agenda de trabajo que deberian adoptar las diferentes instituciones e instancias de gobierno para la promoción del ecoturismo.
Con el objetivo de definir lineamientos y acciones estratégicas para el periodo 2006 - 2007 a través de un análisis de los nuevos enfoques y corrientes del
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GHA/05/082 |
Problem Statement
In response to Article 8 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) governments worldwide have established systems of Protected Areas (PA) to conserve biodiversity in situ, as well as to promote on-the?ground protection in ( ... )
nt areas and out across the landscape. Ghana?s allocation of 5.5% of its land surface under Protected Areas is far from the international pledge of at least 10% per country. However, the Wildlife Division (WD) of the Forestry Commission (FC), which is mandated to establish and manage a PA system in Ghana, has very little prospects for substantially expanding the PA system as a result of
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: THA/05/04 |
Target Population / Location of project:
100 households of small scale farmers in rain-fed ,minimal rainfall area for the 28 villages in three tambols of Lao Kwan District, Kanchanaburi Province - an ecological of the Gulf of Thailand / South ( ... )
ea, and situated in the Indo-Chinese Sub-region Unit of the Biogeography
Environment Problems and Livelihood:
The soil in project area is comparatively dry. Prices of agricultural products are low causing problems of
chronic effort of project members to keep up with ever-increasing expense. Owing to globalization ,
consumerism and population boom, traditional ways of life was on the
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MLI/05/07 |
Afin de sensibiliser les élus locaux sur les domaines d?intérêt du FEM il est mis en ?uvre ce projet qui visent les objectifs ci-après :
- faire connaître le PPS/FEM aux Conseillers Nationaux du HCC
- approfondir les connaissances du HCC sur ( ... )
èmes du FEM, les accords, protocoles et Stratégies Nationales dans ces domaines
- identifier le rôle des Conseiller Nationaux du HCC et les stratégies adéquates dans la mise en ?uvre du PPS/FEM
- faciliter l?instauration d?un partenariat entre le HCC, le PPS/FEM et le SECO-ONG/Mali dans le cadre de la réalisation du
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/30 |
Potenciar actividad económica local, por medio del turísmo de naturaleza y de esta forma generar una fuente de empleo para jovenes y mujeres de la comunidad. Todo esto bajo la base de la conservación de la lengua Materna de la comunidad, el ( ... )
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: ECU/05/005 |
El proyecto se plantea para apoyar el cumplimiento del compromiso del Ecuador dentro del Convenio de Estocolmo sobre la reducción y eliminación de COPs en el que uno de sus principales objetivos estratégicos es la sensibilización e información ( ... )
ana. El ministerio del Ambiente como punto focal del convenio hace evidente la necesidad de una amplia difusión e información a todo nivel para conseguir la máxima participación ciudadana en la lucha contra los COPs.
El proyecto se difundirá a través de estrategias de información. Educación y comunicación sobre COps en sector rural de la sierre norte. El carácter de este proyecto es
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: HND/OP3/SGP/05/016 |
Con el proyecto se busca ofrecer servicios turísticos de calidad a los visitantes; Capacitar a las socias del grupo en servicios turísticos y fortalecimiento del grupo y apoyar la protección de la laguna de Tampa Tin y su entorno.
Los logros ( ... )
oyecto dependerán de la medida en que las socias se sientan involucradas y se apoderen del mismo, teniendo una actitud positiva, participando de manera activa y directa. Es igualmente importante la disposición la comunidad para colaborar y apoyar al grupo en sus actividades de conservación de la laguna.
Cada socia se responsabilizara de las acciones que la junta directiva le asigne para la
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/05/80 |
Project development Goal:
To build and develop information technology system for disseminating Aceh Panglima Laot?s information or their programs.
Project Objectives:
1. To design and develop new website.
2. To collect all information and ( ... )
inate all around the world about Panglima Laot?s activities
Expected Output:
Panglima Laot? Website
Activities to be conducted:
1. Developing coastal community database
2. Developing website blue print
3. Collecting information
4. Developing content at Jakarta
5. Launching website
6. Updating