Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MEX/05/07 |
Información actualizada refugio marino Actam Chuleb, el desarrollo de la base de datos geográfica y la generación de la carta base, el seguimiento del listado de las especies de fauna y flora, la comparación de datos, análisis de precios, ( ... )
y beneficios, talleres de capacitación y desarrollo de materiales didácticos para la educación ambiental de la
Cote d'ivoire
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: IVC/05/20 |
Bingerville, ville côtière située à 14 km d'Abidjan, est longée par la lagune Ebrié et par des mangroves. L'abattage massif des mangroves par les ménages, pour en faire du bois de chauffe, aux fins de cuire "l'attièké" (semoule de manioc) ( ... )
transformer le vin de palmier à huile, est une pratique repandue dans la localité.
Ainsi la lagune Ebrié s'est appauvrie de ses ressources naturelles.
Les bénéficiaires (resortisans de la localité), reconnaissant l'urgence de la situation, ont mis en oeuvre ce projet, qui vise la protection de la biodiversité et la restauration de 30 ha de mangrove (dont 08 ha de
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MLI/05/04 |
Ce projet s?attelle à la restauration des sols degradés dans la zone de Kebila. Vise les objectifs suivants :
- procéder à l?éveil de conscience des populations sur les thèmes du FEM et la nécessité de restaurer les sols dégradés à ( ... )
s la préservation des essences locales
-renforcer la capacité technique et de gestion des populations bénéficiaires pour une meilleure maîtrise des actions de restauration.
- promouvoir la reconstitution du couvert végétal sur les sols et les pâturages dégradés par différentes techniques de régénération naturelle
La mise en ?uvre du projet comportera entre autre les activites
Burkina faso
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BFA/05/004 |
Libération et reboisement des berges du Mouhoun, lutte contre la pollution des eaux par les pesticides, lutte contre les défrichements anarchiques par la sédentarisation des bannaneraies, utilisation de la lutte bilogique en lieu et place de la ( ... )
avec les produits
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BAR/OP3/06/05/05 |
As a local community-based effort, the project seeks to identify critically threatened coastal habitats in Carriacou and establish comprehensive monitoring, restoration, and educational initiatives around these areas with an emphasis on soil ( ... )
vation, mangrove forests, and endangered sea turtles.
The project objectives are to promote soil conservation practices to slow or prevent erosion and protect existing coastal habitats (particularly mangroves and sea turtle nesting beaches) by:
- establishing terrestrial and coastal vegetation within critical areas
- restoration planting and protection of damaged, remnant, and impacted
Sri lanka
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SRL/05/13 |
Base line survey and identifying areas where the Dodam has survived the virus, awareness raising of farmers and selection of farmers, establish plant nurseries, home garden planting according to suitable model, composting and wormiculture , ( ... )
ance in marketing of produce, wide publicity for the project and participatory monitoring and evaluation
Selection of highly resist plants having considerable yield with their past experience (providing nformation), protection of excisting trees as "In situ conservation" in farmers fields, community nursery management, growing orange plants in farmers fields in a diverse, orange plant dominated
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/13 |
As a result of shrinkage of the Aral sea, the climate of the region has changed. Flora and fauna of the area become degraded. There is now a new desert with the area of 38 thousand square km., and it continues increasing. The dried up sites of the ( ... )
d delta of the rivers become natural stores and sources of polluting substances.
Zhalanash village is located in this zone with a strong wind blows, causing dusty storms. The winds carry salt from a surface of the dried bottom of the sea for greater distances, and that leads to salinization and degradations of agricultural grounds. The local population is engaged in cattle breeding and
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: LIT/05/13 |
Unsustainable human activities during the Soviet period, as well as decreased moving of bogs and meadows during the last decades cause deterioration of many valuable biotops in Zemaitija National Park. It results in decrease of various species ( ... )
in the area of Zemaitija National Park. For example, Black Grouse used to breed in different parts of National Park ten years ago, however there are only a few individuals left now. Urgent measures need to be taken to restore and improve habitats in these neglected areas.
The project aims to protect, restore and improve habitats of animal species of European importance (Botrychium
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: GHA/05/089 |
Along the coastal savanna zone of the central region especially in Gomoa district, the only forest ecosystems remaining are the traditionally protected areas, commonly known and called sacred groves. These areas serve as refuge for most endangered ( ... )
s, economics trees, medicinal plants, birds and other forest resources. These remaining forests are either watersheds or cover for main rivers and streams providing the source of portable water in the district. Also, most of the rare plants in these areas are supporting the thriving traditional medical practitioners in the district. Some of the forests also serve as ecotourism attraction
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/04/10 |
One of the reasons due to which breading of fish species had significantly decreased is lack of fry, i.e. small artificially bred fish, which is to be released into the majority of smaller Lithuanian rivers.
The project aims to initiate restoration ( ... )
endangered fish species (the River Trout) resources by using innovative method of cartridge incubators and eliminating migration barriers at the routes of their migration officially designated by the Ministry of Environment. The information dissemination and awareness raising of local rural communities, demonstrating them efficient ways of minor pisciculture will play a significant role in
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KAZ/05/12 |
East-Kazakhstan area is the only place where unique "tape" pine forests are still exist in Kazakhstan. But in spite of the fact that since 2003 the fine forests have been given a status of a special protected area, they have been exposed to ( ... )
ive destruction for the last 7 years, mainly by deliberate arsons, fires, poacher cuttings down. As a result, the area of the pine forests reduced 3 times (from 600 thousand hectares down to 400 thousand in hectares). And though now fire-prevention, security, rehabilitation actions are taken, experts declare, that restoration of the wood will require 170 years of rehabilitation measures.
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/10 |
Esta iniciativa busca generar una revalorización del bosque nativo y sus productos a través de un grupo de mujeres asociadas en el Taller Laboral Santa Cecilia de las Ñochas. Dentro de sus principales líneas de acción se encuentra el uso ( ... )
table de productos forestales no maderables, aportando a la economía de las familias campesinas de montaña. En este sentido, un importante componente lo constituyen los distintos canales de comercialización diseñados para dar sostenibilidad al
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/96/04 |
· Traditional Knowledge is precious to indigenous communities and the society because it can be used for the common good. A positive acknowledgement of this knowledge and its contribution to mankind encourages preservation and practice. To ensure ( ... )
his knowledge is not lost and can be passed on to the next generation, it is important that trainers and communities be given support to do this. · The proposal is seeking support to initiatives towards Traditional Knowledge documentation. The first involves the NGO partners who shall be trained to document these knowledge and one PO partner which shall spearhead the effort towards the
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KAZ/05/11 |
Local communities of Aralkum and Chumysh villages don?t have their own land for cattle breading, and have to use the state grounds (as per sanction of the local authorities without any control over the lands rational use) and nearby private farmers ( ... )
(without any permission of the owner). As a result of a rough infringement of standards for cattle breeding, the pastures around the villages (radius of 5-7 km) are under strong degradation and desertification.
The pastures degradation process increases also due to the cattle of local community has increased in manpower, and also due to additional cattle of the inhabitants who have moved from
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/31 |
Just like any forest in the tropical zone, forest in target area has been providing food, fuel, medicine as well as other indirect consuming by-products. In other words, forest and community life have mutual relationships and dependence resulting ( ... )
ditional belief and sustainable use of forest provision.
The implementation of six consecutive plans for national economic and social development, starting four decades ago and for three decades, has caused a non-stop deforestation at an uncontrollable scale. And at later date, some alien species of quick money-making kind such as Eucalyptus got an official boost adding insult to the
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/23 |
The project area is a stretch of paddy fields without any ecologically supporting community forest. Target population earn their living through plantation of paddy and , formerly ,other cash crops such as sugar cane , tapioca and jute. The land has ( ... )
egraded , the native species, both plants and animals are dwindling in numbers, especially native trees in agricultural ecosystems. Second to paddy plantation as a mean for making a living, target population offers general labour and service. One main supplementary source is from weaving which is a long traditional practice for generations. Until 1999, weaving was just for household use.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/19 |
Este proyecto busca a través de la acción comunitaria proteger y restaurar la zona de La Poza, lugar característico del sector destinado principalmente al encuentro familiar. En este sentido, dentro de las principales acciones de planificación ( ... )
uentra la protección, recuperación y restauración del Sector La Poza, como un espacio de encuentro familiar que tiene por objetivo principal conservar y manejar sustentablemente los recursos naturales del sector, fomentando la protección de la biodiversidad, el desarrollo del ámbito productivo, social y cultural a través de la participación comunitaria de los habitantes de Islas
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/04/28 |
Mongolia possesses over 800 valuable medicinal plants. But many of them have become rare and endangered due to human influence and climate change effects. There is over-harvesting and severe destruction of medicinal plants by local inhabitants to ( ... )
o foreign markets and pharmaceutical companies for their survival.
The grant intends to assist a community initiative in Bornuur sum of Tuv province to re-cultivate Calendula officinalis, Silybum marianum, Cariandrum, Rhodiola rosea, Glycyrrhizae uralensis, Раeonia anomala, Carum carvi and Ribus nigrum L, medicinal plants that have become extinct and need immediate rehabilitation
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/1/05/GUJ16 |
FES is implementing a Small Grants project in three villages in Baroda district of Gujarat. The Goal of the project is River bank stabilization through improving vegetation and arresting soil erosion in the ravenous area through participatory ( ... )
s along Mahi river basin. The objective of the project is to work towards the restoration and stabilization of riverbanks along River Mahi through appropriate soil and water conservation measures, improved vegetative cover, proper tenurial arrangements and appropriate local level institutions.
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-CWI-04-02 |
This project is implemented in co-operation with the Embassy of Japan. The Embassy is funding the hardware of the project (e.g. pipelines, buildings etc.) while UNDP GEF SGP is funding the software of the project (e.g. capacity building).
The aim ( ... )
s project is to improve availability and accessibility to adequate water for domestic use (and, if additional water available, for kitchen gardens or nurseries) through catchment of rainwater by suitable rocks. The water will be stored in constructed water tanks and will be sold to the communities by a committee appointed to oversee the maintenance and supervision of the work. DWHH/GAA has