There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/04/FP-13/48 |
- Due to deforestation the Orang asli cannot rely on the food resources of the forest fo their existence.
-With decreasing forest areas, coupled with commercial demend for herbal palnt, the OA have littele alternative but to overharvest to get ( ... )
ient income to feed their stomachs.
- In mid 2004, 20 acres of th OA land was taken by the neighbouring community to plant rubber trees which lead to further depletion of the forest causing the OA to be further impoverished.
-As such some plants cannot be found in their area and they have to go further to the neighbouring forest areas to look for such plants.
- As a result of such competitive
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/09 |
The project area is a watershed of the Wang River, one of the four major tributaries of the Gulf of Thailand?s Chao Phaya River. In spite of limited flat land for cultivation, 80 % of the population earn their living by agriculture. 95% of that ( ... )
n focuses on mono-cash crop where rate of chemical application exceeds the safe limit thus become detrimental to human heath. The chemical application, in term of fertilizer , insect killing and other yield-maintaining compound and solution, appears to be on progressive rate. Consequently, 70 % of the population is debt-ridden, estimated at Baht: 50,000 per person and over , while 60 % of
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/04/06p |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/22 |
In accordance with a guidance of the CPMT it is possible to use a modest portion of the SGP grant allocation for capacity building, monitoring, evaluation, or communications, wherever there is a well-qualified NGO to implement NSC approved projects. ( ... )
an NGOs and CBOs are young and not experienced. Therefore, it was needed to improve their capacity by conducting training workshops by the MACNE, the oldest and most experienced environmental NGO in Mongolia.
This grant is given to MACNE NGO to conduct 11 training workshops to strengthen rural environmental NGOs and CBOs capacities and advertise GEF SGP in 11 SGP covered provinces.
All the
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/26 |
During this project's execution, an alternative technology center for dealing with drought and desertification will be implemented with the objective of capacity building for young adults and women from rural families to recover, through the work of ( ... )
oung adults, four sources of rivers that run through communities in the area and form the Araçuaí River sub-basin. A plant nursery, a creole seed bank, and a honey house will be implemented and 8 small dams will be built. Training and capacity building for 30 multiplying agents will take place for dissemintation of the project's
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/19 |
This project seeks to adapt the "Agroforestry Educator" methodology and didactic materials for social-cultural and environmental use of the Cerrado by its traditional populations, translating this biome's reality and the positive interaction between ( ... )
ture of these people and their sustainable lifestyles into a tool for recovery of degraded areas in the Cerrado. Organizations and communities will receive instruments for recovery and reconstruction of degraded areas in the Cerrado through a participative, dynamic and interactive methodology and the confection of didactic materials based on principles and concepts of ecology and rescuing of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/37 |
Project is a part of ?Biebrza waste management system? programme. The main aim of the project is development of heat ? generating plants (for biomass) in Upper and Middle part of Biebrza Valley (in Lipsk and Rozanystok). It is planned to organize ( ... )
ition ?Household friendly for the Nature? for owners of households in 13 local villages. The award in contest will be modernization of boilers in 6 households. Winners will also be given a name ?Household Friendly for the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/04/18 |
Previous military garison became the center for HIV/AIDS and drug affected people. The adkjacent area of 5.7 hectars is offererring a certai potential for sustainabe activities.
Project's main target is change of existing heating system based ( ... )
l into modern system based on a local fuel - wood waste and wood. Monar Lipianka community is working with the local forest inspectorate -for cleanini the forest and other works they are receivineg wood free of charge just enough to replace old coal boilers with permanent breaks and risky maintenance.
Preparation of the project brought an idea of concentrating Monar Lipianka center
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/04/17 |
Modernisation of heating system in center for people affected by drugs, living in MONAR community hostel in a very poor conditions. Project is aimed in providing a cheap heat based on local biomas (wood, wood waste from nearby forests - ( ... )
ent agreement with local forest inspectorate - free of charge wood waste for work in the forest, what has also therapeutical function; ecological effects (biomas instead of oil), social (improvment of a living condition, economic (savings , also more efficient use of energy, existing boiler is very old ,further exploatation is risky).
This project brought the idea to start up activities
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/65/03 GEF-RNE |
The project involves mangrove conservation/protection in Lapu-Lapu City, focusing on the remaining mangrove area but are under serious threats by reclamation and conversion into fish ponds and beach resorts. It includes protection of coastal ( ... )
ces from illegal fishing activities and environmental awareness building among local communities and
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF/15/03 |
The project aims at strengthening the link between economic enterprise and sustainable biodiversity conservation related to coastal and marine resource-use and management by assisting the Liyang Fishermen Association (LFA) members in the conduct ( ... )
ties directly related with the community?s objective of adequately protecting, enhancing and conserving the remaining mangrove area, and coral reef within the Ulugan Bay; organizing, planning, stock assessment and enhancement, and establishment of a 100-hectare fish sanctuary and breeding ground for food fishes, the establishment of which is an important component of the project; activities that
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/20 |
Situated in the ecosystems of the Sea of Bengal, international water no. 53, the project location has been rated as one with rich natural resources.Mostly Muslim, target population earn their living through fishery while other less intensive labour ( ... )
ties are supplementary.However during the past decade , the environment and ecosystems are being degraded by human activities. The degradation is being witnessed through inferior water quality?a result of inappropriate agricultural practices,and habitats degradation - a result of unscrupulous fishery and inappropriate land use.
Just about to add insult to the injury, the area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/04/09 |
The importance of forests in alleviating poverty and protecting the environment is increasingly being recognized, yet deforestation and forest degradation in Kenya are continuing at an alarming rate.
At the turn of the 20th century Kenya had forest ( ... )
f 30%. Today it has been reduced to a meagre 1.7% due to deforestation, commercial agriculture, charcoal burning, forest cultivation and replacement of indigenous forest with exotic plantations.
The aim of this project is to rehabilitate degraded indigenous forests through planting of indigenous trees, enrichment tree planting, soil conservation and preventing further degradation.Community
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/04/FP-02/37 |
A community based project that investigates and resolves the issues of conserving natural resources , especially forests, that establishes an effective system of sustainable natural resource use and management. The absence of a sustainable forest ( ... )
ment strategy may eventually deprive the local Dusun community of communal access to the natural resources found therein.The project aims to establish a community forest reserve in Kiau as a community natural resource base that is recognised by the government, build and strengthen the knowledge and capacity of the local community about biodiversity conservation, natural resource management and
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/04/PG-02/30 |
- Conserve natural resources of the Nenggiri River Basin through community partnership
- Enhance protection of natural resources and environment in Nenggiri Basin
- Develop Sustainable use options for natural resources for local communities
- ( ... )
in the establishment of conservation area in the Nenggiri River Basin
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/KAR08 |
The objective of the project is to reduce the dependence of rice miller?s on gird power and to fulfill the future power demand in the area of Gangavathi Taluk, Distt. Koppal bygenerating power in a decentralized manner so as to reduce the grid load ( ... )
ansmission losses in the project area. The project also aims to attain regional self-sustainability in captive power generation and to reduce fossil fuel based power generation in order to contribute in reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emission
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/04/03 |
The principle objective of the project is to conserve the forest resources of Dhaksa community and improve the standard of living of the local communities. This area is five days trek from the nearest motor road with 2000 inhabitants. There are ( ... )
communiy primary schools in these areas. WFP provides lunch in Dhaksa Community School which schools 125 number of students. These area also suffers from critical water shortage problems and lack of electricity.
After the project's intervention, the Dhaksa Community Primary School has installed improved cooking stoves with hotwater jacket system which has reduced the use of fuel wood in
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/04/05 |
The project has contributed to biodiversity conservation through its tourism awareness programme, sustainable tourism and conservation activities and promotion of alternative social-economic tourism benefits. It is a capacity strengthening project ( ... )
on applied research, policy analysis, participatory planning and management, and market orientation. The project directly contributes to achieving the goals of the 9th Plan and Bhutan 2020. It also supports the work of Nature Conservation Division in their Biodiversity programme.
The project has realized the following objectives:
1. Greater awareness, appreciation and protection of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/03/12 |
Eupatorium adenophorum, the shrubby perennial, is known as Banmara ?the forest killer? in Nepali due to its notorious action in preventing other seedlings to grow. This shrub is found gregariously in the Nepalese hills and often nuisance to the ( ... )
ers. The Community Briquette Project has aimed to harvest this shrub not only to restore the forest but also to make briquette from the shrub. The project would initiate to manufacture brequette involving community people and also explore market in the city. This initiative would also discourage the use of cow-dung cake, which has greater soil fertility value, to cook. Instead, the farmers would
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/22 |
With catchment area of 3,390 and length of 233 km., the Se Buy River runs its course through Yasothorn,Amnartcharoen and Ubonratchathani Province before converge into the Moon River,a major tributary of the Mekhong River.This forest and ( ... )
ltural ecosystems was endowed with natural resources and serving as water species habitats.
Due to the rich endowment of the area, there have been schemes of natural resources exploitation
from both public and people sectors which often led to conflict of use during the past decades. Naturally, the conflict has been the result of deforestation , dwindling numbers of water species,