There are 27,190 projects available.
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Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/04/59 |
Project development Goal:
To build cooperation process among stakeholders to save forest coverage in Manupeu Tanadaru National Park, Sumba.
Project Objectives :
1. To support Watumbelar community through KMPH Watu Uma to manage the land ( ... )
MTNP and gaining support from regional government.
2. To encourage initiative of KMPH Watu Uma and Watumbelar villagers to develop natural resources sustainable development within their village.
Expected output:
1. The land managed by KMPH would protect the park from outside pressure and provide economic benefits to villagers.
2. The on-going processes have inspired surrounding villages
Phase 2
Project Number: Nam-04-03 |
The Conservancy is planning to establish an Anti-poaching Unit by erecting a permanent Base Camp for Community Game Guards(CGG) and installing a two way radio communication system. The tended base camp will be strategically located in the Brandberg ( ... )
in from where CGG's will conduct anti-poaching patrols and monitoring vehicle movements throughout the area. The camp will be connected by radio to the conservancy office at Uis. A complementary HIV/Aids programme will be targeted to the CGG's and their capacity will be improved through various training initiatives.
Tseiseb conservancy is situated in the Erongo in Daures constituency. The
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/MS14 |
This project has been undertaken as the next stage of their earlier project under the SGP. While the earlier project focused on adapting the LEISIC practices and in capacity building, this follow-up project aims to enhance the food and livelihood ( ... )
ty of the local community by increasing the productivity of marginal lands and enhancing the biodiversity in the local natural resource systems. This project is seen as the next stage of the earlier UNDP-SGP funded project. In the earlier project, the work was focussed primarily on (i) adapting LEISIC practices and techniques, (ii) evolution and capability building of Lead Teams of GrOs, (iii)
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/04/FP-07/42 |
Building upon the succesful outcomes of the first project, this project also aims to achieve sustainable, environmentally compatible terubok fishing through community participation,
- To reduce the fishing communities dependance on the terubok by ( ... )
aging them to adopt alternative livelihood options
- to reduce as far as possible the fishing communities concumption of terubok and terubok eggs.
- This project hopes to increase participation among the communityy members and have a greater outreach so that changes in attitudes and behaviour can lead to the adoption of various alternative livelihoods and a better quality of life fo the
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/14 |
Ecotourism is a new tourism type in Mongolia. As it is a nature friendly activity, SGP has to experience it. The number of individual tourists and eco-tourists coming to Mongolia every year has been increasing more rapidly than that of collective ( ... )
t groups. In this situation, some herder families set up extra gers during tourist season in summer in addition to their own and receive individual tourists at lower prices and costs. They often ask the Government for support, the government can not support at the current stage of transition.
The project assists local herders in establishing a self-help group to introduce participatory
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/04/FP-01/36 |
This project undertaken by the NGO, Sahabat Alam Malaysia entitled, ?Community Support and Action for Environmental and Biodiversity Protection? was to mobilize, empower and strengthen environmental awareness and action among local communities in ( ... )
ular Malaysia, especially in the rural areas so as to ensure the protection of its biodiversity.
As a follow-on from an earlier project funded by the Danish International Assistance Agency (DANIDA) to conduct training workshops and roadshows, 5 environmental resource centers and action groups known as ?Friends of the Environment Movement?(referred to locally as ?Angkatan Sahabat Alam
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/75/04 |
The project aims to enhance community-based partnership approaches towards biodiversity conservation and protection at Sibalom Natural Park. The project is expected to increase the participation and involvement of the communities and Barangay LGUs ( ... )
est rehabilitation and conservation. The objectives of the project: Organized four (4) new POs and strengthen four (4) other existing POs; Training and Develop para-legal/bantay gubat in each of the eight barangays; Enhance the application and practice of SALT and soil and water conservation or rain forestation farming technology; Rehabilitate watershed areas; Lobby for the formulation,
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/04/071 |
The main objective of the project is to promote biodiversity conservation through the restoration of degraded land and Forikrom boten sacred groves for ecotourism development and improvement in the welfare of the people of Forikrom. The activities ( ... )
carried out under project are:
1. Creation and sustainable management of natural resources around the boten caves: This component will lead to the creation and sustainable management of 100 ha natural forests around the boten caves to conserve biodiversity and sustainable utilize the guano in Forikrom. Community based natural resource management plans will be developed to guide the community
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/04/074 |
The project addresses problems in climate change focal area and the general aim is to control bushfires and bring about the conservation of forest biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources in the Jaman District for improvement in ( ... )
?s livelihoods both now and in the future. The project activities to be carried out are to:
1. Develop and implement a community-based integrated bushfire control and forest management. Activities under this component will develop and implement a Collaborative Forest Management approach in the Dwenem Awaso and Twuekro Dwenem-Awaso traditional areas so that at least 100 ha of off-reserved
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/04/012/P |
The primamry aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communties, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
activities of the project include conducting surveys on socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site, identifying proposed project objectives and activities and assessing their feasibility, and providing needed technical assistance in project design and writing project proposal which will be submitted to GEF/SGP for review and appraisal; and identifying possibilities for project
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/70/03 GEF-RNE |
The project will ensure sustainability, conservation and management of mangrove resources of San Salvador Island, Masinloc, Zambales through participatory community-based coastal resource management 9CBCRM) and conservation.
Mangroves decline ( ... )
uously in San Salvador Island due to illegal harvesting of resources and destructive fishing practices. As a result, fishery resources that are dependent from this ecosystem are heavily distressed, thereby affecting the everyday existence of local community.
The project aims to ensure conservation and management of mangrove resources in San Salvador Island through participatory
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/72/03 GEF-RNE |
The project aims at addressing the pressing problem of declining fish yield/fish catch of marginalized fishermen in Caramay brought about by the destruction of marine resources by illegal fishing activities, over-fishing, and intrusion of commercial ( ... )
in prohibited zones. The project has eco-tourism component that serves to monitor illegal activities, reinforce advocacy on resource protection, and increase member's income, meanwhile providing tourism services to both local and foreign
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/76/04 |
Sitio Tablo is an ancestral land of the indigenous people's community belonging to the T'boli tribe. Comprising around 150 households, most of them are engaged in rice and corn farming. Other sources of income are abaca and T'nalak loom weaving. ( ... )
10% of the total land area is cultivated with rice while corn is planted in around 10 Has. The rest are secondary growth forests where abaca is abundant.
The hydraulic resource or watershed area is charaterized by secondary growth forest with abundant springs and creeks. The watershed area lies between 586 to 620 meters above sea level and is around one fourth of the hydropower project is
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/16 |
According to one survey on the potential of Surin Province on community-scale energy planning in 1999, the entire province consumed 111.11 million litres of liquid fuels, 8,584 million kilogrammes, 320 million kw-hrs, ( the respective figure for ( ... )
as 325). As for charcoal, rural communities consumed 558 kilogrammes/year/family.A yearly approximation, Surin Province uses 41,610 tons/year of charcoal.
Thailand, in the year 1999, constituted 1 % of the world total in term of energy consumption. This percentage was classified as 42 % from liquid fuels, 26 % from renewables, 17 % from natural gas, 9 % from lignite, 3 % from imported coal
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/03/32 |
Conservación de 1624.5 hectáreas de selva mediana subperennifolia, baja subcaducifolia y baja inundable, así como de sabana, conservadas a través de un programa de turismo alternativo |
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/03/30 |
La pequeña ciudad de Senor conserva la cultura y la lengua maya. Y también la comida típica, la abejas Melipona, la producción en los patios, la artesanía, la música autóctona, historias y leyendas. El grupo de jóvenes traerá a los turistas ( ... )
ortales de la
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/03/10 |
El proyecto esta orientado hacia la conservación del Algodon Nativo y Revaloración de la Práctias
Ancestrales en los caseríos de Huaca de Barro y Arbolsol del distrito de Morrope, departamento de Lambayeque.
como parte del proyecto se ( ... )
arán 10 ha de cultivos de algodon nativo, conducido agroecológicamente, se instalarán 02 módulos artesanales o 02 talleres de tejido en telar mejorado.
Se dará capacitación a los participantes principlamente en las actividades de manejo agroecológico del algodon nativo, tecnicas de tejido, fortalecimiento organizacional, etc.
Para su replicabilidad se instalarán parcelas
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/11 |
Implementacion de un fondo rotatorio especializadooo para apoyar modelos de produccion y comercializacion organica con base en la agroecologia y la cultura de la comunidad mediante la conversion de 50 fincas de produccion familiar en parcelas ( ... )
cas de cacao bajo sombra dentro de un esquema de certificacion internacionalo y la reforestacion de areas criticas de la cuenca del rio
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/13 |
Instalacion de 60 fincas bajo registro organico y promocion de la agricultura sostenible a traves de un programa de capacitacion a los productores para la transformacion de los sistemas agricolas |
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/09 |
Contribuir con la recuperacion de la biodiversidad local yla restauracion de la cobertura forestal en las areas criticas de la cuenca alta del rio Cuaba mediante la reforestacion con especies nativas de arboles de usos multiples y el desarrollo de ( ... )
as de produccion