There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-03-10 |
Kure Mountains as a Biodiversity Hotspot:
The Kure Mountains National Park area contains pristine humid, karstic natural old forests, intact forest remnants, canyons, rich herbaceous and ligneous vegetation, which is rare on earth. The region is ( ... )
ich zoologically (40 out of 132 mammal species known in Turkey found in the region) and in terms of avifauna (147 species of 40 bird families live in the region and 46 of these species are in danger of extinction). Due to its geographical location, land structure and forest cover, the national park area has been declared by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) as ?one of the 100 hot spots?,
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/82/04 |
This project involves the improvement of the management systems of the 51,748.50 hectare land awarded to CBFMAs and CADC. This will be done through strengthening of stakeholder organizations, provision of alternative livelihood projects that will ( ... )
ressure on naturraly grown forest resources, adoption of sustainable agriculture (agroforestry) and strengthening of the IPs through conversion of CADC into
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-PLN-04-001 |
This is a planning grant: The UJAMA CCENTRE will conduct a preliminary study to test the making of charcoal briquettes from coconut husk. If the project is found to be viable, the GEF SGP will fund them with a full grant.
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/04/03 |
Mongolia had made a pledge to declare up to 30 % of its territory as protected areas. This goal is also reflected in Mongolia?s MDGs targets by 2015. As of today, about 14% of Mongolia?s territory has been declared as specially protected areas. To ( ... )
he above target, it is essential to establish locally/community protected areas. In many cases, locally protected areas are protected and managed better than specially protected areas. The project intends to further establish a locally protected area with ecotourism development by starting with plantation of fruit and other tree seedlings and by taking other protective measures and nature
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/03/05 |
Betna wetland is originally a stream, originated from a natural spring situated 6 km north of East West Highway of Morang district, east Nepal. After running 3 km to the south of the spring, the stream widens to form an oxbow lake till it reaches ( ... )
ghway. The wetland along with the forest land is important migratory route for Asiatic elephant (Elephus maximus). According to the survey from IUCN, the wetland is home for 15 fish species, 9 snakes, 19 birds and 19 mammals. Aside from its diverse ecology, the wetland is important source of water for irrigation. But the oxbow lake is shrinking due to invasion of water hyacinth (Eichornia sps).
Sri lanka
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/04/02 |
Baseline survey of the watershed area, designing a participatory work plan with all stakeholders inclusive of government officials, addressing land degradation issues including of 10 streams and their watersheds, planting of live fencing and ( ... )
ng fire gaps, promotion of sustainable farming in place of chena cultivation, development of home gardens, composting and promotion of nature
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/71/03 GEF-RNE |
Due to poverty, the Bugkalots in Quirino Province are forced to engage in unsustainable use of forest resources (illegal fishing, brush and burn farming and extraction of flora and fauna). These activities have contributed to forest degradation and ( ... )
The project intends to conserve the biodiversity within the ancestral domain of Bugkalots.
Activities shall include the development of alternative sources of income like sustainable tourism, capacity building, patrolling and law enforcement thru conserving the biodiversity by providing upland dwellers an alternative source of income through eco-tourism; inhabitants dependent
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/04/03 |
The project is based in the South East Low veld, and the conservation takes place around the Great Limpopo Trans-frontier park. The Sengwe and Xini wards lie within the proposed "biodiversity corridor" which link Gonarezhou in Zimbabwe, Kruger in ( ... )
Africa and Gaza in Mozambique.
Although the sites are limited in extent, they provide the community with the opportunity for training in ecological surveying and monitoring of biodiversity already in use. These sites have been selected as demonstration sites and have room for scaling up after the pilot phase.
The area is rich in various biodiversity elements that include the following:
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/04/073 |
The project is to promote biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of natural resources in the Amokwaw community resource management area (CREMA) to create wealth and ensure socio economic advancement of the people of Amokwaw. The main ( ... )
t activities include:
1. Building capacity of nine groups of local farmers within the Amokwaw CREMA to integrate the management of wildlife, timber and non-timber resources onto farms. Under this activity the project will organize farmers to integrate the management of wildlife, timber and non-timber resources into their farmsteads in nine groups to correspond to each CREMA community. These
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/74/04 |
The project area which is Barangay Danao in Leon serves as the headwater of the Sibalom river that straddles the political boundaries of the towns of Leon, Tigbauan, and portion of Oton. It was classified by DENR as timberland. Elevation ranges ( ... )
00 to 1200 meters above sea level. The terrain of the project area was observed to be very steep and gradually descending and forming a series of disconnected hills and valleys in its middle section. The Sibalom Watershed shall cover 100 hectares out of the 5500 hectares of timberland in Danao with patches of natural growth trees thriving along the Sibalom River and
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/44 |
Reduction of amphibians mortality during their season migration, protection of existing and creation of new breeding places. |
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/03/11 |
Native beekeeping is the main objective of this project. To ensure success, fruit trees will be planted, environmental educaiton will be carried out and degraded areas will be recovered, whihc will all contribute as well to an increase in the ( ... )
ersity of fauna and flora in the Bico do Papagaio region. The environmental education will take place in the form of a continuous project, covering 3 agrarian reform settlements. The family income for the participants will improve and native species of bees will be
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/03/09 |
The capacity building package includes three components-viz enhance the capacity of the project staff, enhance capacity of grantees and finally help other NGOs and CBOs to access the SGP grants. These capacity-building activities would also help in ( ... )
ation dissemination and sharing of the project experience among the grantees, UNDP/ SGP country team and other various
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/03/28 |
Gestión técnica, organizativa y jurÃdica de la fauna silvestre para convertir sus viveros de traspatio en las actividades económicas sostenibles que pueden traer a una forma alternativa de ingresos y, al mismo tiempo, una forma integrada de la ( ... )
³n de sus recursos y la revalorización de su
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/36 |
Muchas de las parcelas agroforestales fueron alcanzados con el huracán, el objetivo principal es recuperar los perdidos a través de la replantación, la rehabilitación y la diversificación de las parcelas agroforestales. La formación técnica ( ... )
gestión y asesoramiento profesional para la solución de problemas y la nutrición de las plantas. La formación práctica también se lleva a cabo por un agricultor con experiencia en la fabricación de herramientas especializadas y el manejo post-cosecha. Además, se empieza el proceso de comercialización conjunta y la consolidación organizativa del grupo, la certificación orgánica y la
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/28 |
Apoyar el fortalecimiento institucional, la construcción de capacidades y el apoyo a la sistematización y monitoreo de los proyectos y las organizaciones socias del Programa de Pequeños Subsidios a nivel nacional. |
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/12 |
Incorporacion de practicas organicas en 70 fincas de cacao, mejorando la calidad del cacao tipo Sanchez al tipo Hispaniola y su posterior comercializacion a traves del Consorcio Agroempresarial Maimon. |
Viet nam
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/04/007 |
The results of GEF/SGP evaluations show that the shortfalls in project implementation originated from the limited capability and experience of GEF/SGP grantees and key stakeholders, which affected the quality of project implementation. One of the ( ... )
recommendations of the GEF/SGP evaluations is that in order to effectively implement GEF/SGP in Viet Nam, capacity building for GEF/SGP partners and key stakeholders in project management should continue to be given high priority.
A four-day training workshop on GEF/SGP project management and implementation will be organized and cover such major topics as project planning and budgeting, M&E,
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/10 |
The project area covers downstream portion of Kok and Bong Basin, both converging into the Mekhong River, with low flatland, hilly land and high flat land. Target population earns their living through agricultural practice ,mostly mono cash crops ( ... )
s paddy , corn and other horticulture in low flat land along the rivers, oranges and other fruits in hilly land. Other supplementary occupation and source of income is husbandry. Fishery is practiced at self-sufficient scale. The two rivers provide water for agriculture and household consumption. Majority of people are classified as low income with Baht: 10,000-15,000 per capita. Expense
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/07 |
Nan Province, situated in northern region of Thailand, is a mountainous area. The area fit for cultivation is less than 20 % , even though the majority of population earn their living by agricultural practice. There are about 10 groups such as ( ... )
Mien, Thin, Lua, Lue, Laos, mainstream Thai, and etc. whose cultural and livelihood are based on agriculture and natural resources.
Under current global development pattern stressing on materialism, natural resources and community livelihood have been adversely affected to a great extend. Unable to maintain their self-sufficient production and lifestyle, communities, by-and-large, have been