There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/1/05/TN18 |
The specific objectives of the project are- survey and data compilation at crocodilian conflict areas; develop recommendations and an action plan for each area, including the training of a crocodile rescue team; develop and initiate and education ( ... )
mme with pamphlets, signage; suggest and encourage research on further translocations / reintroductions to pre-empt conflict. The projected outputs are:
? Area specific action plan for avoiding / mitigating crocodile conflict.
? Networking with NGOs / government agencies in implementation of the action plan. Educational materials related to living with crocodiles and information pamphlets /
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/1/05/UP18 |
Goal of the project: Following is the goal of the project.
Create influence, sensitize and adoption by the rural community regarding the importance of alternative sources of energy like biogas and sustainable agricultural practices by using ( ... )
Nadep Compost through efficient use and management of manure and various available organic solid wastes in the rural areas.
Purpose of the project:
a) Improve knowledge, skill and build up the local capacity of rural community so as to make them capable of managing the dung, kitchen wastes agricultural wastes and other organic refuse sustainably and more productively to implement and
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/1/05/TN19 |
In conformation to it?s objectives GUIDE is implementing a project in 20 villages based on the bank of river Palar and its tributary, river Cheyyar, in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. The objectives of the project are to build the capacity of the ( ... )
eople to develop community based activities on arresting the water depletion; develop awareness and understanding among local communities that water is a common property for all and the use of it should be community regulated. Village level water committees will be formed, which would promote efforts of community involved integrated water resource management and build the capacity of local women
Multifocal Area
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/1/05/RJ16 |
IBTADA is a registered NGO working with the mission to capacitate communities especially women to play an influential role to reduce social and economic poverty and equality. IBTADA had implemented a SGP project titled ?Animal husbandry as a ( ... )
nable livelihood for rural women, leading ecological conservation?. The project was started in 5 villages in Alwar district and later spread to 18 villages. 34 bio-gas plants were constructed under the project. IBTADA is now expanding the project to 30 villages and the overall goal of the project is to strengthen the community institutions in biodiversity conservation and environmentally sound
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/1/05/TN14 |
AGCASS was established in 1997 to serve the farming community with graduates of agriculture and horticulture sciences using various specialized disciplines working in various areas. The goal of the project is to identify and conserve the different ( ... )
nous fodder species that are traditionally cultivated for their drought tolerance and sustained yield potential in the area of Kangayam in the Erode district. The soil of the district is predominantly red sandy to red grave type. This occurs to a large extent in Bhavani, Erode and Dharapuram Taluks. Because of prolonged drought conditions, the Erode district is facing a declining production of
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: PAL/05/71 |
The project will promote community awareness particularly women and children on efficient energy saving methods through training 35 women community guides to lead ?home to home? campaign in 500 families in one of the most densely populated areas in ( ... )
kman area in the eastern part of Gaza City. Moreover, the project will conduct series of workshops to educate the community on the most practical method to reduce energy consumption and overcome the scarcity of energy resources. In addition to its contribution to reducing the CO2 emissions, the project will help the families make saving energy monthly expenditure that would substitutes and other
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: HND/OP3/SGP/05/22 |
El proyecto busca instalar capacidades en las mujeres de MIMAT para el manejo de deshechos sólidos, así como en gestión empresarial; Promover un cambio de actitud en la población, sobre la importancia del manejo de los deshechos sólidos e ( ... )
riales para el medio ambiente y la salud de la ciudadanía; Desarrollar la infraestructura necesaria y la compra de equipamiento.
La Junta Directiva regional de MIMAT será la responsable de la ejecución y administración del proyecto, para ello ha designado a un Comité Ejecutor del proyecto, el cual establecerá una relación directa con la empresa SERMASAPL. La empresa contratará al grupo
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: PAL/05/67 |
It?s information and dissemination and raising community awareness (particularly women and students) on energy saving, energy efficiency practices through conducting sessions, workshops and broadcasting T.V and Radio spots. The project also aims to ( ... )
se the efficiency of about 500 solar water heaters by; carrying on an overall maintenance assessment for changing broken glass, painting panels, adding new solar
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: POL/05/17 |
rejection of previous farming 15 years ago due to failure of state farms and changed economic conditions of agricultural economy generally caused a heavy lose in value of nature also in The Lower Odra River Valley Landscape Park, a part called ( ... )
yniecke Rozlewisko (Kostrzynieckie Flooding).It is a part of NATURA 2000 area, bird habitat PLB 320003.
Project aims in restoration of previous value of this area and restitution of previously met many bird's species, including aquatic warbler by mowing and bush clearing from over 100ha of flooded land, what should bring back a very valuable mosaic of habitats and restore
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/1/05/UP15 |
The Sainik Foundation is a part of the All India ex-Soldiers League. The organization is a voluntary, non-profit, apolitical body working in the rural areas on issues of awareness generation, conservation and employment generation. The goal of the ( ... )
t is economic empowerment of marginalized rural communities through rejuvenation of environment in the Salaita river ravines of the Yamuna ? Chambal river basin in Uttar Pradesh, that have been receding at an alarming rate due to depletion of moisture in soil cover. Deforestation has visibly enlarged the advancing arid zones, thereby affecting the climate and dropping the sub-soil water levels to
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/30 |
Le projet vise á contribuer á l'amélioration des conditions de vie des populations de Sirakorola (et principalement des femmes) en luttant contre la commercialisation et la consommation abusive et anarchique du bois et du charbon. Le projet va ( ... )
ir un systeme endogene d'information/sensibilisation des communautés dans 11 villages sur les causes/effets des changements climatiques ; élaborer et mettre en ouvre une Convention locale et un plan d'aménagement et de gestion des ressources forestieres ; former 11 comités villageois et un comité central pour le suivi et l'application correcte du plan et de la convention ; restaurer et
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-04-07W |
The project includes organising a meeting and a Panel in Adana Yumurtalik Lagoon, publication of Ramsar posters in Turkish and preparation of wetlands stickers in order to raise public awareness on the uses and values of wetlands on Wetlands Day ( ... )
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/04/FP-09/44 |
The proposed pilot micro hydro electric dam projectis a multifocal project aimed at addressing
- a community based water shed management system
- conservation and sustainable use of the BD
- the promotion of alternative income generation and ( ... )
nable livelihood through environmentaly sound socio economic activities that will mitigate the contribution towards the impact on climatic changes
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/UP14 |
The project aims to establish a Bio-diversity Conservation and Resource center to develop and run a community led conservation programme for Conserving agro bio-diversity of rice, (especially upland rice), legumes millets and other underutilized ( ... )
by training and building capacity of the community and conducting a right awareness programme on community rights in law and to create a partnership with scientific institutions to provide training and skills to identify plants with insecticidal and pesticidal properties in conservation and use of biodiversity for sustainable for sustainable livelihood.
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ELS04/98/G52/008 |
Contribuir a la conservasción, rescate y manejo sostenible de los recursos costero marino del área natural protegida del arrecife de Los Cobanos (Acajutla) a través de acciones que permitan disminuir la presión sobre los recursos naturales y ( ... )
r la vulnerabilidad de los mismos, para ello se incrementará la capacidad de reproducción del ecosistema a través de la introducción de nuevas colonias de construcción de módulos de arrecife artificial (de la tipología Reef Ball), se impulsará el turismo responsable y sostenible estimulando la creación de microempresas de operadores turístico ecológicos para la correcta implementación
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/04/13 |
Ce projet est partie intégrante des préoccupations et actions proposées par les populations, les services techniques et les autorités locales de la Préfecture de Kita, lors de l?élaboration des programmes locaux du Plan National d?Action ( ... )
nnemental et du Plan d?Action Régional de la Stratégie de Conservation de la Biodiversité de la région de Kayes. C?est dire qu?il s?inscrit parfaitement dans la stratégie nationale de conservation de la Biodiversité.
Objectifs :
- renforcer les capacités des populations, du service de la conservation de la nature, des ONG et des partenaires locaux pour la réhabilitation et la gestion
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/28 |
Le projet vise la restauration des terres dégradées en vue de la conservation de la biodiversité et l'application des techniques appropriées pour éviter le comblement du fleuve Bani. Le projet va entreprendre des activités de sensibilisation a ( ... )
échelle sur les liens entre la dégradation des terres, des pâturages et des berges avec la perte de la biodiversité et le comblement du fleuve; mettre en place des comités villageois chargés de la planification des activités a entreprendre; renforcer les capacités techniques et organisationnelles des 60 membres des comités sur la défense et restauration des sols; former et équiper deux
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/03/09 |
Project objective is to improve living conditions for globally endangered bats species, propagate ideas of their protection for society by developing eco-tourism, disseminating acquired experience, strengthen cooperation with different interest ( ... )
: local authority, managers of protected areas, scientists, non-governmental institutions of national level, youth and other stakeholders. There was a military base in the middle of Plokstine forest (now there is the territory of Zemaitija national park), Plunge district in Soviet times. The base occupied 12 ha and 20 premises are left in this territory. Some of premises are arranged for
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/04/070 |
To improve on the capacities of environmental journalists and media practitioners to understand and appreciate issues in the GEF focal themes to enable them communicate better to educate and create awareness in communities, among public ( ... )
zations, policy makers, parliamentarians non-governmental organizations and community based organizations and the general populace on the need to protect and conserve biodiversity, reduce risks to climate change, protect ozone layers, combat land degradation and phase out toxic organic pollutants as a way protecting natural resources to create wealth and to reduce poverty in
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/03/07 |
the upstream of Save river is affected by environmental degradation which has resulted in less sustained river flows and high flooding potential which has increased the vulnerability of the agro-ecological system in the entire basin.extensive ( ... )
station and environmental degradation resulting fro population pressure and over grazing has also meant diminished biodiversity and increasingly pressurized soil and land resources.the communities in this arid and semi arid region depend on agriculture and environmental products for livelihood.pressure fro population increase , HIVAIDS and environmental degradation ha had impact on poverty, food