There are 27,190 projects available.
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International Waters
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: EGY-05-215 |
The Wadi Environmental Science Centre (WESC) is an Egyptian non-profit organization (NGO) dedicated to progressive outdoor environmental education. The goal of WESC is to complement and build on what is currently taught to Egyptian students in the ( ... )
of science. Our students learn from cooperative, collaborative, hands-on, and inquiry-based discovery. We teach students about their environmental and cultural heritage through the earth sciences: water, renewable energy, waste management, pollution impacts, wildlife, botany, environmental sustainability, and biodiversity.
At WESC, we see an opportunity to combine two critical issues facing
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/04/08 |
Moving to the south on the road form Karak governorate to Tafileh governorate, you will be faced by Al ?Eina area which strikes you like a green oasis in the middle of the desert. The availability of fresh water springs has contributed to the ( ... )
nce of an integrated environmental agricultural ecosystem, which was able to support the livelihood of its owners from the surrounding villages over many decades. However, consecutive draughty seasons and agricultural expansion and over use of available spring water led to degradation of the lands in the area which in turn led to deterioration of the quality and quantity of agricultural
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/04/07 |
Moving further south on the road form Karak governorate to Tafileh governorate, you will be faced by Al ?Eina area which strikes you like a green oasis in the middle of the desert. The availability of fresh water springs has contributed to the ( ... )
nce of an integrated environmental agricultural ecosystem, which was able to support the livelihood of its owners from the surrounding villages over many decades. However, consecutive draughty seasons and agricultural expansion and over use of available spring water led to degradation of the lands in the area which in turn led to deterioration of the quality and quantity of agricultural
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/04/06 |
Moving further south on the road form Karak to Tafileh governorate, you will be faced by Al ?Eina area which strikes you like a green oasis in the middle of the desert. The availability of fresh water springs has contributed to the emergence of an ( ... )
ated environmental agricultural ecosystem, which was able to support the livelihood of its owners from the surrounding villages over many decades. However, consecutive draughty seasons and agricultural expansion and over use of available spring water led to degradation of the lands in the area which in turn led to deterioration of the quality and quantity of agricultural products, and negatively
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: JOR/05/13 |
Also in the north of the Kingdom, in Jdeita village which is located between the forests of Birqish to the west and Wadi Rayyan to the east, Jdeita Charity Society will implement the ?Water Harvesting and Biodiversity Protection in Wadi Rayyan and ( ... )
h Reserve? project. The project will contribute to the conservation of the special agro-biodiversity of Wadi Rayyan, and support farmers working in the Wadi to protect their lands and maintain their agricultural products through improving the irrigation efficiency and construction of rain-collection cisterns, introduce soil conservation measures, in addition to supporting local community members
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/04/27 |
Improvement of water retention to protect habitats of black stork in Sokolow and Siedlce |
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: PHI/99/05 |
The project will involve the development and establishment of a communiy-based resource management plan (biodiversity conservation, watershed protection and micro-hydropower development).
Barangay Maducayan and Barangay Saliok are upland ( ... )
ays bounded in the north by the high mountains of Tanudan, Kalinga. The overall topography is mountainous and hilly with thick forest cover of diptecarp type.
The Maducayan river is the main river in these communities, it is supported by several creeks and tributaries that serve as source of irrigation to some payew.
Therefore, the project aims to assist the indigenous communities of
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KAZ/05/02 |
Awareness of the population about POPs is low. In the meantime, people collide with POPs in everyday life, and even do not know about potential danger which POPs bear for health and life. Creation of tools and mechanisms promoting realization of ( ... )
ockholm convention, in particular, through involving of the public in global process of POPs destruction is necessary.
The project is directed on informing of the population, government representatives, nature protection departments, NGOS about POPs; increase comprehension and the role of the public in settlement of the problems of revealing, storage, liquidation of POPs stocks, their negative
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KAZ/05/04 |
Today the issue of the POPS influence on environment and health of people is of the highest priority. Danger that POPs bring, began to cause more and more than anxiety which has led to acceptance and planning of measures directed on protection of ( ... )
of people and environment. But the main problem is still that people are not aware about the POPs danger.
The project is directed on Uralsk city population awareness raising about POPs, ecological responsibility of citizens by means of their conscious and active participation in nature protection action, by organization and carrying out of information campaign among citizents of the city
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: BRA/05/29 |
this project has as its focus rural settlements in the entire Cerrado region, a global hotspot in which several agrarian reform settlements can be found, most of which are currently threatened by expanding agribusiness. An assessment of experiences ( ... )
al settlements and family farming will be carried out in order to construct an empirical framework of preservation and adequate soil use. Specific project objectives include the following: mapping experiences in settlements; build a coordination, to publish systematic information about these successful experiences and build conscience and awareness in farmers regarding a transition from the
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: POL/05/06 |
Creation of the Center for Wetland Management to enable effective protection of the environment in Dolina Lachy. Original idea of PTPP pro NATURA center which manages model protective activities in Dolina Lachy has evolved more and more into center ( ... )
ducational/information/training services for local
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KAZ/05/20 |
In a steppe zone of the Central Kazakhstan, as well as in other areas of the country, the degradation of environment affecting on livelihood of the local people is observed, leading to exhaustion of the sustainable livelihood sources, deterioration ( ... )
grounds structure (due to over breeding around settlements), aggravation of situation with workplaces, etc. Owing to these factors, people are moving to the remote pastures.
But remote areas are not enough supplied with energy and situation can be characterized as catastrophic in view of low solvency of the majority of the rural population, caused by low incomes. Traditional kinds of fuel
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: JOR/05/10 |
In central Jordan Valley, Um Ayyash Women Cooperative will implement the ?Women in Natural Resource Management and Improved Community Livelihood in Um Ayyash/ Jordan Valley?. The cooperative hopes to enhance public awareness of the environmental ( ... )
nges in the Jordan Valley and the means to address these challenges. For this purpose a public awareness program will be designed and implemented for farmers and local community members in the project area. The project will also support sustainable land management practices through introducing effective irrigation systems in individual farms as well as other practices that achieve sustainable
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF/04/05 |
4 secondary schools will assist the reforestation of the Island by planting 50,000 indigenous tree seedlings at road surroundings (e.g. the Rusinga Ring Road and some of the prominent feeder roads), at an arboretum plot and on their school ( ... )
nds.. The planting will be carried out by the school pupils and the cultivation of the seedlings on road surroundings and the arboretum will be carried out by unemployed youth groups. Activities: each school to plant woodlots with at least 5000 trees, the 4 schools to jointly plant 20,000 trees (pepper tree) on both sides of the roads,each school to undertake a development project using at most
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: TUR-05-05W |
The project aims to organise a workshop for the farmers and practioners on agricultural chemicals and the opportunities and threats of nature friendly agriculture. One of the main agricultural products of Giresun is hazelnuts, and in the last few ( ... )
s, hazelnut production has became dependent on excessive use of pesticides, herbicides and chemicals. Nature, particularly land and water resources as well as humans living in the area had taken their toll from this. This affect is more profound as Giresun is at the Black Sea coast, a sea that is already suffering from massive eutrophication. The workshop will be a fora where the farmers who are
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: POL/05/08 |
2 reserves "Biala Gora" and " Kwidzynskie ostnice" need full implementation of protection plans for 2002-2021;it is necessary to stop invasion of forest and synantropic vegetation entering xerothermic grassland due to stopping extensive ( ... )
e,non-existent nowdays in this area.There is no possibility of bringing back sheep, so ground should be cleared carefully by volunteers under supervision of expert (May), liquidation of bush and trees during Winter ; enlargament of reserve.
Project was consulted by experts from Gdansk University (Professor Jacek Herbich), lessons learned from other xerothermic grass reserves were collected
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/22 |
The project area is the origin of two tributaries of two international waters. The Lamphraphlerng collects water in the watershed then supplies water to the Mekhong River?s Moon River. The Lamnamsaiyai plays the same ecological roles for the Gulf of ( ... )
d?s Bangpakong River.
Population growth , coupled with the implementation of the first Socio-economic Development Plan in 1961 resulted in uncontrollable deforestation by modern equipment turning a great portion of this intact watershed areas into expanses of cultivated land of cash crops. Ecosystems and natural resources has been gradually degraded .
Even though the area is situated in the
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: ZIM/04/06 |
The project seeks to reverse land degradation with focus on reclaiming Zhomba gulley. The gulley is located in Chief Nenyunga area of Gokwe North in Midlands province. The land degradation is as a result of unplanned settlements in the catchment, ( ... )
nt poor soil structure, deforestation and uncontrolled animal movements.
The overall goal is to reverse land degradation through integrated catchment protection in an effort to restore soil fertility, improve biodiversity and ultimately the livelihoods of the community. The specific objectives include:
1) To reduce land degradation in Zhomba catchment area by 75% by year 2007
2) To reduce
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: MON/05/03 |
The Zulzaga river ecosystem is the only attractive area for local residents in Darkhan Uul province. There are a couple of resorts for local holiday-makers to come every summer to this place. As the place is under a human pressure, Zulzaga river ( ... )
tem has fast being degraded over the last 20 or so years. A local NGO has taken an initiative to support this area by cultivating different types of trees and bushes including willow trees. The grant is given to Darkhan Green Island, the local NGO to develop Zulzaga river area as a community developed place by supporting the local ecosystem and enhancing well-being and livelihoods of the local
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/04/08 |
36 members benefit directly from the project.The project is located about 83km N.E of Chiredzi town. Zvirodzo`s activities can be summarized as follows
1. control of gullies
2. establishment of woodlots
3. establishment of a fruit tree orchard ( ... )
the banks of the Save river.
4. establishment of of a tree and vertiva nursery
5. rehabilitation using vertiva grass and other drought tolerant indigenous trees
6. conserving and protecting the cultural and ecological value of the Chiso pool
currently the community collectively manages a forest that runs along the banks of the Save International river.Like CHIEHA `s Zivembava island ,