There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/07 |
Today the problem of the Irtysh river pollution is investigated by many state environmental departments and NGOs. This work is basically has a scientific orientation. But environmental education of the local population stays apart, and this factor ( ... )
es local community participation in decision of environmental problems.
The project raises awareness of young people about environmental situation with the Irtysh river as the bigest transboundary reservoir of the country. During the project a 10-day's ecological camp in the form of an alloy will be arranged to draw attention of youth to the issues of Irtysh protection. Experts of other NGOs
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/04/05 |
La comunidad de Triunfo de la Cruz se encuentra localizada en la Bahía de Tela, y en ella habitan aproximadamente 10.000 habitantes, siendo una de las comunidades Garífunas más grandes de Honduras. La Bahía de Tela se encuentran enmarcada ( ... )
Punta Sal y Punta Izopo, áreas protegidas las cuales forman parte del Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano. La zona es rica en Biodiversidad, y posee un enorme potencial ecoturístico.
La Bahía de Tela ha sufrido el embate del amarillamiento letal del coco, enfermedad que ha causado estragos en la economía de subsistencia Garífuna, erosionada al mismo tiempo por la depredación de la riqueza
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/04/04 |
Contribution à la protection de l'environnement par réduction de la consommation de vois et charbon pour usage domestique et de gaz à effet de serre
Reboisement de l'ancienne forêt de Pempediel |
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/24 |
Projet vise a contribuer a développer une conscience environnementale au sein de la population a travers une piece de théâtre. L'objectif est de rappeler les anciennes pratiques traditionnelles en matiere de (1) restauration des especes herbacés ( ... )
s pâturages, et (2) de la conservation des arbres et animaux sauvages utiles qui sont en voie de disparition.
Le Troupe theatrale elaborera une piece de theatre pour diffusion a la télévision.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/03/06 |
En el proyecto plantea: Conservar y proteger los ecosistemas forestales; que están en proceso de deterioro por el creciente proceso de deforestación mediante prácticas extractivas de consumo de lena y desconocimiento del manejo eficiente de los ( ... )
os naturales.
Específicamente propone:
1.Implementar técnicas que inviertan la degradación forestal existente en la microcuenca del Río Yucay (margen Derecha Distrito de Acos Vinchos), comunidad de Huaychao.
2.Promover la participación activa de los involucrados y la difusión a comunidades locales y
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/25 |
Aprovechamiento de energia solar para electrificacion de hogares, junto a un plan de capacitacion que genere conciencia entre los comunitarios para promover la conservacion de los recursos naturales. |
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/27 |
Electrificacion del Centro Ecologico mediante la utilizacion de sistemas solares como alternativa no contaminante que reduzca los costos y no deteriore el medio ambiente. |
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/04/08 |
Ce projet d'électrification d'infrastructures communautaires et de ménages villageois dans la région de San-Pedro, au sud ouest de la Côte d'Ivoire,s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'électrification solaire de confort minimum. il a pour but de ( ... )
re les émisions de Gaz à Effet de Serre (GES) par la fourniture d'électricité solaire photovoltaïque.
A la fin du projet, les résultats suivant seront atteints:
- 60 ménages,
- 6 salles de classe
- 11 logements d'instituteurs
- 3 bureaux de directeurs
- 1 logement d'infirmier
-1 centre de santé
seront munis d'électricité
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/04/07 |
Le manque de moyens modernes de communication (télévision, ?) est non seulement un facteur limitant de toute action de sensibilisation de la population sur les problèmes des feux de brousse et de destruction de la nature, mais en plus, il ( ... )
bue au départ massif des jeunes vers les localités dites privilégiées, entraînant ainsi une forte réduction des capacités de production.
Le projet de promotion de l?énergie solaire photovoltaïque dans les localités d'Addikouassikro et Assoumoukro dans le département de Tiassalé, au Sud de la Côte d'Ivoire, vise à améliorer les conditions de vie de la population rurale, notamment
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/92/04 |
The project is an intricate combination of coastal/marine resource management of biodiversity conservation blended with elements of alternative livelihood, entrepreneurial skills improvement and gradual people empowerment. It involves upliftment of ( ... )
methods and production, viable business and marketing of fresh and dried for domestic consumption; participation of local stakeholders in protected area management and
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/MP02 |
The purpose of the project is to:-
1. Evolve indigenous techniques at environment conservation for exhibiting the potencial of tibal communities in conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources.
2. Build models of participatory ( ... )
ment and conservation of land and water resources.
3. Explore the utility of locally available skills and techniques in sustaining natural resources at remote locations.
4. Create a cadre of skilled women groups for ensuring long term sustainability of the project outcomes.
5. Promote sustainable livelihood for the tribal poor thereby lessening the unsustainable utilization of natural
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2004-043(IRA98G52) |
Project Location: Khafr Village (Lat: 31.322984; Long: 51.767578)
In the intervention by Fars Green Center and SGP, ?Dena in 2002 and Empowerment of the Local Community? (IRA-G52-2002-012), a total of 39 local youths from 17 villages of the Dena ( ... )
received the initial training in eco-tourism. Through its advocacy activities Fars Green Center was able to mobilize funds from the Iran Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization (ICHTO) to provide these tour guides with advanced training to obtain official permits in tourism. ICHTO will provide the funds for the venue, educational material and trainers to hold 3 workshops (each 10 days) in
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/22 |
Aprovechamiento de la energia solar para la electrificacion de hogares, junto a un plan de capacitacion que genere conciencia entre los comunitarios para promover la conservacion de los recursos naturales |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/04/66 |
The proposed project will focus primarily on public representatives at the federal level, especially involving the standing committees of National Assembly and Senate on environment as well as other members with interest in environmental issues. ( ... )
ore, most of the activities under the project will be implemented in Islamabad, where the target participants spend significant amount of their time. On the basis of problems confronted and gaps identified GEF partners, the project would aim to educate public representatives, build their capacities and facilitate them to take initiatives whereby laws and public policies on environment and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/UTH04 |
The practices of extracting excessive biomass from forests and poor land management practices have begun to threaten the fragile mountain ecosystem. 60% of the families in the hills use torchwood and kerosene for lighting their houses, as power grid ( ... )
ave not reached many of these areas. Village Pinswar is one such village that is about 18 km away from the nearest power grid line. Excessive land degradation and deforestation in this village has triggered recurrent landslides and floods. The problems of the village are remoteness and marginality, poverty, drudgery, lack of infrastructure and awareness and over dependence on environment for
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/15 |
Mongolia used to have been a country which supplied itself with wheat crop and even exported some before 1990s. The country had 1.2 million ha of rotational crop field that time. But when the country started shifting to a market economy, all the ( ... )
ic branches including agricultural ones had failed. Many fruitful agricultural lands were left abandoned as there were no means to support crops.
This grant project is given a local NGO to restore some abandoned land by supporting community activities on cultivation of Buckthorn and Black currant, endemic fruit trees near Sumber village.
2 ha. area was fenced and over 1500 fruit seedlings
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/21 |
A mountain ecosystems serving as fresh water reservoir for and being an integral part of both the Gulf of Thailand and the Sea of Bengal, the project location is the residence of two ethnic minority groups, the Karen and the Hmong whose livelihood ( ... )
s upon agricultural practices and provision of the ecosystems. The most typical crops include corn for feed, cabbage and carrot for human consumption. As for corn, the increasing demand has prompted the requirement of more and more cultivated land thus resulted in the encroachment and deforestation of forest area. As a rule in modern Thailand ,coupled with limited literacy rate, target population
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/04/02 |
As human impacts and pressure on nature increase near settlement areas, there is an urgent need to take preventive measures and sometimes even experience more strict actions to stop continued depletion of grassland and trees near villages and small ( ... )
where people easily reach outskirts and deteriorate the nature practically every day around year. The project is funding a local NGO's initiative to establish a community garden in the right bank Haraa river near Darhan town with future intension to create a recreational green zone. A 8 ha area in the right bank near Darkhan has been taken under a strict protection to see how the nature
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/21p |
Phase 2
Project Number: Nam-04-12 |
This project aims at sensitizing and educating the community on the conservation of forest and the protection of natural resources. The project objectives are to conduct awareness raising activities, training on environmental issues, tourism and ( ... )
development, and establish gardens and craft clubs. The planning grant will assist the grantees to develop a more detailed work plan with specific outcomes and devise a more specific budget.
This project is located in Caprivi region, Katima Mulilo District. The project will be operational in Sibbinda Constituency and part of Linyanti and Katima Rural Constituency.