There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/03/11 |
In Deir Alla area in the Jordan Valley where unsustainable agricultural practices prevail, especially in irrigation methods, pesticide use and contamination of water sources, the Jordan Aqua Conservation Association will implement this project which ( ... )
cus on creating awareness among local community sectors, including students and teachers, religious leaders and farmers in order to bring attention to the importance of preserving water resources in the Jordan Valley?s unique co-system and Jordan?s most important agricultural production area.
Water clubs will be formed in the schools of Deir Alla, a manual on water resources will be produced
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/29 |
The objective of this project is to replenish the vegetation in degraded areas in the Buritirana Stream springs located in the Buritirana village, and the Peixe River, a Balsas River tributary. Environmental awareness building for the community and ( ... )
ighbors is also an objective. The sustainable use of native Cerrado species will be proposed by ACA, suggesting the replacement of conversion of forest by alternative technologies for smallholder farming, introducing vegetables in the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/04/10 |
The numerous environmental problems in the world and specifically in Albania carry out the need for environmental education. For this reason the REC Albania drafted this environmental book as a need for environmental education in schools and ( ... )
ts this process through extended environmental education information specifically tailored for this target group. The book aims to develop the environmental models and patterns in school children.
The project aims to improve the environmental knowledge on environmental issues in Albania by rising the awareness in teenagers and students in Tirana city.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/77/04 |
The project aims to establish programs and projects that address biodiversity conservation and environmental law implementation through the conduct of an environmental law Seminar for selected judges, law enforcers and fiscals bolster the knowledge ( ... )
In the decade that the SGP has been operating in the Philippines, the programme was able to build strong partnership with a host of POs, CBOs,NGOs, government agencies, local govt. units and the donor community
To date , a total of 150 projects have been funded and its list of partners alone compromises at least 445 NGOs/POs/CBOs and 536 local communities nationwide whose
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/32 |
This project will develop environmental management capacity building activities for Krikati and Apinajé indigenous environmental agents. A plan for recovery of degraded areas and installation of demonstration modules in the Krikati area, as well as ( ... )
semination of agroecologic management practices are all means to that end. Furthermore, the maintenance of a plant nursery in Carolina, state of Maranhão, implementation of permanent cultures and the preparation of a monitoring plan for the Apinajé area will be carried out. The formation of critical thinking in young adults is of paramount importance, for identification of negative impacts
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: NIC/04/07 |
Con el proyecto se pretende adoptar nuevas tecnologías que ayuden al mejoramiento de los índices económicos y de salubridad de la población, conservando el medio ambiente. Para ello se establecerán 13 biodigestores abastecidos por estiercol de ( ... )
con lo que se reducirá el uso de leña y la contaminación de las
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/04/08 |
Este proyecto comprende 3 áreas temáticas como ser: el fortalecimiento de la capacidad de los miembros de la organización, la protección del hábitat de la iguana verde y la educación ambiental para sensibilizar la comunidad en el tema de ( ... )
vación del medio ambiente.
En el primer componente, Fomentar conciencia conservacionista en los pobladores de Sangrelaya, a través de la educación ambiental?, el grupo realizara talleres en las escuelas y grupos organizados en las comunidades cercanas para divulgación de la misma.
El segundo componente, ?Recuperación y reforestación del hábitat de iguana verde en el rique
International Waters International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: HON98/G52/036 |
Con la ejecución del proyecto se pretende contribuir con la conservacion de los recursos naturales y culturales de la laguna de Bacalar y mejorar el nivel de vida de la comunidad a través del establecimiento de servicios ecoturisticos en Batalla. |
Phase 2
Project Number: NIC/04/12 |
El objetivo de este proyecto es establecer una parcela integral con un sistema de producción orgánica diversificado y reciclaje de origen vegetal y animal como parte de un proceso de educación ambiental en el área de amortiguamiento de la ( ... )
a de Biósfera Bosawás.
El proyecto se pretende realizar en la finca URACCAN ubicada en la comunidad el Hormiguero, a 18 Km. Aproximadamente, al Noreste de la ciudad de Siuna, RAAN.
La comunidad el Hormiguero esta ubicada en el área de amortiguamiento de la Reserva de Biosfera BOSAWAS. Las técnicas de producción aunque mucho organismo ha desempeñado una importante labor todavía
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/40 |
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo llevar a cabo el diseño de un sistema agroforestal en un área de 25 hectáreas, la implementación de un sistema de abastecimiento de agua rústico basado en las mangueras para mantener los cultivos anuales y ( ... )
es, lo que mejoraría las condiciones actuales de los campesinos de subsistencia mediante la obtención de los productos hortícolas, frutales , los granos y la venta de los excedentes de los cultivos. También se espera la recuperación de montaje circundante (755,8 ha) debido a la disminución en el área que se utiliza actualmente para hacer sus
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/18 |
Instalacion de una infraestructura para el aprovechamiento de fuentes de energia renovables en el Centro de Capacitacion de SOECI y para que sirva de modelo para el aprovechamiento de estas fuentes de energia en el pais y de esta manera proteger el ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/04/18 |
20 people work in this project sowing domestic potatoes and a combination of fruit trees as avocado, matazanos and soursop, and fodder crops as miche, elderberry and willow for domestic animal use (Casimiroa edulis, Persea americana Mill, Annona ( ... )
lata L., Sambucus mexican, Salix chilensis and miche). They will also build 20 rustic galleys for their animal stabling to avoid them eroding the soil. Participants will also gather manure and urine for fertilizers and organic foliar production.
They plan to produce 5 quintals of potatoes and 1.5 quintals of broad beans per partner. 116 miches, 166 willows, 1000 grafted avocados, 140
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/04/FP-05/40 |
The Sungai Buloh Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia's oldest forest reserve has been a prt of Malaysia's natural heritage for over a hundred years, served as a national research plot for lowland rainforest habitat, rich in natural trees and plant ( ... )
s. Faced with rapid development, the forest made way for housing. The 7 local resident associations formed a coalition to promote the concept of "Kota Damansara Community Forest Park" to protect the remaining 857 acres of forest from further development.
The objectives of the project include
- Conservation of the Taman Botani, Kota Damansara and its biodiversity,
- Empowering the public in
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/04/009/P |
The primary aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communities, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
activities of the project include conducting surveys on socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site, identifying proposed project objectives and activities and assessing their feasibility, and providing needed technical assistance in project design and writing project proposal which will be submitted to GEF/SGP for review and appraisal; and identifying possibilities for project
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/12 |
Impetuous development of the cattle breeding is a tendency for present for the southern regions of the country. The unutilized cattle wastes increasing methane and carbonic gas in the atmosphere, and also they become a source of epidemics and ( ... )
butions of weed plants. Despite of a huge volume of cattle-breeding wastes, there is no any manufacture to extract methane out of cattle wastes and their processing into organic fertilizers. Cattle-breeding complexes use coal and wood for forage preparation and premises heating. The second problem is land degradation.
The project is directed to implementation of industrial biogas installation
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/08 |
The project is based on the territory where a serious problem takes place: pollution of the river Ishim by agricultural waste and household dust; low educational level of the local community in environmental issues.
Within the project framework ( ... )
lanned to study flora and fauna of the river, implement a number of nature protection measures, establish control mechanism over springs and coasts, form positive attitude of the population to environmental problems. Besides, realization of a special program named "Revival" including lessons and out-of-class actions on ecology at schools. Also trainings for schoolchildren are planned; a regional
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/AP05 |
The following are the major activities of the project:
? To establish a community based management committee along with scientific experts for implemtation of project.
? To develop 93.31 acres of government wasteland already identified for the ( ... )
ishment of fodder crop.
? To cultivate wasteland with indigenous varities of fodder crops like Maize, Bajra etc.
? A three tier system of fodder development will be established for the continuous availability of fodder.
? To produce and preserve the fodder in the form of silage or hay and chaffed straw to meet the fodder requirement in the summer months.
? To supply fodder to the local small
Phase 2
Project Number: ecu/03/007 |
El proyecto busca fortalecer la acción de las cinco comunidades nucleadas por la Junta Regional, con la finalidad de establecer un proceso de zonificación de los territorios comunitarios garantizando la conservación de los remanentes boscosos que ( ... )
n la microcuenca del Río Olón y favoreciendo un manejo sostenible de sus recursos maderables y no maderables, con el ánimo de salvar los recursos y servicios qu presta este sector de la cordillera Chongón Colonche, atendiendo a la normativa vigente. La primera tarea consiste en sistematizar la información sobre el uso actual de los territorios comunitarios, estableciendo y caracterizando las
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/19 |
Realizacion de un estudio de factibilidad sobre el potencial hidrico con que cuenta la comunidad para la electrificacion y la reforestacion de un area de 400 tareas en la cuenca del arroyo La Luisa, y con esto proteger al medio ambiente y a traves ( ... )
al se protegeran los recursos
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/03/04 |
El proyecto pretende potenciar las capacidades humanas de las familias criadores de alpacas, proponiendo alternativas de solución a sus problemas económicos y sociales, mediante el aprovechamiento sostenible, la conservación del medio ambiente y ( ... )
diversidad andina.
Promoviendo la recuperación y conservación genética y la implementación de actividades productivas, de la cadena productiva de la alpaca de raza suri, a fin de generar fuentes de empleo y valor agregado que permita mejorar la calidad de vida de los núcleos familiares dedicada