There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ELS04/98/G52/010 |
La isla La Pirraya, se encuentra ubicada en la zona oriental de la Bahía de Jiquilisco. Por su ubicación e importancia estratégica para el emprendimiento de iniciativas que involucren la gestión ambiental y el desarrollo económico de la ( ... )
dad, ya que cuenta con grandes potenciales, como la belleza escénica de sus playas, la riqueza de sus recursos naturales.
En el presente proyecto se desarrollará bajo la coordinación del Sistema de Asesíra y Capacitación para el Desarrollo Local SACDEL, quien coordinara directamente con el comité turístico de La Pirraya y el consejo Municipal de San Dionisio.
Con este proyecto se
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: HND/SGP/OP3/04/02 |
El proyecto se desarrollará en dos etapas, la primera comprende el fortalecimiento de la organización, la formación y capacitación, reforestación, limpieza comunitaria, promoción de la jardinería y agroforestería familiar y comunitaria, ( ... )
vación del medio ambiente y el manejo ambiental, y una segunda que comprende la construcción de un albergue.
Lo anterior a sido establecido para conllevar a la comunidad graifuna implementar un turismo de conviviencia armónica que permite mostrar y valorizar la cultura GARIFUNA y a su vez mejorar el nivel económico de las familias en particualr de las
Phase 3
Project Number: ECU/03/005 |
A través de un proceso participativo de sensibilizacion, capacitación, e implementación de procesos de mejores prácticas fortalecer a las comunidades que desarrollan proyectos de ecoturismo financiados por el PPD y lograr que estas operaciones ( ... )
turismo con participacion comunitaria legalicen su situación ante el Ministerio de Turismo acogiéndose a la categoría especial de "Empresa de Ecoturismo" y sus beneficios y tengan acceso real a los mercados
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/23 |
Orhon village of Darkhan-Uul aimag used to be one of the fruit growing areas in Mongolia back to 1980s. As the country started shifting to a market economy in early 1990s, the biggest fruit growing farm not only in Orhon but in Mongolia had ( ... )
sed. As a result of collapse, practically all the workers of the state farm left jobless. Fruit fields were destroyed completely over the next few years and instead, they started vegetable growing activities. But still many people are unemployed and poor.
The grant is to support combined community activities on cultivation of Buckthorns and Black currant fruits and bee keeping in order to
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/03/09 |
Gariya Community seeks to implement an integrated programme that focuses on addressing the challenges of shortage of water for livestock and wild life in Tsholotsho District. This involves the rehabilitation of Gariya Dam which is currently dry due ( ... )
ation. The group will also engage in the rehabilitation and protection of Manzamnyama Catchment which has become seriously deforested and degraded.The project also seeks to address the [problem of food security and income generation through nutrition gardens.The project will be located around Gariya dam which benefits 5 wards namely ward 1, 7, 8, 10 ,and11 through livestock and wildlife watering
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/66/03 GEF-RNE |
The project aims to address the conservation and protection of forest remnants within Arakan valley Conservation area in Cotabato Province, which is a natural habitat of the endangered Philippine eagle.
The problems of the land conversion ( ... )
tland into farmlands) poverty and forest degradation are among the problems to be addressed by the project. Community-based conservation strategy will help the indigenous communities and non-IPs help themselves by catalyzing sustainable development through community forestry and receive the ecological functions of barren landscapes. Project will establish habitat corridors for wildlife dispersal
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/91/04 |
The project is an introduction of environmental education to the Madrasah School. The proponent will train Ustadzes that will work with existing Madrasah to teach environment and provide livelihood projects related to environment.
The project ( ... )
s to produce a children of Muslims that are environment aware for the next generation in order to ensure the future of one of the important creation in Central
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/03/10 |
The Lonely Park project seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the installation of fuel cells to generate electricity from biogas. Associated with this, the project will also process and package manure which will help in the reduction of ( ... )
e gas emissions into the atmosphere as compared to using untreated cow dung.
The broad objective of the project is to reduce rural poverty by increasing agricultural productivity and production through investment in improved farm support services particularly renewable energy.
1. to provide farmers with a reliable electricity supply for productive purposes in a sustainable
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/19 |
Le projet vise a développer les capacités des communautés des communes rurales de Koro, Bondo et Madougou pour la reconstitution du P; Lucens et de la biodiversité en général. Le projet va sensibiliser les communautés sur l'importance du P. ( ... )
; reconvertir les pratiques des agriculteurs, éleveurs, exploitants forestier et groupements de femmes vers une exploitation rationnelle et durable; reboiser 12 ha du P. Lucens dans 3 communes ciblées; mener a l'adoption d'une convention sur la gestion de la biodiversité; et promouvoir des foyers améliorés.
Objectifs spécifiques - Renforcement des capacités des communautés a travers la
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/29 |
Dans 10 villages, le projet vise a (1) procéder a une prise de conscience collective des populations et des autorités communales pour la protection du D. microcarpium; (2) valoriser les différents produits du D. microcarpium a travers leurs ( ... )
tation rationnelle et leur commercialisation par des groupements de femmes organisés a cet effet. Le projet va restaurer et mettre en défense 15 ha/village de peuplements de D. microcarpium; élaborer une Convention Locale portant sur la protection des essences
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/22 |
Le projet vise a (1) réduire considérablement l'utilisation des emballages plastiques pour l'approvisionnement des ménages en produits, (2) mettre en place un systeme durable de recyclage des déchets plastiques. Le projet va sensibiliser la ( ... )
tion des effets néfastes des déchets plastiques sur la santé et l'environnement; former des groupes de femmes spécialisées dans la transformation des emballages plastiques en objets
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/01 |
The project gives a special significance to green house gasses absorption through conservation of rare and unique lilac species developed through the laborious fifty years? selection by two fellow-countrymen, Sagitova Maryam and Tadeusz Dzevitsky. ( ... )
nservation is crucial due to degradation of the site of mother lilac garden, a place of seed and seedling materials for lilac promulgation, as well as due to shrinkage of lilac species in the city parks. The real threat of losing the lilac genetic fund in Almaty was a result of the growing demand for land for construction inside the city, mass unregulated cutting, devastation of lilac from the
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/34 |
Technical support for starting a pilot evaluation, awareness-building, design and implementation program for activities linked to the recovery and management of areas explored for the production of traditional medicine and sweets are the main ( ... )
ives of this project. Sustainability of this strategy is largely dependant on community integration through the participative planning and evaluation activities, as well as environmental education, capacity building in new planting techniques and land use, and construction of a business plan for commercialization of the products. This pilot initiative is believed to serve as stimulus for the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/04/65 |
The objective of the proposed documentary series is to leverage the work done for the ?Green Pioneers? book, to reinforce the messages it contains and to increase the impact of these messages by presenting them to a much wider audience in visual ( ... )
The following nine projects have been short listed for the documentary series, out of which six have to be selected during the scheduling phase. This will determine the final filming and travel schedule including the edit dates.
i. The Himalayan Wildlife Project ? Deosai Plateau near Skardu
(Ideal Filming Time: July-September).
The Deosai Plateau is a vast wilderness of rolling grass
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/18p |
Support to organisation of local seminars organised by also GEF/SGP grantees,and distribution of set of 9 volumes about " greening the labour market" (with presented case studies, also based on GEF/SGP experience). |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/84/04 |
The porject is an integrated community-based approach on resource management and biodiversity conservation to improve the socio-economic and environmental conditions in the upland area by developing water access and distribution and management of ( ... )
esources, and move for the preservation of natural biodiversity. It consists of installation of a photovoltaic pumping system (PVP) capable of providing 30 cu.m of potable water daily to an estimated 200 households located in four sitio of the barangay of Sanlagan, Sitio Cambagni of Barangay Matutinao and sitio proper of Barangay Sulsugan. The spring source of this system will be obtained from
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/08 |
This project aims to produce and commercialize sustainable managed handcrafts from the Buriti palm (Mauritia vinifera), using its stem, leaves and bark. This will contribute to income generation in the community and will help to avoid deforestation ( ... )
municipality of Monte Alegre. Capacity building workshops will be offered in gender relations and Buriti management, which will provide the basis for good project execution and will result in development for the communities
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/10 |
Fuel and energy supply of the rural areas is poor. The main causes are increase of prices for fuel and energy and decrease of leaving standard of the population. Thus, population uses local natural resources, such as wood, bush and dry manure for ( ... )
g, which leads to the environment intensive destruction, especially to soil erosion. Deficiency of fuel and energy and poor constructive quality of inhabited rural houses (heat-shielding of the houses is low, i.e. 50-60 % of the family budget is spent for heating) lead to the situation when the temperature inside the premises is much below comfortable, that causes diseases of tenants, especially
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/26p |
preparation phase for the project on heating system modernization in two MONAR centers in Lipianka and Wyszkow - gathering of informations and documents, preliminary technical idea of heating systems based on biomas (?), inventory of possible local ( ... )
resources and possible concept of plantation of willow (long term
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/25p |
Preparation of the technical documentation of two objects of the MONAR Assiciation |