There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/03/55 |
The project evaluation will review whether stated project objectives were met and identify principal obstacles to project success, if any, and how these obstacles were avoided? The evaluation mission will also identify principal positive aspects of ( ... )
oject and principal deficiencies as well as the global benefits of this
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF-GEF/04/01 |
This proposal titled ?Expanding Awareness: Education for the Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve and Belize Barrier Reef System? seeks to strengthen outreach to key stakeholders by the Toledo Association for Sustainable Tourism and Empowerment (TASTE). ( ... )
roject intends to expand on an education programme previously established with the help of a COMPACT grant. This proposal fits under section of the COMPACT Country Strategy and looks to increase the reef and marine resource related educational opportunities available for people living in the Toledo District, Belize. The beneficiaries of this project will be youth and adults who will be
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/03/07 |
Trout farming is a lucrative economic activity which helps to ease pressure on the Mount Kenya forest resources by providing income for trout farmers.
The Kagumori trout farmers group , the only trout farming CBO around the entire Mt. Kenya area, ( ... )
ater from the river Nyanjara in a sustainable manner to raise trout to sell. They will construct 10 trout ponds, intake channels and drainage channels and also rehabilitate 2 of the already existing ponds and stock 25,000 trout fingerlings in batches of 5,000 per month.
The group relies on the river Nyanjara and therefore protect it from siltation by ensuring that the forest cover in the forest
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: TAN/CWI/04/01 |
Lufumbu is a small village, 700km South West of capital Dar es Salaam. The village has a population of 3,670 people. All people in this village live on less thatn $ 1 per day. Villagers in this village earn a living through agriculture. In 1993, ( ... )
Village implemented a water project through support from UNDP/Africa 2000 Network. The project, a gravity water supply scheme had the following features: an itake, 2km rasing main, a 60,000 reservoir tank, distribution mains covering 9 km, 21 drawing points and a strong village water management committee. The project aims at expanding coverage by extending and consolidating the community water
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/04/09 |
La Côte d'Ivoire est premier producteur de cacao avec environ 1 million de tonne par an. Cependant, depuis quelques années, la filière est confrontée au problème de la qualité du cacao. Une partie de la production nationale souffre de mauvais ( ... )
ge et d'un taux d'humidité au dessus de la norme (plus de 8%). la région forestière de San pédro a un taux d'humidité de l'air avoisinant les 95% toute l'année. cette situation rend difficile le séchage naturel des fèves du cacao.
Le projet a pour objectif de promouvoir l'emploi des séchoirs solaires pour le traitement des fèves de cacao pour une union de paysans de la région de san
Phase 2
Project Number: NIC/04/09 |
Sacaclí es una comunidad de la zona seca de Jinotega en donde las mujeres de la comunidad han conformado una cooperativa para buscar alternativas economicas sostenibles para sus familias. Con este proyecto se iniciará en la comunidad la ( ... )
ación y preservación racional de abejas sin aguijón del género Melipona y Trigona, que es una abeja nativa en peligro de extinción, la cual produce miel que además servir de alimento tiene propiedades medicinales. Se pretende con el proyecto ayudar a la preservación de las especies nativas y a la vez aprovechar la miel como una actividad económica de las familias de la comunidad. Para
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/03/53 |
The primary objective of the Multan Environment Conservation Project (MECP) is to demonstrate successful, or potentially successful, strategies for mobilizing communities and peoples to conserve their environment through the following ( ... )
i) Composting of the municipal solid waste and
ii) Establishment of community based solid waste management system and
The overall objective is to positively contribute to an improved environment by reducing global warming through recycling and composting of solid
Sri lanka
Pilot Phase
Project Number: SRL/04/13 |
The forest patch home to the streams that provide water to the surrounding five villages is situated on top of a hill and is being encroached. At present only a small patch of about 10 hectares is left. The villagers have realised the importance of ( ... )
ving the patch due to the lack of water in the streams they are witnessing at present.
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/04/58 |
Project development Objectives:
To facilitate and document participatory workshop to formulate work plan on energy and woman program among community in Muluy, Gunung Lumut Protected Forests, East Kalimantan.
The workshop aims:
1. To identify ( ... )
ological threats and community?s capacity to address threats related to community adaptation to climate change and ecological destruction.
2. To identify strategic roles of community, non-governmental organization, universities, local government and concerned individuals to resolve identified challenges.
3. To develop visual proposal and work plan for women and energy program in villages
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-03-111 |
Project?s objectives are: 1. Encouraging the administrative personnel in the government to construct and maintain existing road lanes for bicycles to increase the usage of non-motor transport. 2.promoting and supporting bicycle usage in the ( ... )
orate by holding public awareness seminars in the presence of the political and administrative leaders and the citizens of the project?s area by the executing agency.
3.suppling 250 bicycles by the SGP and 250 bicycles by the executing agency.
4.holding public awareness campaigns to encourage the locals to use non-motorized transport in their daily activities.5. Demonstrating the importance of
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/03/13 |
Practical proposals for social-economic diversification of smallholder production through the sustainable use of land are the main objective of this project. It is hoped that it will serve as a basis for multiplication of the productive and ( ... )
zational experience for other groups and organizations not yet aware of the possibilities brough about by specialization. The recovery of degraded areas is sought through the proposal of an agroecology plan. Small and medium-sized animals will be raised and vegetables will be grown, in an attempt to show the smallholders the environmental and social-economical benefits of diversfication of
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/03/12 |
This planning grant is granted to the North Azraq Women Cooperative for the purpose of studying the feasibility of introducing gray water units at the household units for the purpose of re-using gray water for irrigation of certain plants, such as ( ... )
ns, that can be used in handcrafts for sale in home gardens in order to decrease quantities of waste water that contaminate ground water in the ground water
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/46 |
Protection of night heron and black tern in Upper Vistula River Valley with close cooperation with the owners of the fish ponds. |
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ecu/03/009 |
Contribuir al mejoramiento de condiciones económicas, ambientales, productivas y de salubridad de familias campesinas de la zona de Intag, mediante el aprovechamiento de residuos orgánicos para la producción de biogás en fincas campesinas, y a ( ... )
cienciación a la opinión pública local sobre el cambio climático. Contribuir a lograr un mejor manejo de recursos naturales mediante la instalación de biodigestores tubulares, en tanto se reduce la presión sobre los bosques por la sustitución y/o disminución del consumo de lena y el consolida el manejo agroecológico de las fincas. Aportar en la conciencia pública local sobre el cambio
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/02 |
Fomentar la apicultura a través del establecimiento de apiarios para diversificar los recursos del bosque seco y generar ingresos con participación comunitaria. |
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/16 |
Consolidacion del manejo sostenible de la Pimienta ozua, mediante la siembra masiva de la especie y el mejoramiento del sistema de destilacion y posterior comercializacion en procura de mayores niveles de rentabilidad para los comunitarios ( ... )
crados en su conservacion y uso.
Phase 2
Project Number: ecu/03/013 |
La comuna busca fortalecer su capital social, la cultura oraganizativa, el capital humano, apalancar el capital físico para realizar manejo sostenible de su capital medio ambiental, que esta maneja para minimizar la presión de la comunidad sobre ( ... )
que primario Zhuya y lograr conservarlo. La comunidad, conciente de la importancia y de la potencialidad del bosque, con el proyecto emprende un proceso de manejo sustentable de recursos naturales (vegetación, suelo, agua, fauna) y de recursos productivos (infraestructura productiva, trabajo, capital financiero, tecnología). Minimizar la presión antrópica sobre el bosque Zhuya mediante el
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/04/22 |
This project is about recover 3.04 has of the forest through of the production of 5000 plants of Cipres, Aliso y Canaque(Cupressus lusitanica, Alnus arguta and Canaque) . The participants obtein extra incomes through 15000 plants for sale. Too ( ... )
ate the garden vegetables with native species of beans, corn, broad beans and patatoes (phaseolus vulgaris L., Zea Mays L., phaseolus, solanum tuberosum L.)on 6.09 has.
The 35 participants of the project will be trained on preservation of soils, organic agriculture, forest nursery and monitoring and evaluation of the projecy.
This people hope make better the enviroment, obtein incomes and
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/04/P04 |
Formulación de un proyecto para instalar y operar la infraestructura de un laboratorio de producción de los juveniles (Atractosteus tropicus) y cría (Cichlasoma urophthalmus).
Phase 2
Project Number: NIC/04/10 |
El proyecto tiene por objeto fortalecer la iniciativa de desarollo agroindustrial de los socios de la Cooperativa Agropecuaria de Servicios "Extracciones Esenciales Siuna" , através de la ampliación de cultivos ambiental y económicamente ( ... )
ible. El proyecto se ubica en la Zona de Amortiguamiento Sur Este de la Reserva de Biosfera Bosawas, donde el mayor problema es el avance de la frontera agrícola y la consecuente deforestación.El municipio de Siuna está tipificado como un municipio en extrema pobreza, los habitantes de las comunidades mencionadas anteriormente basan sus actividades económicas en la agricultura migratoria y de