There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/03/12 |
The project aims to actively protect agro-biodiversity and to promote ecological farming activities on the local scale. The activities of the project will involve establishment of Ecological Apiary (Bee-Farm), ecological protection of the agro ( ... )
ersity, planting of rare Lithuanian species of apple-trees, and improvement of ecosystem of the lake. The Centre is going to start processing of the ecological honey as well. For this purpose special workshops will be installed and equipped. Selling of the production will be organized as well. Hosts (families) of the bees (rare old native species) that will appear later will be donated to local
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/14 |
An expanse of paddy field between the Banthad Range to the west and the Songkhla Lagoon/Gulf of Thailand to the east is the location where the majority of target communities earn their living by paddy plantation, with two crops a years. The current ( ... )
ce of plantation,however, stresses on production for cash prompting the intensive use of chemical substance to unnaturally boost the production. Nevertheless, the target population remains one of low-income groups in the Thai society with per capita income of Baht: 20,000: As the area is the circulation path of natural water from the Banthad Range down to the Lagoon/Gulf of Thailand,
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/MN08 |
The goals of the project are:-
1. To promote heavy afforestation to conserve land and water resources for emproving ecosystem of nature.
2. To harvest rain water and surface water in the rain water harvesting tanks and community tanks for safe ( ... )
ng water and gardening/irritation purposes.
3. To demonstrate and construct roof top water harvesting techniques and model for drinking water, irrigation and drinking purposes.
4. To increase ground water recharge to improve soil and moisture for sustainability of water resources.
5. To conduct awareness/training camps among the people of Manipur
Palestine, State of
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/03/47 |
Demonstration project to conserve agro-biodiversity through finding sustainable alternative to solve the problem of water resources scarcity in three villages of Al Ghore area (Tayasser, Tamoun, Fara?a0 as being the most potentially agriculture ( ... )
e areas in Palestine. This project will support small framers to build 15 rainfall-harvesting cisterns (water tanks) and raise their awareness on the efficient methods to utilize the water resources in order to enrich and broaden the agriculture areas. Additional, the project will create job opportunities for farmers/families and workers of the targeted area, which will eventually enhance the
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/03/08 |
That Ras Social Development Society in Al Mazar Al Janoubi/ Karak governorate south of Jordan will implement this project in Al ?Eina area which constitutes a micro eco-system of special importance which has been subject to gradual degradation ( ... )
g to a decrease in agricultural production of important agro-biodiversity special to the area, in turn leading to negative impacts on local community?s living situation.
Activities will include water harvesting and soil conservation measures in Al?Eina to upgrade the efficiency of using available water springs and rain water. Other components of the project will involve building the capacity
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/04/09 |
The project intends to introduce electric energy to provide lighting in 28 community houses. The energy conduction lines of the company supplying this service in this village are several miles away. Such lightening service will be made through a ( ... )
panel, a battery, and a transformer per home. Participants? contribution will be the raw materials such as the wiring, lamps, switches and non-qualified labor force. With that purpose they propose to train participants in the use and maintenance of the equipment to be installed. To achieve sustainability they will organize a maintenance committee that will charge US$3.12 per month.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/04/07 |
The environmental problems that Albanian is facing are a combination of the overall political and economic conditions of the country as well as the result of the need for an attitude change by the Albanian citizens towards their responsibilities in ( ... )
ciety. The attitude change is especially needed in the big urban areas where the communal living makes even more imperative the need for campaigns aiming at increasing environmental awareness of urban population.
Since 6 months a group of youth NGO-s has embarked into a weekly campaign targeting the full range of environmental issues in the city of Tirana. This movement has got the attention and
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/19 |
Juniper is one of the most valuable plants which is under serious threat of extinction in Mongolia due to over harvesting. Juniper grows only in a few high mountains in central, southern and western Mongolia. One community inhabiting in South Gobi ( ... )
ce asked for some support to protect and rehabilitate juniper before it becomes extinct.
The grant is given to experience cultivating juniper in the Gurvan Saikhan Mountain in South Gobi province. This is will be the first community experience to cultivate juniper in Mongolia.
Two places are covered by the project. One Juniper growing area is in a Gurvan Saikhan Mountain valley. The
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-CWI-04-03 |
This project is implemented in co-operation with the Embassy of Japan. The Embassy is funding the hardware of the project (e.g. pipelines, buildings etc.) while UNDP GEF SGP is funding the software of the project (e.g. capacity building).
The aim ( ... )
project is to store water from a seasonal stream in a surface dam for domestic use., especially during the dry seasons.
The project is located at Kamurugu, Mavuria Location of Mbeere District. Rainfall averages from 500 to 700 mm per annum and is highly unreliable with frequent droughts that result in famine with acute food shortages.
The implementing NGO will:
(1) Construct a dam at the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-CWI-04-04 |
This project is implemented in co-operation with the Embassy of Japan. The Embassy is funding the hardware of the project (e.g. pipelines, buildings etc.) while UNDP GEF SGP is funding the software of the project (e.g. capacity building).
The aim ( ... )
project is to construct an intake across Muthungue Spring at the height of Iveti Hills about 5kms from the project supply area. The water will flow by gravity from the intake through pipelines to a 100m³ tank and from there to five water points which will serve as water kiosks situated at Kathuni settlement. A VIP latrine will be constructed at each water point.
The community lies in the
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/03/16 |
Climate change severely affects Mongolia. By the last census which took place in 2004, in total 683 rivers, 1484 springs and 760 small lakes and ponds were dried up. This harsh situation creates a shortage in water supply in the countryside and ( ... )
s in reducing pastureland utilization rate that in its turn brings pastureland degradation problem in many places.
This grant was given to assist an NGO and a community to realize their initiative on transforming degraded land into an artificial pond in order to prevent pollution of Herlen International River from high-iron content water extracted from Baganuur coal mine as well as to restore
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/03/12 |
This project is aimed at identification, analysis and dissemination of lessons learned by the Small Grants Programme in its nine years, by means of providing support for graduate students researching the programme and its projects, which further ( ... )
to foster future projects and proposals for public policy.
Financial support will be granted to cover students? expenses for studies which are relevant to the programme. Socioenvironmental, economic, social and cultural aspects must be part of the selected
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-04-009 |
As part of the publicity of the repatriation of the Bongo Antelope to Mount Kenya (GEF SGP COMPACT Project: Raising awareness on the mountain Bongo: Its Repatriation and re-introduction to Mount Kenya)the Wildlife Clubs of Kenya will do some write ( ... )
the Mountain Bongo in the Komba Magazine. The magazine contains articles on wildlife and environment conservation. The funds will cover the printing costs of 6000 copies of the
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/04/54 |
Kondan project managed by NWS Inc and implemented by the Kondal community to protect certain birds species. For sustainability mechnaism the community also initaited guest house or transit house model for tourist especialaly the birds watchers |
Sri lanka
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/03/018 |
The two villagers are situated in a remote hilly location where the national grid will not provide electricity in the next five years.
Activities are to construct an 8kw and 6kw micro hydro power plant to provide lighting for 70 householdsin the 2 ( ... )
s; to protect the reserve around the watershed; establish a community organization, a revolving fund for the maintenance and sustainability of power plant.
The villagers fully participated in the building of the micro hydro power stations, carrying all necessary building materials up the hills, forming an organization to maintain and look after the power stations by collecting a monthly amount
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/38 |
El objetivo de la propuesta es mostrar la actividad de las abejas orgánica como una actividad rentable, por lo tanto, una estrategia de la organización es aprovechar los subproductos de la colmena con la diversificación de la producción, (miel, ( ... )
propóleos, cera de abejas, etc ). mejorar los ingresos de cada socio. Mediante la creación de un fondo para disponer de recursos para el conjunto de la producción, la capacitación constante y sistemática a los productores en la gestión orgánica, la promoción y difusión para la conservación y el enriquecimiento de la montaña sin necesidad de utilizar productos químicos que afectan a
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/04/53 |
The Lai-Tsak Integrated Conservation And Development (ICAD) Project is located in the Lamainda & Sambemanda areas. The objectives of the project are to integrate conservation and development by conserving the Lai-Tsak primary forest, a habitat to ( ... )
& endemic, rare & threathened birds & mammals and plants.
The potential threat was the immense impact on the natural habitat by continuos hunting, bush clearing, repeated cultivation near the forest. The customary landowners realised the decrease in the population of plants and animals and decided to take action on the Lai-Tsak forest range.
The CBO will carry out conservation awareness
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/04/52 |
The Lake Evae conservation project is located in the Sirunki area. The main objective was to investigate the cause of the decrease in the water level of the lake which measures 2.5km, identify ways to address this as this lake is believed by the ( ... )
to be the mother of two of the longest rivers in the country.
A team of two hydrologists hired by the project surveyed the lake and recommended for a further 4-5 days to carry out the study to attain more sustantive information as a one day survey was uncertain whether results were concrete enough to draw conclusions to the cause for the decrease in the water level. However, instruments used
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/04/04 |
In Mongolia, community garden is something new. As people in the countryside have been herding livestock over many centuries or deal with crop growing for the last 40-50 years in large fields, there was no chance to practice community garden in the ( ... )
The grant is to establish a community garden with fruit and other trees in the right bank of Haraa river nearby Zuunharaa village to support livelihoods of some local community members. Some 1 ha area was fenced and planted with sea buckthorn, black currant and other tree seedlings to develop a community garden. Two greenhouses were also put up to raise tree seedlings. A three women and one
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/20p |
project preparation |