There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/03 |
The ecosystem of Alakol Lake is located in the unique natural and climatic conditions, which together with the favorable geographical location determines the attractiveness of this territory for a huge number of the globally valuable avifauna ( ... )
s. One of the main migration paths of the birds in the South-East of Kazakhstan crosses this territory. There are 314 bird species at the lakes, including 286 nesting species. The numbers of the birds migrating in spring and autumn amount to several million. There have been observed 34 bird species that have entered the Red Data Book, such as rose-colored and Dalmatian pelican, diving duck
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/11 |
The project area is situated in lower portion of the Nan River where target groups earn their living through agricultural practice- paddy farming and horticulture. Initiated two years back and supported by the Renewable Energy for Sustainable ( ... )
ation, supplementary occupation is agro-product processing , especially banana which is plentiful locally, by using solar energy. As to other group such as schools in the area, holistic education on renewable energy has been being launched. Even though these group was rated as partially successful, there need to be more systematic capacity-building and application of renewable energy and energy
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/04/FP-10/45 |
Sarawaks protected area system is not large enough to protect all the migratory wildlife such as the bearded pigs. These animals are very important sources of protein to local communitiies and also contribute to the health of the forest as they are ( ... )
browsers and seed dispersers. They are also found in the Ulu Baram especially in the permanent forest Estate,(PFE) where the main activity is logging.To access the timber, access roads have to be built. However increased access of roads in these forest also leads to serious over hunting and depletion of wildlife numbers by hunters and poaschers from prevent the loss of wildlife from
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/18 |
The project will start a mapping of local populations that keep the Cerrado standing in the states of Goiás, Tocantins, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso. Emphasis will be put on social diversity, lifestyles, relationship with ( ... )
l resources, particularly water and biodiversity, social-environmental conflicts and challenges faced. The purpose is to show that the Cerrado has a wide diversity of environments, as well as a wide social, cultural and lifestyle diversity, and that conservation of the biome depends largely on the local populations. Public discussion on the importance of these populations will help strengthen
Phase 2
Project Number: BAR/04/06 |
The coastal resources and habitats of Laborie are important, and they are representative of the biological diversity of coastal areas in the Lesser Antilles, including coral reef formations, sea grass beds, beaches and two small mangroves. The ( ... )
ore reefs and surrounding marine habitats support both trap and line fishing, and the harvesting of edible seaweeds, sea urchins and conch. The main sources of impact on these resources include nutrient (nitrates & phosphates) pollution, as indicated by extensive seaweed growth, and faecal coliform bacteria, primarily from domestic sources, sedimentation, and over-harvesting of locally important
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/CWI/04/03 |
Lusala Village is located in Ludewa District, Iringa Region, Tanzania. LUSALA is approximately 700 km South West of capital Dar es Salaam. The village is estaimated to have 4,000 people. In 2001, Lusala Villagers tppk steps to protect water ( ... )
s by planting trees around it. Villagers were also sinsitised to refrain from living and undertaking any socio-economic activities in catchment areas. This project seeks to establish a community water supply scheme at Lusala Village. When the project is completed, maximum walking distance to the closest water drawing point will be 400 metres compared to a present distance of 1,2 to 2
International Waters
Phase 1
Project Number: TAN/CWI/04/02 |
Lutewele Irrigation Project is located in Ludewa District, approximately 700km from the capital of Dar es Salaam. The projects is owned and operated by an association of farmers which has 35 members. Its main objective is to expand the command area ( ... )
r to increase crop production.Also expand and consolidate a Cooperative Irrigation Scheme for enhanced poverty reduction
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: NER/SGP/OP2/CORE/LD/2004/04 |
La problématique de désertification et de gestion des ressources naturelles est rendue plus complexe par la question d?approvisionnement en bois des populations qui est de l?ordre de plus de 2 millions de tonnes par an. En effet, le bois ( ... )
ient encore pour plus de 90 % dans la satisfaction des besoins énergétiques des ménages. Il le sera certainement pour longtemps encore, en l?absence d?alternatives avérées et moins coûteuses, au détriment d?un rôle environnemental reconnu et irremplaçable que jouent les forêts naturelles et les parcs agro forestiers.
Aujourd'hui, la rareté du bois, son prix et la menace des
Phase 2
Project Number: SEN/04/09 |
Objectif : Promouvoir une lutte communautaire mécanique sans l?utilisation de pesticides.
Objectif spécifique du projet :
Eradiquer les criquets dans les zones infestées non traitées par les pesticides par une action centrée sur les ( ... )
Activités :
1)Mise en place des comités de lutte
2)Equipement des comités de lutte
3)Identification et traitement des sites
4)Formation des comités
6)Administration du projet
7)Evaluation du
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/04/07 |
This project is the continuation of the "Planting indigenous trees in Mt. Kenya Forest using women's groups "Project (KEN/UNF-GEF/02/02 ).
The aim of the project is to ensure the growth of previous planted seedlings in Magacha Forest.
The NGO ( ... )
(1) Spot weed indigenous seedlings planted as part of the original tree planting project five times.
(2) Oversee and disburse the funds for spot weeding for the original seedlings planted by FENCOM for schools
(3) Paste or spray a chilli pepper mix on the seedlings planted in Magacha Forest to help protect them from elephants
(4) Help COMPACT produce map showing the existing and potential
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/02 |
The project aims to create an improved process for oil extraction of Cerrado plants, using the Macaúba (Acrocomia aculeata) nut as the key species in a region of semi-arid cerrado fields. Located in the Riachão Valley, part of the São Francisco ( ... )
this region hosts activities such as extensive cattle raising and irrigated agriculture, which privatize the land and require deforestation. With the possibility of social and economic use of the coconut groves and disseminating proposals for agroforestry and wildlife management systems, the project will contribute to higher income for traditional populations in the region, as well as helping to
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/03/015 |
Escosistema semiárido manejado agroecológicamente por 179 productores afroecuatorianos y mestizos de la provincia de Ambuquí. Agroecosistema productivo manejado con principios de conservación y uso sustentable de la biodiversidad en 190 has. ( ... )
resa rural creada para la comercialización de productos limpios y de certificación orgánica. Capacitación fortalecida para la preservación del ambiente en función de la dinámica del desarrollo local de la parroquia de Ambuquí en 202
Land Degradation Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/04/07 |
Para el manejo y protección de la microcuenca de la Quebrada San José de la Punta, se protegerá el bosque primario, se recuperará las áreas deforestadas, se apoyará el establecimiento de prácticas agrícolas sostenibles y se impulsará un red ( ... )
munitaria de protección y manejo de los recursos
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/03/01 |
El proyecto esta dirigido a desarrollar actividades productivas complementarias al manejo de bosque, como es la apicultura órganica, la agroindustria y la comercialización de productos con valor agregado, a partir de la algarroba, recurso ( ... )
pal del bosque seco de la zona, generando así fuentes de trabajo, estabilidad económica en las familias y paralelamente la conservación del ecosistema del bosque de algarrobos.
Para ello, se plantea la construcción e instalación de 01 planta de procesamiento de algarroba, equipada con máquinaria necesaria para transformar la vaina de algarrobina en productos como: algarrobina, café de
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ELS04/98/G52/005 |
Este proyecto realizará la caracterización ambiental del comlejo de Islas: Ilca, Chuchito, Martín Pérez y Zacatillo, dicha caracterización permitira a los beneficiarios del proyecto desarrollar alternativas que le permitna interactuar con su ( ... )
ambiente a través del ecoturismo, para lo cual se establecera una micro empresa en la cual participaran los miembros de las comunidades, además se realizarán acciones de conservación de la fuentes de agua y la elaboración del mapa de riesgo de la
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/03/012 |
Conservación del Cerro Huacho Huacho. Las comunidades tienen interés de reforestar y forestar con plantas nativas de la zona, para lo cual establecerán viveros para la producción de plantas. Se busca realizar una producción de plantas nativas ( ... )
nción. Se quiere también propiciar una cultura de siembra y establecimiento de cultivos agroforestales con lo que disminuirá la quema de suelos y el uso de químicos para
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/18 |
Livelihood of target population depends upon agricultural practice of two patterns: small rice farming for household consumption and ,on limited scale, mono-crop plantation, such as sugar-cane, tapioca and kenaf, for sales. Average farming area is ( ... )
for rice farming while two ha for mono-crops. Preparing and maintaining soil for these crops are mostly through small tractors and chemical fertilizer. The average diesel oil consumption of is 10 litres/ha. As one litre of used diesel generates 2.8 kg. of carbon dioxide, this rate of consumption results in a great quantity of accumulated greenhouse gas, which could cause global warming
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/03/06 |
As a result of human activities along the Marimba River such as steam bank cultivation, deforestation, soil erosion and dumping of litter and toxic wastewater , the river is at an advanced state of degradation.Stream bank cultivation in the high ( ... )
y areas of Avondale, Malbereign, Mufakose, kuwadzana, kambuzuma and Warren park where the river passes have resulted in gully formation.Severe deforestation can be noted along those sections that pass through the high density residential suburbs.Reeds and Mahute trees that are usually found in wetlands have been massively destroyed for garden protection and firewood purposes.Siltation of the
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/04/05 |
Rubino, comme la plupart des régions de la CI, souffre de graves problèmes de dégradation de son environnement rural. la coupe abusive de bois de chaufe pour la préparation et autres activités sont à l'origine du recul de son couvert ( ... )
tal. De plus, les foyers en usage actuellement (avec 3 pierres) consomment trop de bois et engendrent de grandes pertes d'énergies et de forts émissions de gaz à effet de serre (CO²). Devant ces nombreux problèmes, il convient de trouver une technique adéquate que les femmes peuvent maîtriser et intégrer dans leurs habitudes. Le foyers amélioré apparaît comme l'une des
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/04/55 |
Project development Goal:
To encourage sustainable natural resources management in surrounded villages of Mount Simpang Nature Reserve
Project Objectives :
1. To provide electricity for villagers by using micro-hydro power
2. To reduce ( ... )
newable energy based consumption (such as wood and gasoline).
3. To increase social and economic welfare
4. To initiate local resources based productive economic entrepreneur activities supported by electricity supply
5. To empower electricity management institution and other related institution would be to develop self sufficiency environment within the community to encourage water and forest